Valentines Babies, 2013!

Helena - Good luck with the plane! Hopefully Miss K will be charming for everyone. :)

Dragon - Oooh! Good luck. I wish I had your energy. :rofl: I can hardly manage a good night kiss with DH before one of us passes out.

Wamommy - I could have used a glass of wine or a bottle of cider last night. Now I am sitting on the bed letting Teagen bang on my computer while I use DH's to finish up the paper. Only 3 pages to go! If only this paper wasn't worth 40% of my grade I'd just forget it and take a nap. Sorry to hear you are sick.
Dragon - Oooh! Good luck. I wish I had your energy. :rofl: I can hardly manage a good night kiss with DH before one of us passes out.

Surprisingly, I find it very relaxing and it improves my mood dramatically when we DTD often. I always forget this and end up avoiding it because I'm tired. :haha: Then we finally get around to it and I'm like "oh yea, I forgot this is fun!"

Out of the last 12 days, we've DTD 8 times...I think that's more often than any time since we first started dating!
I'm doing alright. Our weekend was pretty mellow, because I'm still SO sick. Now I know what people are talking about when they have morning sickness. I've had 10 minute waves of it in other pregnancies, but nothing like this. I feel super yucky all day and all night, and I can barely eat anything. I force some food down, but have already lost 7 pounds. :( I'm considering asking my OB for some anti nausea meds. I think DH is getting irritated with me. Ugh. Roll on, second tri!

Dragon, what dpo are you now?? I will have to count down with you. Are you excited?

Helena, how was your trip?

Sierra, how was the music festival?

Kellen, did you get your paper turned in?

Hope all is well with everyone :D
I'm sorry you feel so sick! I really recommend Zofran (ondansetron) if you ask your doctor for nausea meds. I was on it from about 7 weeks until about 28 weeks with the twins. The only side effect was constipation, but it was WORTH IT because it made my life bearable. I was so sick that I couldn't have functioned without it.

I'm not any dpo yet :( I really thought I was ovulating yesterday or Saturday, but I never got a positive OPK, and no temp rise. DH and I were DTD every day for over a week, but now he's been in a bad mood since yesterday afternoon, so I bet he's not going to want to tonight. I feel like I'll have wasted all that effort if we miss it now :haha:
Aww sorry you are so sick wamommy! Sucking on lifesavers helped me somewhat. . .not completely but it got me through! :flower:

The music festival was TONS of fun! And for the first time since Camden was born, I think I felt FREE :haha: It felt great to see a little glimpse of the person I used to be (musician, got to get all dressed up with makeup and everything!) insted of just "mommy" (which I love, but it was a nice break). :) For once, I got to wear a pretty outfit without spit up all over it! :rofl:

Only downfall was that whenever we were on stage, Camden SCREAMED and cried. The grandmothers both had him and he cried for BOTH of them. . .the entire time. Almost 2 hours straight. The seperation anxiety is soooo out of control. I'm not sure what to do. NO ONE can hold him except DH and I without him crying. . .and he even cries with DH if I am near.

As far as the MIL vs my mom debate. . . they both did a good job. . .although MIL gets overwhelmed easily. She'll tell me that "everything went just fine!", then tell DH that Camden is "SO LOUD". She left immediately after she gave him back to us. . .instead of enjoying the festival. I just think he's too much for her. . .and that just worries me when she watches him. BUT, it did help that my mom helped her on one of the days (my mom was only there one day), and my mom said that she thinks MIL does a good job and I should lay off a bit :haha: . .. I still have my reservations, but it helps to be chastised by mom a bit. ;)

Any help with the seperation anxiety? It's getting soooo hard. We even tried for a babysitter last week and it wouldn't work because he screamed the entire time. :(
I'm glad the festival was fun, Sierra! Sorry to hear Camden had such a hard time being away from you. Unfortunately, I don't have much advice, because Lily is going through this too! She seems to cry anytime anyone looks at her unless it's me, DH, or my sister. On the other hand, Gunnar is happy to smile and laugh at anyone...maybe we should ask him his secret! :haha:

Funny story...on Saturday, we took the babies to the park. It was a gorgeous day, sunny and mild, just perfect. The babies played on the swings for a little while, then we went over to check out those little rocking horse things with the big you know what I'm talking about? So I put Lily on one of them, but she kept sliding backward, so I figured I could sit behind her to help her stay on. '

BAD IDEA! Apparently these things aren't made for adults, because as soon as I put my weight on it, the spring flexed all the way backward and dumped us on the ground! The rocker had a hard plastic tail on the back, so there I am on my back with my legs in the air, and this rocker thing stuck under me, and the spring is bent all the way down, so I was afraid to try to roll off of it, because it would fly back up and possibly injure us.

Luckily, when I felt myself start to fall, my instinct was to clutch Lily to my chest, so she didn't even know anything was wrong. She was smiling like it was part of the game lol. I had no idea what to do, I was like "help!" :rofl:

My sister took the baby, and DH helped me up, and now I have a bruise the size of a baseball on my tailbone and a funny story to tell.
LOL :rofl: My DH did that with one of those things at the park a couple of years ago. Luckily he wasn't holding the baby, because he went over forward!! :haha: I'm sorry about your bruise, but it's almost worth the funny story (and the mental image for us!)

Sierra, I'm happy the festival went well :D It sounds like both your mom and mil did the best they could and gave you some time to reconnect to the "old you." I know it's hard to hear Camden scream, but it's SO important to remind yourself that you are still YOU, and not just Mom. Don't get me wrong, being Mommy is the very best role I could ever ask for, but it's ok (and even good) to wear many different hats. I think that makes you a BETTER Mom, because you're a happy, well-rounded person.

As for separation anxiety, I don't know what to tell ya. Max isn't really wary of strangers, but he's been so incredibly fussy lately that I don't know what's going on. He fusses with DH if I'm in the room, and he fusses with me if I'm not doing whatever it is that he needs right this second. I think it's still the teeth coming in, since they haven't quite emerged yet. As far as strangers, I think only about 5 people have ever held Max besides us, and out of those 5 he only cried for one of them. He's great with my Mom. DD#1 had it terribly, though. I remember feeling like, "really? I can't hand her off for two seconds to pee? Sheesh..." Eventually it passed, though. Hang in there :hugs:
Ah I am so mad!! :growlmad:

Last night, DH had to go to a meeting at 7pm. He usually gets home at about 9:30-10pm. After the kids were in bed, I fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until 12:45, and he still wasn't home. I started getting worried and called his cell, but he didn't answer. I was up until 2am pacing around the house anxiously, trying to call him every 10 minutes.

Finally I fell into a fitful sleep until 6, and I got up to find him asleep on the couch. I woke him up, and he said the meeting ran late until midnight, and then he stayed after to work on some project. He said his phone never rang, and he didn't call me because he thought I would be asleep. No, I was sitting in bed crying because I thought you were dead, dummy! I was trying to figure out what I was going to do in the morning if he still wasn't home. Call the police? Call his family? Call around to all the hospitals? I was a wreck.

He tells me I'm being overly dramatic for getting so worried. I asked him to call me in the future if he's going to be late. He said "I didn't know I was going to be late!"


Ugh!!! :wacko:
Dragon - Men are obtuse sometimes. My DH did that to me once when I was pregnant. The epic tears cured him of that... it didn't help that he was riding a motorcycle in Atlanta rush hour traffic and there had been a report on the traffic radio about a motorcycle who was killed. That wasn't very considerate of him. I go through the same thought process as well so you are not alone.

But the image of you tipping over backwards with Lily is priceless! I think I'll learn from your funny and not do that with Teagen. However, I learned that you can stop a plastic baby swing with your head... It hurts and it will leave a lump. In my defense I was "eating" Teagen's toes and making her giggle.

Sierra - I am so glad that you were able to reconnect with yourself. It is important to still be YOU while also being a mommy. For me my school helps me do this. Teagen doesn't understand about economic efficiency so it is nice to converse with real adults.

Wamommy - Your morning sickness sounds absolutely horrible. I hope your doctor is able to give you something for the nausea. Maybe it is twins since it is so bad?

About 10 minutes after Teagen got me up this morning I got a text from a mommy that we had donated milk to asking us if we wanted to join a mommy/baby group that she is trying to start. I am really looking forward to connecting with some local moms. I think Teagen will have a great time with other babies. She loves to follow big kids around so it will be interesting to see how she reacts to the other little ones.

Yes, I finished my paper. It was due at 3pm (instead of 4pm like it had been for the past 3 years!). I managed to turn it in exactly at 3. It was close and not really polished, but better to turn it in.

I love being with my DH, but I am looking forward to being home. He said coming with him would be like a vacation for me. Instead it is more work because I don't have a built in support system here like I do at home. If Teagen is fussy there is just me to distract her instead of my mom, dad or grandma. It has been good to be with him, but I don't think he knows how much more work it has been. That being said we did go to the Oregon Zoo on Saturday and it was awesome! We took Teagen into the Lorakeet exhibit and she LOVED it. She is all about birds and getting to see the colorful ones up close and personal was thrilling for her.
Dragonfly, I would be livid! I agree with Kellen. Men are obtuse sometimes. They act like we're weird for getting upset about things like this. Umm... we'd be crazy not to! I take it you didn't dtd then? :haha: Maybe tonight, since OV has got to be close, right??

Kellen, I'm glad you got your paper turned in. Phew :D I also know what you mean about missing your own home. Even the most fun vacation or family time sometimes makes me exhausted, and I miss my own bed and my own routine. Add a baby in there, and double that. It's great that you had some time with DH, though :) I love Portland, and have been meaning to take a trip there for a couple of years. It's only 2.5 hours from my house! We actually drove down when I was pregnant with DD to buy our stroller and car seat, to avoid sales tax. :haha:

I'm about to call the Doctor to find out how my test results came back. They always say, "we'll let your Doctor know you called and have a nurse get back to you," and then it's like 6 hours before I hear anything. They did an HCG 48 hour test, because of my history of miscarriages, and also a thyroid test. I'm pretty sure I passed the street drugs test with flying colors, though. :dohh:
Haha, no we didn't dtd last night...maybe tonight, but my temp went up this morning, so I'm pretty sure I O'ed yesterday. Not having any fertile signs today. If yesterday was the day, not sure of our chances. We didn't bd the day of or the day before, but we did two and three days before, so maybe.

Good luck with your test results!
Doesn't the egg live for 12-24 hours after ovulation? It could still happen! :D

I called on the results and got the response I expected. I am now waiting by the phone. :dohh:

As for your remark about twins, Kellen, that is SO not funny. :winkwink: While dragon can probably attest to twins being awesome, I really don't think I could handle babies #4 and #5 together with the other 3! One baby in there is still sinking in... :haha:
Yes twins are awesome. Also, difficult.


I wouldn't trade it for anything, but if they were # 4 and 5 rather than 1 and 2, I'd probably have a coronary!
I finally got a call back!

Thyroid (specifically TSH) was 3.87 Normal range is .24-2.99... but I don't like it. They want to leave my dosage where it is, but I think I'll call tomorrow and ask them to raise it. Hypothyroidism in pregnancy can cause all SORTS of problems. High TSH=low actual thyroid in your blood, so I want my numbers a bit lower. I'll call tomorrow and figure it all out. Ugh...

On a better note, HCG on Thursday (at 7w1d) was 109,000 and then on Saturday (7w3d) was 120,000. From what I just googled, however accurate it is :dohh:, my levels at 7-8 weeks should be between 7,650-229,000. Quite the range!! Luckily I'm smack dab in the middle. I'd say that rules out twins, but also rules out a failing pregnancy. I still don't think I'll believe it until I see the little thing dancing around in there on October 9th!

In other news, we bought a van! Our old one is just too small now, and with another baby we need a full size van. It's not my favorite van in the world, but it's big and safe, so I love it for now :D
Hi ll,
It's been a busy weekend back in England. Kiara was Angel at my parents and on the flights :) the only BIG issues have is sleep regression..she keeps waking at any time of night for hour long stretches. Maybe once or twice a night. Urgh.
She is happy waking, think she thinks its time to play. Am getting tired!
I read about the 8 month sleep regression, am hoping it is that early and it will soon be over!....

Oh, crying baby, will write more soon, it was great reading ll your updates!...x
helena, I'm so glad Kiara did so well on your trip!! Sorry to hear about the sleep regression, I'm sure it will pass soon.

wamommy, those are great hcg numbers! I hope they get your thyroid levels back to normal. Congrats on the new van :D

The twins are 9 months old today! :happydance: This morning while I was pumping, Lily woke up and was playing quietly and singing to herself for a while. When she got sick of waiting, she went through every word she knows to try to get our attention.

Dadadadada....mum mum mum...hungry...change...UP!!

It was so cute :D
Wow great words!!! None here. Clever babies :)
Happy 9 months, Dragon twins!! Well done with the words, too. :D That's amazing! Max may have said Mama in context the last few days, but I'm not completely convinced. The only thing he says for sure is when I am playing with him I say "Yaaaaaaay" in a very high pitched and sing-songy way. He copies the sounds right after I say it and says "aaaaaaaay" in the same tone. It's the cutest thing ever.

Helena, I'm glad the trip went well and Kiara was such a star. I'm sorry to hear about the sleep regression, though. :( I didn't know there was an 8 month regression. Yipes! Max is already such a crummy sleeper. I hope Kiara gets back to her normal routine soon. :flower:
Happy 9 Months to the Dragon Twins! I can't believe that they are almost a year old. Lily sounds adorable with her words. Such a smart girl for knowing that you can't resist hearing her expansive vocabulary.

And good job Kiara for being such a good girl on the plane. I hope that the sleep situation works itself out soon. Random night wakings aren't too much fun for anyone. Hopefully she is just working on a skill and will master it soon so you can continue to sleep!

Wamommy - I am glad to hear that all your levels are normal. And no, I wouldn't purposefully wish twins on anyone... especially someone with an infant and two older kids. One extra one will be more than enough. Only 20 more days until you get to see your hopping little bean.

Yesterday if I put Teagen on her tummy on the floor she would shout with anger. Today if I put her on her tummy on the floor she crawls. :shrug: That was fast... she went from not caring about crawling to suddenly lunging across the floor to getting on her hands and knees and going two or three "steps." She now has a bruise on her head from where she crashed into the sink because she was so excited. I feel like a bad mommy. But very proud of her. And she is getting a hang of the pincer grip and easily feeds herself "Happy Puffs." So far banana is the favorite. Not a fan of the sweet potato and kind of meh about the strawberry.

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