Valentines Babies, 2013!

wamommy--- that's how I am with Camden, too--he screams for me in the stroller, so carriers are ideal!

I told DH earlier (when my family wanted to come visit this weekend) that I'm tired of people. . .but I haven't spoke with him since his mum called me this afternoon. . .I'm dreading it. . .it usually is a totally different story with him when it's HIS mum...we shall see. I'd be okay with it if she came after we put Camden to bed, let us go out to a movie or something, then left.. . but I know she'd want to be here during the day to see Camden and then she'd probably stay the night and want to see him the next day too.. . .and then my weekend would be over. . .which is so precious since I work all week long. . . *sigh*

I'm so sorry to hear that your mum wrote such a mean email. I wonder why? To me, it looks like you have a great parenting style! Your kids seem lovely! Something I keep having to tell myself is that everyone is going to think we should be doing it differently--but they don't know your child(ren) like you do. And we kind of have to just go with what is right for US and ignore those who criticize. My younger sister is so uplifting in this area---she always says: "It's your baby--you decide", whereas my older sister criticizes me a lot. I just shrug it off when I can (but it's sooo hard!) :hugs: you're doing great, wamommy!! I hope it resolves soon for you!! :hugs:
Today it clicked with Teagen. She can walk. All by herself. It is seriously cute and kind of funny. She will take a few steps and then start going faster. Since she hasn't learned how to slow down when she starts to fall forward she launches herself straight out as far as she can go before she hits the ground and takes off at a mad crawl. I simply must video it and try to find someway to post it on here.

I'm sitting here giggling over that mental image. I need to see it! Way to go Teagen!

I made a list of baby names that I like. It's not complete... more of a brainstorm. I already told DH that I am choosing the name this time, since he cornered me into names he liked the last 2 times. Which ones do you like??





I'm also looking for "virtue" middle names for both boys and girls, and so far I've come up with Serenity and Felicity for girls and Pax for a boy. We already have kids with middle names Grace, Hope, Faith and Love...

I like Serafina and Jack!
I am a huge fan of Quinn. In fact, once, at the beginning of our pregnancy DH and I had discussed using Quincy as a name for either a boy or girl. Finn was also on my list for a boy.

Does anyone have exciting plans for tonight? My parents are baby sitting for us. Our exciting plans include going out to eat (by ourselves!) and then going to see Saving Mr. Banks. I seriously doubt we'll manage to stay up until midnight to ring in the New Year. The movie starts at 8:40 so we'll be home before midnight.

Oh, and no testing will be going on here. AF returned with a vengeance. I did manage to capture Teagen on video. Now I am going to go see if I can link it here.
Here she is in all her wobbly glory.
Oh my gosh Kellen---that is SO cute!! And sooo impressive! Camden is still pulling himself along with his hands---his legs trailing behind. . .lol. . .not even a proper crawl yet. He can't even pull himself up to things yet. If I prop him on something, he can hang on for a bit standing up. . .but that's about it! And Teagen just gets cuter by the day!!

Our plans are staying in, watching a movie, and going to bed way before midnight! :) We might go see the Desolation of Smaug this weekend (huge LOTR fans here! :blush: ) Let me know how you like Saving Mr Banks---it looks really good!
I have been a huge Tolkien fan since the 90s, but I am ticked off at the addition of Tauriel in the newest Hobbit so I am boycotting it. LOL. I am a purist snob.
Oh my goodness, Teagen is such a big girl!! She's such a great walker, too! I am also very impressed. What a cutie, Kellen! :D I'm sorry to hear AF made an appearance (or happy she did? lol... If you guys are wanting to wait). At least you know now. I still can't get over that video. Poor Mister Max is still working on crawling, too... :haha: I can't wait for him to start toddling around!

Our plans tonight are probably just staying in and watching something on Netflix. I haven't seen a movie in the theater in over 5 years! How sad is that? :rofl: I'll probably wake the kids up at 11:30 or so and let them watch the countdown and fireworks on the Space Needle with us. I'm not really in a go-on-a-date-with-DH mood anyhow. He picked a fight with me last night and said some truly inappropriate things to me in front of the girls. (he yelled "suck my d---" at me :( ) I was up all night last night thinking about all of the ways I'm stuck with an absolute ass for a husband. :( What is WITH everyone attacking me these days? I swear they're like sharks and start swarming when I'm weak or injured.

I read the Tolkien books over and over as a kid but have yet to watch one of the movies. :blush: I'm always afraid they just won't live up to my imagination and I'll be disappointed. Is that the case with all of the Lord of the Rings series??
oh wamommy---I am so sorry! That is sooo inappropriate of your DH to say in front of your girls--I would be livid! (Along with the fact that I would be livid that he said that to me in the first place!) I am so sorry your marriage is so rough. Is there anything you can do---counseling? Maybe even separate for a bit or something? I hope something happens so you don't have to be so stressed about it. :( We're here if you need anything.

The LOTR movies are amazing. Absolute amazing. However, you have to set aside the fact that they won't be 100% like the books. . .as with most movies. *sigh* But, if you're able to put that on the table and enjoy the similarities and the amazing work that went into the movies, I'd recommend them COMPLETELY! I love them.
Well, I bought the Ergo! I'm so excited! Camden liked it when I tried it on around the house. Now, I need it to get warm so I can tote him around outside! :)
Kellen, that video is amazing! Teagen is SO cute!! I can't believe how well she's walking already :D

Gunnar is crawling for real now, and pulling himself up to cruise on everything. He's a little bruised up though, because he hasn't figured out what will support his weight and what will not, so he takes some spills. Yesterday, he wanted something out of his reach on the coffee table, so he climbed up onto the bottom part of his walker to get some extra height. He didn't take into account the wheels, though, and I caught him just as it rolled out from under him and he was about to hit the corner of the table. :wacko: I think it's a matter of weeks until he's walking or at least standing alone.

Lily hasn't started crawling or pulling up yet, but she scoots around on her tummy and will cruise if you stand her up. However, she has started the constant questions already! I thought I had some time before that started.

"What's that? What's this? What's that? That. That! THAT!!"

We have pictures of all the cousins and aunts and uncles on the fridge, and she points to each one and wants us to name them so she can try to say each name.

Me: "That's Keira."
Lily: "Kya!"

Me: "This is Finn."
Lily: "Enn!"

Me: "That's Aunt Shannon."
Lily: "Nana!"

We can't walk anywhere near the fridge without going through the whole process. Gunnar on the other hand, is just like 'put me down so I can destroy something!' :rofl:
Dragon---I can't believe Lily is talking so much---that's awesome! Camden says "dadada" and "mamama" but not in context! lol

Both of the twins sound just so great---kudos to you!!

I hope you are doing well!

I wanted to share this with all of you ladies. .. I found it and fell in love with it:
Dragon, the twins sound like a hoot! Poor Gunnar and his crashing, lol. He'll be one tough little guy! Lily sounds like quite the talker, too. How cute! :D How are you doing?

Sierra, that blog is beautiful! It's so very, very true. The line about our bodies, "If anything, I was ruined by the world before I knew her & she made me whole again." almost made me cry! It's SO true. It's like the world forgot what our bodies are FOR. I had a lot of body image and food issues as a teenager, and becoming a Mom has finally made me accept my body for the first time, in all it's wobbliness. That said, I have a weigh-in at the Doctor this afternoon, and I'm prepared for the "omg" moment when I hear the number. I think Christmas has done a number on my weight! Oh well... this blog helped me realize that it's ok and even beautiful!!
I completely agree wamommy---that line is so powerful. I love the line: "Lightning bolts on my sides proving I once was too small to contain all of the love that filled me". It made me hug my baby a little tighter and reward myself with a bit of chocolate. :)

I hope your weigh in goes well! Keep us posted how things are going! My sister is due with her baby any day now. I got to feel it kick yesterday. . . made me miss feeling a cute little baby inside me.
Good luck to your sister, Sierra! How exciting to welcome a new little niece/nephew!

I forgot to say grats on the Ergo, too. How do you like it so far?

My doctor appointment went well. I gained 5 pounds this month! I like to think it's because it was an afternoon appointment and I usually go in the morning, but I think Christmas cookies and chocolates have more to do with it! :haha: I finally got over pre-pregnancy weight, which made my OB happy. :D I am measuring 23 inches at 23 weeks, so perfect there, and the heart rate was 152. All in all it was a great, easy appointment! It was good timing, too... I've been feeling really self-conscious about my weight and the blog you posted Sierra, along with knowing the baby is doing well makes me put things in perspective. It just doesn't help when DH says things like, "wow, you went from 0-9months over night!" and points at my tummy. It HAS exploded, but still. This is what always happens about now in pregnancy, and it seems to be my normal. :shrug: I will also be rewarding myself with chocolate this evening. :happydance:

Strange question, but what size diapers is everyone using? Max is in size 3, but it's starting to seem too small and leak a lot. I have some size 4s, but they seem way too big! I bought a lot off of Craigslist from someone who works for a trucking company who damaged the boxes so we bought around 1000 Huggies for $140 (half size 3, half size 4) and we're barely through one size 3 box! I hate to have him grow out of them so soon.
Dragon - The twins sound like a wonderful pair. One kamakazi and one chatter box. I don't remember if I mentioned, but I loved their Christmas pictures. They are adorable. I can't believe how much our babies are all beginning to look like "real" miniature people instead of just babies. I guess the twins are technically toddlers now!

Sierra - Congrats on the Ergo! I hope that Camden is liking it as much as you do. I know I love mine. When Teagen was teething it was the only way shopping was going to happen for Christmas. It is nice to have them contained and we have figured out how to BF pretty easily it in without flashing the entire world. :)

Wamommy - Need me to drive up and kick your DH in the shin? That wasn't very nice of him to say, especially in front of kids. I'm glad to hear that the baby is measuring on track and doing well! If Max doesn't get moving on his own pretty quick I am sure he will once the baby arrives. Teagen would wear size 4 diapers if we weren't 100% cloth (even nighttime! So proud!). But she is long and lean.

I finally bought us a second car seat today. It is an Alpha Omega Safety First Elite. They normally run around $180, but I snagged it for $85. Fred Meyer's (subsidy of Kroger) was having a huge baby sale this week and they had it advertised for $99.99. Well, my store was out, but another store about 45 minutes away had two left in stock and they were willing to hold it for me. Well, with the 15% off coupon from the newspaper I walked away with a really nice car seat for a really nice price. Kinda proud of myself.

Teagen is pretty much refusing to crawl now that she has decided walking by herself is the best. She screamed at me when I wouldn't let her walk alone in the Costco parking lot today. :rofl: Getting her to sleep has become a cinch with a lovely bedtime routine... not having her wake up a hundred million times has yet to happen. We sit in the dark; nurse for 20 minutes and stare at each other; I start singing as I lower her into the crib; she tussles around while I sing two songs; I walk away and she sleeps for about 2 hours before she wakes up.

We did have one good night of sleep, but then the next day we noticed that we have 3 more teeth coming in. I will be sooo, sooo glad when she finally has all her pearly whites. I've been crashing at 8pm and making DH take care of her until he goes to bed at midnight. I need more than 45 minutes at a time.

Helena - How is everything across the pond?
So far, I really like the Ergo, but have only tried it for a bit in the house. I want to go to the mall or something and give it a good try. . .but I'm kinda clumsy putting it on still. . . need more practice. :)

We're 100% cloth here, too, but if he were in disposables, it'd be a size 3.

Kellen--that'd be so awesome if I could breastfeed in the Ergo! It's so hard to nurse in public anymore because Camden tears away the blanket that I cover him with. . .and he hates not looking around. .. and lately he's all about trying to sit up while he's nursing! :haha:

wamommy---I'd love to see your new "bump" picture! :) And please don't get down about your weight---you are such a tiny person as it is. . .and it's natural to gain weight with pregnancy---and actually really really good! You look fabulous every time I've seen a picture of you. Society has a way of making us all very down on our bodies. .. and it's so sad. :( Please re-reaed that article whenever you are feeling down about your weight!

Great deal on the carseat Kellen! We'll probably start off with one seat for now (once we pick out a convertible carseat), but I'd love to have two. We have two bases for the infant seat right now and I love the flexibility of having the seat in both cars.

It sure sounds like Teagen has a rough time teething. . . Poor girl. :( Camden's still a little fuss-monster most of the time, so it's hard for me to ever tell if he's teething or just being himself! :haha: Only two top and two bottom teeth for us so far.

Congrats on being 100% cloth! What have you decided to do for nighttime cloth diapers? Camden requires so many hemp inserts for bed that his little butt is HUGE at night with that big diaper on! :haha:
Kellen, yes please drive up and kick DH in the shin (or somewhere else!)... He's acting like that fight never happened, too... which I think is weird. He even tried to cop a feel last night, and then got all quiet and hurt when I walked away! LOL Men...

We're still working on the 2 top teeth, here! Maybe that's why Max has been so fussy lately?? They've popped through, but still look red and painful.

Kellen, your nighttime routine sounds great! Ours consists of me holding Max until he's asleep and then holding my breath as I lower him into his crib... :haha: I need to figure out a better system! He won't go to sleep on his own, so DH wants to try to let him cry it out, but that's SO hard for me. I feel physically ill when he screams for me. I need to do something, though, because not teaching him how to sleep on his own isn't doing him any favors either!

Sierra, I just had DH take a bump picture and I'm trying really hard to take your advice and not fixate on the weight gain! The BABY is growing too. I just need to remember that. We're about to go to a buffet, which we NEVER go to, but DH wants to start his New Year's diet tomorrow and wants a last giant meal before he starts. I wanted to take this picture before I'm even bigger from eating a ton!


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Oh wamommy, you look fabulous!! Such a cute little bump! Go eat a ton because you're looking super!!
wamommy, you look great! :)

The twins are in size 4 diapers now, fitting Gunnar just right and a little baggy on Lily. I hope they'll be in this size a while, because we got two cases of diapers for Christmas! Yay! That saves us so much money. Now that the twins are on formula, that's costing us about $170 a month that we don't have, so not having to buy diapers is really nice.

Thanks for asking how I'm doing. I'm feeling a lot better on my new medication...I have more energy and my mood is generally much better. I'm on the right track, I think. Hopefully I can get to a point where I don't need 5 different medications to function!
Wamommy - You look amazing. I gained 60lb with Teagen so I think you are doing pretty fantastic! You look very svelt. Men are not ruled by common sense at times.

Dragon - I am so pleased for you that this new medication regime is helping. And huzzah for extra diapers! Not having to spend money is awesome. Cloth diapers are a bit of work, but they certainly give us a little financial wiggle room to do a few fun things now and again, but I can't imagine trying to cloth diaper twins... Basically I can't imagine doing anything with twins.

Sierra - Teagen is not a night pee-er. Even when she was a newborn we didn't have to do a bunch of changes at night. But for her nighttime diaper we use two blended inserts and those last until the first morning pee. If we catch it in time or she signs or says "poop" we can avoid a super soggy diaper by putting her on the toilet.

Today Teagen crawled maybe three times, the rest of the time she was up and walking by herself. Now that she has discovered she doesn't need a grown up to hold on to she will try to yank her hand out of yours so she can do it herself. :dohh: Miss Independent wants to do it ALL by herself.

I can't believe that Kiara is going to be one at the end of this month and the rest of us are coming up on 11 months. I remember being so miserable at this time last year and having to go away to training for two different weeks in January. I'm half convinced my public speaking instructor passed me because he was scared I was going to go into labor during my presentation if he stressed me too much.

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