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Last night's episode near the end was such a tear jerker :cry: Feel so sorry for baby Ali

Chelsea I want to slap you. I'm sorry about your knee, but really? First your baby daddy asks to sign over the rights for his "mistake", now he calls his daughter a little bas.tard. Father of the year, right there :dohh:

Jenelle ... grow up. Ditch your douschebag of a boyfriend. Take care of your child. That is all.

Leah. So sorry about Ali once again. I hope this is the last time she will have to be put under :(

Kail - It's great you've moved out & all, but you took your mother's property & left without even consulting her. That's pretty immature if you ask me. Oh well, I hope living on your own works out well for you and your son. Good on you for keeping up with school as well!
Is the Teen Mom 2 thats on now filmed like a year ago or something? Cos i was looking at the moms twitters, and the babies are so much older then they are on TV?!

I love it thought.

Jenelle- I feel so sorry for you, I really do. People give you shit, and your fucked up- but you have been fucked up by that horrible bitch of a mother. With the whole custody thing, I dont think either of you are fit to parent Jace. I just want to give you a big hug. Your mother really is a total bitch IMO

Leah- You brave, brave, brave girl. You deserve a medal. You really do.

Kaylin- I agree you should of moved out, and your mother is a bitch and obviously doesnt care- but I wouldnt of taken things that really dont belong to you??? Not to mention, I would of smacked your mums boyfriend

Chelsea- WHY WHY WHY are you back with that waster?? You lost Megan because of him, your parents are obviously losing patience too. GET RID OF HIM. Who the f*ck calls their daughter a little *******??? Does anyone remember the text he sent her in 16 and pregnant? Disgraceful.
Doesn't it seem like Adam is careless with Aubrey, I mean besides all his other crap, he is not gentle with her. This past episode was the second time he has handled her roughly to the point she cries (this season).

I feel bad for Chelsea because she obviously loves him and keeps thinking he is going to magically be this great bf and father. Blind love. Everyone else around her can see the truth. She is a great mother on her own.
OMG! Did you all read that Leah is pregnant AGAIN!???? And she's supposedly engaged too.

I knew that she and Corey got divorced but I've really enjoyed watching them together so far this season. The way he dressed up as Santa and his "ho ho ho"ing had me in stitches! I'm so sad that they didn't work out. The thing that really gets me is that she has said a couple of times on the aftershows that if she could do it again, she would have waited to have her girls. WTF Leah?
Yikes... poor Leah... its not going to be an easy life. I hope things work with the new guy, because 2 baby daddies is going to be rough.

I actually hated the fake santa outfit.. I laughed when the girls cried though, lol!

Jennelle is a moron though.. let it go with Keefer already, why is she determined to ruin her life?
I'm having a hard time watching janelles segments. Jace is more like her little brother than her son. Her mom asked her to watch him for a few minutes and she yells "leave me alone!" While laying in bed crying texting keiffer. I know she is young but so are the other girls and despite their personal issues still attempt to be a good mother. I wonder if not being burnt out from getting high will help her come back to reality, figureatively and literally haha.
Yeah, I saw that Jennelle part and I was just reminded of that argument she had with her mom where her mom told her she needs to step up and be a mom and not say she's too tired or whatever to watch her own son. I was just so frustrated with her for running after him and being so whiny and desparate for him when he's hurt her and is nothing but a bad influence... why isn't she smarter?

I was so frustrated with the other 'good' moms though... seeing Leah put the girls down in their cribs with their bottles? Ok, I know plenty of people still do it, but it is not recommended....
And the way Kaitlyn put Issac into her new car? It looked like she just buckled the seat in the way you would do an infant seat and they are NOT meant to be used that way! :(
Kailyn- She's so ridiculous in how she goes about things. Instead of leaving Jo a voicemail that she just left Relations and is getting for child support...she should've told him she was filing because she needs the help with Issac. Same goes for when she up and left her mother's home. She should've talked to her mother about the issue instead of acting immature and blowing the situation out of proportion.

She whines about how she's so broke, yet she still goes out to eat all the time, gets highlights, and you could tell in one shot she had been tanning. Overall, I can't stand her.

Jenelle- That girl doesn't have a motherly bone in her body. She'd rather chase around her loser boyfriend than be bothered to watch Jace for all of 15 minutes. Barb made a smart move in getting custody. Poor kid has 2 deadbeat parents.

Chelsea- She is so hell bent on having her and Adam work for Aubrey..but if only she realized it's better to have 2 happy homes than 1 miserable one.

I'm glad she stepped up and told Randy that she wants to get a job to gain independence. But we'll see if that actually happens, she has to finish her GED first.

Leah- You can actually tell this whole time that her and Corey are having problems.

I hope she's not pregnant again, she just got a divorce!! This girl is going to have a rough time in life if she doesn't start catching on quick.

After watching these girls, I hope I wasn't that naive of a teen.
Yeah, I don't get what is up with Kailyn's avoidance tactics. I wonder if she isn't good at standing up for herself or is so used to being rejected and hurt that she just avoids confronting issues... and ironically ends up blowing it up into a bigger confrontation. I don't know what the show pays for or not... she can't be THAT broke with the money from MTV that she can't afford a cheap car?

It pissed me off so much that Joe made a big deal about it being his day with Issac then he spent the whole freakin day in a stupid studio (recording rap I assume?). He's such a dickwad! And even though she should have straight up told him she needed financial support for Issac he was such an ass to her about him not wanting to support her living apart from him? Thats too freaking bad you jackass... you did not keep up your end of the relationship, you can't expect her to stay with you because you trapped her there? Ugh!

And Leah and Corey, I've always hated the way he shuts her down when she's worrying about stuff. Telling her to not think about it doesn't make that stop. He's never been good at being supportive of her.
I do think its ridiculous that she took that job where they needed a full-time assistant and now she's only working 1 day a week? Thats not right.
That avoidance thing with Kailyn is sad. She doesn't seem to understand its hurting her relationships and making everything worse. When Jo called her on it she didn't even try to explain it politely she just got defensive. She wants a good relationship with Jo's mom? It really ain't gonna happen now.
So I only watched one of the episodes from Tuesday so I might have more comments after I see the second hour!

My first thought when Jenelle dropped Keifer off at the courthouse and he stopped at the door and then came back to the car and told her court was cancelled was that he was lying! I totally thought he was just trying to avoid the consequences for his actions! It wasn't until the episode ended that I realized that it REALLY must have been cancelled! Lol!

I agree - Kailyn is starting to bug me now. She seems to think the world is against her. I actually thought what Jo's mom said was reasonable and couldn't believe when Kailyn left and was complaining about Jo's mom not being able to bury the hatchet.

I actually feel really sorry for Leah and Corey. I don't think that Corey is any good at expressing his feelings and doesn't know how to support Leah during all these medical problems of Ali's. The jist of it is that they are both REALLY young and these are big problems that they are having to deal with. I can't imagine having to go through those issues as a teenager. It's no wonder that they had problems in their relationship!

Chelsea was kind of boring in this episode. I thought it was good of her to tell Megan the truth about being a teen mom and not blow rainbows and unicorns up her @$$. I know that Megan's already had her kid but I still can't believe that she got pregnant after seeing all the crap that Chelsea went through!

Those are my thoughts for now.....
Kailyn does always play the victim!! The note that her mother's boyfriend wrote her was out of line, but he didn't call her trash nor did he tell her to get out. If she just would've went to her mother and talked to her about it, instead of secretly moving she wouldn't be in the financial predicament she's in now. I mean she had it made living with her mother, but she does need to follow house rules and pick up after herself. She has this big issue with following rules and listening to adults.
I don't remember her episode of 16&P but didn't her mom kick her out? I think it was reasonable to not want to put up with her mom's boyfriend's crap, but she should have secured the new place, then talked to her mom, that way she had an 'out' if her mom took the boyfriend's side about the tone of the letter and told her to leave.
I don't remember her episode of 16&P but didn't her mom kick her out? I think it was reasonable to not want to put up with her mom's boyfriend's crap, but she should have secured the new place, then talked to her mom, that way she had an 'out' if her mom took the boyfriend's side about the tone of the letter and told her to leave.

I've watched her 16 and pregnant. I don't believe her mother kicked her out, she was boarding with Jo because she had problems with her mother. She didn't elaborate on what though. When she was talking about the letter to her friend she fudged on what the letter actually said. However, I do agree it was unnecessary coming from her mother's boyfriend.
So Janelles mom offered her more responsibility with her son, but poor Janelle was too upset about not smoking pot that she didn't really care. Kieffer fb'd her the morning after moving out that he missed her? Of course she is his ride, lets him take her car and now has a new place to live he would probably be able to crash at.

Also Keiffer is ruining green hoodies for me.

I feel terrible for Chelsea. I know how hard it is to want a relationship to work but you know it can't. Adam is disgusting and manipulative, he turns things around to make it feel like its her fault.

Jo said the child support money was money he could be using towards his music career, when he was talking to his brother, LOL.

Leah and Corey seem the most normal even though things won't work out. Her chubby little All is so cute. I like that she always seems to be talking to and playing with her kids.
Jenelle has no business being a mom. I'm sorry, but all I could think of whenshe was moving out to her friends house was that if it were me leaving my baby, I'd be crying my eyes out. She can say goodbye to Jace way too easily.
Joe's selfishness make me sick :( its your child too, you need to pay half the expenses.

It cracks me up that they have to subtitle Corey :rofl:
Jenelle- She should've gave Jace up for adoption. Barbara doesn't have to things to bitch to Jenelle for, there's plenty already! I think it's so funny how she moves into her friend's house with no job. Suppose she's using the $$ she gets for being on the show..It's most likely not going to Jace, much less being saved for his future.

Kailyn- I don't understand why she isn't on financial aid for school. Then how can she whine she has no money when she's wearing North Face, Uggs, getting her nails done, hair, and going out to eat all the time.

I can see why Joe was whining about the amount, because he thinks that Kailyn is going to use it on herself and bills. When in reality all that money should be spent on things for Issac. So I can see why he's kicking up a stink. Although, I don't believe he should complain about CS all together because he does need to pay it.

Chelsea- She really needs to hang it up with Adam. He doesn't want to have the little family she so desperately wants.

If she focused half as much effort into her GED as she does Adam, then she would already be finished and in hair school. Probably could have a better job than wiping up bodily fluids and getting paid minimum wage.

Leah- This girl needs to put the eyeliner pen down! Also needs to clean up her home, it's atrocious!
Lol, my house is messier than Leah's
I'm sure it's not as nasty as Leah's...I couldn't believe how disgusting that basement was. :sick:

Jenelle- She can't have a relationship (friend, family, boyfriend) with anyone. The girl has serious issues. I don't know why she's still on the show. Just because you gave birth to a child doesn't automatically mean you're a mother. It's much more than that.

Chelsea- Let's see how long she stays broke up with Adam this time, before she goes begging to have him back. She needs to get over the fact that Aubrey isn't going to have a stable family. If she wanted a stable family then she should've not got pregnant with Adam. Instead, wait until after you're married.

Leah- I kind of see why their marriage is falling apart..there's no compromise. Going behind your DH's back and getting a house isn't the way to fix it. Talk/argue it out until you come to a final decision.

Kailyn- Hopefully she wins against the meantime to save money I would stop buying North Face, getting highlights, eating out, and feather extensions. That stuff isn't cheap.

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