Valentines Babies, 2013!

So glad they found your car!! That was awful.

Kiara got better but then a bit sick again, kind of flu ish. Me too. Sorry to hear Max is sick too :( i love Autumn but the germs are horrid. We usually get lots of child ear infections here :(
But yesterday we had a really nice family day out, before we both started feeling crappy again :) the last of summer maybe
What a gorgeous family, Helena! Your kids are all such a wonderfully cute mix of he 2 of you. So lovely!! :D That would make a great Christmas card.

I'm sorry to hear you and Kiara are sick, too. This time of year is really tough, isn't it? I think here it's because my oldest started going to school and keep dragging bugs home. My 3-year-old is coughing deeply today too... sigh.

Sierra, how did this weekend's visit with friends go? I wish I had some great and helpful advice about how to help Camden. I really hope he grows out of it, for your sake. I know how much stresss and worry it causes.

Dragon, how many dpo are you now? Any tests?
Oh my goodness, helena---you have such a lovely looking family! So sweet!!

wamommy---it went well! I very much enjoyed the weekend. Camden was his usual self around others, but they still enjoy him. :)

Sorry to hear about all of the sickness--I hope it goes away soon!!
What a great photo, helena! Lovely family :D

I have no idea how many dpo I am. I got crosshairs on FF on CD16, then I got a positive OPK on CD 22, which took the crosshairs away...but then I never got a temp rise, so I don't know if I even ovulated. I'm on CD28 today and I don't know what my body's doing. BFNs all around.

I have another business trip tomorrow and I'll be gone two days :( I'm not looking forward to it.
Helena - You have an absolutely gorgeous family. You could easily all be on the front of a postcard. This time of year just seems like the "sickie" season for us all. I hope that the ear infections stay away from your family though.

Wamommy - Poor Max and your DD2. School is harsh when it comes to getting sick. I read somewhere that if kids have a bunch of colds and stuff when they are little they grow up with really tough immune systems. So hopefully this is just strengthening their internal defense forces!

Sierra - I have zero advice for you, but lots of sympathy! I wish I could bottle some of Teagen's out-goingness and love of everyone and send it to you. I was similar to Camden when I was little. I can actually remember making myself sick when I was about 3 and my mom went out with some of her friends and left me home with my dad... Eventually I grew out of it because once kindergarten hit I didn't even wave goodbye to my parents.

Dragon - Traveling for work is hard, but maybe these few days away will give your DH time to think things over and be ready to start anew.

Teagen's newest accomplishment is signing "milk" in context. It started a few days ago when we were nursing and she started squeezing her hand together. I praised her for signing milk and signed back at her. Then, today, my dad was watching her so I could finish eating when she started wailing. He brought her into the kitchen and she looked at me, then looked at her hand and signed "milk." I immediately rushed the rest of my dinner and we went and nursed for about 15 minutes.
Then tonight when we were in the car coming home from getting ice cream she was becoming fussy. She looked over at me (yes, I ride in the back with her) and said: "Mum-mum *sign"* milk." So proud...
Good luck on your business trip, Dragon! I agree that it might be good for your DH to have a couple of days to miss/appreciate you. Keep us posted on the tests!

Kellen, that is too cute about Teagen signing "milk." So cool! What a smart little girl. Don't worry about sitting in the back. I did with BOTH girls, and only sit in the front now because Max will freak out if he can see me but I don't pick him up. :haha:

I am officially sick now, too. :( We bought some Tylenol just in case I spike a fever like the kids did. So far, no fever, but I've read going over 102 while pregnant is dangerous. I mostly just feel bad for the kids. It sounds like the tuberculosis ward in our house!

On an off note, I am not happy that they changed the format of BnB. It's everyone and not just me, right? I miss my purple screen and am not a giant fan of change. I blame hormones, but it really bothers me. :dohh:
I'm so glad you mentioned something wamommy! I thought it was just my screen! lol It's awful! And it's hard to see too! :( The purple was much more clear!

I'm so sorry that you are now sick wamommy! Definitely watch that temp! And rest when you can!

Kellen---thanks for the reassurance! It's nice to know he'll eventually grow out of it! So cute that Teagen signs milk in context! Such a bright girl!
I dislike the new format too.Too much white makes my eyes burn.
Yes! I'm glad it's not just me. I had to turn the brightness down on my computer screen.
Apparently we aren't alone! Luckily, I found how to turn it BACK to our favorite purple. Here's the link. Just follow her link and instruction and it goes back. Phew. Much better.
My flight was cancelled, and I've been sitting in the airport for over 8 hours waiting for a seat to open up on another flight. I'm not going to get to Atlanta until 10:30pm instead of 9am! :growlmad:

It really sucks having to find places to pump in the airport.

Edit: I just found a nice quiet place to pump in semi-privacy...and just as I set everything up, two guys walked over and decided to conduct a job interview right behind me. Nice. I'm sure they'd love the *honk honk honk* of my pump to add ambience to their meeting.

I need this day to be over.
Don't have too much fun in Atlanta, Dragon. Too bad we moved or I'd offer to take you out to dinner.

Wamommy - Thanks for posting the link to changing it back to the purple. The all white screen was a bit too much for me.

Teagen is in her swing yelling. She is over due for a nap and is fighting it with every ounce of her little being. I hear "Mamma!" Blowing raspberries. "Ahahaha!" Uuuuhghgh... rrraa! She needs to calm down and then we'll try this whole nursing for a nap thing again.
Dragon, I hope you made it home in one piece. It sounds like quite the trip! I must say, though, picturing you pumping with the guys having a meeting behind you is kind of funny... probably because it wasn't me!

We're all still sick here. Max has turned a corner, I think... *knock on wood* We're supposed to go to DD's Trunk or Treat at school and also a chili cook off at church tomorrow, but something tells me we won't make either. :( Hopefully all is well by Tuesday, when DD#2 turns 4!

How is everyone doing?
Well, I made it home more or less in one piece last night :haha:. It was an incredibly stressful two days, and I slept for about 10 hours when I got home, but I still feel like I was run over by a truck.

I was awakened this morning by a loud bang followed by hysterical crying...I ran out into the living room to find out that DH had put Gunnar on the couch and turned his back, and Gunnar took a header onto the floor. He was fine, just really scared, but I think it took 10 years off my life! :wacko:

The babies were so happy to see me this morning, and Lily kept making DH carry her into the bedroom where I was working so she could make sure I was still here hehe. Gunnar got so excited at one point that he tried to touch my face and instead stuck his finger right up my nose! His little fingernails are like razor blades, and my nose immediately started gushing blood, and I had to hand him to DH quickly so I didn't drip it everywhere.

I'm just really hoping that I don't get sick...I tend to pick up a bug every time I travel. I haven't even had a cold since the babies were born (neither have they), and I don't want to break our streak now!
Dragon - The trip does sound stressful, but I'm glad you are back in one piece with happy babies to welcome you home. Your poor nose!

Wamommy - I hope that all your colds clear up. Teagen is finally over hers... now we are teething and super grumpy.

Can you believe that at this time last year we were all celebrating V Day? It was also the day my grandfather passed away. Today has been one of those not so great days. Teagen is teething and all she wants to do is nurse and fuss at me. And then when we are nursing she wants to play and climb all over me. If I so much as walk out of her sight she screams down the house.

I thought we were all over having screamy diaper changes, but I guess not. Today I tried to change her diaper and she absolutely refused to stay on her back. I ended up raising my voice at her... which then resulted in my crying... which made her cry... which made me cry harder. It doesn't seem like any thing I do today for her is right. I feel like a crap mommy because I just want a break. Thankfully DH is coming home tonight for a four day visit.
Oh Kellen, I'm so sorry today is a hard day. You have every right to be emotional, and I'm sure Teagen won't remember or mind you raising your voice. As hard as we try as Moms, some days are just like that... Life doesn't stop for a teething baby or an impossible diaper change, and you're completely human for wanting a break. I'm so glad your DH is coming home to help. :hugs: If it makes you feel any better, I yelled at DD today and feel awful. She's a non-stop talker, and a funny little creature. Usually it's amusing, but today my head is pounding, and I can't even take anything for it. After a 10 minute loud monologue on Tinkerbell, I finally yelled, "Can you please stop talking for 2 minutes????" She looked so sad. So yes, we are all crap Moms at times. Luckily the good FAR outweighs the crap.

Dragon, I'm glad you made it home ok. :) It sounds like the kids missed you and are glad you're home. Ouch about your nose, though! I'm wearing glasses today after Max did a similar thing to my eyeball and I can't wear my contacts. :dohh:
Hi all.

Dagon, how do you manage to pump in public?! I must admi I and a little chuckle to the guys doing an interview!

Preparing to fly with Kiara again tomorrow to go see my mum and dad. Can't wait. Fingers crossed she will be good onboard again :)

I have also gone back to purple :)
Helena - I am glad that you are getting to see your mom again. Keep us posted as to how Kiara does on the plane and what I should take with me on the plane next week to keep Teagen out of trouble.

Wamommy - Thanks for making me feel better. Yesterday was just one of those days. Thankfully DH showed up at 2pm instead of 5pm and was amazing! We ended up going to the park and letting Teagen run around for over an hour. She ended up sleeping from 7:30 - 1:30 and then from 1:45-6:30. It was fantastic! You were so right that saying that I feel better when DH is around.

Teagen is due for a nap anytime now. She is currently wearing herself and her dad out. They are outside playing. She went on a tractor ride, a four-wheeler ride, her swing and more all the course of 2 hours...
Helena, I hope your trip goes well and that Kiara makes the plane ride alright. I also hope your Mom is doing well. I know it's always a mix of difficult and wonderful to see her, but I hope it's more wonderful!

Kellen, Teagen is so lucky to be growing up somewhere that she can experience so many cool things! I would have been in heaven with access to four-wheelers and tractors as a kid. We had a big yard (by today's standards) but it was mostly a mud pit with a rickety swing set. :dohh: It was large enough for dogs, though! I SO wish we could have a dog for the girls. I have so many fond memories of my pets as a child. We have cats, but no fence... so no dog. :(

The last few days have been SO busy! We had Trunk or Treat at my DD's school. It's where the cars pull in backward and hand out candy from their trunks to all of the school kids. Saturday morning we went to the pumpkin patch, where we rode a hay ride, used a pumpkin sling-shot, and picked out a giant wheelbarrow full of pumpkins. We ended up with EIGHT pumpkins, which would be fine if I weren't on solo carving duty. I did 2 last night, and I'll shoot for 4 tonight. I'm a perfectionist, so it's always a bit traumatic carving. Then Saturday night we had a church chili cook-off and costume parade for the kids. They loved the attention, little hams. Sunday afternoon we met my Mom at the Rainforest Cafe for a volcano sundae for Nica's 4th birthday, which is Tuesday. Today I'm finalizing plans for her party tomorrow and getting ready to bake a Cinderella cake. Meanwhile, DH slept until 10 am this morning, and I'm completely behind on all I need to get done and slightly irritated. Wouldn't it be nice to sleep in knowing that someone else is handling EVERYTHING and you can just relax? Deep, calming breath.

How was everyone's weekend? What are your plans for Halloween? Do they celebrate Halloween in France or England?
Wow! Life sounds super busy for you. Trunk or Treats are fun. I remember back in the day when they first started to become popular. The weekend was awesome for us as Teagen got to have her daddy for a whole four days. It made my life so much easier.

Except... she was cruising on the furniture and started to tumble and grabbed the cord to DH's computer. Which then popped the pin out of the DC in plug. So now that computer is off being repaired and mine is 250 miles away from me. Sigh...

Tomorrow we leave for four days to celebrate my grandmother's 96th birthday with all my cousins and whatnot in Arizona. It will be interesting to see how my wiggly, constantly moving child does on the plane. Thankfully there is a 3 hour layover on our first stop.

Teagen now crawls for real instead of lurching, she also sits herself consistently and pulls up on the furniture to cruise. It makes life much more interesting. In someways it is easier because she is less frustrated because she is mobile and able to move herself, but it is a lot of work! We did manage to baby-proof one room in my grandmother's house (my other grandma who is only 88). The rest of the time I have to follow Teagen around and try to explain why we can't grab the ceramic horse from coffee table and throw it on the ground.

We have also entered the "ya-ya" stage. Teagen is in full babble mode now. She chatters up a storm and every once in a while a real word will sneak in. Besides signing milk she says "mum-mum" "up" "keke" (kitty) and will sign all done and outside.

Have a good week everyone!

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