Update since I got my BFP last weekend


New mom
Apr 11, 2008
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What a flippin week!!

Some of you might remember my last post where I got my BFP but was worried something was wrong, well my instints were right, bleeding and pain got worse went back to EPU and basically they suspected I was having an ectopic!! Had bloods taken tues and there was nothing to be seen in my uterus, just a suspicous swelling near one of my ovaries. Went back on thurs and waited on *high alert* but found out my Hcg levels had halved. I have never been so worried in my life!

Looks like I might not have miscarried 3 weeks ago after all which is why my BFP was so strong, If so I would have been anywhere between 7 and 9 weeks pregnant and I didn't even know! Though I may never find out if this is the case.

However I am not letting this get me down, yes I have miscarried again but I dealt with all those emotions 3 weeks ago and 4 months ago with my missed mc, and I'm just hugely relieved I didn't have to have surgery or lost one of my tubes or worse....

so I will wait it out for my 1st AF to arrive and i'm back on track to TTC again, (even though i swore over the last week I'm not trying again for a while) .....

I'M A SURVIVOR and this aint goin to stop me so here to my next BFP and I'm now praying it will be a lucky sticky 9 month healthy problem free one!!!
Hunny, I'm so sorry for your losses, but very impressed by you strength. I'm sure you'll be smiling at another BFP....and it'll be a sticky one soon xxx
oh hun,,,u r extremley lucky, everything happens 4 a reason i belive,sometimes awful things....but ur right u r a SURVIVOR and u WILL get a sticky bfp asap as will i :):)

keep ur heart strong,hopes high and plenty of BD and u will get there :)
So sorry for your loss hun but glad to see you're being so strong! :hug:xo
sorry for ur loss hun, but you sound like you have a good strong positive attitude xxx
you poor thing :(
i'm in awe of how strong you're being and wish you a good healthy bfp in the near future x x
Im so sorry for your loss. try to be strong, one day we all will be happy xxxxxxxxx
tillymum- what a drama!! you poor thing....i'm so sorry for your loss...but very pleased for you not to lose tubes or have had surgery... words cant express how you must be feeling.. i had mc 3 weeks ago now and the pain never gets easier.. totally understand how you must be feeling if its anything like what we are going through right now...

i was strong right after mc but been feeling it a bit recently as i was too strong straight after the mc..just stay true to yourself and use us all for support...and let some of it out...

let me know if you want to talk...xxx
Thanks for your kind words, and I am am determined to keep a positive mental attitude about this and stay strong, if I loose hope I loose motivation, and i've been through so much over the last 5 months it has made me stronger and determined. Plus I've just been saved from a possible ectopic, which makes me gratefull that i'm ok and healthy right now. I don't want to wallow in this I just want to focus on having a healthy baby, So with the support from all of you here we'll get there in the end.

Thanks again xxx
Sorry u have been through all of that hun..but you have the right attitude now...you will get that sticky one very soon. xxx
What a flippin week!!

Some of you might remember my last post where I got my BFP but was worried something was wrong, well my instints were right, bleeding and pain got worse went back to EPU and basically they suspected I was having an ectopic!! Had bloods taken tues and there was nothing to be seen in my uterus, just a suspicous swelling near one of my ovaries. Went back on thurs and waited on *high alert* but found out my Hcg levels had halved. I have never been so worried in my life!

Looks like I might not have miscarried 3 weeks ago after all which is why my BFP was so strong, If so I would have been anywhere between 7 and 9 weeks pregnant and I didn't even know! Though I may never find out if this is the case.

However I am not letting this get me down, yes I have miscarried again but I dealt with all those emotions 3 weeks ago and 4 months ago with my missed mc, and I'm just hugely relieved I didn't have to have surgery or lost one of my tubes or worse....

so I will wait it out for my 1st AF to arrive and i'm back on track to TTC again, (even though i swore over the last week I'm not trying again for a while) .....

I'M A SURVIVOR and this aint goin to stop me so here to my next BFP and I'm now praying it will be a lucky sticky 9 month healthy problem free one!!!

Gosh, am liking your PMA!!!!!

After I had my mc #2, I fell apart...only just starting to recover really!!! So take it easy hun and its ok to be not ok!!!!

hun so sorry about your losses, take it easy. lots of :hugs:


Wow, you inspire me. Like Doc123, moved on very quickly from my m/c, genuinely thinking I was ok. Very recently started to grieve alot for that m/c, 4 months after it happened. I am very upset that in less than three months I was to give birth. Please be kind to yourself, and yes keep strong, but give yourself moments to grieve. It doesn't have to be one continuous bout of grief, it can be momentarily. Whatever suits. You may be healthy, and you may have been saved from an ectopic, but you have experienced a loss.

Thinking of you and wishing you well xx
I do appreciate your concern and i'm not for a minute not dealing with my loss. Unfortunately I have dealt with m/c the hard way 5 months ago and I still feel sad about it and am dreading my due date in Nov. I totally understand there good days and bad days, and today I'm having a positive good day.

However this time it is different I am sad that I have had another loss of course. I am not going out this weekend because I don't feel like being smiley and social after what I have been through. However I knew from the moment I saw that BFP that something was wrong and this would not take and I have truely been through such a crap week and this week has put so many things into perspective for me.

But I honestly believe that there is light at the end and that next time will hopefully be different, without hope and a positive attitude I won't get anywhere.

So I'm ready to move forward and be positive and realistic at the same time. xxx

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