Valentines Babies, 2013!

We have snow. Teagen wasn't overly impressed.


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That was at 8 this morning. It hasn't stopped snowing yet, and we were supposed to get 8-10 inches... if it started snowing at 10am. I think we are well on our way to having a snow day.
How cute, Kellen!! What a great pic. :) I'm so jealous. It's freezing here with NO snow... boo. We might get a flurry or 2 tonight, but nothing fun like you're getting!
Hi all, hope you are keeping warm!!! I have to keep the heating on all night in Kiara's room. Unfortunately she has the coldest room in the house :(
However, she has been sleeping great - right through until 5.30! For a few nights in a row :) I even went out with friends last night and didn't get in until just gone midnight, and I didn't feel shattered when I got up this morning. I am so grateful to my little lady! She is eating much more so maybe that's the key.

The latest party trick is pointing.. she does make me laugh with her pointing. The first time she did it DH was holding her and telling off our 5 yr old, and he happened to point while telling him off. He looked down and Kiara was pointing at her brother too! Lol. Now she points at anything :)

Seems like my 3 year old us getting sick so maybe tonight won't be such an easy night..

helena---I think pointing is SO cute! I can't wait until Camden does that---and I'm hoping it finally helps me know what he WANTS! I still feel sometimes it's a big guessing game---does his belly hurt, is he hungry, is he just mad? lol. . . I can't wait until he can communicate more than just crying and whining! :haha:

And that's crazy that she is standing like that---Camden won't even ATTEMPT to do that!

Kellen--we have finally tried night time cloth diapering! And so far---it's a success! I'm using hemp inserts (I use them for the carseat too to avoid compression leaks)---it's a bit bulky because I use three of them, but they are thinner than microfiber inserts anyways. No leaks so far, but they are extremely saturated by morning, so I may need to add another layer soon.

I bought wool shorties to put over the diaper, because I've heard that they catch any leaks that might happen. . . but DH REFUSES to let me use them because he thinks that it's going to make Camden's privates too hot/sweaty :rofl: I tried to tell him that people use them all of the time for nighttime cloth diapering, but he's not convinced. :lol:

Today was the first time that we tried letting a coop watch Camden during my work meeting this morning. He was LIVID. .. *sigh* hopefully it'll go better next time. . .
Wow, look at Kiara standing!! What a strong girl. :D I love the pointing, too. It's so fun when they become "human," isn't it?

Sierra, Max doesn't even try to stand yet, either... :haha: He's content to sit on the floor playing, and doesn't even crawl yet! The poor guy just projectile vomited all over the kitchen...ugh. I hope it's something he ate and not a bug. :(

We may put up the Christmas tree tonight. I LOVE going to cut a fresh tree, but I think this year we'll just use our pre-lit fake one. It's not as festive, but it's cheap and easy! :dohh: Does anyone have any christmas card ideas? What are you doing this year? We usually take a family picture, but I'm dreading it since I feel so bleh. Maybe we'll just do the kids this year. :shrug:
We never do Christmas cards. . . but I think one of the kids will be just fine!

We cut our tree a couple weeks ago---Camden LOVED it. (He loves being outside anyways) We bundled him up and he got to ride on a hay wagon and LOVED the tractor! :)
Helena - Kiara is adorable in her little cold weather outfit. I really need to find one for Teagen. The only problem is she is so tall they think that 18 month olds don't need one piece snow suits. We have a pointer here as well. She loves to wave as well whenever she sees anyone. Good job standing!

DH wanted to do Christmas cards this year. I'm sending out a whopping 7 of them. We took our snow pictures and sent them to Walgreens and had them print out cards. I hand wrote a message on the back and need to find my address book today so I can send them off.

We brought out our pre-lit tree a few days ago and set it up on the covered porch. It sits right out the window Teagen plays by. So instead of having to tell her to leave it alone 50 billions times a day she can crawl over to the window, pull herself up, point and admire the tree.

My parents are giving us a family photo shoot as our Christmas present. Then we are giving pictures out to the rest of the family as their Christmas gifts. LOL... I'm not really looking forward to it just because of the hassle. Wamommy, I am sure you will look lovely and glowing even if you don't feel it.

Sierra - Congrats on the overnight diapering success. We are still using disposables for night time, but eventually we will switch over. Signing has made it really easy for us to communicate with Teagen and understands what she is fussing about. We use the videos from Two Little Hands Productions. Maybe you could pick up some signs from YouTube and see if Camden will try to use them to communicate?

Right now Teagen has quite a few signs. While eating she will sign "more food please" (more = hands coming together, food = hand to mouth, please = flat hand rubbed on chest). And when she is finished she will wave her hands to sign "all done, finished!" If we are playing she signs "dog, cloud, up" and with my dad she will sign "grandpa" (yet she won't sign dad or mom, which are pretty close). She can also sign "hurt" if she bumps her head or something. When it was snowing she signed "snow" as well. She understands even more signs even if she can't do them yet. We frequently ask her to "wait, stop, kiss, love, potty, go, car, outside, cat, frog, horse, sheep."

It is a balmy 14 degrees outside right now. Our silly chickens have now started laying eggs. The first egg we got was during the big snow storm. Silly chickens! This is supposed to be the time of year when their production grinds to a halt.
Thanks Kellen--I will have to look some up on youtube and see. I've been trying to get him to sign "milk" when he wants to nurse, but so far he doesn't get it. He hasn't been a really good mimicker. .. I always hear of babies copying what their parents do and he never will do that. :shrug: But, it's worth a try! :)

Tonight is my work christmas party, so the in-laws will be here soon to spend time with Camden, then I will put him down for bed, and they will stay here while I go to the party with DH. I'm always really uneasy whenever I leave Camden---even if he is sleeping! But, it'll be a fun night, I'm sure.

DH's cousin just had her baby today. I have to say, it really gives me the baby itch! Between that and my 8 month pregnant sister, I'm refraining from suggesting we have another one! :haha: I'm not really sure if we ever will have another one with how draining Camden has been for both of us, but I sure do crave being pregnant again! does anyone else get like this?

BTW, Dragon, when's the next test date?!
Wow Kellen, the signing is incredible!! I might check out the youtube video, since Max has been really into imitating lately. We "sing," where I make a sound with a dramatic inflection and he copies me. I change it and he copies it again. It's pretty funny. I think we sound like basset hounds. :) I would love for him to be able to communicate his needs better, since I think most of his fussing is frustration over us not knowing what the heck he wants.

I like the Christmas card idea, too! It would be a lot faster and cheaper to skip the 3rd party card makers this year. I used some new programs to make Max's birth announcement in photo shop and then print the announcements for only 9 cents each at Walgreens. Maybe I'll do that again?

Haha that you're getting the baby itch, Sierra! I suppose I probably would be too... I think it's normal. I'd bet that a second baby would be a breeze for you, since you're so experienced, and would probable end up with the most easy-going baby ever! I'm glad you get some time away with DH to have some fun tonight. I know it's stressful to leave Camden, but it's probably GREAT for you and DH to feel human and adult again. :) I was trying to remember the other day the last time I wore heels. I have my nice boots and shoes on the top shelf of my closet so the girls don't wear them around. I think they have dust on them! :haha:

Max is sick as a dog, the poor guy. He has probably thrown up 50 times in the last 24 hours. I have done laundry 4 times (mine, his, DHs and the sheets on my bed) and have changed clothes about 5 times. DH hates getting thrown up on, and is really irritating me by refusing to hold Max facing him. Max screams because he just wants cuddles. He's sick. He's going to throw up. Deal with it, seriously. Anyhow, I've been up since 4am picking barf out of my hair and carpet, so I'm wiped out completely!

Dragonfly, I honestly don't know HOW the heck you did this with 2 sick babies and sick yourself! I bow down.
Oh wamommy---poor Max! And poor you! :( Oh that sounds awful. I can't imagine a baby throwing up that often. I hope it stops soon! And I hope DH comes around and gets over the throw-up---(though, I'm sure my DH would do the SAME thing!)

On the heals subject---my heals wore out right before I had Camden so I don't even own any anymore! :rofl: I'll be wearing my flats tonight. . .and forever look like a "mom". lol

And thanks for the encouragement on the second baby. That's what all of our relatives are saying to us, too. I'd love another child--especially for Camden--but it's so hard to fathom right now with him and our finances. And quite honestly, having Camden has been a big strain on our marriage. DH and I used to do EVERYTHING together--seriously, maybe twice a year did we ever go out without the other person (probably unhealthy, but we loved it). We held hands all of the time and talked endlessly. Having Camden, we feel we get no time together except in the evenings when we're too exhausted to do much but watch tv. So, it's been really discouraging--especially for DH.. . I'm sure it will get better, but for now, we need to get used to this baby in our lives before we decide on another. (Don't get me wrong, we LOVE him so much. . .just it was a drastic change for us that still hasn't gotten comfortable yet).
Wamommy - You and poor Max are certainly running the gauntlet of illness this year. I hope this means he won't catch any more bugs for years to come. My DH is fortunately pretty good about things like that as he is frequently pooped and peed on by dogs and cats at work. Baby bodily fluids don't phase him too badly. I hope you don't come down with it as well.

Sierra - I understand what you mean about adjusting to life with baby and still finding time to hang out with DH. DH and I were together for 5 years (2.5 of them married) before Teagen came along. We were (are) best friends and did EVERYTHING together. Of course we have our separate interest, but genuinely enjoy doing most everything with each other. It is hard because DH doesn't want to let go of going out and doing things without Teagen whereas I can't stand to leave her. I am looking forward to the 21st of this month. Our motorcycle club is holding a Christmas party and specifically made it at 4:30 in the afternoon so that we can bring Teagen. :)

What type of activities are you guys doing during the cold weather months? Teagen loves to be outside so much that we are both getting a pretty severe case of cabin fever. It probably doesn't help that our water pipes have been frozen since last Friday and we are living off of paper plates and microwave food as I don't want to cook and not be able to wash dishes.

In other news I managed to score 3 shirts, 2 onsies and a pair of pants off a local Facebook group for Teagen for only $12. I'm pretty excited since only the pants had ever been worn. Also have a message in to another mom who has extra cloth inserts that she doesn't want.
Sierra - I have moderate baby fever. DH and I actually discussed it a couple of nights ago. We have agreed to wait until Teagen turns two. I want to give her at least that long to nurse if possible. I'd like to tandem feed with her and the new baby, but I don't want to risk loosing my milk until she is at least 2 so that way if we have to dry nurse for a few months she'll be able to somewhat understand. I also like the fact that Teagen would be almost 3 if not a little older by the time the new baby comes around.
We've decided to put TTC on hold indefinitely. I'm thinking I'd like the twins to be old enough to help out a little before a new baby comes, so maybe we'll start trying again when they are 18 months-2yrs. Honestly, my mental health is so poor right now that I could not handle a pregnancy.

The twins are mostly recovered from their virus now, thankfully. Gunnar did wake up with a rash on his face yesterday, but we think it's from the small amounts of whole milk we started introducing. We're going to put that off for a few more weeks.

Work is crazy right now so I don't have much time, but I'll try to pop in again later.
As much as I wanted two babies close in age, I think waiting sounds best for us too.

Dragon--I couldn't imagine having a baby with twins this age---I think I'd wait too! I'm sorry to hear about your mental health---I hope you are getting good tretament for it! :hugs:

Well, I got one week off from AF before she came again! WTF?! I'm tired of being bloated! lol
There is something to be said for a larger age gap, too. A 3-year-old understands, "if you can wait 5 minutes while I change a diaper I'll get your favorite pens out to play." A 1-year-old just screams... :haha: I love the close age gap with my girls, but I'm glad they're both a bit older now. My 5-year-old is AMAZING with Max, and is the biggest helper.

Dragonfly, I'm so sorry things are tough right now. :( I hope work calms down a bit so you can breathe a little. Do you ever get time to yourself to relax? It sounds like your plate is really full.

Kellen, I go totally stir crazy in the winter here, too. We take the kids to the mall to walk the length of it a few times, or sometimes random craft stores to pick out cheap activities. That's more of an older kid thing, though. Max is happy just to walk through Target, since every older woman stops to dote on him... :haha: I can't wait for the spring so we can get back outside!

So, I hit the 20 week mark today. I can't believe I'm half way there! It seems like yesterday that I found out. I've sprouted a bump since 15 weeks, but it's nowhere near how big I was with Max. Weird. I blame shock.

First is 15 weeks, second is today at 20. :)


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Aww love the bump wamommy! So cute!!

For cold weather activities, we either go to the mall, other peoples' houses or have people over. Camden doesn't really like people or other places much, so I think he's content to stay home most of the time! :haha: He DOES miss outside, though----he cries everytime I open the door and don't take him out. :(

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