Valentines Babies, 2013!

Poor Max! Sorry he's feeling yucky, I hope he feels better soon.

Kellen- Wow, I wonder why your MIL told him that someone else hit her? I always get so frustrated when misunderstandings like that happen...if only people could be rational all the time!

Yay for Kiara's third tooth! Ugh, I hate it when anyone criticizes my parenting...they really have no right. Sorry you had a fight with your brother!
Kellen, I think your reaction was appropriate. After all, it was just a black eye. Yes, it's an injury to a baby and worrisome to parents, but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't a large-scale cover up like your DH seems to believe, lol. At least his reaction came from a place of love, however misdirected. Did you ever play that game called "telephone" when you were younger? One person whispers a sentence into another child's ear and it continues down the line. Once the whole class has had a turn the last person says the sentence out loud. It is almost NEVER the same as the sentence was in the beginning. It sounds like your MIL and DH were playing telephone. :haha:

Helena, it's great to hear from you! Congrats on a third tooth. :D I hope it hurries in so that Kiara can get some relief. I'm really sorry to hear about your brother. Attacking your parenting hits a nerve with a sledge hammer, I know. Why do people do that? I'm sure we ALL do things that others could criticize, but we're doing the very best we know how, and criticizing how you raise your kids is mean. I'm really sorry he upset you so much.

Well, I have Max's cold now too. :dohh: I don't know why I didn't catch it when the girls had it. It's been coming on the last few days, but I've been in denial. Today I'm completely stuffed up, with a sore throat. Not cool! I will try the humidifier with drops tonight. Max seems ever-so-slightly better, so we'll see how it goes!

Random question... what kind of diapers do you use? I have always been a believer in Huggies, but DH really likes Luv's (which I hate). He says they stop the poop explosions out the back... but I don't buy it. I woke up from a much-needed nap today to DH yelling at me about how he hates our diapers and we should only use Luv's. What a random thing to yell at me about. I think he was just looking for some excuse to be a butt and that's all he could come up with.
We use all kinds of different diapers- pretty much everything EXCEPT Huggies and Pampers because they are too expensive! :haha:

Lately we've been using Pure 'N Gentle (my favorite), Luv's, and Parent's Choice (Walmart brand). Luv's were terrible in size 1, but size 2 seems to work fine for Lily. Gunnar is in size 3 and is using Parent's Choice right now. I really prefer Pure 'N Gentle for size 3, but we ran out and I haven't placed another Amazon order yet. Unfortunately, Gunnar has been blowing out/leaking through his diapers almost every day since we started using the Parent's Choice...but we got a case of them at one of my baby showers, so we have to use them up.

We've also used Up & Up (Target brand), Walgreens brand, and Shopko brand.
Kellen---argh! Why would MIL tell DH that?! Hopefully DH calmed down after he got the facts!. .. That's so frustrating. ..

wamommy--I'm sorry you are sick too now! :( Hopefully it's a short-lived cold!

We use Pampers Sensitive diapers---they are the only ones that don't give Camden a horrible bloody rash (seriously, Huggies and regular Pampers made a rash so bad that it was peeling and bloody. . .poor guy. :( ) I've ordered some Earth's Best natural diapers to try, mainly because I could get free shipping on them on Amazon. :) So, once those come, I'll have to see how they work! :)

PS--we still get the poop explosions out the back. :)
Haha, it sounds like the poop explosions are unavoidable! From what I've researched, most parents say that it only stops once baby is on mostly solids and the poop changes to a thicker texture. (sorry, gross!) We buy Huggies at Costco, and they're 17 cents a diaper that way. Up and Up beats that slightly at 15 cents a diaper. If I buy them in small quantities at the regular store the price goes up to 24-25 cents a diaper! I think DH was just having a "poor me I had to change another poopy sleeper" moment, and we'll probably stick with Huggies.

Sierra, Camden's rash sounds so painful!! DD#1 had a rash like that, and we discovered it was from her wipes. Actually, it was from DH wiping too hard, but don't tell him I said that. :haha: Once we switched to no perfume, sensitive skin wipes, we've never had a problem. I'm glad you found a diaper that works!

I just showered, and it's after noon. :dohh: I think today is going to be a lazy day. I have to make lunch, but then I may plop down on the couch with Max and watch cartoons with my 3-year-old.
17 cents a diaper is pretty good! I try to stay around 15-17 cents...unfortunately, we don't have Costco near us. We have Sam's, but I don't have a membership. I should see how their prices are, maybe we know someone who has a card.
wamommy--we switched to sensitive wipes too. . . Camden is just sensitive all around! :)

Did you ladies know when your period was returning? I've been having cramps for over a week now, along with headaches, craving junk food, etc, and keep thinking she's going to show up, but nothing. . . :shrug: I'm getting really annoyed. .. I just want it to show up instead of pestering me with these annoying cramps! :haha:
Mine came back so fast postpartum that I had no break between pp bleeding and I'm not much help! I have noticed that my PMS symptoms have been worse than they were before I got pregnant, my hormones levels must be a lot different.

OMG guys, I got in trouble in another thread for being rude and the thread was closed! I deserved it, but it was also worth it because I think the person I was talking to was deliberately trolling. Oh well, at least I didn't get banned!
LOL Dragon! What was it about?? I can't picture you being rude. It must have been a pretty heated thread!

Sierra, before my true AF returned I had 2 months where I'd get massive pms for a week and then have 1 or 2 days of SUPER light spotting... then nothing. Finally, the third month of this, I had a "real" AF which was heavier and more annoying than usual. I only had that one before she went away for another 9 months. :blush: Hopefully she'll start or just go away and leave you alone!
Thanks ladies. . .I'm just tired of cramping! lol

Yes, Dragon--what was it about? I can't see you being rude either!

wamommy---speaking of those 9 months, how are you feeling lately?
It actually wasn't heated at all! :haha: I corrected someone's spelling in a mean way...normally I would NOT do that, but I noticed that this person had posted essentially the same thing in three different places, with nearly all the words misspelled. However, in each post, they were mispelled in different ways. I don't think anyone could do it that way unintentionally. I should have just reported them, but I was having a hormonal moment, so instead I corrected every spelling mistake I found. I DID, however, apologize in advance for being rude. :haha:
Helena - I am sorry that your brother was not kind. We are all individuals and all have different paradigms... which include how we raise our kids. Just because I may not agree with how someone parents doesn't mean I have the right to tell them so. If you were causing harm to your children that would be one thing, but you're not. You're a great mom!

Sierra - AF is super unpredictable here. I've had two so far. Right now I am in the same boat as you. I want chocolate (which I'm not a huge fan of), I have acne on my forehead and cramps. The last time I had cramps for two weeks before AF showed up. Then when she finally did I didn't have any cramping. :shrug:

Wamommy - Ugh. Colds are no fun. Hopefully both you and Max will get better soon. As for diapers we used to use Huggies, but Teagen is so tall that the leg openings were too wide, but the crotch was too short. So we switched to sensitive pampers (the diaper rash was because my dad had picked up some "cruisers" and was using them at the big house). But yesterday I received my order of cloth diapers. I am super excited to begin trying them out. I was able to get three covers, 8 inserts and 100 flushable inserts for $45. Only 5 days until you get to see your little jumping bean. How exciting!

So DH came home last night for a 3 day weekend. Teagen was SO excited to see her daddy. So much giggling, kissing and patting. Some good mommy and daddy cuddle time too. He was very chagrined about his attitude the night before and apologized for jumping to conclusions before talking to me. Men...
Kellen--that's a great deal! If you don't mind my asking, where did you get them? I've been wondering if I should do something like that to save money. . . Keep me posted how you like them please!!
DH just told me I'm getting fat!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

what the ever living f***?! Who does that? He started out by saying I've been snoring every night for 3 weeks (why the heck didn't you mention it before now?), and that I'm probably accumulating fat around my neck. I was like "Oh my gosh, you think my neck is fat?" and he said "No, you can't see it, but your stomach looks fatter, so you might be getting fat there too." :cry: :growlmad: :wacko:

I tell you, it's kind of hard to TTC when you want to punch your dumbass husband in the face! My feelings are so hurt :(
Kellen, I'm glad your DH apologized for yesterday, and that you guys have the whole weekend together! I'm sure that makes Teagen very happy. :)

Dragon, I don't even know where to begin with your DH's comment. That is SO mean. If there's one thing you should never comment on (unless it's in a very,very nice and complimentary way) it's a woman's weight. Did Captain Insensitive explain or apologize? If not, I'd say, "If my snoring and/or fat is too annoying for you, feel free to sleep on the couch." You're right, though, that isn't too conducive to TTC! :haha:
Have all the men in our lives been hit with some sort of Postpartum Stupidfier? Dragon, that is a horrible thing for your DH to say. I agree with Wamommy's suggestion... to the couch! No wonder you had a mean response for the misspelling troller.

Right now Teagen is attempting to dismantle my alarm clock. She is obsessed with it. Actually, any clock be it digital or analogue, she just can't get enough. So I unplugged it and she is on the floor with it. She startled herself earlier when it was plugged in and she hit the radio button.

Happy 8 Months to the babies born on the 4th!
Not even 10 minutes after my last post, DH had the audacity to ask for a nooner!

Of course, I immediately burst into tears and told him that there's no way I could do it without thinking of my fat stomach the whole time. I then proceeded to hide in bed and cry so hard that I couldn't even breathe. DH came in and laid down with me and we finally talked about some things that had been hanging between us for a while. He was also mystified as to why I was so upset about the fat comment. I swear, for a brilliant man, he can be SO dense. He knows perfectly well that I have struggled with eating disorders, and my weight is the most sensitive topic he could possibly find...and yet he has no idea why I'm devastated when he tells me I'm getting fat. *sigh*

In any case, we've mostly cleared the air now, but I still feel exhausted and raw from the whole thing.
Dragon - I'm glad that you were able to clear the air with your DH. Why men can be so good at somethings and then completely obtuse when it comes to other things still mystifies me.

I - so far after one day - LOVE cloth diapers. They aren't all that complicated and Teagen doesn't cry at diaper changes any more. For the past two months I've been fighting to keep her on her back for diaper changes and she would scream bloody murder even if she didn't have severe diaper rash. Now I can lay her down for a change and she is all smiles. In case you want to check it out here is the website:
I looked and they have them on Amazon, but they a bit more expensive. I am going to order more of the washable inserts as I found they work better than the flushable ones. They hold WAY more. I doubled them up and Teagen actually slept last night. No more waking up every 2 hours.
Dragon, I'm glad you and DH were able to talk it out, but I'm sorry it was so hurtful and emotionally exhausting. I agree that men can be completely clueless, and even after a complete explanation will still look at us bewildered. I'm so glad I don't have a penis. It seems to make even the most intelligent man a complete idiot at times.

Kellen, those diapers sound amazing! I've never used cloth diapers, so I don't know a lot about them. Do you wash them at home, or is there a service that sanitizes them for you? My mom used cloth diapers with us, and is very anti-cloth (she says what a pain it was) but I don't think they are ANYTHING like they used to be 30 years ago! The new ones are so cute. :)

It's supposed to be 66 degrees and sunny here today! I think we'll try for one more bike ride before putting them away for the season. I may also try to get some yard work done. The girls LOVE to pull weeds. :shrug:

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