Updated! U/S pictures...next appt Dec 11th!!!!

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don't even worry about that! you're going to have follicles :)

what is it with r.e.s? everyone's re is always an hour away. ours was an hour away too. do they move around so that they are always exactly an hour away from their patients? i think it's a conspiracy.

as we were watching reruns from the walking dead marathon, i started wondering why zombies need to eat anyway ? why do hershel and his family have to feed the zombies in the barn. do they really NEED food? can they even digest it? and if they do need food, it seems like the zombie problem would get solved pretty easily. most of them would just starve. so that's my random zombie thought for today.
Car battery died....had to reschedule! OH THIS SUCKS! So I scheduled it for 2:30...crap crap crap!!
ahh!! that sucks!! but you get to still go today right?!
ugh!!!!! so lame! i'm sorry. that must have been stressful, disappointing, and annoying! :happydance:
Ha Bexx i just read your Zombie thought for the day. I used to wake up and think about that when it was on and I was pregnant lol! Too funny. And ya, you would think they would run out of food, but they become scavangers like eating squirrels and stuff. Something that bothered me about Season 1, is dont you think when they were looking for the little girl sofia, one of the ppl on the farm would have said "theres a little girl in the barn" but no one ever did?? Also, Why hasnt the group made some kind of flame thrower? I sure as hell would have figured it out by now!
Yea...it sucks bad...and I'm still gonna go I just had to schedule it later...my appt is at 2:45...so I'll be leaving here shortly...I just hope this isn't some kind of sign!!!

I feel bloated today but not really feeling any OV pain....

I will totally get into the zombie convo when I get back, I don't have time to get into it right now....I just love this kind of talk...LMAO...keep it up!!!! I can go all day...lol...
me too!

all this talk about the zed word is making me want to watch shaun of the dead for some reason! lol
HAHHA shaun of the dead was hillarious! I love that one, how at the end they have the zombies pulling carts and things at the grocery stores LOL! Pam! its 2:49!! Hope you are content in the waiting room about to be seen! I am so glad they let you come today, I guess its not too much of an option with the tight time line. Its not an omen or a bad sign, its just life, and SOB if it doesnt get in the way :hugs: I will be at the gym tonight so I will check for an update as soon as I get home! I really wish the best for you :happydance:

i'll be here around 7 ish. :coffee: :coffee:
i think it's 3:05 ish over there now. hope your appointment is going well!!!
it didn't work....no follicles on my right ovary....only one on my left measuring 14mm...left side is blocked so thats a flop.....

this blows
I gotta wait for my doctor to come back from being out of town, I see her on the 30th....from there I can only hope that we start another cycle...she will give me the Prometrium to start my period...after I start my period I will do Letrozole again for 5 days and probably injectables as well...then go in for an U/S on CD11-12 and see if it works...if it does we just go from there...if not...I have no idea....I have hope that next month will work, since my left side dominated this cycle, next month my good side should dominate and I pray for some good follicles!!!
Damn, I'm sorry Pam :hugs: I hope next cycle brings nice healthy follies on the proper side!
i'm so sorry, hun. that's terrible. :hugs: i was so sure you'd get fabulous news. but i like the way you think! no time to be down. on to the next cycle!!! your bfp is on its way!
So sorry Pam :( my goodness we cant catch a break :( if thats not bad enough to get your bad news (yes I cried for you) I'm being a baby today...a friend just posted her pee stick on my fb its a girl I went to school with ....child number 3 for her :( and this one is bugging me and yet its not really bothered me before :( but this one is killer to my heart :( blah....oh well I shouldn't be jealous God wouldn't be proud of me :( so trying to just forgive myself for being so harsh :( even though she doesn't know how I feel.....its not her fault....its my bodies fault...

Pam I want this so bad for the two of us :( if I win the lotto I'm coming to TX and pick you up and we will go to our doctors offices together and about 4 other ladies on here would be to....I just can't stand this heartache that everyone has to go through right now its so not fair :( life is definitely so not fair :(
Im sorry Pam :( Wth. That sucks. My left side is my ugly side too, my right one is the good one, so I know how it is when they tell you "maybe next month" Do you have to pay for yet another round or what you didnt use, u just use next time? Thinking about you Pam!!
I will be using what I have left and just paying the difference. I bought all my prescriptions today...HCG and suppositories...so that I can get that out of the way and just be prepared for next cycle! I wonder if my period is going to come on it's own...Still cramping like AF is gonna come, course that could of just been from the U/S but I've been cramping off and on the past few days. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard, I'm angry and just one big ball of emotions....A friend of mine has predicted a December BFP so maybe she will be right!!
ugh, andrea, i'm so sorry. just to commiserate- dh and i started trying in may 2009- really close to when you did. we had already been at it for a little over a year and gotten the horrible news about the state of dh's swimmers when a very close friend of mine announced that she was pregnant. it happened pretty much the second she stopped taking her pills. i'd had several friends get pregnant already, but for some reason that one just hurt so freakin bad. anyway, i know a little about how you feel and it's really not fun. :hugs: try not to beat yourself up too much over it.
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