I think it's horrible that crappy parents who don't vaccinate put MY child at risk. If you want to do something stupid and irresponsible, then fine, I don't care if YOUR kid dies, but you're putting my baby at risk.
This video is ridiculously stupid. It's not "well-researched", and it's unbearably one-sided.
Living in a society involves a social contract- we do certain things to ensure the health and safety of those around us. I drive on the right side of the road, I obey traffic signals- What if I just did what I wanted and said "screw everyone else, a video on the Internet said stopping for stop signs is .02% more likely to cause autism" (because I'm pretty sure (the former Dr.) Andrew Wakefield would be more than happy to fake a study on that, as well). What if I drove right through a stop sign (because hey, it *might* cause problems, a random video on the Internet told me so, and I'm too stupid to understand the actual science!) and ran over your kid and killed him? How'd you feel then? Hey, who cares that I ran through a stop sign- that was a parenting decision, and it's my right to make.
I get so upset about this. If you don't want to vaccinate your kid, fine, but you need to stop participating in society and go live on a deserted island somewhere, and NOT PUT MY BABY AT RISK.