Valentines Babies, 2013!

Could you maybe ask the ultrasound tech to not mention "baby" until she knows it's healthy? Then she can explain it to you? Or would your 5 year old catch on by seeing the ultrasound? (I'm not quite sure what 5 year olds know at this point! lol)
Oh--and just have to share: Got a package in the mail yesterday from MIL---a few new pieces of clothes for Camden. So, I texted her "thank you" and she texts back: "Are you coming on Saturday too?" WTF?! No---I'm just sending my 8 month old son who has bad separation anxiety and BREASTfeeds every 2 hours down with DH by himself! :dohh: Part of me is annoyed wondering if she was "hoping" I wasn't coming! (I know she gets annoyed because I'm always holding Camden--but it's only because he cries uncontrollably when she holds him!) :dohh:
That's a great idea about telling the tech not to mention a baby on the screen. My 5-year-old might catch on (she's pretty savvy) but I think the 3-year-old will be clueless. We took Max for an abdominal ultrasound last week because of the bump the Doctor felt in his abdomen, and the kids watched the TV in the room the whole time and accepted that we were "just checking to make sure Max is healthy." Maybe I'll tell them that the tech today is just checking to make sure Mommy is healthy? I want to avoid lying to them, without making it weird.

It's so nice that your MIL sent some clothes for Camden, but her text was kind of weird. How tough it is to try to figure out how to read people's behavior! Hopefully she was just making conversation. :shrug:
I think that sounds like a good idea wamommy--just tell them they are checking to make sure mommy is healthy. Since they just went through it with Max, it should "make sense" to them. :flower: Did you get results from Max's ultrasound? I hope everything is okay!

Yes, it was nice of MIL to send clothes. . .and I genuinely think she is a great person---I just think she doesn't realize how she comes off and I don't think she knows when to back down. There is a boundary between saying something and "forcing" it or being intrusive about it. It's funny because DH said that his Mom used to complain about her mother all of the time because she did the SAME thing when DH was growing up---and it just amazes me that MIL can't see that she is doing the same to me. :shrug:
That's a great idea for the ultrasound! Then when everything shows ok, it will be a fantastic surprise for them :D

The twins had their 9 month checkup yesterday. Gunnar is 20lb 3oz and 28.5 in long, and Lily is 17lb 13oz and 27 in long. Their size is pretty much caught up to their chronological age now! :happydance:

They took their flu shots like champs, only a few seconds of crying and then they were fine. However, Lily HATED one of the nurses and screamed for 10 minutes after she left the room (all she did was measure her length, I don't know why she freaked out so bad). She loves the doctor though, and smiled at her the whole time she was in the room. Gunnar was his usual happy self the whole time, wiggling all over DH's lap and charming the nurses. Everyone wanted to stop in and see the babies, at one point we had 9 people in the tiny examining room!

My mom is mad at me right now because I told her we wouldn't be flying out to NY for my dad's birthday in November. She was counting on us coming out to surprise my dad, and for all of my family to meet the babies...and I would really love that, but logistically it is too hard right now. We would have to bring my breast pump and all the supplies, probably two suitcases of baby stuff, plus a stroller and two carseats...and flying with two 11 month olds plus all that is just too much for me to contemplate. Also prohibitively mom offered to pay for the plane tickets, but even without that expense it would still be too much. She doesn't seem to understand the stress it would put on DH and I as well as the babies. They would be out of their comfort zone without most of their own stuff, and meeting tons of new people (my mom was even telling me that people from her work want to meet the babies). I get sick every time I fly, and I'd be so scared that the same would happen to the twins. As much as I'd like to go, it's just not happening. DH suggested that just I fly out there, but my mom basically said that if I don't bring the kids, I might as well not come.

Then she suggested that we drive out instead...but there's no way I can get 4 extra days off from work to do a road trip. Plus, I think that would be MORE stressful! I think it makes more sense to wait until I'm not pumping anymore, and the kids can walk and be a little bit more independent. Maybe next summer.
I actually haven't heard anything back from the US for Max yet. We had it done at the Children's Hospital, and they were supposed to send the results to my Pediatrician, who would call us. DH says no news is good news, but I wish they'd call! I'm not too worried, because what they were checking for was an enlarged liver or kidneys, but Max has had NO symptoms of either. Maybe I'll call them this afternoon. We leave in an hour for the ultrasound, and I'm so nervous now that I can't really do much but watch the clock.

It actually makes more sense that your MIL was treated the same way by her own mother. Usually when someone's behavior makes us unhappy we do one of two things... we act the complete opposite or we emulate what we know and have seen. Maybe (even though it drove her crazy too!) that's the only way she knows a MIL is supposed to act? Have you ever come right out and told her how much it hurts you that she doesn't respect your role and your decisions as Mom?
Dragon, my Dad is in California and hasn't met my 3-year-old or Max yet. He only met my oldest once when she was 3 months old! He's an attorney, and always says that work is just too busy to fly up here for a weekend. He wants us to all fly down (5 plane tickets!!!) or drive down (22 hours!!) to visit him. Obviously it would be incredibly tough and financially impossible for us all to go down right now. I don't quite understand why he won't fly up here when he visits my sister almost every weekend? (she is staying about 2.5 hours from where he lives.) So I understand that others don't always consider what it's like to travel with kids... especially babies. I'm sure everyone really wants to meet the babies, but you have to do what works for you guys. Messing with routine can be hell on everyone!!
Dragon--I would have said no to traveling too! I can't imagine that with ONE baby--not alone TWO! I agree. . .people just don't understand how hard it is to travel with a baby (and/or kids!)

wamommy---can't wait for your ultrasound---I am just too excited for you! :) It'll go great! Take a few deep breaths and enjoy your pregnancy!!

And no, I haven't come right out and told my MIL that it hurts me . . . I HATE confrontation. . .so usually take the milder approach to things. .. :dohh: I know it'll have to come out eventually, but I'm a coward and putting it off! :haha:
We're home! It went better than expected. My Doctor wasn't disappointed, but actually happy to see me back! We get along so well that we sat and chatted for quite a while. She's leaving in July to move to the East Coast and is getting married, so it worked out so well that she'll be here until just after this baby is born!

The baby measured 11weeks 3 days, so they're leaving the due date as April 30th. They also offered me a test at the next appointment in 4 weeks that is almost 100% in detecting Down Syndrome. It's a simple blood test, and does what amnio would do without the risk. Apparently since I'll be 35 when the baby is born I'm considered "advanced maternal age." Yikes!! :dohh: I think it's a great new invention that will make me sleep better at night. We also got the date for the anatomy scan. It will be December 4th! I'm almost positive we're staying team yellow, but things may always change. :winkwink:

As for telling the kids, the tech was great. She's done all of my ultrasounds except one with every baby, so I know her pretty well. She was super excited to see us (all of the kids were in there!) and kept our secret. At one point my clever 5-year-old said, "what is THAT Mommy??" and pointed at a clear shot of the baby on the screen. I looked at the sonographer and asked if everything looked alright, and she simply said, "it looks great! Go ahead." So I said, "what does it look like?" and my daughter said, "another baby is in there??" and dramatically slapped her palm to her forehead. It was a classic moment and everyone laughed.

I'm so relieved. I'm still terrified, but I am relieved. The baby is ok. The Doctor is happy. The kids are excited. Now we have to tell my step daughter and my Mom... ugh. That will come tomorrow. For now, I'll just be happy!

Here's the alien growing inside me. :D


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Oh my gosh, that's so great! What great ultrasound pics! I'm so glad it went so well :D
Ahhhh! Sooooo cute about your daughter! And team yellow bean looks gorgeous! So adorable! Glad everything went so well!
Thanks, ladies! I forgot to mention that the heart beat was 172, so possibly another girl? Who knows. To be honest, Max had a high heart beat too, so idk how much truth there is to that theory. That, and I did a really naughty thing and had a cup of coffee this morning. :dohh: Waaaay tmi, but I have a coffee once or twice a week because it makes me go to the bathroom. I'll bet the bean was buzzed! :haha:

Kellen, how's Teagen feeling? I'm so sorry she got sick. :( Max is finally better, but the nights were especially hard with a baby who can't breathe.
Wamommy - Congrats on the awesome looking baby bean pictures. You can stay team yellow, but let your doctor post here on your behalf so we can all find out... I'm glad for your sake that your doctor is genuinely happy for you. It is nice that the timing works out for her to be there when this bean is born. So cute about DD1.
I'm glad to hear that Max is beginning to feel better. Nighttime is the worst for us too. And obviously the time when I get to type. Teagen has slept with me for the past three nights because she gets scared when she wakes up and can't breathe. Who wouldn't? But we have the vaporizer going, vicks on her chest and saline up the nose! Apparently she only fights and cries about the saline treatment when her daddy is around. If I do it alone she just lays there resigned to her fate and lets me suck the boogies out with the bulb syringe.

Dragon - I don't blame you for not wanting to pack up the twins and go to NY in November. Babies require a HUGE amount of stuff and people who don't have babies either don't know or have forgotten how difficult it is to travel with little people. In my infinite wisdom and/or foolishness I will be accompanying my parents and grandmother to AZ at the end of this month for my other grandmother's 96th birthday. She hasn't met Teagen yet so I wanted to go. DH will still be in Portland studying so this should be interesting. We will only be there for 3 nights, but the plane trip should be interesting. Then this Friday we are traveling 4 hours south for a retirement party for a previous co-worker of my dad's. I grew up with his kids and briefly worked for the same county agency after I got my BA.

Sierra - Your MIL sounds like a trip. Mine does similar things to my DH so I understand. I a way it makes me really happy that I have a daughter and not a son. LOL.

Update on cloth diapers: So far they are awesome. The flushable inserts are kinda crappy and don't work really well so I haven't been using them. When I do I double them up. Instead I ordered 8 more washables which have worked awesomely. The only leak we have experienced is the first morning pee. Teagen likes to hold it all in during the night. This means the first one is a super soaker! So because the diapers are pocked I place one on the inside and then one right against her skin. They are really absorbent and amazing.

I think I am coming down with Teagen's cold. I have a fever blister on the side of my tongue and it hurts. So AF needs to go away... Sick child + AF + my own cold = grumpy,tired mommy. Oh, and school started back this Monday. I think I have an assignment due tonight. I don't know, I haven't even introduced myself yet. :dohh:

Today Teagen discovered that she can go from her belly to a seated position all by herself, and she is proud of it! It is super cute how she goes about it. She will be on her tummy, get onto her hands and knees and then "walk" her legs until she is on her hands and toes. Then she gently pushes herself to the side, curls a leg and sits! When she is done she waves her hands in the air and screeches with joy. After doing this about 10 times in a row she crawled over to her swing, sat herself down and then pulled herself into a standing position. Overachiever...
Kellen--so sorry that you are coming down with Teagen's cold! That's miserable! Hopefully it leaves quickly!

Way to go Teagen! She's doing SO much, Kellen---what a bright little girl! I bet you're super proud!

Thanks to you, Kellen, I have ordered some cloth diapers, too---just a few to try out. They are supposed to be here early next week. Are you using just cloth right now? How many covers do you go through a day? Do the covers get very soiled? I'm excited. I've been wanting to do cloth since I found out I was pregnant, but DH was totally against it. After you bought some, I figured out the savings and he was a bit happier with it---especially if the flushable inserts work for us. What do you do with the soiled washable inserts? Do you just throw them in a soaking bucket until it's wash time?
The covers don't get soiled very often as the inserts take the brunt of the damage. So typically we use one cover for the day and a new one at night and a new one in the morning that lasts all day. What I do is immediately take the soiled insert to the sink and rinse it out. Baby pee, especially little boy baby pee is incredibly sterile. Then I hang them up in the shower. I throw them in the wash every other day. Right now we have 16 reusable inserts and we go through about 8 a day and 2 at night.

Like Camden, Teagen would throw a fit if she had even the tiniest bit of pee in her diaper and was prone to horrible rashes. So we were easily spending $80-$100 on diapers a month as well. So far the cloth diapers have cleared up her rash and she doesn't scream and cry when I change her. She is also able to tolerate sitting on a soiled diaper far longer. Of course I try to change her as soon as I realize, but so far she loves these diapers.

We are almost 100% cloth, but I have cheated a little bit. I know she has a heavy pee in the morning so I use a disposable for that and I know she poos immediately after her first morning nap. So far I've not had to deal with a poopy cloth diaper. :hehe:

Teagen slept really well last night. So well, in fact, that she only nursed from one side. 4oz in 10 minutes seems fairly impressive and that was from the side that doesn't produce as much. Hopefully I'll be able to have her in her crib part of tonight. I look forward to at least an hour of bed time by myself.
Thanks Kellen! That's so helpful! The way some of the videos online look, it looks like you go through covers every diaper change. . .so I was really curious. So, it's the insert that you go through? Does that go right next to the skin then? Sorry for all of the questions.. . :flower:

Yay for Teagen sleeping so well! That's wonderful! Keep it up precious little girl!!
Kellen, I'm so glad Teagen slept better last night! She must be feeling better, thank goodness. I'm sorry you are getting her cold too. :( It's pretty unavoidable since I'm sure you've received a dozen sneezes directly into your mouth/nose. :haha: Hopefully it's short-lived! The bulb syringe was my best friend for a week with Max. It was secretly very satisfying near the end of his cold when I would suck out HUGE amounts. Sorry, that's pretty gross, lol.

I hope the trip to Arizona is fun! You're very brave, but it sounds like Teagen travels pretty well and might enjoy the adventure. I can't believe how much she is doing! What a strong girl!

Sierra, it sounds like cloth might be a good fit for you. I've always kind of wished we could use cloth, since it's so much better for the environment. Luckily Max has super tough skin and has never had a rash, so at least we aren't battling that with disposables. Actually, that's not completely true. He started getting a slight rash after a few days of using Luv's. The perfume in them is SO strong that I could smell it across the room, and could never tell when he pooped. Gross.

I have to resign myself to the fact that I am "Naynay." I don't want to be Nayay. I want to be Mama. DH is "Guh." It's a very deep G sound, lol. I think both of my girls started talking consistently about 10 months, so maybe he'll get "mama" and "dada" around then? For now, at least he's trying!
Wamommy--at least you get called SOMETHING! With Camden, I try so hard to make him say "Mama" and every time he lets out a loud "DADA!" :dohh: He still hasn't said Dada in context but just babbles it. . . He's a fairly quiet baby, though. . .screeches here and there when he's excited, but usually just quiet. . .I chalk it up to the fact that maybe he's a deep thinker like his Daddy. . . (one of the things I love about DH).
I best you're right, Sierra! My brother was SUPER quiet as a baby and didn't really talk until he was about 3. He's now a brilliant, thoughtful, very introspective man. My early talking sister is still a charismatic charming talker. I really think you can see some personality developing already! If so, Max is going to be pretty loud. Most of what he "says" is excited squeals and babbling. He tries out some pretty weird sound combinations, none of which mean anything. It sounds like he's talking. Perhaps it's some alien language he learned in a past life. :haha:

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