Vaccinations....No arguments please!!


Mummy to baby George!!
Jul 25, 2009
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Right, I'm posting this because I am confused about vaccinations.
I really, really don't want any arguments!!
I am in the process of reading Dr Richard Halvorsen's book 'The Truth About Jabs' and am trying to decide what to do.

So far, George hasn't had any. This is for two reasons:
A) He has had tummy problems (suspected immature gut) and bowel problems can be a side effect of the injections
B) My hubby is VERY sceptical about them.

Please be aware that anything I say here is NOT a personal attack or dig at anyones choices. Whether your child/ren are jabbed is personal choice, and should not be questioned by anyone. I am simply trying to ask opinions from others and have read some research that may interest some.

Have you had your lo's jabbed?? Will you have all of the jabs?? Did you research the jabs, or were you happy to go with the flow?? If you are uncomfortable discussing this, or feel that you may be angered reading any of it, them please don't read it :flower:
Firstly, I was really interested reading about MMR. I know eveybody is probably aware of the MMR/autism scare and I wondered whether there was much truth in it (I had heard various arguments for/against it).
I was interested to find out that the Dr that 'announced' the link has suffered a severe backlash and has since lost a lot.
However, what really interested me, was the fact that this Dr was actually a gastroenterologist (tummy Dr!!) who was very well respected in his field. He worked at the Royal Free Hospital and first noticed that he was seeing an increased amount of children with specific tummy problems, after the MMR jab was introduced. It was the parents of some of the children that linked the jab to their children's newly diagnosed bowel disease and then Autism. He had actually raised concerns that children vaccinated against Measles were 3 times more likely to develop bowel issues.

For me, the other question with MMR is whether or nor we know enough about combining three live diseases in one jab?? Is it normal for these three viruses to be combined?? Is that another reason to consider the single shots or not choosing them at all?? Hmmmm
I personally gave my daughter all the jabs and my son will too.

From my research I personally feel the risks of not having them are greater than not to my baby and other people such as pregnant women.


as u say though its all very personal and your choice will be right for you:hugs:
Edward has had his 2 and 3 month jabs. Mainly because I have had family members suffer from the illnesses in childhood and my Mum's cousin died of meningitis at the age of 3, so for me it's important to do all I can to protect Edward from this.

However, when it comes to the MMR I will be researching the seperate jabs rather than the 3 in 1 xx
Hi BabyHaines,
My Emmett has had all jabs so far (incl BCG, excl Swine Flu) and I am happy for him to have the MMR. I might delay it by a few months as there is evidence that it is more effectively absorbed in the body.
I am not sure about your specific question about immature gut/bowel problems but my LO has got a few medical quirks himself and did not have ANY adverse reactions to his jabs.
For research the Lancet is a good place to start:
Good luck :thumbup:
Both my children have had the jabs and i feel for us this is the right thing to do but it is a difficult thing to do research on as both sides say they are right :shrug: so it is a mine field out there regarding information and i think some people may feel guilty with whatever choice they make :flower:
Missy will have all her jabs as we think the risk of her not having them outweighs the risk of her having them.

Both me and Boy, and our siblings had the MMR and so will Missy but we will most probably pay to have them seperately :hugs:

Theo has had his first set of jabs but not the second (yet) I run a slightly delayed programme but he will be having them.

With regards the MMR, any link with autism has been discredited. The person who conducted this research has been struck off. His research was flawed.
As for single jabs, I couldnt get them for C so he had his MMR late. If I can get single jabs for Theo he will have them :)
La has had hers and will be having them all. As a teacher who came into contact with an un-immunised girl who got measles whilst pregnant (fortunately we were all okay) I feel it's important for me. I hope you find a decision you're comfy with. x
Thanks girls :)
it's so difficult - Bayleaf - I have been reading that - thank you ;)

I think the Meningitis jab is one that I really feel he should have. However, when I was reading up on that, it was interesting to hear that it only covers Men C & not Men B (the common one) and by all accounts, 1 in 10 peoplehave the Meningitis bug in their noses and live with it with no probs. Arghhhhh!!
Also, apparantly it's not guaranteed to stop Men C either :( why is it so difficult!!

Just a lil' note for everyone though. It is well worth asking whether you can have the alternative jabs (they are Mercury & Aluminium free). Apparently, these are available, but they are using up their supplies of the others first!!
(That came from a practice nurse BTW - my HV questioned her on my behalf....) ;)
With regards Measles etc. My husbands argument is that if you do catch Measles, you get full immunity from it, whereas the vaccines don't guarantee immunity.

Squish - with the MMR thing, the Dr (Andrew Wakefield) was the guy I was talking about. It was him that saw the link with MMR & bowel disease. It's the bowel problems that worry me (alongside the Aluminium & Mercury), as I've already had G in hospital with his tummy :(
We will be selectively vaccinating (MW recommended a book - Dr Sear's) based on the risks of the disease/catching it, compared to the risks of the injection. I was pretty much forced to have the HPV vaccine and even now I find myself in tears wondering if I've done something to myself by having it....not wanting to get into a debate, but I just don't want to blindly vaccinate my LO without really looking into everything thoroughly and coming to an informed decision, because if I feel this way about any risks I've exposed MYSELF to, I can't imagine how I'd feel if I decided to give LO a jab which she reacted to or so on...

Good luck deciding :)


P.S I was supposed to not have the MMR booster because all the research came out around the time I was due it - my dad has Crohn's disease and it was supposed to carry risks associated with that.
that is a hard one as he already has problems with his stomach =( i have my daughter fully immunised and she never ever even had so much as a raised temperature but if she had of had a severe reaction to any of them i would have stopped them until she was older..
maybe you could talk to your peadiatrician about whether you can wait til he is a bit older and his gut problems have gotten better?not being at school and being so young its so unlikely that he will get any of the diseases so young..and im assuming you and oh are both vaccinated?
oh i was vaccinated for measles and never became immune..just read your post on the top of this page =)
I'm almost 29 and I never had any of my vaccinations and I have been extremely healthy.
I do not plan to have my baby immunized.
We vaccinated with Landon and partially with Casen. After doing tons and tons of research we decided to stop. Hayden is not vaccinated and the other 2 haven't been in years. I think you should do what you feel most comfortable with. For us it was comparing the chances of them catching the diseases, what the benefits of having the disease was and the risks of having it. Comparing that to the risks of the vaccines and benefits of them and the guarantee that they would come into contact with that if we vaccinated. Plus looking at the ingredients.
Aisling has had all jabs to date except MMR which we're delaying until 15 months as it has more chance of being fully effective then. You will need to ring around the private clinics in your area to check on the availability of the mumps vaccine though. I would have gone down the single jabs route if we could just to be on the safe side and there are no stocks of the mumps one anywhere near Bath or Bristol and the clinic indicated the situation was the same throughout the country. For us, the risk of not being vac inated against mumps at all is too great so we'll do MMR.

Hope u reach a decision you're happy with xx
:hugs: its really hard.
K hasnt had any of his yet as we decided he would have them after 6 months. However OH still doesnt want him to have them at all. For us its not so much the risks of a reaction (although a high proportion of babies have 'some' reaction, its rarer to have a severe one) , more a combination of the nastiness of whats in vaccines, low risks of catching the diseases, evidence of poor, limited and unsustained effectiveness, and that we don't tend to vaccinate ourselves. Taking all this into account, though, I felt I did want him to have the 'basic' vaccs but I can't bring myself to take him for them (and OH wont let me until after we've been on holiday 'in case' he gets ill from them), I think deep down I really don't want him to have them!
I don't know too much about the MMR. I read somewhere (cant remember where) that Wakefield's research although flawed was 'costing' the NHS and whichever company it is that makes the MMR vaccine too much, so it was only to be expected that he would be discredited because the drugs companies are so powerful. Personally I don't buy the 'cause and effect' argument that MMR causes autism and I am a bit more concerned about those diseases (especially as I have a boy re: mumps). Although there are loads of strains of measles and often outbreaks of different strains, making no difference whether you've been vaccinated or not! I have asked my HV about separate vaccines and was told they are absolutely not available (in my area at least - however she's not the most up to date/proactive around).
Good luck with your decision, I really wish it wasn't so hard! :hugs:
So do I ellie, so do I!!
I'm gonna invest in the Dr Sears book me thinks - I love his views on parenting, so already feel I can 'trusy' him.
The difficult thing is, I don't trust the drugs companies. When there's money involved, people tend to become very different creatures & it worries me.
You only have to look at the fact they put Fluoride in our tap water to know that money means more than peoples health. (Fluoride is a by-product if the aluminium industry which was costing millions to get rid of every year - and it's not even believed to be good for your teeth!! Grrrrrr)

Oh, I don't know. Maybe I will go and see my GP - although I'm not sure any NHS health professional would be that unbiased??)
I think I'm similar to you ellie - OH doesn't want him to have any, and I'm not sure, so keep putting it off....
My GP has always been great, when I wanted to delay Cs vaccinations and was asking about alternatives etc he went out of his way to sort it for us.
If whats concerning you is his tummy trouble, speak to your GP about when you can delay til etc etc and make a desicion when you have that info.

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