Valentines Babies, 2013!

wamommy---wow, you are busy! But it sounds like a lot of fun things, too! I COMPLETELY understand about husbands sleeping in and how irritating that can be! DH is up with me most of the time, but occassionally if Camden's been up in the night or it's a weekend or something, DH will just lay there and sleep while I tend to Camden. . . Must be nice to have that OPTION to just stay in bed----I've NEVER gotten that opportunity since Camden has been born!
I'm planning on making DH get up and letting me sleep once Camden is done breastfeeding (which may be almost a year from now. . .but I like to dream ahead. ;)

We're passing out candy tonight for Halloween. It's a bit past Camden's bedtime, but we're going to let him stay up a bit longer to see the costumes.

Kellen--I can't believe how mobile Teagen is! That's incredible! I hope everything goes okay on your trip and you just have a wonderful time!! Good job on the words, too!!

Camden has been getting up at 4:30 or 5:00 for the last two mornings. . .so I put him back down again after nursing. Today, he slept until 8:30a.m. --which never happens---so now, he's fighting his first nap of the day because his schedule is all messed up. .. . :(

I'm also awaiting a contractor to get here to install a new floor and shower unit in our bathroom. . . he was supposed to call, but never has. .. He'd better not get here when my baby is sleeping. . . :growlmad:
Does anyone know of a good way to get rid of that Mommy "pouch" of skin leftover from the pregnancy? I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight, and have been doing sit-ups, but I can't seem to get rid of that loose skin in the front of my belly. Have any of you been successful getting rid of that? Or is it here to stay?
Sierra, I hope the contractor doesn't interrupt Camden's nap! That's so tough when they get off schedule.

As far as the mommy pouch... to be honest I had a really easy time with it after DD#1, and was thinner than pre-pregnancy (without pouch!) after only a month or 2. With DD#2 it took a little longer, and out of frustration and because of a history of issues with food I dropped way below pre-preg weight into a dangerous territory, which got rid of the mommy pouch again, but made my whole family concerned. Looking at pictures from after DD#2, I see why. I think I was about 120 pounds (at 5'8", with a large bone structure). Luckily I snapped out of it, and was a healthy weight when I got pregnant with Max. Unfortunately, I never lost all of Max's weight before this baby, and I have that skin/flab around the middle that you're talking about. I can't get rid of it now, and wish I'd tried harder before getting pregnant! I thought I had all the time in the world, lol... so the short answer is, I have no idea. I know you can't spot reduce, so situps will help tone the muscles underneath, but the layer of skin or fat on top has to be reduced by losing overall body fat. Since you're at prepreg weight, it sounds like you've already done that! I'd say give it time. The more time that goes by, the flatter it will be.

I still haven't quite accepted that I'm pregnant again. :blush: I was going to tell my mom last week, and then again last night, but chickened out both times. I haven't even told my step daughter yet! Luckily I'm not really showing, so it's easy to hide. I just look a bit like I ate too many doughnuts... :haha: I have to tell my Mom before Thanksgiving, though, because in a month I'm sure I won't be able to hide it. Sigh...

I'm off to help out with a Kindergarten "Harvest Party" at my daughter's school. They have outlawed unhealthy treats, so I'm bringing Gogurts and Apple Juice, lol. Luckily the kids can all pig out on candy later!

A night at home handing out candy sounds lovely! We'll be trick-or-treating in the rain, here. yay...
Thanks wamommy! I just want it to go away! Part of the problem is my jeans that are all low-rise, so I've got muffin top all of the time---and I used to be really flat-tummied, so all of my tops are form-fitting, which doesn't work as well with the muffin top! :haha:

Oh--I'm sure your family members will be so thrilled when you tell them you are pregnant! Who doesn't love another little baby?! Sending hugs to you---you can do it!!! :hugs: How have you been feeling, by the way?

It's raining here, too--I feel bad for the poor kids (and parents!) who will be out in it! My 4 year old niece is Ariel (frmo The Little Mermaid) this year and is stopping by. She is so excited because she says her costume is "BEAUTIUL!" :) I love kids. :)

Contractor never showed up. . . apparently he plans on coming tomorrow and working from 10-5. . .which means my baby probably won't sleep from 10-5. . . Argh. . . .but, I'll be glad with a new floor and tub unit. .. just wish my baby was a more sound sleeper!!

Have fun at the Harvest Party!!!
Hey everybody, sorry I haven't been around all week. I'm still sort of recovering from my business trip...I haven't been able to catch up on sleep, though, so I'm still dragging. My milk supply dropped by about 30% from the stress and the long stretches I couldn't pump while I was gone, and I haven't had much luck getting it back up yet. We're burning through our freezer stash much too quickly for my liking. Fortunately we started out with 1500+ oz! I had planned on donating the majority of it, but now it looks like we'll need it ourselves.

Halloween was uneventful, it rained all day so we only had a handful of trick-or-treaters. The babies enjoyed their costumes...Lily was a lady bug, and Gunnar was Tigger. I'll post pictures below. Any other costume pictures to show off? I'd love to see them!

As for the "mommy pouch," I have more of a suitcase than a pouch! After the twins were born, I lost all my pregnancy weight plus 5 pounds within 2 weeks. Since then, I've somehow managed to gain about 15 pounds, even though I am (was) making so much milk! Also, my body shape seems to be changing, and all my weight is accumulating in my middle. DH keeps mentioning it :wacko: and asked me to start exercising and eating apparently he doesn't much like the way I look right now.

We had a big screaming fight on Sunday, the worst we've ever had. He basically said he does everything and I do nothing, and I never do what I say I'll do, and I don't spend enough time with the kids because I'm "either sleeping or working 90% of the time." Also, that my convenience comes before anyone or anything else, and the next time he sees me playing with my phone when there's something else that needs to be done, he's going to lose his temper and smash it to pieces. He also said my cat has to be gone by the end of the week or he's going to "get rid of her" himself.

I was crying my eyes out, couldn't believe he would say those things to me. Later, he apologized for hurting my feelings, and then said "I'm just not used to being disappointed in you. This is new to me."

Like that made me feel a whole lot better. :cry:

The worst part was that I had Gunnar in my arms when we were fighting. At that point we weren't really yelling, but I was crying and we were talking loudly. Poor little guy kept looking back and forth between us with a worried look on his face, then buried his head in my neck and went to sleep. I never want that to happen again.

I've been trying to take some of DH's concerns to heart and doing more housework and generally trying to be more helpful. He seems to have mostly forgotten about the fight and he has been more affectionate...but I can't seem to forget the awful things he said, and I'm having trouble feeling anything positive toward him. About 2 hours after the fight, he was already suggesting we have sex. I wasn't really in the mood, surprisingly.

We're not TTC anymore. Not for a while at least.


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Sorry to hear about the fight dragon, your babies look adorable though!!
Hope u ok.

I will write more soon ladies, just so tired after traveling last week, worrying about my parents, and hosting halloween party here for 13 kids. Must be crazy.

A bit late. But happy halloween from France! Two skeletons and a mike wazowski here.
What cute pictures, ladies!! I like the costumes almost as much as I LOVE the smiles! What beautiful children you have! :) I'm a bit jealous! I didn't dress Max up this year. We had so many events to go to, and Max was NOT a fan of being a pumpkin, so he spent Halloween in a fuzzy sleeper. :dohh: My girls were Tinkerbell and the pink Power Ranger.

Dragon, I'm so sorry about your fight. I don't know your whole situation, but I know that it makes me sad to see your feelings repeatedly hurt. :( I know your DH usually apologizes (or at least "gets over" the fight much faster than you do) but it sounds like damage is already done by then. I'm so truly sorry.

Kellen, I hope your trip is going well! I can't wait to hear how Teagen handled all of the excitement.
Could it all be down to sleep deprivation? It does awful things to a person. And twins obviously means double the night wakings...
Hoping a big sleep is all that is needed. Is there anyone who could have the twins over night for one night? Nice dinner, glass of wine and sleep?...
I've been getting up with the kids if they wake up, so he's been getting plenty of sleep.

We made some changes this past week and he seems happier. Unfortunately, my cat is being rehomed.
A little late, but love the costumes ladies! So sweet! What beautiful kiddos! :)

Dragon---I am so sorry about your cat. :( I couldn't imagine having to rehome my kitty. :( :( :( :(

Must be something in the air with DH's. . . .mine hasn't spoken to me for three days now (except for a few necessary things--ie "the car won't start", "I'm going out for a bit"). we got in a stupid argument because he promised he wouldn't go to this hunting trip (aka---basically a childish party in the woods. . .very little hunting is done), then on Sunday he asked me if he could go. I told him that he made a promise not to go to it after we had Camden (I believe I even posted this last year when we had the SAME argument!). . .and he was going back on his word. So, he's mad at me for not saying, "Oh yes, honey, go ahead!" :dohh: And I don't feel like talking anyways because he went on to say some hurtful things about never going out and having to be home all of the time. . .bleh bleh bleh. . .when he has gone to several things lately---including a 3 day event recently! Whereas I'm home with the baby. . .ALL DAY LONG. . .EVERY DAY. I've accepted it, that the baby has changed my life---I'm sacrificing for him and for our family. DH seems to think he should be able to do exactly what he's always done and MORE because he needs to "be himself" instead of just a dad. I understand that desire, but it just isn't practical with our high-needs baby. Argh. . . .so frustrating. Meanwhile, I've been falling asleep right after I put Camden down because I'm EXHAUSTED because I'm doing all of the baby care from 5a.m.-7p.m. when he goes to bed because DH is sulking so much he isn't helping. :( And, on top of that, the time change has been awful and Camden has been getting up at 4:30 recently! :( Not to mention, I'm still workin full time from home (8-5 every day, sometimes more hours) and going into work for meetings. I'm TIRED. :(

Hopefully this will pass quickly and our DH's will come around.. .
Glad things are a bit better dragon xxx
Oh no Sierra, must be omething in the air!? Oh I hope it's sorted soon.

I have a spa day on reserve fom when DH had some time out. I am owed. I don't need it yet, but its nice knowing it is in the bank :) maybe if DH does his trip you can have a treat too?

Kiara's bizzare teeth / fangs:
A spa day sounds lovely helena! I think I might have to book me one soon---if DH goes to his day out! Good idea! As it is,I plan on going out tonight to get myself some ice cream once Camden goes to bed! :haha: I've been needing it! lol

Oh my gosh---those teeth are crazy! how different all babies are! I think they're cute! :)
I ind It's often easier to let DH do his him-time thing, but to just make sure you get your treat ready and on reserve when you need it. That way everyone gets something nice and maybe a bit of tension can be let your DH will know he can have his day out..but it'll cost him a day out for you too ;)
Yum, icecream! i vote chocolate chip ;) enjoy! Xx

Maybe all the recent stresses are all due to tiredness, we are 9 months into this tiring but amazing adventure :) I know I am starting to get so fed up with night wakings...
Kiara still feeds once in the night, anyone else?
I love Kiara's teeth!! They are adorable. :D Max finally has his bottom 2. He has already taken to biting my shoulder when he's upset... lol. Max still wakes up 3-5 times a night for feedings. :( I don't know how to break him of it!

Sierra, I'm so sorry to hear about a rift with your DH. How tough it is, isn't it?? I remember your fight about it last year, and I remember him saying that it was "just until the baby came." I would be irritated too. I see how he might feel the need to reconnect with his "old self," but what about you? I'm certain there are countless things you've given up (sleep, free time, your boobs) for Camden, and it seems that it's easy for DHs to forget that just because we're Moms, we MISS our old selves too!! I hope it all works out soon. :hugs:

Helena, I think a spa day sounds AMAZING, and I agree that Sierra deserves one too! I wish we all lived close together and could have a fabulous lady's day.

I've been so stressed the last few days that I feel physically ill. We've had a couple of financial things come up that have made me really concerned about how we'll make ends meet this month and next. Christmas is coming too, and we can't exactly tell the kids, "oops, sorry... Santa is broke this year!!" I'm sure we'll work it out, but I'm a bit livid at DH for insisting on handling all of the finances, and then leaving us in a tight spot. I feel helpless.

Adding to that, I'm panicking about the new baby. I'm already SO stretched thin. Our house is completely unacceptable (I like things neat and tidy and I have NO time to deep clean.) I do a whirlwind toy pickup each night and make sure the kitchen is clean, but things like the soap scum on the shower door and dusty base boards start to make my skin crawl and my anxiety go through the roof. We need our carpet cleaned. I need a maid... and a nanny... and a really awesome therapist... :haha: I suppose it would help if DH would clean... anything. I think he's cleaned a toilet ONE TIME since I met him. Ugh.

Ok, enough complaining. I'm going to make a pumpkin spice decaf coffee and relax a bit before helping DD with her homework and starting dinner.
helena----we haven't had any night feeding, but Camden has been getting up at 3:30 or 4 for a couple weeks, babbling and screeching in his crib. .. he eventually goes back to sleep, but we're awake for a good hour or so while he's in there playing away! :)

Thanks wamommy---that's hitting me really hard lately--the fact that I've given up EVERYTHING. I love my son so much, but that's all I am lately---a mom. I take care of a baby, clean the house, work, etc. I don't get to be ME ever. :(

Wouldn't that be awesome to all have a ladies day together?! Ahhh--if only we lived closer!

I'm so sorry to hear that finances are tight---that's so very hard! We live pretty frugally due to tight finances, too---I understand how stressful it can be. Well, here's hoping a mysterious and helpful money check comes in the mail this week for you! (I always tell DH that that is what I'm hoping for when I check the mail! :haha: Never happens, but it's still fun checking the mail! :) )

And I TOTALLY hear you about the baseboards! My entire house is filled with WHITE baseboards---that NEVER get cleaned anymore. . .and it's tearing me up! AND the scummy showers! It's funny because I wanted to take a bath last night, but had one look at the tub part of the shower, and was like "Heck no!!" lol And I didn't have the energy to clean it before a bath! :)

I think we're all just going to have to deal with the dirty houses. . . as much as it sucks. :(

I hope you enjoy your coffee! I'm counting down the minutes until I can get my ice cream! lol I really don't need any ice cream---still trying to get my flubby belly in shape. . . but in a way, I *need* ice cream! :dohh:
Hey all. typing this on the Kindle because the computer is still out for repair. It sounds like the men are PMSing all of a sudden.

Sierra I remember you posting about this issue last year that DH had said omce you were pregnant he would stop but went any ways and that he wouldnt go this year. that is difficult. pretty much the same fight I had with DH whem he went and got hammered on his birthday. I hope everything turns out okay.

Dragon I am sorry your DH has been saying a lot of hurtful things recently. I think maybe it is a good thing to step back from TTC right now. Sorry to hear about your kitty. i know how hard it was to rehome ours but she was beginning to jump on Teagen who was only three months.She had been our baby for two years and wasnt fond of the competition.

Wamommy your life is just crazy. Bummer about the finances. DH used to do ours but somehow over thr past three years I found myself in charge of them.

Helena Kiaras fangs are adorable. and your kids could all be models. i am so jealous of your oldests sons haie. it is gorgeous. That is a great idea you gave about having a day off held in reseve.

Tomorrow is Teagens nine month well baby check. i am excited to see what the doctor thinks. I also want to ask about what type of food I should be giving her. Since we are still BFing I am curious to know if she needs three meals a day or if I can continue winging it. my mom is convinced that Teagen wakes at night because she doesnt get enough solids. heronly infant experience was me and she did formula due to me having a horrible latch and going from seven to four pounds.

The trip was okay. Teagen HATED the rental car seat. it wasnt as padded as the one we have at home. She was the sweetest and most mellow baby for my grndm. She also slept like a trooper on the plane. She scared her three year old cousin by chasing him around trying to kiss hi. lol. she loved on the dogs and would crawls over to the greyhound whenever she had the opportunity. Sleep sucked. I was Oing during the trip which always makes my nipples uper sore and increases my nursing aversion at night to where I am unable to feel remotely comfortable if T is nursing... Co sleeping at the hotel meant she thought the buffet was open all night. If she wasnt nursing my grandmother was either snoring or going to the bathroom or asking me if Teagen was sleeping okay.
When we got home Teagen fell asleep at 2:30pm and didnt wake up until 6the next morning. Unfortunately she can pull herself into a tandingposition at night. This means no more letting her fuss because she is standng and I am afraid she is sleepy and will let go and crack her head on the crib. She briefly nurses twice a night.
How'd Teagen's checkup go? Camden's is next week---I'm excited to see how much he weighs. I'm also going to be asking about food--I hear so many conflicting opinions on what to give him/what not to give him. . .so I want the doctor's view on things. We've taken food slowly with Camden, but I don't want to take it SO slowly that he's still eating baby food a year from now! :dohh:
Kellen, I'm glad your trip went relatively well, although the sleep issues sound like NO fun. I'm excited to hear about Teagen's 9-month appointment too! Max's isn't until November 20... :( I always forget how far out our Doctor books and I didn't call until last week so that's the soonest they could do. I'll be asking about food too, and also about whether or not it's normal that Max seems to have NO interest in crawling at all, let alone standing or walking. I'm hoping by the 20th he's made some serious strides so I'm not too concerned. I think my girls just did things super early, so my scale for when he should do things is a bit skewed.

Sierra, we're moving slowly with food, too. Max had an early minor reaction to sweet potato, so we're taking it really slow with introducing new things. We try a new food about every other day. At least now I can squish off a tiny bite of my food and feed it to him. I'm just paranoid about salt. I guess that's one thing to add to the nine-month exam question list!

Dragon, I totally missed the post about your cat. I am so very sorry. I had to rehome 2 cats years ago that I absolutely loved (boyfriend at the time and I were moving in together and he was allergic) and I'm still not totally over it. I think it hurts me because the guy was totally not worth it, and I would trade him for them in half a heart beat. Obviously it's different with your babies, and it sounds like you did the right thing. Still, I know it's hard. :hugs: :hugs:
Don't worry wamommy-- Camden has absolutely no interest in crawling either.. I've heard that boys go much slower than girls... so haven't been to worried. :flower:

I'm paranoid about salt too!! I haven't given Camden any of my food yet... just baby food and a few organic vegetables cooked and chopped into small pieces.

Any one else's lo have no interest in feeding themselves? Camden will play with his food but never bring it to his mouth... I have to spoon feed everything for him..

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