Valentines Babies, 2013!

Kellen - this was an 18 month one piece snow suit. Maybe check the uk or European sellers?
Kiara wants to fully play now, even when it's freezing she wants to crawl / walk (cruise) / sit in the sand pit with the bigger kids.

Looking good wamommy! You are still tiny at 20 weeks, have you a pic from your pregnancy with Max?
I do have a pic from Max! I was digging through old pictures on my computer today and found one from 20 weeks. I only took 4 or 5 belly shots last time, so I'm lucky to have one! Looking at it again, I'm not THAT much bigger with Max. I think I just started off thinner, so the weight gain was more noticeable last time.

Black shirt is Max, red shirt is this baby!


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Dragon - I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing a hard time. I pray that you are able to find the help and support you need. We are all here any time you need a slightly objective someone to rant to. We love you and your kiddos even though we have never met in RL.

Wamommy - You look amazing. 'Nuff said. I can't believe you are already half way through.

Sierra - I love the Sun Baby diapers so far. They fit a lot better around Teagen's legs and the leaks don't happen as frequently. I also like the soft interior. So far they are working great for us.

Teagen is walking. Yes, walking without assistance. Given she can only take about 6 tiny steps before she falls over, but it is walking never the less. And it terrifies me... because she is tall and can grab things off the table.

The day before yesterday she followed my mom into the bathroom. As my mom was using said bathroom. Teagen started chanting: "poop, poop, poop." Because that is typically what she does when I sit her on the toilet. My mom tried to convince her that it was "pee-pee" but Teagen very seriously insisted that it was "poop." Great... one of the only spoken words my child will say is poop.

Then yesterday as we were driving back from our whirlwind time testifying in Portland Teagen was fighting sleep. I was in back with her trying to call her down. She was crying and signing "sleepy" and "sad" and "all done". Pretty much broke my heart. Now she is demanding to go play...
wamommy--you carry babies so well! Gorgeous!

Dragon--I agree with Kellen---we're hear anytime to listen!!

Kellen--I'm so glad that you like the sunbabys! I like how they are trimmer between the legs, too.

That's unbelievable that Teagen is walking! What a champ! And so sad about the car ride. :( Poor baby.
It broke my heart because I knew what she was crying about, but there wasn't anything I could do. We had to keep driving thanks to cold temperatures and rain that was starting to try to become sleet.

Helena - I will look at some European sellers. I don't know how much more snow we will have. Normally our winters are wet and the temp stays around 40-60 degrees.

We also noticed yesterday that Teagen has at least 5 teeth trying to come in at the same time, possibly 7 as she won't let me look at the bottom and keeps her tongue over her gums. No wonder the poor girl is waking up at night.
Dragonfly, I agree that we're here to listen if you need to vent! We support you and are rooting for you. :hugs:

Kellen, Teagen's signing would have killed me! How sad. :( The nicest thing to do is to keep going and get home quickly, but it's not like you can explain that to her!

Along the same lines, we were in TJMaxx today looking for a gift for my aunt, who is incredibly eccentric and impossible to shop for! Anyhow, Max pulled a big mug off of the shelf and it crashed to the floor in pieces. I gasped and he made the saddest pout and started to whimper. Every woman within 20 feet ran to help clean it up and comfort Max. :haha: He felt so bad!

Are you guys doing gifts for your babies? I'm not sure what the heck to get for Max. He doesn't understand what's going on, but at the same time I don't want to leave him out. I have some of the girl's toys in the garage and I'm thinking about cleaning them up and wrapping them for Max. He doesn't know, right? It would still be fun to unwrap. I think we have one of those musical tables that he would really love. Is that terrible of me?
We aren't doing a lot of presents for Christmas, but some. I think it is different because we only have Teagen. My parents got her one big gift, we are getting her more Signing Time (I found a great deal locally where we are getting two series of it for $100. It normally runs $289) and then a Green puppy thing that we can program to say her name and teach her to spell. Everyone else is getting us clothes. Oh, and her great grandma is getting her a shopping cart. I asked for socks and a book for Christmas as I am pretty sure no one is going to fork over the $500 mountain bike I really want... Nor is DH getting the XBox 360 he's been begging for for the past three years.
Well done walking Taegan!! I am more amazed she's ays words. Or you sit her on the toilet! We are still most definately at the da da dad a daaaaaa da da stage.

For Christmas Kiara is getting a walker. Its stroller for a doll that doubles as a walker. She currently walks around the living room pushing her high hair or any handy box so I am sure she will love it. My parents have got her a rag doll which will hopefully get pushed around in the stroller :).

My DH has been away this weekend so it has been me v the three kids. All ok so far, only one big row. Otherwise we had a nice time going to a play centre yesterday and then a Christmas party at a friends house. Hoping they will let us take it easy today and then daddy is back tonight, yay!

Kiara is off formula and on cows milk now, the doc gave us the go ahead since she is above average weight and eats well. She just loves casserole and couscous this week!
What's your little ones favourite dinners....

*** edit! update....DH missed his flight! Grrrrrr

On another note I randomly felt an urge for another baby today. I won't, I feel I am only just coping with my 3 (1 is especially tricky) but oh I do so love those newborns! Bit jealous wamommy :) have you started on your names yet!?
Helena, the walker for Kiara is too cute!! That should be a ton of fun for her. She sounds like a great eater, too. Max tries everything we give him, but usually he just half plays with his food unless he REALLY likes it. He loves sausage, hates eggs, loves bagels and cheese, loves any fruit, LOVES peas (but they come out whole, eew), and loves pasta with tomato sauce. We've taken a little break from new foods since Max has been sick, but will get back into trying new things soon.

It's too funny that you had the baby urge today too, Helena! If only you lived closer so you could come get your baby fix helping out at my house! :haha: jk, you have your hands as full as I do!

Kellen, we're doing light presents here, too. We usually go too crazy and Christmas becomes about unwrapping things as fast as possible in a whirlwind. This year we're trying to slow it down and teach the kids to appreciate what they have. It's half because it's an important lesson, and half because we're kind of broke this year! haha. My DH fixes broken phones and tablets as a hobby and for extra income, so he was able to buy broken ipads for the girls and make them look NEW for $90 a piece. :D

So my great Christmas photo shoot was a complete disaster. I was really hoping to get ONE good picture of all of us to make into a card. The first night we tried, but the spacing and positioning was all wrong. The second night I made everyone dress up again and my stepdaughter refused to get close to DH in the picture, and then stormed off 5 minutes into taking pictures when I called he on her poor attitude. What a mess! It looks like I won't be sending out Christmas cards this year. :( On the plus side, I DID get amazing shots of Max and the girls! I will be framing these for sure.

I made them super small because I'm hyper-paranoid about posting pics on the web. DH is uncomfortable with me posting any, but I really want you guys to see my beautiful kids!


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wamommy--your kiddos are gorgeous!! What a lovely little family! I can't wait to see what the new baby looks like! :)

helena--I think the walker is so cute! I can imagine her pushing her dolly around in it--so sweet!

Today, I am a very proud momma. For the first time in his entire life, Camden let someone else play with him and watch him for TWO straight hours without crying! I know this doesn't sound like much, but for my fussy baby, it is a DREAM! I'm so proud!! He's growing up! :)
Wamommy what gorgeous kids! Very cute girls. So pretty. Your eldest certainly looks super proud to have a baby brother :) and your youngest girl has a cheeky air about her if you ask me ;)

I also get paranoid about the web sometimes so occasionally post pics for a day or two so you girls can see them then I delete them.
That's a good idea about deleting the photos after a couple of days---I too am paranoid. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks, ladies! Helena, you are totally right about DD#2. She IS cheeky, and quite a character. My oldest adores Max, and protects him and plays with him. I've been pleasantly surprised what great big sisters they both are. :D

That's a great tip about deleting the pics after a couple days. I may do that! I just made them super small so no one would bother trying to download them. They're blurry, but safer ( I think ).

Yay Camden!! What a huge milestone for him! I'm SO glad he was able to let someone else watch him. :) Hopefully this opens up a whole new world for you. :happydance:
Wamommy - What gorgeous kiddos you have. I absolutely love the curls your oldest has. I'm envious. Max is going to be a little heart breaker. Such a handsome little fellow. He looks so happy. Sorry to hear the photo shoot didn't go as planned, but you did get some really nice shots it looks like.

Sierra - Huzzah for Camden! I hope this opens up a whole new world for the both of you. I'm so thrilled for the both of you. Maybe this will give you and DH time to reconnect and find a new happy normal.

Helena - That is a great idea about deleting the pictures after a bit. I am going to do that as well. I think we are all a bit paranoid for a good reason. I wish that there was a way to make a forum on here private so random guests couldn't just pop in.

So Teagen's top right front tooth is about halfway grown in. Now her top right eye tooth is cutting through as is her left front and eye teeth. Poor baby is trying so hard to be happy, but it hurts. Last night I would wake up and hear her whimpering in her crib. It was heartbreaking because we had even given her Tylenol, but nothing seems to really help. Even when we play she'll pout a lip and point to her mouth when I ask her where it hurts.

Today and tomorrow are my last big push for Christmas. Today I am dragging DH along with me to finish getting the last few presents on our list and stocking stuffers. Every year we go to the Dollar Store and pick out $10 worth of random stuff to stick in each other's stockings. It is normally very silly, but a lot of fun. Last year he found 5 different colored scarves. I don't wear scarves. Apparently he thought I loved scarves... Strange man.
The thread might be able to be In a closed group maybe? Worth checking with admin?
Should I email admin and ask them to close it? It won't lock US out, will it?
Is there any way for the admins to make a board private so that no guests or people who have no previously posted on the board can see it? I don't want US locked out, as you said, but it would be nice to know that no random strangers were lurking around.

On a happier note we have running water again! It has only been a week and a half. Thankfully the temperatures have been in the low 40s so the pipes thawed out. I am looking forward to getting back to cloth diapers.
Thanks for the support, everybody. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow, but we're actually considering a short hospital stay to get me stabilized on the right medication. The one I'm taking now is not working and I've been feeling just awful and self destructive. We'll see how my appointment goes tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to stop pumping, too, because my medication options are so limited while breastfeeding.

As it is, I'm only pumping about 15 oz a day now anyway. Several illnesses in a row pretty much obilterated my supply, so the twins are on mostly formula at this point.

The babies turn one tomorrow! I'm trying to work up the energy to make them a healthy banana cake to celebrate. I'm not sure I'll be able to, though. It's really all I can do to get through the day.
Oh Dragonfly, I had no idea things were so hard right now!! I'm so sorry! :hugs: Don't worry about the pumping. The babies need you to be ok much more than breast milk. I hope all goes well. Keep us posted, and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Kellen, hurray for water! I watched a show on a terrible drought last night and it made me rethink my own water usage. I run the water as I brush teeth, etc. I also LIVE for my hot shower each day, and probably spend way too much time in there. It's my only time to myself.

We finished Christmas shopping! Well, except for my aunt. The adults in my family draw names out of a hat so that we only have to buy one adult a big gift. I drew my aunt, which stinks because I don't know her that well and I'm sure to tank with her gift!

Also, I posted a message to admin about how to make this thread private. I'll let you know what they say!

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