Valentines Babies, 2013!

Hi ladies, happy new year!!!!!! We just got back yesterday from the uk, it was fun.

Well done Lily talking!! We have no words in context, but Kiara does shake her head from side to side each time I say no. She repeatedly does things I will say no to so she can show off and shake again :) monkey. I actually told her off a few times recently - for example when she stands and slaps my parents tv - I was firm but not loud and she stopped but cried each time. So she clearly understands :)

And today she walks.. Hope this link will work..

Wamommy you look fantastic xxx
Wow helena! Good job Kiara walking! That's incredible!

I've told Camden firmly "no" a couple of times, too. . .he lays his little head on the floor and wails. :(
Oh, and I must brag - apart from one night, Kiara has slept through from 7pm ish until 6am ish each night for the last 10 nights!!! It's amazing. Night feeds are gone. I would feel amazing if I hadn't got over excited at the prospect of not having to get up in the night and enjoyed myself with a few festive drinks each night over the holidays!

Am so pleased though :)
Oh my goodness, Helena, Kiara is adorable! That was too cute! Max smiled as we watched it and pointed to the screen. Hopefully he gets the hint that it's what he's supposed to do! :haha:

Well done sleeping through the night, too! We still wake to feed and fuss a few times a night, but it's SO much better than it was the first few months that I really can't complain. What's the secret Helena?

I tell Max "no" and he smiles and shakes his head back and forth violently... lol. If I'm really serious and a bit too loud or firm (like when he head butts me) he will start to cry. It's so sad!

Dragonfly, I'm so glad that your meds seem to be helping and that you're doing well. Yay! :D I can imagine taking care of 2 babies and working is hard enough without having to deal with the stuff you have been lately. I'm so relieved and happy to hear that things are looking up. :happydance:

Thank you all for your nice comments about my bump! I went maternity shopping today because all of my shirts are too short. I HATE when the band of my pants shows. It's so tough because I'm tall, so even maternity shirts are often too short. Anyhow, we went to Old Navy and H&M and I found a couple of shirts that I'll order online. I left the mall with nothing because I almost burst into tears when I walked out of the dressing room to show DH a shirt (that I thought looked quite good) and he said I looked "explosive." :( I wish I could just implant a common sense chip into his brain!
The key to sleep is eating I am sure of it. Kiara is eating lots. A much sometimes as my three year old!
Oh my goodness, Helena, Kiara is adorable! That was too cute! Max smiled as we watched it and pointed to the screen. .....

Cute! Maybe they can be pen pals one day! X
Helena - Congrats to Kiara on those wonderful steps. She is amazingly adorable.

I wish that food was the answer for Teagen's sleep. She eats a ton on somedays and then not as much on other days, but it doesn't seem to impact her sleeping habits. For instance, yesterday she ate baby oatmeal, toast, applesauce, scrambled eggs and some of my oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch she had turkey, applesauce and pear slices. For dinner she ate some butternut squash and risotto with quinoa. Yet she went to bed at 7, woke up at 11:30, 1:30, 3 and 5 to finally get up at 7:20. When she wakes up at night she doesn't really cry, just sort of sits up and looks around and whines until someone goes and comforts her.
Kellen, I feel your pain. Max was doing slightly better with sleep, but the last 2 nights have been SO hard. Last night he woke up at 4am and refused to go back to sleep until 5:45. :( My 5-year-old came to my bed crying and asked me to make him stop crying. It was so sweet. She said, "maybe he needs a baba. Did you try rocking him?" I honestly don't know what to do. I'm panicking because the new baby will be here in a couple of months and THEN what? How am I supposed to take a newborn AND Max in the middle of the night? I'm seriously stressed today...

On a happier note, Max has 4 real teeth now! It's so cute when he smiles. His front top teeth are surprisingly large. :haha:
wamommy, I'm glad I am not the only one who's lo's top teeth seem unusually large! I'm wondering if that's normal? Camden's are spaced quite a bit apart, too.

I'm sorry to hear about the night waking. Camden was awake a few times in the night most nights last week ---is there an 11 month growth spurt or something?!

I'm sure it doesn't seem like it, but you'll get in a routine with Max and the new baby once it comes--and who knows, maybe Max will sleep through the night at that time?! My sister is going through something similar---her baby is due in 2 weeks, and her 2 year old gets up several times at night and is "up for the day" at 3a.m.! She's stressed about having two awake in the middle of the night, too. I'll have to keep you updated on how she does! Poor dear.

One thing that I think has *started* helping Camden sleep better this week is I started giving him snacks. I was giving him "snacks" before, but they were mainly cheerio-type things in between meals. This week, I have been giving him mini-meals in between meals. (Today, in between breakfast and lunch, he had a 1/3 cup of black beans and 1/2 an avocado; and in between lunch and dinner he had 1/2 banana and some cereal). He eats it like crazy. . .so I'm guessing he wasn't satisfied with the small snacks I was giving him before.. . .and he's sleeping much better. Maybe it's a coincidence. . .I'm not sure. .. but I know he is loving the bigger snacks! :)
Up for the day at 3!!!!! Omg........

Think Kiara has her first molars coming in. She sobs in her sleep and keeps biting us :( poor girl
Oh yikes, poor babies! Teething stinks! At least once they're in the pain will go away.

My 4-year-old spiked a 103 fever last night. :( I'm at home watching her like a hawk! Thank goodness for Children's Motrin. It broke the fever in 45 minutes, but she's been asleep on the couch all morning.
Helena - Congrats to Kiara on those wonderful steps. She is amazingly adorable.

I wish that food was the answer for Teagen's sleep. She eats a ton on somedays and then not as much on other days, but it doesn't seem to impact her sleeping habits. For instance, yesterday she ate baby oatmeal, toast, applesauce, scrambled eggs and some of my oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch she had turkey, applesauce and pear slices. For dinner she ate some butternut squash and risotto with quinoa. Yet she went to bed at 7, woke up at 11:30, 1:30, 3 and 5 to finally get up at 7:20. When she wakes up at night she doesn't really cry, just sort of sits up and looks around and whines until someone goes and comforts her.
Quinoa, yum. I should try K with that, she loves couscous.
I just try to boost calories all the time. Kiara has cheese grated on most dinners. I feel every calorie may help my sleep!.it has certainly helped her thighs! Lol

Today she had a weetabix, a slice of toast with butter and a hint of jam, apple purée, mid morning more purée and biscuit, lunch spaghetti with bolognaise, followed by cubes of cheese, yogurt then half banana, afternoon snack of milk, then some baby puff whatsits. Dinner was potato and bolognaise. She got bored of that half way through so she then had some of her brothers pasta with broccoli and bacon then more yogurt and raisins. Then milk before bed. She doesn't drink that much milk anymore, maybe 400ml if I am lucky, so I'm glad she loves yogurt. The doctor did say I could try chocolate milk etc if it will get her drinking more. S maybe I will do that soon.

Hope your daughter gets better quick for you wamommy. It's hard for child AND mummy when they are unwell! X
wamommy---so sorry to hear your daughter is so sick! I'd be sooo worried with that high of a fever! :( Poor doll. :(

helena---sounds like Kiara is such a good little eater! Camden LOVEs quinoa!! I've been noticing Camden's thighs are getting bigger with the increased snacks and meals, too. He, however, nurses all of the time. . .I'm getting a bit worried how I am going to wean him off it! :haha:

How long is everyone going to nurse/formula feed? I'm not sure when the formula feeding usually stops, but I've heard breastfeeders wean anywhere from 1 year to 3 years?
We pretty much feed Max whatever we're eating! I certainly think we could be healthier with his diet. Today he's had a whole orange cut up (his fave right now), a string cheese, and some toast with butter and jam. For lunch we're planning a bagel with cream cheese and turkey with some crackers.

I'm terrible about weaning, Sierra. I'm SUCH a sucker for a crying toddler who wants a bottle. I usually go down to just a bed time bottle by about 18 months-2 years, but try to loose the bottle altogether by 2. I'm not even sure what the formula-fed recommendations are, but I think it's 1 year? That just seems so soon! I kind of like knowing that whatever Max's diet was that day, he's getting balanced nutrition and vitamins through his bottles. :shrug: He probably still drinks close to 64 ounces a day still!!
Kiara is already on cows milk.

My eldest son was really ill in past years, lots of fevers. He had pneumonia a few times. Suddenly at 5 he seems so much healthier. Anyways, My pediatrician told me she doesn't consider a high fever to be anything below 104. We reached that a few times. As long as the drugs work keep taking it, alternating ibuprofen and paracetamol each 3 or 4 hours, but I bet u know that. After 4 years of regular high fevers, every 6 weeks in the cold season, I feel pretty well trained in fever management xxxx
We tried switching to cow's milk when I stopped pumping (I wanted to avoid formula if possible) right at their first birthday, but both babies broke out in a rash, so we decided to hold off for a while.

However, formula is just as bad...we actually had to take them to urgent care last night because their diaper rash got so bad they were bleeding. We tried every cream and ointment we could find and it would help for a little while and then come back worse. They gave us some antifungal cream in case it's yeast, but if it doesn't get better by tomorrow we have to go back. They never had this problem on breast milk! I would say they drink about 30-35 oz of formula a day, plus 2 meals that usually consist of fruit/veggie/meat purees, cut up steamed veggies, oatmeal, yogurt, puffs, and those Gerber corn "li'l crunchies," which they adore. They have little bits of what we're eating sometimes, but with so little time to cook, I have to admit that DH and I don't eat very healthy these days. We're trying to improve little by little, but we want the kids to have only the best nutrition, so we don't feed them our diet of frozen pizza and canned soup! :haha:
Wow Dragon---I'm sorry to hear about the problems with cow's milk and formula! Would soy formula be better? I used to give Camden a small bottle of formula when I went to work meetings (because I can't get very much pumping. annoying. . .and I refuse to nurse in front of my bosses . ;) , and he would get sick on regular formula, so we had to switch to soy.

Wamommy---I don't know how many ounces Camden drinks from nursing, but he nurses usually 6 times a day still! I don't plan on taking it away from him anytime soon, but I have an overnight class in May for 3 days that I'm wondering if I should wean him beforehand/take him and a sitter with me/or try to pump? So annoyed that my bosses are making me go when I'm still breastfeeding! :(
Also, I went through sooo many diaper creams with Camden when he was in disposables. He rarely gets a rash now, but when he does, I swear I've found a miracle cream! Coconut oil works AMAZINGLY! If that doesn't work, GroVia Magic Stick and CJ's butt butter w/lavender and tea tree oil clear it up almost instantly! (Seriously, I see results after each diaper change!)

Also, DH and I try to work on our diet too because we want to feed Camden what we're eating. I found some great "canned soups" that are really healthy and organic--- the brand is "Amy's" Since I'm a vegetarian, I eat a lot of Amy's brand. . .but the soups are wonderful for a quick meal, and Camden LOVES them!

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