Valentines Babies, 2013!

Crawling? Yikes! Good job, Teagen! Max still has no interest. He gets on his stomach, is mildly amused for a minute or two, and then yells to be picked up or moved. He "swims" on the ground, but still hasn't lifted up his big belly. :haha:

Max loves those puffed things too. We buy a kind that's shaped like little hearts and he is finally getting the hang of picking them up. H eLOVES the vanilla ones, followed closely by "veggie dip" flavor. The problem is, he swallows them whole! :dohh: We tried the rice cracker thingies, but he kept snapping off too big of a piece and then gagging/choking on them. I think we're a month out for those.

I'm off to go garage saling for size 12 month clothes! All it takes is one good "score" sale to outfit Max for a whole season for less than $20. The season is running out, so wish us luck today!
Good luck! Funnily enough I went to a second hand sale (vide grenier they call it here, translates as "empty your loft") and got Kiara some winter bits today. Some gorgeous cardigans and jumpers. Now need trousers or winter dresses. :)

We are still nearly crawling but not quite. Kiara is on hands and knees, rocking as if revving up for a big crawl, or waving a hand around, but she keeps trying to stand her legs up, and with her hands on the ground I think she gets confused sbout the awkward position and gives up! She is so close though. Kind of excited bout her moving but terrified gets busy then...stairs...reminding kids to shut baby gates...aaaaargh!
Well done Taegan, so strong :) clever girl! Don't feel bad about the bruise, there will be many more to come I bet :)
Camden isn't near crawling yet, either. He moves his arms and legs, but can't get on his knees yet. .. nor can he lift his belly off of the floor. For now, he is content to "swim" in circles on the floor. . . :) And still no teeth!

DH is battling a cold right now, and I'm desperately wiping down everything in the house multiple times a day trying to keep Camden and I from getting it. Wish me luck! ;)
Any luck at the garage sales, wamommy? I love finding good bargains on baby clothes!
Pretty sure Kiara's clingy ness is a mix of getting too used to mummy running to her in the night and cuddling her (after all mummy is the best person in the world according to K) and her top teeth coming in. She was v teary last night and even mummy cuddles wouldn't always help. Then while eating today she just started crying for no reason :(
Tried her on some new foods lately. She loves egg yolk, and she loes cheese. Both a bit early maybe, but in small amounts. She also ate chunks of tomatoes and cucumber and plums direct from our garden which made me feel all warm and smug :)
DS has 5 year check p today, he is big, 90%tile for weight and over 95%tile for height!
Any luck at the sales wamommy?
I didn't find anything at the sales. :( It's ok, though. I'll probably just buy a 12-month lot off of Craigslist or ebay. Anything is cheaper than buying things new at the store! I buy onesies new, though, because most used ones at this age are pretty stained... :haha:

Good luck keeping Camden well, Sierra! That's so tough. It seems that no matter how diligent you are, if they're going to get it, they'll get it. It's still worth doing, though, because a sick baby is so tough.

Helena, I'm sorry to hear Kiara is having a tough time. :( Max is going through this too. I was actually surprised when he let my Mom hold him for a good hour yesterday. He wouldn't let my godmother or anyone else hold him, though. :dohh:

Very cool about the garden, Helena! I wish we had one. I've thought about doing that, and even picked out the perfect place in our yard, but as with so many projects I just never got around to it. Maybe this spring!

It was my Mom's 60th birthday yesterday and she had a wonderful get together with close family. It was really fun, but a little tough not to blurt out that I'm pregnant! We'll wait until 12 weeks, or at least until after the ultrasound. They made vegetarian chili and while it would probably have been delicious, I had a really hard time politely eating a whole bowl so they wouldn't suspect anything! :sick:
Wow on the new foods helena! We're still diong purees here. . .Hoping to venture into soft veggies soon. . .

wamommy--sorry to hear you didn't score at the sales! We have a local facebook group of moms here that always post clothes to sell. . .so I usually post saying that I need a certain size and there is usually always someone who is willing to sell that size. Maybe they have something like that in your area? Good job eating the chili through the nausea! That's so hard! I can't wait until you can tell them! When is your ultrasound again?
I remember when my brother had announced the pregnancy with his fourth baby. My mum just said "guess what.." To which I replied "they're not pregnant again!?.." Hehe. They have 4 girls. Crazy house.

Yes I am very happy with a kiara and her eating. As long as the pieces are small enough for her to not choke on I am trying her on almost anything, if its too difficult she can just spit it out. She much prefers peices of food to purée though, at least with savouries. at lunch she ignored my spoon waving in front of her face and got stuck into cheese and tomato pieces instead. Maybe she is telling me to go BLW!? I do help her get the, into her mouth if she finds it tricky sometimes - slippery bts of fruit are tricky. Maybe BLW wouldn't do this? I don't just kind of going with whatever feels right, blindly slightly but she seems ok with it :)
she still loves baby porridge and any fruit or desert off a spoon. Seems its just savory pieces she prefers. Or banana. She will only eat this is pieces, not purée.. Funny little lady.

Tat Facebook group sounds great Sierra. I am in a similar one here that has things to give away. A thinking of getting rid of my baby stuff there. If only I could post you boy clothes wamommy!!
How big of pieces do you usually give her? I'm kind of scared to start giving pieces of food to Camden. :blush: I was going to try to start with cooked green beans. .. Do I cut them in half or way smaller than that?
Guess the pieces i staretd on are the size of a thumb nail maybe or a stamp.
I imagine her throat size and assume something that big wont block it...bit of a graphic way of coming up with it maybe!?
But if she can swallow it whole if needs be then i assume it won't do any harm. The biggest issue we ever have is food getting stuck in the roof of her mouth, it is really deep up there and she hasn't the tongue control to hook things out yet. I often have to scoop bread out for her. Toasted bread is best, doesn't get stuck the same I found.
Though i do give her bigger bits now, whole baby biscuits, a slice of toast cut into three, or a finger of banana, but I am sure she is chewing and moving food around well.

Sometimes she does cough if a bit of the food goes to the back too early, but coughing is ok - it means she is breathing. They aren't choking unless they can't breathe, if that makes sense. In the same sense that if someone has something stuck and is coughing, we should never pat them on the back, as it may lodge the lump - the fact they are coughing is good, they can move it themselves. I remember that from a first aid course once.
My first son once nearly choked on one of those baby rice cakes. I held him upside down and it came out. Have never given any of my three those rice cakes again, they scare me now!

Broccoli florets are a big hit, try those first maybe? Cooked so the flowery bits can be sucked off. And the green face and fist of broccoli makes for a cute photo :thumbup:
Thanks helena! I appreciate the tips! I'll let you know how it goes! I'm so paranoid of the choking. . . I hope it goes better than I have envisioned in my mind. . . :dohh:
It's ok, Sierra, this is #3 and I'm still panicky about choking. I give Max little rice puffs and tiny bits of food, but I've found I make them too small and then he can't pick them up! :blush: I like the ideas Helena gave, and I think I'll try some of them. What's funny is, Max won't eat pureed banana either, he much prefers if I scoop banana out of the peel with a spoon and feed it to him. Maybe it has more texture? I think I'll try the broccoli tonight!

My ultrasound isn't until October 9th. I think that's only a little over 2 weeks away! I can't believe it. I'm expecting my family to try to be supportive, but I know I'll read concern and a little annoyance on all of their faces.

Speaking of that, a woman in Costco really hurt my feelings today. We were sitting down to eat a piece of pizza after shopping and DD#2 (who is 3) was excitedly running toward me and ran in front of someone's cart. They had to stop short and the man just smiled. The woman being him, however, said in a very mean way with her face scrunched up, "I guess it's time to stop having 'em, huh?" and rolled her eyes. I wanted so badly to say something in return, but bit my tongue. What a bitter lady!
Wow wamommy- that's horrible! What a rude lady! I always smile at little kids when they do that sort ofthing... they're just being kids! Argh... don't let her get you down.. that's just so awful!

Excited for your ultrasound- you'd better post pictures! :)
I will post pics for sure! :)

I'm trying not to let that mean lady get me down, but it was so shockingly rude that I can't stop thinking about it. I just keep telling myself I should feel sorry for her, because she's obviously a very unhappy person. I always smile when kids do that too. In fact, one thing that had always kept me going is the knowing and warm smiles of other mothers (especially older ones) who look at me struggling with a screaming toddler or a diaper explosion in the grocery store. Some stop me and say things like, "this will pass. Enjoy it while it lasts, as hard as that seems right now. You're doing a great job." I won't let this lady ruin it for all of the amazing and supportive strangers I've met!

Max is finally napping. I'm off to pick up the disaster area that is my kids' playroom!
Sierra, we have found that mesh bags work really well for Teagen when my parents and grandmother are around. They are paranoid about her choking when I give her whole pieces of food. Thankfully they are getting better and I am adding to Teagen's diet. My only problem is I have a terrible phobia about being sticky. As in it can cause me to go into a panic attack. Thankfully I've been able to control it and typically am able to run Teagen a bath and plop her in it immediately after a messy food has been consumed.

For breakfast Teagen typically eats some applesauce and a piece of toast, very lightly toasted. Or if we have fresh fruit (aka the millions of cantaloupe from the garden) I will leave some long spears that she can hold onto and she'll eat that. She is also fond of raw zucchini, cucumbers, avocados, baked/BBQ/seared chicken, pickles (only problem is the skin gets stuck), bananas and her puff snacks. It is going to be pear season here soon so I am looking forward to letting her have some pears. Within the next couple of weeks I think she'll have mastered her pincer grasp and we'll start playing with really small foods like peas.

Like Helena said the coughing/gagging is good. When she eats chicken she tends to get WAY too much in her mouth, but her tongue will push out what she can't handle. It is somewhat gruesome to watch, but it works! 8 months old today! It seems an age ago that I drove myself (bonkers!,) to hospital.

What a rude woman wamommy!! I think people must genuinely forget what kids are like. Or maybe she never had any. Silly woman.
Helena, how cute and grown up Kiara looks! She always looks so pleased. :) I love that high chair, by the way. It looks so easy to clean!

Dragon, I wouldn't worry about a bfn at 8dpo. Keep us posted, though! I'm excited to see what happens this month! :dance:
That's why I love it wamommy. Is the cheapest around (ikea) and so practical and easy to clean :)
Thanks Kellen! I've thought about trying those mesh bags.. . now need to go pick some up!

Beautiful picture helena! What a doll!

Dragon--8dpo is early yet. .. keep testing and keeping us updated--fingers crossed for you!!! So exciting!

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