Valentines Babies, 2013!

Wamommy that is soooo sweet! How very special! You could always call him by the nickname love- then it would be your special thing. At any rate, great idea on the names :)
Dragon, how is your mood these days? Your fears of pnd passed? Xx

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well! My mood has improved, and I don't think I'm depressed...but sometimes I still cry, mostly because I feel guilty when I go to bed at night and leave DH to take care of the babies (I have to get up for work so he takes night duty). Last night I cried because we're selling my car, and I was upset that I'm not going to have my own car anymore :haha: It was like the one thing that was truly mine lol...I will miss it.

Someone please slap me. I've gotten into the horrible habit of calling LO "Buddy" and I hate it! Why do I do it?? LOL Poor guy. DH calls him "Dude" which is equally bad! Do you guys have any nicknames for your babies?

I don't really have a nickname for either of them, but I do call them every name under the sun. Gunnar tends to be "honey bunny" and Lilja is "Lily bug" but I call them everything from "smooshie face" to "stinky butt" LOL...whatever pops into my head. I've been making an effort to call them by their names because I'm afraid they won't learn them if I call them a million other things.
6 or 7 hours Sierra! Wow. No I,wouldn't wake him. Kiara feeds when she wakes. Otherwise I am happy to sleep!..usually 2-3 hours. Max 5 hours, but more often she wakes every 2. Oh wamommy you must be shattered!!
I feel very fortunate. The doctor was surprised yesterday too and even suggested we start trying to put him down awake once in a while to start training him to keep this schedule.

Well tonight starts my return to playing concerts. Prayers would be appreciated. We have one show tonight, two tomorrow, and one on Saturday and one Sunday. It's going to be fun but exhausting. Camden will be coming along with us, as will my mum to watch him during each show. I've prepared less than i usually do because I haven't had much time to practice with Camden. And I'm still kind of weak from labor- it's hard to have endurance for 3 hour concerts. I really hope it all goes well. But I'm so excited to get back to our normal playing again!!
Good luck, Sierra :) Knock 'em dead!

Gunnar slept so well last night! He had a bottle at 8pm, then went right down and slept straight through until 3am when DH finally woke him up because he was worried lol. He took another bottle then, and went right back to sleep until almost 8am! That's 12 hours with just one feeding! I was amazed, they've never gone more than 5 hours between feedings before. Gunnar has started eating more during the day, about 6 oz per feeding vs. 3-4 for Lily, so I think he's getting most of his calories during the day so he can sleep longer at night. I hope that continues, and that Lily starts to follow his example soon :) She's almost 2 pounds lighter than him, though, so it may be a while before she can go more than 4 hours between feedings.

Unfortunately, that didn't mean DH got a good night's sleep, because Lilja was up half the night yelling to be held or entertained. However, she slept from 4:30 to 8:00, so he did manage to get about 3.5 hours.
Our pediatrician was also impressed that Teagen sleeps 6-7 hours a night. We are trying to establish a bedtime routine. So far it has been.

9pm: feed off both breasts until around 9:40
10pm: put the baby in pack n play
10:30: give bottle of breast milk with added vitamin D supplement
11pm: lights out and Teagen is asleep
5:30 or 6am: wake up

I would like it to be earlier, but if I start before then she wakes up at 11 and refuses to go to sleep before 2am. We also take a 3-4hr nap in the morning and are awake in the afternoons.

It looks like we will (fingers crossed) be moving to Oregon within the next few months. My grandma has offered us her house and I've been offered a part-time job helping manage a chiropractic office. Now we are just waiting to hear back on some shipping applications DH put in for.
Good luck, Sierra! Sounds so fun :) And very cool to include Camden!

Helena, I am shattered, lol. Unfortunately, it's getting worse. I think I may have had 1 hour at most of consistent sleep last night, and the rest in bits and pieces. DH (who moved rooms to not have to wake up at ALL) got up at 10:00am today!!! I could have punched him in the face... :ninja:

You are all so lucky, lol. As a third time mom, you'd think I'd be able to encourage more sleep! I have a dental cleaning today, maybe I can take a nap then, lol.
Haha yes take the time for a snooze in the dental chair! Seriously, you need to have words with will burnt out! Then what will he do...

Or evening routine for baby will have to be much shorter. Tends to be...

6pm - 9pm doze and feed constantly. 9.15 crash out in mum or dads arms or on baby bean bag in living room.
I must change this. Think I will go for the cry it out route when she is maybe four months if she continues to be as clingy in the evenings. And I may introduce a bottle supplement in the evenings too. We is just so hungr all evening....

For now I will enjoy the extra cuddles :)

Yesterday evening I took a break from the monster feed and we had a bath together, K and I. It was so so lovely!!
A bath with LO sounds wonderful, Helena! I tried it with DD#1 and she was so tiny and slippery that I was a ball of anxiety. She started screaming (probably picked up on my nerves) and I got out super fast. Maybe this baby is different though, and may enjoy it? I like to think I'm more relaxed this time, too, which may help :D

The dentist was a true nightmare. Apparently I'm 1 in a million... yes... that's what 3 dentists and 2 hygienists told me, anyhow. I can't get numb on the bottom teeth. Seriously. I had 20 shots of novocaine, and they had to stop because I was shaking form the epinephrin in the shots and they were afraid to do any more. All I was there for was a "deep cleaning," which you have to be numb for because they scale down under the gums to get everything beneath the gum line. Luckily they were able to do the top pain free, and I let them do the bottom by hand instead of using the ultrasonic tool thingy that hurt so badly I had tears streaming down my face in the chair :( They only did one side an appointment, so I had to go back again the next day knowing what was going to happen. I walked in and they all said, "we didn't think you'd show up today!!" Ugh... 3 natural childbirths and I'd have to say I'm way more terrified of the dentist :dohh:

I've decided to do something for myself! Every time I catch a glimpse of my body in the mirror as I dress, I'm totally upset with how it looks. I've always been rather thin, and had a really easy time getting my body back after my girls. This time I'm NOT happy :( I just decided to do Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred! I don't particularly like Jillian, but it's only 20 minutes a day, and supposedly works super well. I plan to start Wednesday after the 6-week go-ahead from my Dr. I'll take measurements, weights, and everything. I hope it works!! It can't hurt, anyway.

How is everyone else doing?
Oh you poor thing! I don't like the dentist either, but it must be terrible not even being numb! Good luck with the 30 day shred :)

I'm doing ok, and the babies are doing great. When we weighed them yesterday, Gunnar was 10lb5oz and Lilja was 8lb5oz!! Seems weird to think that when we came home, they were only 6 oz apart at 5lb4oz and 4lb14oz...Gunnar has gained over 5 pounds in 2 months! He's such a good little eater.

When I weighed Lily yesterday, I was taking her right in for a bath afterward, so I just folded a diaper over her but didn't tape it closed. Well, she managed to pee out the side of the diaper and leave a trail all the way to the bathroom before I felt it sprinkle my feet :haha:

I can't believe how big they're getting! Here are some pictures:


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  • Lilja031713.jpg
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Good luck with the 30 day shred! Sounds brutal! I get officially weighed next Tuesday at my 6 week appointment (I don't own a scale), so if the results aren't that good, I might have to start some exercise. . . :) Not sure how I'll find the time to, though! haha

The dentist sounds horrible wamommy! :( I'm so sorry!!

Dragon, the twins are gorgeous! What sweeties!

What size clothes are everyone's lo's in? Just today I noticed Camden's newborn outfits starting to get a little short. I think I'll be transitioning to 0-3 here this week or so. . .

I've had an eventful week--the biopsy spot ended getting bacteria in it, which has left me with mastitis. :( It's horrible and I've been having chills and sweats and vomiting. They put me on antibiotics on Monday, so I'm hoping they start working here shortly. :(

Camden has had a diaper rash that just won't go away. :( I feel so bad. The doctor told us to use calmoseptine and desitin after each diaper change and to use a warm washcloth to wipe. . . It will get better for a while, but then it will flare up again. :( I feel sorry for the poor guy, but don't know what quite to do. . .

Has anyone attempted dtd? I was going to wait until after my 6 week appointment next week, but wondering if it'd be okay this week? I feel fine, really, and think it'd go okay. Anyone else attempt it? Does it hurt the first time? Does it feel different than it did before?
Oh no, Sierra, I'm sorry about the mastitis! That's terrible, I hope you feel better soon.

Gunnar is mostly in 0-3 month clothes now, although he still fits in his newborn onesies...he must have long legs! Lily is still in newborn clothes, although she's over the 8lb limit now. She's swimming in 0-3 month outfits still, the little peanut.

DH and I tried DTD at 7 weeks postpartum, and even though I had a c-section, it was still difficult. In fact, we had to stop in the middle because it was hurting was like (TMI) he didn't fit anymore. We hadn't done it in about 3-4 months, and I guess I shrunk or something :haha:! However, the next time we tried at 10 weeks, it was fine.
Dragon--that's what I'm worried about! (That, and ripping again, although my tear is completely healed now. . .) :haha:
I'm worried about the same thing! Honestly, I have ZERO desire to dtd right now anyhow. I'm way too tired and a little resentful that I'm not getting more help with the baby. If I remember the last 2 times, though, it wasn't too bad. I think it's kind of like stretching your muscles in the morning... it doesn't hurt, but everything feels a bit stiff.

Our little guy is into 0-3 month sleepers now. There are a couple newborn ones that still fit, but for the most part his legs can't stretch all of the way out in them! It's amazing how much sizes can vary by brand. The funny thing is, he's still in Newborn diapers, lol. I think he just has a tiny butt!! He's all tummy and head, with little spider legs and arms flailing around.

Has anyone else's baby smiled yet? For a week or so we've been getting the "almost" smile that could just be gas. The last few days I'm sure it's the real thing, though! I have to say, it makes every hard night worthwhile. It changes his whole face, from clueless newborn, to sweet happy baby!
Wamommy, Camden has a tiny butt too! Must be a boy thing! He's smiled 3 times for real- once at me and twice at his daddy- it's breathtaking! :cloud9:
Gunnar has been smiling at the sound of my voice when he's just waking up from 5 weeks on...but just in the last week, he has started smiling at DH sometimes, too. Lily doesn't smile at all yet, only in her sleep once in a while. Otherwise she's quite serious all the time hehe. I have to keep reminding myself that they are developmentally only about 5 weeks old, not 3 months!

I agree that it makes everything worthwhile to see those beautiful little smiles. It absolutely melts my heart.
We have had a few possible waiting for the big obvious one!

Kiara had her first vaccines today, oh she did cry, poor little love.
She is hungry nearly all the time and still feeding 3 hours continuous, give or take the odd 5 minute power nap, each evening plus every 3 hours (sometimes 4 or 2 though..) so I suggested we try a bottle in the eve and the doc agreed.
She is now 3.95 kilos (8.7 lbs) so gained a kilo in a month (2.2lbs) so all is going well but she is just so hungry!!

I am with wamommy, I have v little desire to dtd yet though I am beginning to wonder if I should make more of an effort soon.

I might go for a run this week! And maybe Zumba next week!
The evening bottle is working great so far. We gave her a quick bath, into pjs, bottle for 6.30 and into bed for 7. She gurgled a bit and went off to sleep in there on her own. I am so hoping that this is the big feed helping and not just her being knocked out by today's vaccines!... My second don was on ottle and he was his easy all the time, he was o content. i worry if i breastfeed that my baby is sad....she is growing but seems to be asking for MORE! She loves boobie and I love feeding her but maybe she is always waiting for desert!? apparently dh was a hungry baby. my first son was purely breast and was such a pain sleep wise fir two years. i wonder if a bottle could have helped him..
Do your babies ever sit and watch the world and be content? Kiara is rarely, unless feeding or within five minutes of feeding. She still sleeps a huge amount.

All kids now asleep in bed and husband off out to the pub. I could tidy up...but i may just have a relaxing bath instead and then take full control of the tv remote for a it!....please baby stay asleep!! :)
. I have to keep reminding myself that they are developmentally only about 5 weeks old, not 3 months!

I agree that it makes everything worthwhile to see those beautiful little smiles. It absolutely melts my heart.

Is it the age from due date we should consider when reading about development milestones etc? Kiara was only 3 weeks off due date but I do tend to assume she may be a few weeks behind her actual age development wise?
Your guys already 3 months? Wowee! Oh my word they are growing up fast already!! :)
I have a giant baby. She is in 3-6 mo onsies as her torso is too long for the 0-3's to snap anymore. I first noticed it when I tried to put her into a footie pajama and her legs didn't have room to stretch. Thankfully there were 2 huge kid consignment sales this past weekend and I was able to pick up a bunch of "new" clothes for her.

I had my 6 week appointment on Tuesday. I've lost 40lb so far and am only 20lb away from pre-pregnancy weight. Oddly enough I can fit into some of my pre-baby clothes... I just have a muffin top. I've always had a toned torso so it is bothering me. I am planning to start my core exercise regime up again.

DH and I were given the go ahead to DTD. So we did on Tuesday. It wasn't too bad. I wasn't really in the mood, but felt sorry for DH since he hadn't gotten any since Christmas (sorry if TMI). He was a happy camper and is currently being way more helpful and interactive with the baby.

We have also made the decision to pack up our bags and move across the US again. I am very excited to be moving in with my grandma. It will be so nice to have family around and good coffee shops (no offense to lovers of Starbucks, but Dutch Bros coffee is superior in every aspect). I will also be closer to my friends. DH is willing to move, but hasn't gotten super excited about it yet. I don't blame him as he will be driving the moving truck whereas I get to fly. Unfortunately he wants me to layover in Texas for two or three days so that his family can see the baby. I'm not thrilled with this because they all smoke and I'm not really okay with having my baby around 10+ people who smoke for 2 days. I know I'll do it, but I don't have to like it!

I think we have hit a growth spurt today. She lays down and sleeps for 20min and then wakes up ravenously hungry. She'll eat for 10 min on both sides and then want more. I am holding off giving her the bottle as I want to make sure my milk supply keeps up with her demand.

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