UPDATE! Pg. 25 post #244! My Gender Swaying -PINK- Journal [TWINs too!]

feeling much better. I did start getting mild cramping around 4pm though. I took an OPK around 2:45pm and it was the darkest i have ever seen it since getting pregnant with Elliot. Also i had drippy EWCM when i went to the loo :dance: I havn't had that EVER since getting pregnant last time. It was so long and dripping into the water from me (sorry, tmi :blush:) I really hope this means i'll Ov. soon. We :sex: thursday morning (around 6am) Im not sure if we should do it now or not. It could be a few days before I Ov (if i actually do) but then again i only EVER get +OPKs at night, so it could be tonight (not confident but never know). I dont want to :sex: too close to Ov bc i want to follow Shuttles but i also dont want the last :sex: to be too far out and not get pregnant. (happened with elliot 6x and when we finally did it at Ov i ended up with :blue:)....so not sure if we should DTD tonight or not :shrug:
That's a tough call.... It's hard for me to say. Both times I got pregnant we BD'd the day before and day of O and they both turned out to be girls! But I know you're trying to follow a specific method! I just think my husband only produces girls! A part of me would like to try one last time for a boy but I'm sure it would be another girl! Not that it would at all be a bad thing! Maybe trying one last time would be safe in case you don't O for another 48 hours!?
thats funny bc i got pregnant with two boys from :sex: day before, day of, and day after Ov...actually DS2 was a result of day before and day after but not day of. DS1 was all three days. ...i think i have a high pH so its more alkaline, which y :spermy: favors.

speaking of that, i used a fingertip of Reprhesh at 11(pm). We can :sex: in about an hour. The Rep. will keep the pH in the 4.5 area which is what we want in order to sway :pink: the nice thing is that it lasts 3 days so i dont have to keep using it :D

i really hope i get a postive OPK soon. I had that drippy EWCM around 2:45pm but i havn't had it drippy like that since then :wacko: when i check up there it is EW but it just wasn't dripping like it did before :shrug: took another OPK (anytime ive ever gotten a +OPK its been late at night), its still negative and pretty much the same as the last one. :wacko:

well off to have fun :haha:
Have fun!!!!!! Thinking tons of pink thoughts for you tonight!!!!
Well i havn't had any EWCM today until just now (10:40PM). Weird how its coming and going. Ive been cramping all day today. mild AF type cramps but not anything unbearable....surely i am going to Ov. soon :shrug: i took an IC OPK and a digi OPK both were negative :grr: If the SI is going to work i should DEF ov. by 14 days past SI. So it HAS to be soon, unless of course it's not going to work...i believe it is though, bc i have never ever had drippy EWCM since getting pregnant last time with the exception of the other day and tonight. So i think it's coming. We :sex: about 12:45am today, so hopefully i can keep DTD out far enough from ovulation. I dont want it too close as that has always resulted in :blue: for me, but also dont want it too far away either. I hope the eggy drops tomorrow bc that would be perfect timing.
i havn't been eating very well though :blush: and its been soda and cheeseburgers so now im worried im gonna sway :blue: :sad1: i really hope not! im trying my best but it was hard with my folks visiting.
I'm interested to see how you go and what result you get. We tried for 11 months using all the tricks in the book, but after it not happening we DTD 3 days prior to OV and the day of OV and we are excepting our third boy!!

I think my PH is just too alkaline for Y :spermy:

Good luck, i hope you get your baby girl:flower:
thanks danni!
i hope you get your girl next time :hugs:
I believe my pH is why i have two boys as well.
Based on my research, there isn't any one thing that sways either gender, but a mixture of a bunch of things, but if one thing is off there goes the sway. :wacko:

ohh, and i forgot to mention but we just got a new car (a Prius). So its smaller. We can fit 3 kids across the back but not 4, so i got scared off trying for twins :blush: We are a one car family, so we would have to get another car if we had twins and thats going to be way too hard on the budget. So i want twins but at the same time i dont. So i stopped taking the high dose of folic acid, but im guessing at this point if two eggs pop there isn't much i can do to prevent that :lol: i would love twins, and will still be SUPER happy, but just nervous with the lack of funds for car #2.
So OPK this morning (around 9:30AM) was negative :grr: BUT its getting darker. I did pin some of my FF charts and it is following a similar pattern, so im thinking i should get a positive today sometime. DH and i decided if i dont get a +OPK tonight then we will :sex:. I used some Rephresh at 9:30am (to get my pH level more acidic). So we can DTD 12 hours after that. It needs to be acidic to sway girl but not too acidic, so thats why we have to wait 12 hours.

CP is super high, soft, and open. Still have drippy EWCM :dance: I looked back at past BBT charts. Although i get tons of EWCM throughout all of my cycle, around ov. is when it literally drips while im on the loo. That dripping EWCM generally last about 3 days and then i would get a +OPK. Today is day 3 of drippy EW, so hopefully thats another indicator of +OPK soon!

I never get a proper positive on the line OPKs :wacko: EVERY SINGLE TIME they come out close to positive. They are always questionable and never get a proper positive. but thank God i bought some digis last night! My digis never fail me! :dance:
Ive been cramping since this morning. (got worse around 12pm, but nothing terrible)

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! I can't believe the soy isoflavones worked!
I've never seen tests like these in my life but two lines and smiley faces PLUS your reaction leads me to think this is good news!!!

Errrrm... whats the correct way of saying it...... I don't think there is one so I'll say it my way - happy humping!!!
stalkingggg :wave:
sending lots of pink flowery baby girl dust your wayyy!!
Hiya guppy, good luck with tonights attempt!! Just wanted to ask if you've looked into the calcium and vit D, they are becoming less and less popular with pink swayers and are very popular with blue swayers including myself, the blue swayers are having alot of success on genderdreaming. The information on In-gender had very little science behind it. Hopefully your gonna get your bfp this month anyway! but if not maybe just have a read through some of the newer information and see if you might want to tweak a few things, best of luck xxx

Calcium info from genderdreaming

And what a good idea to have your swaying journal in here! I have a blue one in the normal ttc section, I should update it really and move it into here!
thank you ladies! :flower:

lilpigs, i would love to follow your journey!
And darn it about the calcium! i had noo idea. blah. i hope that doesn't screw up my sway. tbh, i havn't been taking very much calcium in the last week bc the pills are so big :blush: so hopefully it didn't impact things that bad. ...wish they would update that site though!
This is just notes from my FF chart that i C+P, for reference.

Super high cervix around 9:30AM
Drippy EWCM (didn't see it dangle but saw it in toilet, like a pregnancy "plug").
- OPK at 9:30AM but as dark or darker than last nights OPK.
Rephresh at 9:30AM, just in case.

1:45PM - nearly a positive on IC OPK. I never get positives on them but it was close and questionable. Took a digital and it was POSITIVE!!!!!! - drippy EWCM

Cramping around noon still have it at 2:30pm

Headache around 5pm

Still have mild cramping (6:30PM)
POSITIVE OPK on both digi and line tests at 6:30pm. EWCM but not as much. Cervix is down a little lower, i would say medium instead of high like it was at 1:45pm. its also harder (i would say medium, not soft like it was at 1:45pm) but it is still VERY open. (at least a fingertip) line opk is about the same darkness as the 1:45pm opk, maybe slightly darker, but not by much. it did develop earlier though (5 minutes in instead of 10 minutes)

8pm still cramping. a little worse but not much worse and not that bad. mainly on MY right side.

Big D at 11:30pm. Positive OPK on digi and line opk. line opk was much much darker. though only half the line. hopefully it was its peak. less EWCM than before.

likely will have a negative opk in the am, but will test again tomorrow.
So its been 24 hours since my first positive OPK. I am diligent about testing multiple times per day, so i know i caught it at the beginning of the surge with that first +OPK. I took another OPK a little after 1pm today and its still positive....which NEVER happens for me! Seriously! This is the 4th baby we are TTC (5 if theres twins :lol:) and i have never ever ever had a +OPK last any longer than 12 hours. 12! I test 3 and 4x per day and thats how ive always done it (bc the surge never lasted that long). and im just so surprised that its still positive! I really hope i Ov. soon though because i dont want to get too far out from last :sex: that i dont have a chance at a :bfp: im really hoping it happens sometime today though, bc then the timing would be perfect.

TBH, im shocked about the +OPK thing. i know its normal for some women to get positives that long but its not for me. There could be various reasons for this, like maybe bc i did take Soy Iso, or maybe bc im BFing, or maybe bc ive been under a bit of stress between an earthquake and a hurricane, or could it be twins?! that would be CRAZY! i wont get my hopes up, but this is not typical for me.

Here are my current FF notes.....(WHAT IS WITH ALL OF THE CRAMPING, shouldn't i have Ov.ed by now?!)

Positive on line OPK (like last night, half super dark other half not) at 3:40AM

Positive on line OPK at 9:30AM A little darker than the 3:40AM OPK (on one side of the test line). CM was not copius. it was less and more watery than EWCM but still techincally EW. There wasn't much dripping out of me at that point.

Mild cramping started around 10:43AM

1:05pm - + OPK on line and digital tests. The line *might* be getting darker, but its close to what it was before. This could mean im about to Ov or it could just be a limit of the test since they are to be read independently. This puts me at the 24 hour mark of an OPK (which never happens! its usually 12 hours). Also, i had SUPER EWCM that was dripping from me to the toilet.

still mildly cramping a bit nauseous.

headache around 1:25pm

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