Valentines Babies, 2013!

Helena - That is wonderful that Kiara is such a good eater. I'm going to start doing more of a meal schedule with Teagen if possible. How do you give her meat? I'm stuck at how to add that into Teagen's current diet. Since I have a dairy allergy and a slight reaction to eggs our pediatrician said to hold off on yogurt or other dairy products until after 12 months. Right now we just do tons of fruits and veggies.

Wamommy - Congrats to your girls! It must be exciting to watch them becoming more grown up, but sad at the same time.

I've bumped Teagen's head a couple of times. She'll pull a face and if I don't react then she'll just smile and move on. She's a tough little cookie. This morning she sat, unassisted for a whole 30 seconds. I was so proud! She has also started mimicking the sign language we have been doing with her. She hasn't quite done it in context, but we praise her every time she signs and explain what it means.

We have a convertable carseat in my parents car that can be rear facing up to 45lb and a Chico infant seat in our car that goes up to 30lb. In Oregon she has to be rearfacing until she is 1 and weighs 20lb.

Yesterday was our 6 month check up. She weighed 18lbs (90%) and was 28in (off the charts) and her head was in the 75%. She got her last set of shots until 12 months. The doctor's assistant was impressed as Teagen didn't cry at all during her shots. I even tried to offer my breast afterwards in case she needed some comfort, but she refused and just wanted to play :dohh: She actually cries more when we put clothes on her...

Tomorrow we are headed down the coast into California back to where I was born in order to pick up a squeeze shoot. While on the way I'm planning to have us stop at one of the beautiful spots on the coast and let Teagen have her first splash in the Pacific. We are also going to be starting baby swim lessons in a week or so. They are in the mornings when DH doesn't have to work, twice a week. So I think I'll let him take her to one and I'll go to the other.
Kiara has meat added in purrees (lunch today was puréed spaghetti bologna ish cooked with baby friendly stock cubes) or I have given her big chunks of meat to chew on and old - chicken breast or a slice of whatever the boys have. She mostly just chews it. I guess it's a meaty teethe!?

She doesn't always eat so well but if baby cereal is on offer she will :)

Well done Taegan on good size and weigh-in! Greg work mummy.
I can't wait to see where we are up to. It's like having an appraisal at work..have I squeezed enough milk etc in to her!? :) I think we are about 17 pounds but quite short. Bt that's just a guess :)

Enjoy the swimming lessons! Wish we had something like that.
Yes, swimming lessons would be so fun! There are a couple of pools around my house. I should really look into lessons for the whole family. Learning how to swim is invaluable and helps keep the kiddos safe. Not to mention, it's totally fun :)

I've been trying new foods with Max and he's such a character about food. He gags when he doesn't like something, and almost dry heaves :dohh: What a little drama prince! Apparently avocado is an acquired taste. I so hoped he'd like it. I did read that you have to expose a child to a new taste 3 times before knowing if they really like it or not. I'll keep trying, because I have a bunch of avocado in the freezer, smashed and ready to go!

Knock on wood, but last night was Max's best night of sleep EVER! HE actually made it 1am-6am without waking! I'm still exhausted, because I didn't go to bed until after 1am, but even with only 5 hours of sleep it makes SUCH a huge difference to sleep through. I hope he's on a roll and the stretch will get longer and longer. Yay Max :D
Yay max well done! now to work on you going to bed earlier!!

Kiara has been ill for the last few days. She got a bug from her brother - fever, sore throat. Very unhappy little lady. She would only sleep in my bed in my arms! Today she is mostly better and so I am hoping for better sleep myself :)
I think I'm in the two week wait, guys. DH and I dtd last night, and in the heat of the moment, we didn't use a condom. I didn't think I was near ovulation, so I didn't think it was a big risk. However, today I've had ovulation pain all day, and ewcm too. Sooooo we could possibly have made a baby last night.

At this point that's pretty terrifying lol. I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks!
Eeeep!! So exciting, Dragonfly! Are you hoping for another? If so, fingers crossed! I can't help but root for more little Dragons :haha:

As for me, I've been on the pill (Ortho tri-cyclen) Hating it, but feel confident in not having another. Don't get me wrong, that makes me a bit sad! Being "done" having babies is full of mixed emotions.

Helena, I hope Kiara is feeling better. Poor little miss :(

Mr Max is getting his first tooth! I felt the rough edge on his bottom gum. Poor guy. He's been way fussier than normal, but still such a sweet guy. I'm just loving the little boy he's becoming.
Helena, sorry to hear Kiara is ill. :( that's so hard! : (

Dragon--that's terrifying, I'm sure---but also how exciting!! DH and I have been discussing possibly only having one child. Right now, with how fussy and high-needs Camden has been, we don't know if we could handle another child. . .and on top of that, we've been really tight financially since having Camden, so are not sure we can afford another child until the income goes up a bit (maybe in a few years). I'm sure all of this will change at some point, but for now, we are on the pill and praying it works! ;)

Congrats on the first tooth wamommy! So exciting! Camden has been drooling tons--soaking the fronts of his shirts--and has a slight temp. . .so I'm wnodering if it's coming for him, too. Who knows.. . .

We're still struggling with naps these days. . I've ordered a book on a new sleep method so hopefully that comes soon and helps me out! Now, the only place I can get him to nap is on me after he has nursed and he only naps for like 15 minutes! :( He's sooooo tired. . .but nothing works--not even the CIO method (and believe me, I've tried. . .and I've felt horrible listening to him cry for so long. . .but he will cry for hours and never nap). . .I'm exhausted and feel so bad that he isn't getting the rest he needs. . but am very much at a loss with how to get him to nap? :( (BTW, he's a GREAT sleeper at night! I nurse him to sleep, lay him in his crib, he looks up at me, and goes to sleep and stays asleep for 10 hours!) I have no idea why he won't do that for naps!
I am amazed and impressed you have the energy for such passionate accidents :) there is no way in the world I am pregnant. I know that for a fact! Zzzzzzzz

hoping you get the result you want, either way :) it's exciting. And so much easier second time around :)

Kiara is feeling better after three days of being really unhappy, needy, sore throated and hot. She is back to eating heaps and being happy and lovely. :)

I am a bit jealous of your 10 hour nights I must say Sierra!!
Some days we have just two 20 minute naps. I think we are down to two naps now.

Loving how sweet max is :) I am also so deeply in love with Kiara and her happy sweetness. I think maybe in comparison to the bigger kids the babies seem so angelic!? Give them a year or two...hehe
Dragon - We will all be anxiously awaiting to hear back from you in two weeks. At least the twins would be over a year if you do end up pregnant. One of our friends is expecting another baby in January... their little boy was born Feb 5th of this year.

Wamommy - Max sounds like a darling. I'm glad that his sleep has somewhat improved.

Helena - I am sorry to hear the Kiara isn't feeling well, but glad to hear that she is still eating. How is that tooth coming along for her?

Sierra - That is a hard one. Teagen and I normally lay down on the bed together for naps. Right now she is in her crib fussing because she didn't want to sleep with me. We are doing gentle CC/CIO at bedtime so she knows what is what. I know how hard it is to listen to them cry. I hope that your new book can give you some advise.

Teagen's front bottom two teeth are officially through. You can really see them when she giggles so everyone here has been going out of their way to make her laugh. They are adorable. She was actually able to bite off chunks of an apple slice that I gave her today.

I opted for an IUD so hopefully it is working. Last month when I was throwing up (thanks to some mysterious stomach bug) I frantically sent DH a text asking him to pick up HPT just in case. Well, he didn't get the text before he came home so I never bothered. Pretty sure we're not. We will eventually try for another in the future, but not until our lives get sorted out a little bit more. DH is taking 8 weeks off in Sept-Oct to study to finish his BS. Then hopefully he'll be able to land a nice $80k/year.
Yikes, the last couple days have been rough with Max. The poor guy is miserable with his first tooth coming in. He doesn't really cry, per se, but rather wails like a really cute (but loud) zombie. It's kind of this rising and falling Aaahhhhhaaaaahhhh sound. He grabs an object (toy, my finger, his own hand) and feverishly chews on it while raising the volume. My girls never really struggled this much with teeth. I guess all babies are different, or I just forgot! :haha:

Sierra, how are naps coming along?

Dragon, how many days until you test? I'm so impatient! :dohh:
Aww--poor Max! Can you see the tooth yet wamommy? Hopefully there is an end in sight for the poor dear!

Naps are slowly taking shape. .. (hopefully!) The last two days I was able to get him down for an hour nap (which is HUGE for us!) I've been using a book called "The No Cry Nap Solution" It has a lot of helpful insights which I have been using. I've gotten these two naps in his swing, but this weekend I'm going to work really hard to try to get them in his crib. It's a bit harder with him in his crib because it's not as confined and cozy as the swing. . .I don't think he likes the open space. :(

He had his 6 month check up on Wednesday. He's still a little one at 15 lbs 3 oz. . but doctor said that's good for him. :) He is 26 inches long. What do your lo's weigh?
I can't quite see the tooth yet, but I can feel it with my finger. It's a little rough spot on an otherwise slippery gum. I'm hoping once it comes all the way through he gets some relief!

Good job with the naps, Sierra :) It sounds like you found the right solution for Camden. What a lucky little guy that you stick with it!!

We don't have our 6-month check-up until Aug 27th, because our Dr is out of town. I weighed Max a while ago on our home scale, and he was 19.6 pounds :blush: I hate to think what he'll be by his appointment! It sounds like Camden and Teagen's appointments went well. Yay! :)

Odd question, but do any of your LOs have tiny feet? I mean, obviously they have tiny feet, but TINY feet... even for a baby? Max is so big and has such little doll feet that people are starting to comment. Maybe the Japanese side? DH's mom wore a size 5.... but still. It looks a bit weird on his ham hock leg!
Thanks wamommy! We're trying! He's definitely been a very trying baby. . .my family has not quite seen a baby quite like him. . .lol. :haha: It makes him all that more special to me though. :)

You'll have to post a picture when that little tooth does show up---sooo darling!!

I can't help you with the little feet thing. . .Camden has big feet and really long fingers---people always comment on how big his hands and feet are. haha. . . I think all babies grow parts at different rates. My friends baby has a really small head compared to his body. :) I think it's just their individualness. However, I'm sure the Japenese side has a bit to do with it. I'm jealous---we all have huge feet over here! :haha:

Max's weight sounds perfect. .. I know Camden is only in like the 10th percentile or something. . . poor guy.

I'm trying to figure out what to do with DH. . .I think he feels a bit neglected. He keeps commenting how other people go out on dates and we don't . . .etc etc. The major reason why we haven't is because Camden has been so high needs. . .however, he is starting to get better with strangers, so I'm wondering if I need to step it up and make a date happen. (Though, truthfully, I'm really not looking forward to going out---I really don't want to be away from Camden. I mean, I want time with my husband, but I'm so attached to Camden, I worry if I'm ever away). . .However, I think it's really weighing on DH and I don't want our marriage to suffer. . . Any tips for a meaninful, yet maybe short date where I don't have to worry too much about baby and maybe where I don't have to pump while I'm out? Have any of you ladies been on dates with your DH yet?
I think a date night would be great for you and DH, Sierra! DH and I have gone out a handful of times without the babies...a few times when my mom and sister visited way back in February, once when DH's aunt was visiting, and once when DH's friend offered to babysit. Now my sister is living with us, so once she's comfortable watching both babies at once, I'm sure DH and I can have a date night once in a while.

I miss them when I'm gone, but I don't usually worry much. I guess I'm used to being away, as sad as that is, because of work. I had to take an overnight business trip Monday and Tuesday of this week, and that was my first night away from them. It was tough, but it was great coming home and seeing their big gummy smiles.

The twins are starting to get a bit of separation anxiety. When they're upset or in pain (they've been teething quite a bit lately), they only want me. This poses a problem when I'm at work or otherwise unavailable. I've been up a lot in the night recently because if they wake up and DH goes to them, they won't settle and end up awake for hours. If I go to them, usually I can just replace a pacifier or pat them on the back, and they go right back to sleep.

DH has been getting really annoyed with it, because he spends hours trying to make them happy, and they just whine and cry and get all worked up...then I walk in and hold them for one minute and they're perfectly fine. Even when I do the same thing he's tried 5 times unsuccessfully. He keeps saying "How do you DO that?!" when I'm able to soothe them in 1/50th the time it takes him. I don't know how to answer, because I'm not doing anything special, they just only want me for whatever reason. He thinks they're being stubborn and/or manipulative, and he gets irritated with them and sometimes yells at them or speaks very sternly. I'm hoping it's just a phase.
I think open space is a bit scarey for them too. I put Kiara down on her side. Always did. I imagine this takes away a bit of the feeling of being lost in a big open space? She is usually put down on her side with her comforter duck in her hands to fiddle with.

Being on his side may be worth a try if Camden really hates the open crib?

Kiara almost always turns to her tummy to sleep in the night. For a couple of nights I kept worrying but she sleeps so soundly that way...surely I don't need to keep turning her back? She cn roll to her back, though it is true she won't roll that way nearly as often as rolling back to front...I do wonder if she sometimes forgets how to go tummy to back....

We don't go on dates. I find inviting people to us, either for evening dinner when the kids are in bed, or for a daytime BBQ works well. That way we get grown up conversation, can have a drink if we want and feel like we are socializing and catching up with friends. And we don't need to find babysitters :) we haven't been on a date for the two of us. Honestly I don't feel the need, we spend every evening together as it is. I don't know if we would have anything non mundane to talk about on a date....
Socializing with others occasionally works well for us :)

Kiara's second bottom tooth is on the way through :)
Good luck with your teeth Max x
Haha his littl feet, cute! Are you sure it isn't just the chunky legs making them look teeny?
Hello Everyone!

Wamommy - Imagining poor Max as a teething zombie almost woke Teagen from her nap as I was shaking with laughter. Poor little guy. We've got two teeth on the bottom that have broken through and another that looks like it wants to join in the fun. She has bite marks on her hands from chewing on herself. Teagen has fairly big feet and opposible toes (okay, not really, but they are very flexy and work like fingers). Neither DH or I have really big feet, but hers are very long. I bet his look cute being tiny!

Sierra - Camden is a lucky little fellow to have such a mom as you. I'm glad that you are working through the nap issues. The past three days have been horrible with naps. I think it was because DH was home and Teagen doesn't like to nap if he is around... Daddy is just far too interesting.

DH and I managed to have a date night this week. It was our second since Teagen was born. We went to the local fair for about 4 hours after she went to bed. My parents came over and sat with her. I now have a huge bruise on my thigh from trying to tip the cage over on the "Zipper" which is a ride that DH and I both adore. Unfortunately this cage was smaller than ones we had previously been in and DH couldn't move so I had to do all the rocking.

Getting Teagen to sleep this past week has been an adventure. She can finally sit unassisted for 5 minutes or so while playing with toys. However... she wants to practice sitting... while BF, while sleeping, while doing anything. Is anyone else experiencing this? I've had to hold her torso down while changing her diaper because she tries to sit from the core rather than rolling to the side and then up.
HHS well done Taegan on sitting. It must be such fun to want to try it all the time! Lol. It is funny how when they master something new they want to try it all the time. (Though maybe it doesn't feel so funny in the middle of the night!?). Kiara can sit for a little while but can still wobble and fall at any moment and she can't pull herself from laying down to sitting yet. Her favourite peice of baby equipment has to be the blow up ring we have that she sits in and plays in. she is so happy sitting alone and with er toys. i even managed to have a little float on our lilo on the pool in our garden today (one of those self holding up pools, depth just to my thighs, not a proper swimming pool) while Kiara entertained herself in the shade of the parasol nearby. it felt such a luxury!
But oh we are having wriggly diaper changes! She managed to wriggle and get er foot in it today.,.and then while I shouted for DH to assist wiping her foot while I held her down she managed to get a hand free and somehow get that in the poop too!? Urgh. It was a bit of a three men and a baby moment. Chaos. Lol.

Ooh got to dash, its raining and the full washing line calls....
We don't have date night here either. We tried a couple of times to leave the girls with a friend and go out to lunch. We end up talking about the kids the whole time, anyhow! Our alone time is like Helena's. When the kids go to bed we stay up talking or watching a movie, and that's our time to reconnect.

Good job Teagen with sitting! What a strong girl :D Max still slumps forward or sideways in a super comical slow-motion face plant. I only have him practice on the bed or carpet so that it isn't painful :haha: It will be so nice when he can sit and play! The blow up right you have sounds super useful, Helena. Where did you get it?

I've been feeling really yucky the last few days. I think I may have mild food poisoning or something. It's not terrible, but I'm extra exhausted and have what my girls call "owie tummy." I'm hoping this passes soon! Also, Max has switched his sleep schedule yet again. He now gets up for the day at 6am! :dohh: Oh, how I can't wait until he sleeps 8-8.

Helena, picturing your poop fiasco cracked me up! Been there, been there... and I know how funny/terrible/chaotic those can be. It's like this but with different pictures. Same make. We love it. So easy to take outside too. Highly recommended for wobbly sitters :)

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