UPDATE! Pg. 25 post #244! My Gender Swaying -PINK- Journal [TWINs too!]

aww, henrysmum- your twinnies were totally ment to be! Can i ask you a personal question? (dont answer if you feel uncomfortable) but how do you sleep at night? Do the twins sleep in the same crib or seperate cribs or do they both sleep with you? I always wondered how it works bc ive read that its good to keep them together since thats what they are used to be but i always wondered how it worked with them rolling and moving and stuff. :shrug:QUOTE]

You can ask me whatever you want!

My girls, while born full term at 37+4 weeks, were only tiny 4lb14 and 4lb15. They were totally healthy and didn't need any help and we were allowed straight home. As they were so tiny, they slept together in a moses basket for the first three months. Then after that, we moved them to a playpen with bassinette attachment thingy on the top. They slept together in that until they were six months old.

We did plan on moving them into a cot together but by that time, one of the twins was moving around in her sleep, rolling and tossing about, disturbing the other. So we decided to separate them. I would have LOVED to have kept them together, I know a few twin mums who have babies older than mine still sleeping together. Even some cases where they've got toddlers and older sleeping in single beds pushed up against eachother! But for my two, its just not possible. They slept perfectly fine together until they became more mobile though. It used to amaze me how one could be screaming their head off and the other one would sleep right through it, when they were teeny!

I was never able to co-sleep properly. Not that I disapprove of it. I'd love to have bedtime snuggles but when you've got twins AND a husband, its not really feasible. There simply isn't enough room for four people to sleep safely and comfortably. I did spend a few nights alternating which daughter we had sleeping between us when they were very little but I'd still feel super guilty about the one left in the moses basket/playpen crib lol!

So now, the girls cots are at the end of mine and my husbands bed. They do have their own room but I just don't feel ready to put them in there yet. They're still ickle tiny babies to me, even though they're 23lb a piece and 1 year old :haha:
about an hour and half after taking the SI i got a hotflash that lasted about a half hour. Im not sure if it was from the SI or if it was from BFing or the fact that its 74 degrees in here right now. Since giving birth, i get hot flashes pretty often, so hard to say if it was actually the Soy Iso or not.
aww, henrysmum- your twinnies were totally ment to be! Can i ask you a personal question? (dont answer if you feel uncomfortable) but how do you sleep at night? Do the twins sleep in the same crib or seperate cribs or do they both sleep with you? I always wondered how it works bc ive read that its good to keep them together since thats what they are used to be but i always wondered how it worked with them rolling and moving and stuff. :shrug:

You can ask me whatever you want!

My girls, while born full term at 37+4 weeks, were only tiny 4lb14 and 4lb15. They were totally healthy and didn't need any help and we were allowed straight home. As they were so tiny, they slept together in a moses basket for the first three months. Then after that, we moved them to a playpen with bassinette attachment thingy on the top. They slept together in that until they were six months old.

We did plan on moving them into a cot together but by that time, one of the twins was moving around in her sleep, rolling and tossing about, disturbing the other. So we decided to separate them. I would have LOVED to have kept them together, I know a few twin mums who have babies older than mine still sleeping together. Even some cases where they've got toddlers and older sleeping in single beds pushed up against eachother! But for my two, its just not possible. They slept perfectly fine together until they became more mobile though. It used to amaze me how one could be screaming their head off and the other one would sleep right through it, when they were teeny!

I was never able to co-sleep properly. Not that I disapprove of it. I'd love to have bedtime snuggles but when you've got twins AND a husband, its not really feasible. There simply isn't enough room for four people to sleep safely and comfortably. I did spend a few nights alternating which daughter we had sleeping between us when they were very little but I'd still feel super guilty about the one left in the moses basket/playpen crib lol!

So now, the girls cots are at the end of mine and my husbands bed. They do have their own room but I just don't feel ready to put them in there yet. They're still ickle tiny babies to me, even though they're 23lb a piece and 1 year old :haha:

thanks hun! that really makes sense what you decided to do. Theres not way we could fit 2 little babies in our bed! DS2 sleeps with us most nights, but even thats not too comfortable, so i could totally see 2 babies not working out. I think you have a good plan. If i get my girls i'll probably do something similar (keep them together until its just not feesable or maybe alternate which baby sleeps in the bed, but idk, bc like you said, id feel bad for the one sleeping alone).
You're so organized Guppy! Hahaha. I had wanted to sway girl as I have mentioned before, but all the information just confused me lol. I had basic supplements and ideas but that was about it! I sure hope your sway works! Twins would be lovely! I really wanted girl/girl or boy/girl twins! Ah well, I guess it wasn't in the cards.

Good luck!!!
LOL thanks ZandT! I really hope it works! I started reading up about swaying quite some time ago and have joined to websites to learn more. Theres a ton more i can do but i dont have the stuff for it, so here's to hoping it works!
Mine is on the left side, DHs is on the right side....notice how much less he has to take?! :wacko:

Not much to report. I think the "hot flash" i had earlier was more from it being so hot in the house. It didn't last long anyways.

Other than that, i just started getting gassy about 5 minutes ago. It's almost 9:00pm now, so thats about the same time i was gassy last night!

....i really hope i actually Ov in the coming weeks!

Also, i found some more Vit C in the house as well as the B6 that went missing. So im all set for supplements :thumbup:
So i had this sharp sensation near my left over about 4 hours after i took the SI. I dont know if it has anything to do with the SI or not, since i have the Endo, it could be from that, as i get feelings like this from time to time.
Now (about 9:15PM) im getting some dull ache that comes and goes near my right ovary area, but im not really so sure thats from the ovary. ....this could just all be in my head, but i figured id report it anyways :thumbup:

EDIT***my BnB friend started taking the same dose of SI yesterday. And took her second dose today. She had a similar thing and just stated hers was about 4 hours after taking it too...thats crazy! maybe im not totally out on the tree house :haha: she is also BFing her 9 month old and does not have cycles yet
Mine is on the left side, DHs is on the right side....notice how much less he has to take?! :wacko:


omg thats some supplements, dedication!! Really hope you get your girl. I would love a girl, but I havent swayed so I guess what will be will be
Hi Guppy,

I'm so glad you have started this thread!!!. Just wanted to say good luck :)
I'm pregnant at the moment with my second boy. I had GD really bad when I found out it was another boy, but I'm coming to terms with it now and enjoying my pregnancy again. Hubby and I have talked about having another Lo in the future and will deffo be trying for a little princess :)
Where did you find out all this information?. The only info I can find on the net to try for a girl is the shettles method and to take cranberry / magnesium pills and to follow the 'girl diet' and eat the foods that sway girl.
Thanks xxx
Mine is on the left side, DHs is on the right side....notice how much less he has to take?! :wacko:


omg thats some supplements, dedication!! Really hope you get your girl. I would love a girl, but I havent swayed so I guess what will be will be
Thank you hun! Hope you get your girl too :dust:
its tough keeping up with these supplements!

All your pills lined up looks like 2 rockets! :rofl:

:rofl: they do, dont they? :haha:

Hi Guppy,

I'm so glad you have started this thread!!!. Just wanted to say good luck :)
I'm pregnant at the moment with my second boy. I had GD really bad when I found out it was another boy, but I'm coming to terms with it now and enjoying my pregnancy again. Hubby and I have talked about having another Lo in the future and will deffo be trying for a little princess :)
Where did you find out all this information?. The only info I can find on the net to try for a girl is the shettles method and to take cranberry / magnesium pills and to follow the 'girl diet' and eat the foods that sway girl.
Thanks xxx

Congrats on your second boy. I have to say, for as bad as the GD was for me the second time around, it is SOOO sweet to see them form a bond :cloud9: I know you will play witness to that sweetness as well :hugs:

The information i have for :pink: sway is from two different website and also the book I have from Shuttles. Anyways, most of the information came from genderdreaming.com and ingender.com def check it out! there is a lot of information there :)

I hope #3 is your pretty princess :dust:
Not much to report. Last night (Day 3 of SI) i didnt have any symptoms. :dance:
Today i havn't had any yet, FXed :dance:

the only new development is that i have a blemish on my cheek now :blush: but i have been breaking out for months now. so who knows if its from the SI or not. I sort of think it is, though, bc i dont break out on my cheeks-like ever. So who knows but thats that.

Also, the supplements kicked my butt today! I missed the 2nd and 3rd dosages and so i had to take a bunch at one time and ugh, i didn't eat with it (dumb i know!:blush:) and i seriously felt like i was going to throw up. Then i ate and i was fine, but moral of the story is, if you supplement to sway :pink: MAKE SURE you dont take a million of them without eating! :dohh:

PS we had an earthquake last night!! it was terrifying but we are okay. I think it was more shock than anything because New Hampshire is not generally known for their quakes!
All these supplements and vitamins confuse me, I'm honestly not surprised you missed a couple, in fact I'm more surprised it was only a couple I am absolutely rubbish at remembering stuff like that! I'm gonna set alarms on my phone for pain medication after I've had my c-sec!

What's the diet like for swaying :pink:? I ate loads of crappy food before I fell preg as I was in the middle of writing my final year dissertation for uni so it was all sweets and sugar and whatever was quick and easy while I worked. I have a feeling the foods I was eating would sway a boy!

I'm glad you're okay! I have only ever experienced one earthquake (i'm in uk) it was years ago and I happened to be up working at stupid o clock and my pc monitor light shook! I thought it was odd but it was the last thing I thought it was until I saw the news the following morning!
Hi there! :flower:

I believe I've seen you in Tiffany's journal? Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope you get your pink bundle(s) very soon!!! :hugs:
Hi Guppy,

Ive been stalking your vitamins and because you seem way more on top of this vitamin thing than me, could you tell me if I should be spacing out these vitamins/or if theyre bad for me during conception?

Im taking:

1x conception mixed vitamin
1x 400mg folic acid (im folate deficient)
1x acidphophidus tablet
1x silica complex.

I take these all in the evening - do you think its ok to take them all at once?

Thanks for your advice - I think i might get some cranberry tablets too...

Hope you get twins and a girl x
All these supplements and vitamins confuse me, I'm honestly not surprised you missed a couple, in fact I'm more surprised it was only a couple I am absolutely rubbish at remembering stuff like that! I'm gonna set alarms on my phone for pain medication after I've had my c-sec!

What's the diet like for swaying :pink:? I ate loads of crappy food before I fell preg as I was in the middle of writing my final year dissertation for uni so it was all sweets and sugar and whatever was quick and easy while I worked. I have a feeling the foods I was eating would sway a boy!

I'm glad you're okay! I have only ever experienced one earthquake (i'm in uk) it was years ago and I happened to be up working at stupid o clock and my pc monitor light shook! I thought it was odd but it was the last thing I thought it was until I saw the news the following morning!

Thanks hun! the earthquake was a bit scary, but thankfully we didn't have any structural damage and no aftershocks-thank God lol

To sway girl they say eat lots of dairy and yogurt. Try to stay away from meats (specifically red meat) and also anything salty. Try to wait to eat as late as possible when you wake up. The low "everything" diet is whats recommended. Something about low nutrients. High calcium is needed.

Hi there! :flower:

I believe I've seen you in Tiffany's journal? Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope you get your pink bundle(s) very soon!!! :hugs:

:hi: thanks for stopping in! I do remember you :D Thanks for reading about my journey and offering :pink::dust:

Hi Guppy,

Ive been stalking your vitamins and because you seem way more on top of this vitamin thing than me, could you tell me if I should be spacing out these vitamins/or if theyre bad for me during conception?

Im taking:

1x conception mixed vitamin
1x 400mg folic acid (im folate deficient)
1x acidphophidus tablet
1x silica complex.

I take these all in the evening - do you think its ok to take them all at once?

Thanks for your advice - I think i might get some cranberry tablets too...

Hope you get twins and a girl x

Well, when you take everything at once, your body will only absorb as much as it currently needs and then you urinate out the rest. So a good way to do it is splitting it up throughout the day so that you end up getting more of that vit/mineral by the end of the day.

What vitamins (and how much) are in your conception vit? That will help me better help you, since i dont know whats in it :blush: You want to avoid zinc bc that sways blue. (unless you are not swaying pink). You could add more calcium and magnesium to help sway pink (very important!). The Folic Acid is fine to take whenever. It shouldnt affect absorption levels and it doesn't sway :pink: or :blue: :nope: its just to prevent different genetic issues with the baby. Since you are only taking 1 of everything else, just take it whenever you feel. If you were taking more then you would want to space them out, but since its one you should be fine.
The cranberry is good for everyone (and sways :pink:) so you cant go wrong starting that :thumbup:
Last night had SUPER SUPER horrible cramps. like i felt like i was in labor. it was BADDDD. It lasted a couple of hours. I felt like i was going to vomit too :sick: i took a very hot shower for almost 2 hours bc i needed something to relieve the pain. I think i had an ovarian cyst burst (im prone to them due to the endo). but once it went away i was fine. ....hope i never experience that again though.

OPK was much much lighter :sad1:

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