Valentines Babies, 2013!

We wash them at home. So far we have only had to deal with pee, but Teagen's poops are mostly solid (tmi) so they should just fall off into the toilet. The perk of living in an RV is there is a small hose attached to the toilet so I can easily spray them off. Cloth is something DH and I wanted to do from the beginning. So glad we finally found a solution that was under $300.

It seems like Teagen might be trying to catch a cold. She was coughing and sneezing in her sleep last night and was stuffy in the nose when she tried to nurse. I read somewhere that putting breastmilk up the nose can help. We'll see if it works.
I've read that about breast milk, too. Hopefully it works, and Teagen doesn't get a full-blown cold. It's no fun!

I turned on a space heater in my bedroom last night and cranked the heat in there to over 70! Max slept SO well (for him...) that I"m thinking maybe he's just been cold??
We used fuzzibunz with DS1 for a while, so cute, but always leaked :(

Feeling down here. Think the row with my brother was just another straw on this camels back(does that even make sense!?). Wat with mum being so ill I just didnt need another stress or drain on my emotions..can't seem to shake it off. :( mum still basically anorexic, hardly eating anything beyond a small bowl of low fat cereal and a bowl of soup. We hoped it was caused by the chemo but it. Hasn't got any. Better since she stopped 4 months ago. She will be scanned in a few weeks so maybe then we will know a bit more about how things lie.
On a brighter note we went to a secondhand ski wear sale today and got both sons (3 and 5) boots and skis. They look so cute :) can't wait for them to learn.

Hope Taegen doesn't get a full cold. I think K has had two by's no fun.
Dragon, I am glad you sorted out DH's comment..that would so upset me! Men don't think the same as us it is true.
Must go and cook dinner now and try and force myself to be a little less depressed, I really feel for DH putting up with me all down...maybe a beer will help!
Just to add - Kiara has a third tooth. it isn't one of her top middle ones, but one of those next to them. How funny!? The fourth, matching on the other side, seems to be breaking through too. How strange she will look if the middle two don't get a move on!...hehe. A vampire in time for Halloween!

Oh, Helena, I can't imagine how hard it is dealing with your mom being ill. :hugs: Hopefully her scan will bring good news, but the months of worry have taken their toll, I'm sure. As for what your brother said, I understand it sticking with you, but you have got to know what a great Mom you are!! Finding skis for your sons so that they can enjoy the upcoming winter is a great example! I sometimes feel like I'm not a good enough Mom too, and there are so many things I wish I did differently. I then stop, and think about what I wanted as a child more than anything else in the world. I wanted more time with my Mom. I wanted her attention. I wanted to feel like a priority. As much as I feel like I screw up daily (and I do!) I sure as heck give my kids every ounce of time and attention that I have to give. Sure, I could be more patient, less protective, feed them healthier food, do more art projects, bleh... I love them. They know it... end of story. From the last year and a half of knowing you, I know how much you love your kids. I know how much time you spend with them and how much you always consider their well being. Give yourself a break. You are amazing.

As for the vampire teeth, how funny! I demand a picture! :rofl:
Helena - Your life has undergone huge changes over the past year and a half. Your mom is suffering, you are in a foreign country and you added an additional baby to your life. one can only imagine how difficult things have been. Your brother should try to be a little bit more considerate of all the different stressors you have in your life.

Last night was horrible. Poor Teagen didn't get much sleep thanks to her stuffy nose and consequently neither did i. (And apparently the iPad will try to make a capital i into italics and it is annoying me). We got a vaporizer for tonight as well as some saline drops for her nose. She has been much more subdued today than normal. She was running a small fever so she has had a drop of Tylenol.

The weather is being amazing today. it is close to 80 degrees outside. Once DH is finished helping my dad clear out the pole barn we are taking Teagen on a walk. Ah, here is the man of the hour now.
helena, I want to echo what wamommy and kellen have said- you have very legitimate reasons to be stressed, and you're doing so well! You're a great mom. I hope you start to feel better soon, and I hope things improve for your mom too.

As for me, DH was SUPER nice and considerate for about 48 hours after the incident on Friday. I think he felt really bad for hurting my feelings. He started getting a little cranky again yesterday, but not as bad. It's sort of a two steps forward, one step back kind of thing, I guess.
helena :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry about everything right now. You have so much on your plate. :( you are doing such an incredible job---make sure you do something nice for yourself once in a while---you deserve some breaks and a little rest now and then---I'm hoping that beer helped! ;)

Dragon--so glad things are better with DH! I swear that men PMS more than women do sometimes! :rofl:

Kellen---I'm super intrigued onthe cloth diapers (we have found ourselves in a bit of a financial crunch after Camden was born, so trying to find ways to save some money---right now, I'm spending about $100 a month on diapers!) However, with my working full time at home, I'm not sure the washable inserts are the best choice for me, and DH REFUSES to wash out diapers (MEN! :wacko: ) Soooo. . .my question is, since you switched to the washable liners, was it because the flushable ones leaked? What happens if you double-up on the flushable liners? I change Camden really often---about every 2 hours (except if he's sleeping). . .so I don't let them get too soggy (he cries at even the littlest amount of urine in his diaper. . . So, I was thinking if I went cloth, I'd buy disposables for bedtime so they'll absorb more. Also, do the covers very often get soiled? Do you have to change those multiple times a day? Thanks in advance for the help! :)
Wow, $100 a month on diapers? I think I spend less than half that for two babies! I just got a box of 96 for $14.99, and that will last us about a week and a half, so that's about $45 a month. Now I'm worried that we don't change the twins often enough! :haha:

They sleep for about 10 hours at night, then they get changed about every 3-4 hours when they're awake, or when they ask to be changed. So I'd say they go through about 4-5 diapers each per day.
Part of the problem is that we buy such expensive diapers because of Camden's sensitive bum. .. lol...and he cries whenever he starts feeling wet. . .so even if he pees a little bit, he wants changed (I call him my "princess boy" :haha: ) I go through anywhere between 10-13 diapers a day with him! He sleeps 11 hours at night, and I don't change him during that time, but for some reason he can't stand to be wet during the day! Oh how I'd love to change him 4-5 times a day!!
We're somewhere in the middle. I'd say Max uses about 7-10 diapers a day. Most are during the day, and then 1-2 in the night. We buy the Costco pack of Huggies that have 228 diapers in it for just under $40. It lasts over 3 weeks, so we probably spend $50 a month on diapers? He doesn't mind being peepee, but HATES poop. I suppose I would too... :haha:
Okay. .. warning. . . another MIL rant is coming. . .. :haha:

So, next weekend, my MIL is helping to throw a baby shower for DH's cousin. We see this cousin on holidays, but that's about it. Lovely girl. I was invited to the shower, but DH has this important business banquet that evening, which I have to attend with him (and I want to and he REALLY wants me there). It is a 3 hour drive from my house to the baby shower, and a 3 hour drive back. DH is busy all day with this business thing (I don't have to show up until evening), so I would be doing the drive by myself. So, 3 hours there, I'd only be able to spend an hour at the shower, then another 3 hour drive back. Granted, that hour at the shower, I'd have to nurse Camden, diaper him, etc. AND, take into account that my lo HATES the car and cries the ENTIRE drive. Then once home, I'd have to hurry up and give the babysitter instructions, get myself ready for this fancy banquet, then head out once again. So, I told MIL that I just couldn't do the baby shower. She didn't take my answer, so DH called again today to tell MIL that it's really important to him to have his wife by his side for this banquet, etc. Well, MIL got extremely upset, was telling DH that I need to miss his banquet, etc. DH (THANKFULLY) stood his ground, but because I'm missing this cousin's baby shower, we *have* to drive the 3 hour drive there and 3 hour drive back THIS Saturday, to go visit said cousin and drop off a gift----and MIL is barely satisfied with this! I'm agreeing to go down this weekend because DH wants to go see his Mom and sister this Saturday too, but I'm just annoyed that this woman demands so much from me. I mean, it's not like it's my SIL or someone---it's a *cousin*. Again, I love this cousin, great girl, just I dont' think I should be missing something very important to my HUSBAND in order to go to her baby shower when I planned on sending a gift anyways. I'm having a really hard time because I'm beginning to not even be able to stand seeing MIL because she tries to be so controling with our lives. I hate when people try to control me and my natural instinct is to push myself away from the "controller". . . and this being family, is hard to do. But I literally have to grit my teeth around her because she has to meddle in so many things in our lives.

Argh. . . really no point to this post, except for the fact that I'm fuming and trying not to let DH know that I'm so mad---because then it makes him mad that I don't agree with his mother. Argh.. .. maybe I should convince DH that we need to move to a different state or something so I won't have this problem. ;)
How frustrating, Sierra! I would most definitely not make the drive, but that's just me. There's nothing an adult could say to me that would hurt my heart more than listening to my baby cry for 6 straight hours. I wish your MIL got that! And Dang! I thought she was doing better respecting your boundaries... Maybe it's a 2 steps forward, one step back, like Dragon was saying about her DH?
Ugh I would be so annoyed too, Sierra! I truly hate it when anyone tries to pressure me into doing something. I probably wouldn't even have agreed to go make the drive on Saturday, I would have just sent the gift and our regrets. Why is it that when a woman becomes a mother in law, it seems like her controlling dial goes straight to 11?
Thanks ladies. . . Yeah, I really don't want to drive this Saturday---but DH has been wanting to go down to see his family, and it's bee about a month since we've seen his mom. . .so I figured I could consent. Get her off my back, let her see Camden for a bit to make her happy, make DH happy. . .then make me happy next weekend when I don't have to drive by myself. Kind of a stinky compromise, but I think it'd cause bigger issues if I said no. :shrug: I really hope I'm not this kind of MIL when Camden gets married. . . .
Oh I would ask DH if we could change the date we go see his mom just on principle...she sounds light a nightmare! I'm not sure I would drive to anyone's baby shower if it meant 6 hours driving with a sad baby. It's cruel for baby. And so stressful for you!

There is a lot to be said for the postal system and amazon for gifts!...

Big brother and I seem to have agreed tow rite off our row since we are both Very stressed just now. I am sure we meant a lot of what we said deep down, but I am happy for the chance to just ignore it all. After all, siblings don't have to get along all the time. It's normal right!?

Massive second hand sale of kids clothes and toys and equipment etc here on Thursday. Am hoping to get Kiara's winter wardrobe sorted plus sell lots of my things :) it's great - you hand someone a bag of labeled items. They put them out on tables, sale them and take the money, then the next day you just turn up and they give you a bag of unsold items (already bagged up for you) and your earnings (less their commission, which is excessive at 40%but its for a school). Easy :)
Thanks helena---I really wanted to say that, but really just don't want to make the situation worse. Someday, I just feel that her and I are going to have this huge fight. . . but trying to avoid it right now. (We got into it before DH & I's wedding because she wanted the reception *her* way and I of course had other plans.. . I'm still healing from that fight and realy don't want another huge one right now. . . ) (Obviously her and I's relationship got off to a GREAT start. :dohh:

So glad to hear that you and your brother made amends. .. I bet that feels like a big relief for you!

And I'm so jealous of your secondhand sale! I have been meaning to get some more clothes for Camden, but just haven't found any more good used ones or I haven't had time to go out to sales. He's growing like a weed and I'm getting worried because I don't have much stocked up for the winter months. Must get out and find some sales soon! Good luck on selling your items too!! What a nice program!
That program sounds amazing, Helena! I wish we had something like that here. Actually, I can't really sell anything right now, can I? :dohh: Well, after this

I'm so glad you and your brother had a chance to talk it out. I think fighting with sibling is totally normal, but there's a line you just don't cross. Whether or not he crossed that line with his comments about your parenting, only you know. The thing about siblings is, no matter what happens, they are always your sibling. It isn't like friends where you can write someone off or stop caring about them if they're mean. There's no choice but to forgive a sibling, because they are the only people who knew you when you were in diapers, getting your first zit, meeting your first crush, and graduating high school. It's a precious relationship, and I'm glad you guys are working it out. When my sister said something REALLY hurtful to me I didn't talk to her for 6 months once... but now we talk. Well, we email, but at least we moved past it. I feel so lucky to have siblings, which is one reason I'm so glad to have provided brothers and sisters for my little brood.

Speaking of that, the Ultrasound is tomorrow! It's at 1:30 Pacific time, so I probably won't be home to post all about it until rather late for most of you! I'm pretty nervous. It will be the first time I see my OB face to face since finding out I'm pregnant. She's going to be SO concerned. I really, really like her, and in a different lifetime I would have been her friend. Sometimes we just chat during appointments about life, etc. I do NOT want to see disappointment on her face. :nope: Ah well, it's unavoidable.
Oh wamommy---don't worry about seeing disappointment on her face---it's not like you planned this baby--and even if you HAD planned it, she shouldn't judge you. .. It's your life and I believe this all happened for a reason. And once you see that cute little babe on the ultrasound, you're going to fall in love all over again. :flower: I cant wait to see pictures!! ENJOY IT!
Thanks, Sierra! I hope you're right, but I'm still super nervous. It doesn't help that I never found someone to watch the girls, so the the whole family will be there! I haven't decided whether or not to ask DH to sit out with the kids or bring them all in. I'm sure he'll want to be there, but we haven't even told the kids about the baby yet, so what if something's wrong or the baby isn't ok or something? I don't necessarily want them in there for that. Hmm... what would you do?

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