Valentines Babies, 2013!

Dragon, that sounds so tough! Maybe he's feeling kind of lost without his work or a lot of time to himself? Maybe he resents that you still get to work? I have no idea, but treating you poorly without discussing what's REALLY going on is not fair at all. Has he always had a hard time communicating? This is what I was talking about the other day about not liking passive aggressive behavior. If he's angry about something, I wish he'd just come out and say it! Instead of making YOU feel hurt and angry until you bring it up. It's like a total cop out. I hope it gets better. :hugs:

Kellen, your trip sounds eventful! What a nightmare hotel. I stayed at one with my brother years ago in our way to the Shakespeare festival where after you closed the door it said, "Please lock all locks for your protection." There were 5 locks! Needless to say, I didn't feel very safe staying there.

I wouldn't worry too much about having that kid, lol. My oldest was that way. She always frightened other kids away by running at them, trying to hug them, or being overly friendly. Now at 5 she is the most social, friendly little creature. She's not overly loud or obnoxious. :haha: It's great that Teagen is so accepting of new experiences and embraces them. Every baby is so different, huh?
Life stinks. Happy Birthday your car has been stolen please find me the number for the police. Oh, and the baby might be coming down with an ear infection... or her top two teeth could be coming in. Hey, you need to do school work today too. Um, bills are due tomorrow might want to transfer some money...

I think I'll go back to bed and try life again later. :(
:hugs: :hugs: I'm so sorry, Kellen! Happy birthday. I wish it were a better one for you! Maybe try a do-over tomorrow and hope life doesn't throw so much crap your way so you can just enjoy it.
Thanks all. Life is just overwhelming right now. Dragon, I feel for you with a DH that won't even tell you what he wants changed. It sounds like he is more unhappy with himself that he is with you, but you are a nice target.

DH has a line on a fairly good job. So my mom and grandma took Teagen on a walk so I can fill out the application. DH is fairly helpless when it comes to tweaking PDFs. Sigh... and I could be napping. But I guess at the price of $1,700 a week I can't complain.

On an up note our insurance company is awesome! This is the third claim we've filed with them and they are still keeping our current rate (actually, lowering it now that I'm finally 25). First our house was broken into in Georgia, then I had the hit and run last August and now this. Thankfully the car insurance covers the carseat and GPS that were in the car while our renters insurance covers DH's personal handgun and all his study equipment.
Happy brithday Kellen!!! Hope you get a birthday cake :) x

Dragon, what does he do on the computer until 5 am? Games? Wowee he must be exhausted! Is he awake and happy during the day with the babies? We, I couldn't handle that, I need sleep or being a SAHM is too tough!
Kiara is currently eating pasta and tuna for lunch. She is happy :)
Unfortunately she also has a bad cough again. I think its bronchiolitis again, she had high fever a couple of nights ago. Se would only sleep in my bed, in my ams...all very cute. For five minutes. I woke at 5am to her on all fours, sucking on my chin, then trying to teethe on my chin, then laughing. Monkey.its like having a puppy waking you up with a lick:)
Kellen, I hope your DH gets the new job! It sounds great. Did your birthday improve?

I'm so sorry to hear Teagen and Kiara are sick. :( Poor babies! Poor Mommies, too... I know the lack of sleep is so tough!

Max finally has a tooth! He has one little razor poking out on the bottom. He's still not crawling, though, but one thing at a time. :haha:
Oh Kellen--I'm so sorry your birthday was so rough! I'm hoping it improved dramatically! Happy Birthday!

YAY wamommy on Max getting his tooth! :) We're still not crawling here, so you're not alone! ;)

helena---Kiara sounds adorable. . .even though she is sick. Poor babe. Sounds like the sleeping with mommy helped some though! :)

Kellen, I ordered two different types of diapers that should be here soon. . .SunBaby and Alva. I'm trying them out to see which ones I like the best. :)
He stays up late working on spreadsheets and other things for his business...sometimes he's up working on this Grandpa's finances (he's power of attorney for his grandfather). Once in a while he stays up to watch TV shows on Hulu...but mostly he's doing work stuff.

A lot of the time he's really cranky with the kids because he's tired, but he does manage to stay awake.

That's so funny that Kiara woke you up that way! I'm sorry she hasn't been feeling well, I hope she feels better soon.
Dragon, is there some time during the early evening you can have DH do his work stuff while you watch the babies? That way maybe he won't have to stay up so late? Sleep deprivation causes so many problems---which may be the number one reason he's been treating you the way he is :shrug:
Yeah, I've asked him to work on it in the evenings, and I put the babies to bed every night, so he has from about 6:30-11pm to work on stuff, but he always decides to do other things during that time. I'm really at my wit's end, because I can't force him to sleep, but I feel like it's my fault somehow that he's tired.

I don't think I actually ovulated on CD16 like FF said. My temp dropped today and I got a positive OPK plus fertile cm, so maybe I'm gearing up now. :wacko:
Yeah, I've asked him to work on it in the evenings, and I put the babies to bed every night, so he has from about 6:30-11pm to work on stuff, but he always decides to do other things during that time. I'm really at my wit's end, because I can't force him to sleep, but I feel like it's my fault somehow that he's tired.

I don't think I actually ovulated on CD16 like FF said. My temp dropped today and I got a positive OPK plus fertile cm, so maybe I'm gearing up now. :wacko:

Oh dragon---don't feel that it's your fault. You're doign what you can, it sounds like! I think he needs to communicate what he needs---obviously sleep, but maybe there are other things he needs in order to help him get more work done so he CAN sleep. Are any of those "other things" he does in the evening ---are they something you can help with to give him more time to work? I know with my DH, I have to ask him to do things for me in order to free up my time more---I ask him to do the dishes or go through the mail, etc, because those are little things that will take up my time which he could help with. I obviously don't know your guys' schedule or situation, but I do feel badly for you and hope that you both are able to communicate a bit better and solve this. :hugs:

And you'd better get on dtd if you're ovulating! :)
Yeah, I've asked him to work on it in the evenings, and I put the babies to bed every night, so he has from about 6:30-11pm to work on stuff, but he always decides to do other things during that time. I'm really at my wit's end, because I can't force him to sleep, but I feel like it's my fault somehow that he's tired.

I don't think I actually ovulated on CD16 like FF said. My temp dropped today and I got a positive OPK plus fertile cm, so maybe I'm gearing up now. :wacko:

Are you sure you guys can handle another right now? Sorry, just asking. I am sure you know what you are doing. But I know the urge to make a baby is hard to ignore sometimes .. i definitely always went by my heart not my head xx
Helena, I know the answer to that question for us is no, we can't handle another one. :haha: :dohh: :dohh: Ugh. How's Kiara feeling? Max is sick AGAIN, and this time it's gone to his chest and turned to an ugly cough. I feel so bad for him! I wish I could be him for 2 minutes to cough it all up, since the problem is that he simply doesn't know how to hack it up. I really don't like cold and flu season so far!!

Dragon, it sounds like a really tough situation. I wish I had the perfect advice! I guess I mostly wish that your DH could sit down and have a true, honest, open conversation about everything and work with you on how to fix it. Is that possible? I don't know how you're supposed to know what to do if he won't even tell you what he needs?
I'm starting to think he's just being moody due to lack of sleep...I'm finding if I just leave him alone to cool off, he's acting normally within half a day. I think constantly asking what was wrong was annoying him. I'm trying to pick up some of the slack with housework, and I've been making dinner so he doesn't have to worry about that. This morning he seemed totally back to normal- so keep your fingers crossed!

dtd also helps with his mood ;)

helena, that's a good question. I think right now we probably couldn't handle another one...but in 9 months I think we can.
Dragon - That is a difficult situation. Before Teagen came along my DH would stay up hours into the night playing games and doing stuff on his computer. It was hard because I really wanted him in bed with me and I'd wake up multiple times to go check on him and try to get him to sleep. I'm not sure what changed, but he finally goes to sleep at a decent hour. I know this has improved our relationship. I'm sorry your DH doesn't get enough sleep, but maybe it is his way of winding down. He might just need a little free time and doesn't feel like he gets any during the day. As a SAHM I understand the desire to just be all alone for 5 minutes without someone demanding my attention. Hopefully you'll be able to talk to him and resolve the situation.

Helena - I hope Kiara starts feeling better soon. How are the little vampire teeth coming along? You must take a picture when she is smiling so we can all ooh and awe over more little teeth.

Wamommy - Cold season here in the Pacific Northwest sucks. I hope that Max starts feeling better. Poor little guy.. I think I'm coming down with something... I skated on the first cold and only had a day when I felt a little off. I ended up taking Teagen to the pediatrician on Tuesday. Good news no ear infection. Bad news end of a cold, bad diaper rash and fluid behind the ears that could turn into an ear infection.

Awesome news: The police found our car! Hallelujah! Tomorrow DH goes to do a damage assessment of it with the insurance people. Hopefully someone just took it for a joy ride and didn't throw out all of DH's study materials for school.

Sad news: DH is going back to Portland to study. He has only been gone for 3 hours and I miss him. Having him here for 24 hours and then gone again is a killer. Teagen was so thrilled to see and play with her daddy. After he left she became a little monster... Thankfully after throwing a huge tantrum she passed out at 6:30 and has been asleep ever since. Now that it is a whopping 8:45 I think I'll go to bed.
Kellen, I'm so glad they found your car! I hope everything is intact and accounted for!

Last night I put the babies down for some floor time, and they had so much fun! They're trying really hard to crawl, but so far they just swivel around on their bellies and roll to get where they want. :haha: I'm not sure what Lily was doing that was so funny, but Gunnar was laughing his head off at her. They were facing each other on their tummies, and she was kicking her feet, and Gunnar was just giggling and was so cute. I actually got a video of it, I have to figure out how I can share that.
Apparently the Sheriff's Office stopped the guy who stole our car and we have a court date on Wednesday. They broke out the passenger's side window and found the Valet key. :dohh: They took the gun, some Christian music CDs, our MP3 player, the GPS, the Bluetooth thingy, DH's plotting equipment for school, the spare change and all of our coffee stamp cards. But... the carseat was still there and intact! DH looked at the car and said it was super beat up. The repair place said it will take until October 30th to fix all the cosmetic damage.

Donald Ray Harris, I am glad you are in jail where I cannot get to you or you would be in a world of hurt. You don't want the momma bear coming after you. Be glad Teagen has a cold or I'd be there on Wednesday to watch you get your due.

In other news we are using disposable diapers right now because of Teagen's stuffy nose. She screams and cries whenever I lay her down to change her diaper. I'm not quite fast enough to change the cloth diapers while she is standing, but I can do it with the disposables. She likes the cloth better, but not if she has to lay down to be changed. I can't wait for this cold of hers to be gone.
Kellen, I'm so glad they found the guy who stole your car! I HATE that form of violation, and I hope he gets the book thrown at him. Years ago our house was broken into and they stole almost everything. Some things can be replaced, but things like a cedar chest passed down to me from 4 generations of women in my family, can't. I still get angry when I think about that break in, and it was 6 years ago!

As for the cold, I hear ya. I was up ALL NIGHT with Max last night. I literally closed my eyes at 12:38, and woke up to Max crying at 12:43. He then proceeded to cry, flail, scratch, headbutt and arch his back until 5:00am, when he finally passed out on my bed. When the girls woke me up at 8:00 I asked them to go get their Dad, because Max and I needed to sleep. :haha: I've honestly never had a baby this sick. He coughs like a baby seal. It's this weird barking, and when I hold him I can feel the mucus rumbling in his chest. If it doesn't dramatically improve this evening I might run him down to the after hours Doctor near our house. Poor little Max. :(
Kellen--so glad they found your car!!! I'm so sorry for the trouble it's caused though. :(

Wamommy---that cold sounds awful! Poor Max!! :( I hope all of the babies are feeling better soon!

Poor Camden. . .my family is visiting this weekend and he is struggling with his separation anxiety or social anxiety. . .whatever it is. . . crieds hysterically whenever anyone holds him. My poor Mum tries so hard to console him, and yet he cries. . . and cries. . .She's watching him tonight and I'm going to try to put him down to bed 40 minutes earlier than normal (before I leave) just because I know he'll just stay up screaming with my Mum. :( I'm not sure when he'll grow out of this, but it breaks my heart. ..

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