When my baby girl was born, I was BF her w/out problems. My boobs would leak when she cried and if I did not wear pads in my bra I would wake up in puddles of milk. When I started pumping, I could get 4 oz after 2 to 3 hrs. About 4 wks ago when I went back to work, I began struggling to pump even an ounce every two hours. Now, I am lucky to pump 4 oz after being gone 8 hrs, so I am having to supplement. My breast do not leak anymore and my baby girl may latch on each breast for 2 or 3 mins then stops. Then she gets upset and cries till I give her formula. I can go 6 hrs away from her and only get 2 oz or less. I have tried drinking more water, lactation cookies, pumping/BF every 2 hrs, and nothing is working!!!! I'm on the verge of giving up any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks