Valentines Babies, 2013!

Lily got her first tooth today! :happydance:

Just like with Gunnar, we found out when she bit DH with it! :rofl:
Hooray Lily! That is exciting. Your poor DH might be twice bitten once shy?
Haha he keeps telling me he's not going to let them chew on his fingers anymore, but so far that hasn't worked out well for him :haha:
We're still waiting on teeth here :dohh: Max slept a little better last night, so I'm thinking maybe he was just fighting off his sisters' cold. It could also be the pears he ate a couple of days ago. He LOVED them, so I let him eat a ton! Maybe pears don't agree with him?

I have my intake appointment today, too :D I think it's just a ton of papers to sign and hand-outs to take home. I'm hoping they at least do bloods today. It's not with the ob, it's with their paperwork lady, so I don't have to worry about concerned glances today!! :haha:
No teeth here either wamommy! Maybe it's a boy thing? Camden is taking his time with everything it seems. .. lol. . .I still have only seen him roll from back to front TWICE and that was in July! :haha:

I hope the intake appt goes well! So exciting! You'll have to start posting bump pics for us soon! ;)

I'm getting off of work early today to go buy diapers and wipes to last us through the weekend festival we are performing at. It's hard packing for a baby! I just found out it's supposed to be 48 degree Farhenheit when we perform too. . .so I'm trying to figure out what to pack for clothes for Camden since he'll be outside watching us play! I doubt he'll keep gloves on. .. and socks don't stay on well. . .sleepers would be took cold for diaper changes since we'd have to completely undress him. . .I'm going a bit crazy because we already pack a lot to perform anyways (instruments, equipment, performance clothes, etc). . .and packing a baby for two days outside with baby food and all of his needs met is a bit overwhelming! :wacko:
Good luck at your intake appointment, wamommy. I'm glad Max is sleeping better, and that he didn't catch the cold!

Sierra- that does sound difficult to pack for! I hope your performance goes great :)

Gunnar has finally started sleeping through the night again after about a month of waking up at ~3am every day. Now I put them down to sleep at about 9pm, and they wake up at about 7am. Sometimes Gunnar falls asleep as early as 7, and then he wakes up at about 5-6, and sometimes Lily fights sleep until 10, and then she sometimes sleeps until 8.

Anyone else use the swing to put your baby to sleep? Lily almost always falls asleep in my arms with her last bottle, but Gunnar doesn't usually want to be held to fall asleep...he also won't go to sleep if we put him in bed awake. He will only fall asleep in the bouncy seat or in the swing. I'm afraid of what will happen when he gets too big for it!
Camden only naps in the swing. . .won't nap anywhere else. I'm also afraid what happens when he gets too big for it!
Yes, Sierra, how can someone so little need SO many things for 2 days?? It's really amazing, isn't it? The festival sounds wonderful, though. I hope it's a blast, and that your Mom and MIL work well together to meet all of Camden's needs. I can't wait to hear about it!

Dragon, Max almost always has to be in my arms in order to fall asleep. That, or the car seat. If we drive somewhere he's usually asleep within the first 5 minutes! :haha: We sold our swing after DD#2 (when we thought we were finished having babies :dohh:) and never bought another one. Something tells me Max would love it, though.

My "bump" pictures would be pretty boring so far! I had about 7-8 pounds to lose still from Max's pregnancy, but pretty nasty all day sickness has made me lose about 4 pounds already! I'm hoping this passes. I've never been sick like this with any pregnancy. I usually turn into quite the eater! :haha: I do have the awesome end-of-the-day bloat each evening, though. So sexy :dohh:
wamommy---sorry you are so sick. :( Maybe it's TWINS! ;)

Blaot is still exciting. . . a proper bump is on it's way!
Maybe it's TWINS! ;)

That would be... terrifying! :haha: There aren't any twins in my family, and I haven't been on any fertility meds, so the chances are SO small. Still, Dragon can probably tell you it DOES happen!!
Glad to hear chances are small! My Aunt and Uncle were twins and my MIL is a twin. . .chances don't look as good for me! :haha:
Haha! Something to consider when you decide to TTC again! :winkwink:
Haha, yes it does happen!

There are a few sets of twins in my family. Two of my second cousins, my aunt, and my great great grandmother had twins. All on my dad's side. That sounds like a lot, but it's not much more than the actual average...about 3% of my relatives.

I didn't even know about all of them before I got pregnant...I don't really know my second cousins that well, and I actually thought they had identical twins (they each had a set of girls). My aunt gave up her twins for adoption when they were born (before I was born), and apparently it was a big family secret. I didn't find out about it until I was in my 20s. I only found out about my great great grandmother at my baby shower! :haha:

Beware, you may have a family history you don't know about!
Oh, my! How funny that there are twins in your family that you didn't know about. That's the thing about statistics, though... if it's YOU it happens to, your odds are 100%! :haha:

My appointment went well. It was mostly paperwork, with a bunch of forms to sign and information to give me and questions to ask me. I also had SEVEN vials of blood drawn...:sick: My daughters wanted to watch, so they came back into the room to see me get "poked." They were VERY fascinated, and the nurse did a great job not giving away why we were there. She just told them it was to "make sure your Mama is healthy." :thumbup: I also scheduled my first real appointment along with an ultrasound! They are both on October 9th. I'll be 11 weeks, so there should be a lot to see!

Max has been a bit better today, and I think I know why! DH spotted two identical white spots under his gums in the bottom front. I'd say they'll poke through in the next day or two. They are right there! How weird that they are both coming in together. Is that normal?
Teagen's bottom two teeth almost came in at the same time. The one on the left poked through a day before the one on the right. For us I guess it was normal? I don't know... I've never had a baby get teeth before. I'm glad to hear that everything went okay at your appointment. Twins... oh wow. Just wow. Don't have too much fun considering that.

On DH's side of the family every generation has had at least one set of twins... except this one. All of his siblings are finished having children... except us. My MIL is praying fervently that when we TTC again that we have twins. I say no. One is more than enough for me. My grandma keeps asking me if I wish Teagen had had a twin so that I wouldn't have to spend so much time entertaining her. If one is this much work how would I cope with an additional one?

Anyways I have a 15 page paper calling out to me. Only 7 more pages to go!
Hi all,

hope you are ok. sorry you havent felt great wamommy. I hated those sicky weeks, it was so bad with Kiara..

have been busy this week settling our bys into school. so far so good. They still mildly object each morning, but no tears. its a lot for them to take in - new school, new friends, new language (for my 3 year old atleast). They are doing good on the whole.

i am flying with Kiara again tomorrow. Only one hour and fifty minutes. but its a small plane and she is so loud when she wants to be...wish me luck!!!

Have a good weekend all xx
Good luck on the plane, helena!

Ooh, that's exciting about Max's teeth, wamommy. I hope he doesn't have any pain with them.

I think I'm ovulating today or tomorrow...DH and I have been DTD every single day for almost a week. :haha:
Kellen, I hope your paper turned out well! I used to love staying up and writing all night. If I got really stuck I would have a glass of wine and suddenly I was SO creative! :haha:

Helena, I hope the plane trip goes well. I'll cross my fingers that Kiara naps for you! I'm also glad school is going well for the boys. :D

Dragonfly, I'm excited for this tww for you! I can't wait 9 or 10 days to start seeing your tests! I'll send some good baby-making vibes your way. :dance:

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