Valentines Babies, 2013!

Thanks Sierra, i appreciate you asking. mum is doing ok, but not great - the treatment is so harsh.. She has lost a lot of hair and isn't eating very much at all, and is so fatigued..but it's all a side effect of the treatment that should give us more time we hope. In about 5 weeks the doctors will scan her again and hopefully give us an idea of the future and time..dreading that day.
I hope to go visit at the start of May. Can't wait. Though kind of dreding seeing my mum look so different to the lovely plump woman I waved bye bye to last November :(
Though I will be delighted to introduce the family to Kiara, I just need her to master her big grins before then! :)
Still topping K up after most feeds, she seems happy with that still :)
I hope you're feeling better Kellen :hugs: What a tough time ot have back pain! Make DH do all the packing :D SO exciting that you're moving back to this part of the country. Yesterday it was 61 degrees here, so the best part of the year in the Northwest is almost here!

Sierra, how did your appointment go? Mine was last week, and all they did was weigh me (yuck), a vaginal exam (no pap), and prescribe some birth control. My Doctor reiterated that I have, "one of the most well-supported bladders (she's) ever seen, even for women who haven't given birth!" Thanks? LOL I took it as a complement, however awkward of one.

Helena, I'm so sorry about your Mom... that is so incredibly hard. I'm glad you get to see her in May. Spending time with Kiara may be the very best thing for her.

We're doing alright here. I think Max is growing. Also, has anyone else's baby's pooping changed? Kind of gross question, but we went from 3-4 poops a day to probably 10 the last few days. They're explosive too. He kind of "jumps" when he poops. He even yelled one time, almost like a dog bark. I don't think it's really painful, just really violent :dohh: Is this normal? We have a 2-month appointment on April 4, but that's still a ways out.
Helena, so sorry about your mom. I really hope the visit with her granddaughter heals her heart and yours.

Wamommy my appointment went well. She weighed me- 26 pounds lost- hooray!! Did an exam and pap smear, and prescribed birth control. Nothing special but glad to have it over with!

Camden has had about 8 poops a day since his first week! He squirms and cries sometimes when he poops and they are usually really loud! Lol he has bad gas though so that's a big part of it. He cries when he toots :(
Helena - I am glad you get to see your mom in May. I can only imagine how awful it must be to be apart at this time. Hopefully your little one will have that beautiful smile down pat. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

Has anyone heard how Jo and Olivia are doing recently?

Oddly enough our poops are decreasing. Coming home we has 8-10 poops/day; now we have decreased to around 3, but they are super violent. Teagen has begun to cry whenever she has or needs to have a bowel movement. This summer when we are more outdoors I am tempted to experiment with elimination communication (EC).

The back is somewhat improved. I stopped taking the Tylenol with Codeine because it was making Teagen sleepy. The literature states it should have no affect on her unless my body metabolizes it too fast and turns it into morphine, which babies can OD on and die from. So I will deal with it. DH stayed home with me to take care of me. Oddly enough I can to run to the store for him because: "My heartburn hurts so bad!" Pfft... Gotta love em!

Might be a bit of a personal question, but what types of birth control are we all opting for? We are going with an IUD that has no hormones so if we decide to have another child I won't have to worry about changing cycles. DH was all for no BC and trying again now, but I am not wanting two under two or two in diapers.
the Doc wrote me a prescription for the mini-pill (progesterone only) which is supposed to be safe while breastfeeding. I don't really want to take anything hormonal though, since the pill, in any form, has never worked well for me. I always break out and feel super moody... like perma-pms. I'm opting for abstinence at this point :rofl:
I too opted for the mini-pill. Dh and I are going to use that for 6 months, then evaluate when we want to try for another one.

Kellen, what is the ec about? I've never heard of it before.
We're sticking with condoms, and when my cycles go back to normal, we'll go back to natural family planning. I can't use hormonal birth control, it makes my blood pressure shoot through the roof. We can't use an IUD, either, as there is the potential for fertilization and subsequent failure to implant, which we don't feel is morally right for us. Doesn't leave us with a lot of options!
EC is basically learning how to read your baby's sings for when they need to "eliminate" waste. So instead of using diapers you hold the baby over the sink or toliet when they need to go. Since I can anticipate this now I would like to try it especially since she'll be in sundresses a lot.
No, I came on to ask about Jo too...
Jo, how's you?..xx
Oh wow Kellen- that's really interesting! If you try it, you'll have to let us know how it goes!

I know Jo writes a lot of updates on her blog- I tend to bop over there whenever she is silent for a while to see what's going on. :)
Hi ladies :wave:

I've been meaning to pop in for weeks it seems like but then something, or rather someone :haha: keeps me very busy!

I scan read through to keep up with you and your little ones though x

I can't remember the last time I updated, so short version; Olivia no longer has a feeding tube and she's doing all feeds through her bottle. Physio on her feet is going well and she's lifting her head up and smiling - things we thought she would be very delayed on because of her muscles. We are still waiting for the results of more genetic tests but we are enjoying every minute of her exactly how she is. She has had bad reflux because of her floppiness, her muscles are floppy inside too, but we are managing that with gaviscon.

AFM - not much to report, I've lost 40lbs since before O was born, I feel good and am enjoying laying on my stomach and bending over etc. recovery from the c section was nowhere near as bad as I thought. Also I had my retest for diabetes and that's gone, although I am at risk of getting it in the future, so need to remain healthy.

I think thats it really! All in all, we are doing great!

Sorry I've not been around much, O has so many appointments to go to, but they are all slowing down to being monthly ones now - thank goodness!!
I'm glad everything's going so well, Jo! :)

I think we need new photos of all the V-day babies! Let's see how big all our LOs are getting!
I am planning to take pictures this weekend in her Easter outfit. DH has come up with a creative way to present Teagen with her first Easter basket. We will alsp be hunting eggs at church.

Jo, I am glad to hear that you are recovering and that Miss Olivia is doing so well. :)
So glad you are doing well, Jo! Olivia is a little fighter, isn't she? Go Olivia, go! :) Happy to see an update.

I'd love to see pics as well! We finally caught a smile on camera! :D I'll post this weekend.

We're driving 1.5 hours to my brother's house on Easter... I'm a bit concerned about the drive! It should be fun, though. He just got engaged :)

What are everyone's plans?
Easter is busy for us- a 45 minute drive to my mum's house today and a 2 1/2 hour drive to dh"'s mom's house tomorrow! Thankfully, Camden does great in the car and usually sleeps the entire time! :flower: this is also true of thr stroller- which he loves! The boy has to be moving! :). I'm happy to report that he's starting to get a bit happier and less fussy now that he's getting older! It's delightful and I love seeing his little personality start to emerge!!
Hi all!!

Jo - love your profile pic - she looks beautiful and so grown up! :) glad all is going well.

Kiara and I missed an Easter party today as I have a bug :( flu like with dodgy tummy. It's tough being unwell and still forcing yourself out of bed to breastfeed at night I must say!.. It's been a couple of days now so hopefully I will get better soon.
Otherwise we have no Easter plans here.

Going back to an earlier question K seems to like tummy time. And today was the first time she seemed really content wiggli around under the baby gym :)
She is regularly putting herself to sleep now, but not every time, and sleeps in her own room. Very proud!

Have a wonderful Easter everyone xxx
Aww! So sorry that youre sick! I hope it goes away soon!!

Wow Helena! K puts herself to sleep? How do you do it? I feed Camden before bed and he always falls asleep nursing! I hate to stop his nursing early to put him to sleep because he nurses right up until he falls asleep. I also think if I nursed then diapered him or something else arousing that he would sit and cry if I put him in his crib. But I don't want him to get into the habit of nursing to sleep :shrug:
Argh guys I have to vent- saw mil today for Easter. I like the woman but she is controlling and doesn't listen when it comes to my baby. It seriously makes me so mad! Like today, she's holding Camden and I tell her that I need to change him because he hadn't been changed in a while. She then feels his diaper through his pants and tells me that it's not poopy. I tell her that he probably peed, and she again feels the diaper and said "he's not that wet" and whisked him away. Excuse me?! It's my son and if he's even a little wet, want to take care of it! But I bit my tongue because I thought Dh might get upset if I said something. Then, Camden is hungry so I go to get him to nurse and she asked to give him a bottle. No it's my son- and you have to give him back to me so I can breastfeed him! Then after I nurse, he's sleeping in my arms and she takes him out to hold him! Then when I go to change his diaper, she tries to take over and TELLS me that she is going to change him. And when she changes him, she hardly wipes him and he's still dirty! Then when we get ready to leave, we have to ask her over and over again to give him back to us so I could put him in the carseat. Then she takes out his pacifier and kisses his lips!!! I told Dh that I'm uncomfortable with that and he didn't care! Seriously, I only want Dh and I to kiss his lips and we don't need her germs!! Then she says she'll be up in a few weeks to babysit for a few days- excuse me but I'll ask if I need you- don't tell me!! Arghh I'm so frustrated because Dh doesn't understand and won't let me say anything!!! :(
I know Sierra, I feel lucky she will go to sleep alone sometimes! If she is full enough and relaxed enough I pop her in end cot and she will make stretchy noises and look about contentedly until she dozes off. A couple of times it has taken her 40 minutes, but she doesn't cry. Actually, sometimes she does seem to cry a little as she actually drops off. Then I maybe need to go in and reput in her dummy or give her a little "shhhhh shhhh"ing. I think the actual feeling of falling asleep may be a bit scarey for her. I mean, if you don't know what is happening it is maybe a bit weird?
She won't do it every time yet. She won't if she is too tired or if she has had a day where she sad been held lots or napped with me. I really have noticed a difference since I started putting her down to nap in end own room and own cot.
The other day when I was unwell I slept with her in the afternoon in my bed and then again later on the sofa. That night she wasnt happy to go down in her own bed alone at all. And a big bottle of milk really helps. She is so much more chilled after a mega feed.
I hadn't really wanted to start the whole sleep training thing until she was 3 or 4 months old but I think starting early and gently is good for us. My first was a bad sleeper for the first two years, I think deep down I am scared of that happening again!.....

Oh I understand the MiL issues. Once you provide a grandchild it is a bit like you have provided someone to belongs to everyone in the family in some way...people always want to lay some sort of claim or make sme sort f sore ting suggestion. Personally I can't stand my inlaws making any suggestions. Like this week DH told them how K is having some formula to top her up and I could hear MIL saying "oh see, it's what she needs".. That really pose me off. Like my milk s faulty. But a the same time I agree it s what she needs...well, really maybe it s what I need, it makes her easier as a baby. Bt maybe she doesn't need it as such...but she is happier with it..
Anyway, anything that MIL could suggest would annoy me. And I am not sure why, when I think about it rationally.
The lip kisses would maybe annoy me. My kids are always given back to me with Lipstick marks on their faces. That bothers me.
I am just making sure to remember how stressed out these little things make me so I can be aware when I am a grandma and MIL... Because it really is stressful. I don't know if a lot is down to our hormones...but even then, its still real.
And as for the unwanted visits....expect them for the next 20 years....
We can't really stop them, one day they may be really sick and we would feel so bad if we kept our husbands from their families or came between them,.....but it is so hard, why the mums can't just be aware of how stifling they can be I don't know. With my first my inlaws were here for 10 days after birth and then came back again at 6 weeks...I was ready to burst with stress and annoyance at feeling suffocated! far they haven't asked t come back again to see ak yet...I think I was so obviously stress with them here after the birth of Kiara that they don't dare ask!lol.they have asked a couple of times when we will go there. I will go back to see my family next month and my inlaws are only half an hour away from my fmily, but I won't go see them....I just want to give my fmily as much time with K as possible. I will only be there two days. The inlaws have had their time I feel..
It's so hard keeping everyone happy isn't it.


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