Valentines Babies, 2013!

Dragon--I am so sorry things are going so poorly for you. :( A hospital stay sounds like a good idea, I think. Please keep us posted. :hugs:

Yay for being done Christmas shopping wamommy! We are done here, too. My goal is to do all of the wrapping this weekend. :)

When do you ladies call the pediatrician about a fever? Long-story-short, Camden has been runnin a fever of 99.3-100.4 (not technically a "fever" but a high temp) for a MONTH. The doctor has said on several occassions that if he is eating right and acting okay, then he is fine and might just have a higher body temperature. Well, today, he woke up with a fever of 101.7 and has been crying most of the morning, clinging to me and is now on his 4th nap! DH gave him tylenol and that brought the temp down to 100.4. . .and now he's sleeping again. I'm wondering if this is just a bug he caught now, but I don't want to dismiss it if it's coorelated to the other high temps. Then again, I'm always extra paranoid anyways. . .so. .. when do you ladies call the doc?
I would call the Doc just to be sure. I know a low-grade fever can be beneficial, because it helps fight off the bug, but if it's been going on so long and is now spiking up, I'd definitely call. Max is the opposite, and always runs cool. His normal temp is about 97.5... same as mine. If he hits 100 I think of it as super high, even though the Docs aren't concerned, because I know it's actually almost 3 degrees up. Anyhow, I'd call. Poor Camden. :( Sleepiness is also a sign that his little body is fighting something.

I wrapped presents for an hour last night and an hour a couple of nights ago, and I still have more to go! I think part of the problem is that I'm a perfectionist and hate when the presents don't look perfect. I also use a hair dryer to remove all sticker price tags so they don't leave any residue. I know, I know... I have a problem. :blush:
Oh, I heard back from admin too. There isn't a way to limit people's access to this thread. It can be permanently closed, but not limited. :( Ah well, I don't think a ton of people wander into February 2013 threads... :haha:
Thanks wamommy. I'll probably wait until he wakes up and take his temp again. . .if still high I will probably give them a call. I swear, ever since his uti at 3 months old, I'm afraid if his temp gets anywhere away from 98.6!

And wow. . .I bet your gifts look beautiful when they are wrapped! I make sure mind are neat, but I don't go into that much detail. ;) I *do* however have to put curled ribbon around every package---whereas DH's family, just wrap the gifts in paper--no bow, no tag, etc. Interesting how different people do it. I think I need to see a picture of one of your wrapped gifts wamommy--they sound pretty if you take that much time! :)
Dragon - Get better soon. We love you! :hugs:

Sierra - Teagen is naturally hot. Ever since she was born her temp has run around 98.9 to 99.1. But if Camden has been acting unusual then I would probably phone the doctor. I know our pediatrician has a nurses line we can call and they will advise whether or not we need to bring Teagen in.

Wamommy - Can I hire you to re-wrap all my presents? I am a terrible wrapper. It looks like an 8 year old with ADD wrapped all of mine. LOL. I can wrap nicely, but after working at a bookstore who's owner was OCD about wrapping paper I chose not to wrap nicely. It is a point of contention with me.

So does anyone else do stockings? Normally we open one present Christmas Eve, stockings in the morning after "Santa" has come, eat brunch, then open the rest of the presents and lounge for the rest of the day. Oh and somewhere in between we read the Christmas story from Luke 2.
Thanks ladies! Temperature was kept down until the tylenol wore off, then it was back to 101.2--gave him more tylenol before bed, and when he woke up, the fever was gone! He's back to his playful self! Me, on the other hand, I have a core throat this morning. :( I bet that's what he had--poor guy!

Kellen--we do stockings, too. Usually we set a small price limit and put a few random things in there---like socks, or a used cd or something (just DH and I---we haven't decided what to do for Camden's stocking). We open everything on Christmas morning together. :) I love Christmas time! I'm so excited!
Kellen, on a side note--have you been to the "Post your Cloth Bum Pics" thread in the Natural Parenting section? I've been going through the pictures over there and it makes me want to buy even more cloth diapers! lol I'm fully stocked now with about 30+ diapers, so I don't need to buy anymore. . .but I keep adding ones to my wishlist after seeing how pretty some of them are!

Actually, all of you ladies should go check that thread out because they are just so darn pretty to look at! :)
I'm glad Camden is better today, but poor you Sierra! I hope it's gone by Christmas.

When I was growing up we always did stockings and Santa right when we got up, and then ate cinnamon rolls and waited on my Mom and Dad to drink their coffee before opening presents from each other. We do a similar thing now. We get up and take the girls into the family room while we make a cup of coffee (I might actually drink a regular coffee if it's early enough this year!) and then we all go together into the living room to see if Santa came. DH and I try to control the whirlwind that is a child on Christmas, and then I'll make brunch after presents are finished. I gave DH his present early this year, because I couldn't hide it, and we don't do stockings for each other. We should. It sounds like you guys are very loving and thoughtful with yours. I honestly don't know what I would buy DH, though. I've been a bit irritated because when he wants something, he buys it, even if we can't afford it right now. He's been buying a bunch of cell phone stuff that we don't need right now, and this is already a REALLY tight month with Christmas... sigh. Ah well.

Lol about your wrapping issues, Kellen. Mine stem from a super talented and artistic big sister who always got Oohs and Aaahs about her present wrapping prowess growing up. I swear she should have designed the Christmas display for Macy's and Sax 5th avenue.

After presents here we're heading up to my Mom's house for a super casual afternoon. Everyone is just stopping by when they have time and there will be snacks laid out. My Mom is a pastor, and she does 4 services on Christmas Eve including one at 11pm, so she's always really tired on Christmas. It's mostly about letting the kids open presents and enjoy the day. For me it's a really good excuse to see my family who I don't see nearly enough.

We have a dusting of snow on the ground today! It's beautiful, but certainly not enough to stick around. It will probably be gone by noon, but for now it's gorgeous!
wamommy---your Christmas sounds lovely. I bet it's just full of excitement with the older kiddos.

DH and I have been so tight financially since we met (two poor college students trying to make a living playing music, fast forward to now when we're paying off those loans and supporting a baby! lol) that I have TONS I want to get him each year! We always set a price limit depending upon how much we think we can afford and we buy presents within that price. Our bosses are extremely generous with bonuses this time of year, so we actually do pretty good. . .but I still can't get him everything that I know he wants! lol But his birthday is in February, so I always save the leftover ideas until then. :)

I'm trying to find a Christmas Eve service around here that is going during the day (most of them are late at night when Camden is already in bed)--but it also has to allow children because I haven't been brave enough to put Camden in nursery during church yet (I'm a germ FREAK, so it's hard for me to know that my healthy little baby could be playing with toys a sick child played with just moments before!). . . I'm hoping to transition Camden to nursery in January. ..we'll see if it actually happens. . .lol. . .for now, he stays with me in service until he gets too disruptive, then we go to the "quiet room" where I can nurse him and still see/hear the sermon. .

I can't believe your mom does 4 sermons in one day---that's got to be so tiring! Bless her.
Hi all! We do stockings. Usually they are opened rights way, as soon as the kids wake and run to them. They usually have some sweets and little toys or fun things in. This year all 3 are getting some white chocolate buttons, the boys are getting some pens for colouring, a mini chocolate Santa and a couple of little ikea finger puppets (dragons).
Usually we have other presents afterwards, then play for the morning, have a big roast lunch and then maybe try and go out for some air I n the afternoon or risk falling asleep on the sofa. In the pre children days this was geat but now best to be avoided I guess. Unless they sleep too. And the chances of my 5 year old sleeping after a tone of chocolate is pretty much zero.

I made this the other night. I highly recommend! Served over lots of ice ...

On a. Non Christmassy note, is a w the genetic oncology people again last week. They said I have a 1 in 4 risk of getting breastcancer. Usually it's curable but in my family it seems to go on to kill so we are pretty much decided on a mastectomy. Just need consultations witha. Breast surgeon some time next year. I know it sounds so drastic, but my mums mum didnt get to meet me as she died too young. My kids won't remember my mum as she will leave us too young. I need to stop this pattern, even if I only have a 25% risk. As i said to the doctor the other day "1 in 4 chance?....ok, I understand I have a 75% chance of not getting it....but really, 1 in 4? If I had a 1 in 4 chance of winning a million pounds / dollars / euros / francs I would buy lots of tickets thinking I had a really great chance!". Feel kind of lucky to have this chance to reduce my chances to almost zero. Thinking next summer or the summer after depending on how things pan out back at home with my mum. I don't want her to know, she will only worry or feel guilty. I don't want that.

Anyway, that all sounds too serious. Back to Christmas chat please!.....

oh helena, I am SO sorry! :( That's so horrible :( What a horrid position to be in. :( My cousin just went through this same thing---except she had breastcancer (she's 39 years old) and they told her she could go through chemo, etc, but there's a 25% chance it'll come back. She decided not to take the chance, and had a double mastectomy. It was really hard during it, but now she is doing really great (and looks fabulous!) Sending hugs to you. . . :hugs:
I actually feel pretty lucky. Lucky that I have the chance to stop the cancer before it happens. Because once it pops up we aren't in control anymore. Even if we have a mastectomy after cancer. Not that you need worry about your cousin I am sure. The doctor told me most breast cancers are curable. Treatment has a high high success rate. Just seems not the case in my family. They don't know why. So i feel lucky I started investigating my options now, and lucky there are options. I feel lucky I can chose when to go ahead. I can act before cancer takes control.
And lucky we are a generation where as women we aren't defined by our bodies. I can probably still be a strong woman without my boobs.. It's a good time to be a women without breasts, if you need to be. It may not have been the same years ago for my grandmother or even my mother.
Just hope I can keep this positive and strong!... I am sure I can. I only need to look at my babies to know I will do whatever I can to make as sure as I can I will be there to see their babies :) ultimately I don't need my boobs anymore :)

Just had an Irish cream. Yum! Go on, make some :) x
You are amazing Helena. :hugs:

Irish cream is definitely on the agenda for me tonight--- dh picked some up last night. Not homemade, but it'll do! ;)
Stop gloating about the Irish Cream, seriously! It sounds SOO good to me... Ah well, I can have it in a few months. :haha:

Helena, you are truly amazing. :hugs: I'm sure it is an impossibly tough decision, but your children are so lucky that you are taking steps to make sure you're here for them and their children. I don't envy your position, but I do your strength!
Helena, you are an inspiration to us all. I'm sorry you have to make the decision at all, but at least you have a decision to make. So rock on with your bad self and have some Irish Creme. That does sound good. The only thing we have in the house is DH's beer and some wine I use for cooking... lol.

Am I the only one who is finding it difficult to keep Teagen's (insert your child's name here!) until Christmas? We found a little green puppy named Scout that we can program. When it turns on it says: "Ruff, ruff. Hello, Teagen!" So adorable... I want to give it to her now, but DH says I must wait.

My body is so strange. The other day I thought AF was trying to return, which was odd because it was the middle of my cycle. Then it stopped. My first thought was implantation bleeding. Which is impossible. My IUD is 99.9% effective. Isn't it? I guess I'll wait and see if AF shows up in January before jumping to conclusions. I guess BF could still being making it haywacky.
Oh Kellen, imagine if you had an extra surprise this Christmas! would have to call it Holly. Or Gabriel. Or something else Christmassy :)
Oooooo what if it was implantation bleeding?! You'd better keep us posted because now I'm getting a bit excited! (Darn this broodiness!) Lol

Wamommy maybe you can make a non alcoholic version? I'm still in desire of a full drink someday-- but with breastfeeding I only usually have a few sips....

How's the baby growing doing? How are you feeling?

Wamommy-- maybe you
Kellen, do keep us posted! Wouldn't that be amazing?? I agree with Helena. You might have a little Noelle or Nick on your hands! I know the IUD is supposed to be 99.9% effective, but so is birth control, right? :haha: I'll be the first to argue THOSE stats.

DH bought some non-alcoholic Christmas beverage from Ikea that seriously tastes like the real thing, so I think I'll have some of that. It is hard on holidays when the whole family is relaxing with wine and I'm rocking my sparkling cider with the kids.... :haha: but ah well.

As for the baby growing, Sierra, it's going pretty well! I finally had a growth spurt and gained around 5 pounds so FAR this month. :blush: I can feel the baby move and see it from the outside. I'm feeling pretty good physically. I know this is the easiest time in pregnancy, so I'm trying to enjoy it. I'm honestly starting to freak out inside, though. The more I can see and feel the baby, the more I have to face that there is, indeed, a baby in there that will be here in just a couple of months! Yikes.

I'm about to get the whole family dressed up for our yearly Christmas brunch at church. It's a huge event. Santa will be there as well as a breakfast buffet. :) It should help build the excitement for the kids. I wrapped some presents, but not all of them, and I didn't wrap the one thing my daughter Nica REALLY wants. She searched through all of the presents and looked so sad... It broke my heart. THen she said, "it's ok... I can ask for that doggy for Christmas again next year." I wanted to run get it and give it to her that second!! She will be so happy on Christmas.
Aww wamommy--that is so sad/cute about your daughter. I bet her joy will be priceless on Christmas morning!

I miss feeling a baby move inside of me---enjoy it while you can! I know it makes it more real, but how simply amazing!

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