Valentines Babies, 2013!

I pretty much feed Teagen whatever I eat, which is (thankfully) pretty healthy most of the time. Right now I'm doing the "Daniel Fast" which means I am basically eating Vegan, but I am still giving Teagen meat. I can't do dairy well at the best of times. We've given Teagen a couple slices of cheese, but it makes her super congested.

We are still nursing like crazy here and have no plans to wean until after her second birthday (unless she suddenly decides to stop one day). She nurses at least 4 times during the day and then at least 3 times at night.

Dragon - Sorry to hear about the rash. I ditto on coconut oil.
I second trying soy formula, Dragon. It can't hurt, and may help the rash? I'd never heard of using coconut oil for diaper rash, but it sounds like it really works! I saw a huge one on sale the other day at WinCo and should have bought one! Poor twins. :( Diaper rash is NO fun.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to try to eat healthier foods. We usually eat what's cheap and fast to cook, which usually means not that healthy. :( Also, my stepdaughter is SUPER picky about food and won't touch anything "weird." She won't eat cooked vegetables, onions, sausage, tomato, any herb that even remotely LOOKS green, or anything she's never tasted before. It's infuriating. I can only make so much bland, plain food before I want to puke, though. I may just start cooking whatever I want and tell her, "this is dinner... If you're hungry, eat it. If not, go hungry." Otherwise I'll never be able to change our diet.

Max is yelling, "Mama, dat!!!" and pointing at his toy box. I better go set him up to play.
Wamommy - Poor you. It seems like your family is always being hit by some bug or another. Also, isn't your step daughter in her teens? If she doesn't like what you are cooking then she can go make herself a sandwich. You need to take care of you and the little people in your life.

Dragon - Have you tried goats milk for the twins? I have heard/read that it is the closest substitute for human breastmilk that there is. Also, have you tried connecting with Human Milk 4 Human Babies or Eats on Feets? They are two great BM sharing communities where you can post your needs. If we lived closer I'd send some of my freezer stash your way for the twins. Teagen has a couple of milk brothers and sisters running around town that we share with.

Forget walking... it is all about running now. Forget sitting calmly in the shopping cart it is all about pushing the shopping cart or walking beside it. Life just became way more interesting! She is still a little wobbly with shoes on, but take off the shoes and give her bare feet or socks and she is off like a rocket. Her new thing is walking in a big circle and slowly making it smaller and smaller until she falls down dizzy and starts giggling.

My MIL discovered she has lumps in her breasts. :( She had a mammogram in November and it came back normal. I am praying that she is fine and just has naturally lumpy breasts caused by age. I feel horrible for DH because there is nothing we can do whether or not we are several thousand miles away.
wamommy---I agree with Kellen---fix what meals you and the children need and if your step-daughter does't like it, she make herself something!

Kellen--I'm sorry to hear about your MIL---but hopefully they are just benign lumps. My mom has lumps in her breasts too. . .but they are just benign and she gets checked every year to make sure they stay that way.

I can't believe that Teagen is so active. . .my goodness what a fast-paced little girl! :)

AF showed up for the 4th time in less than two months. DH says: "Well that explains your moodiness!" Arghhhhhh I HATE when men blame it on that! Even if it is the case, I think they should just keep their mouths shut!
I just got a slow cooker / crock pot. Love it! It's so easy to eat healthily using that. I only got it yesterday, but for two days now I made dinner in five spare quiet minutes in the mornings, left it to work its magic and by evening it's done and delicious like I spent hours working hard. So happy.

We usually all eat together at lunch, DH works close so comes home, so Kiara and her brothers eat what we eat, then we have grown up dinner time in the evening after the kids have eaten and gone to bed ( so nice to not spoon feed or pick up dropped spoons et when eating dinner!). Kiara eats what her brothers eat most of the time.

I so recommend a crock pot for busy mums :)
Sierra - It sounds like AF is just playing catch up since you were able to get such a nice break while BF Camden. But I agree, DH's have amazing capacities for saying just the wrong thing at just the right time. :dohh: A little sensitivity now and again wouldn't be too much to ask for... would it?

Helena - I agree that crock pots are amazing! My mom has this amazing oatmeal crock pot recipe that I've been eating on all week. Even DH and Teagen will eat it! So nice just to throw a bunch of stuff into the pot and have it smell delicious all day long before diving in at dinner time. It sounds like you have a very nice meal schedule and it is so nice that DH works close to home. I'm envious.

So today on Facebook one of my friends posted a recipe for teething biscuits. I was nursing Teagen so I decided to take a look. Here is the link:
Teagen is hooked! The premise is you take a piece of bread, trim off the crust, flatten the bread, spread applesauce over it, roll it up, microwave it for 60-90 seconds, cool and serve! It is so simple and takes very little time. Teagen likes it because it fits in her hand well and she can run around the house with it by herself.

This morning I was putting on my favorite nursing bra when all of a sudden: SNAP! The elastic band broke and smote my side. Ended up going to the maternity store 45 minutes away and walking out with 4 new nursing bras. Good thing today was payday! Teagen was super good. We went out for Thai food for lunch and she loved it. She ate almost all my cabbage and carrot soup and a good portion of my chicken from my garlic chicken dish. However, she won't touch white rice. Apparently she will only eat rice if it is spicy such as at a Mexican restaurant or Cajun style.
Love her spicy rice tendancies :) my kids amaze me sometimes - they won't eat something apparently harmless and bland like carrot, but will wolf down Thai food with very sting garlic and ginger flavours.
One of the faves here is blended garlic and ginger (about a thumb size of a each) cooked off in a regular can size of coconut milk with chicken. I can add broccoli or spinach if I blend. Haven't got to far as to add coriander (you call this something else?..cilantro?) as it could well be the step too far...;) served with rice.

Funny creatures these little people.

First tiny spike of molar tooth is through. Good. How many more teeth to go!? Such a bad design, all this tooth growing...

Kiara seems to be down to one nap a day. What a shame ;)

Happy weekend all. Xx
Sierra, I'm sorry AF is making another appearance! Isn't it easy for men to blame her for our moods? Whenever DH would point out my AF mood swings (or now pregnancy craziness) I just turn to him and say, "at least I have an excuse... what's yours?" :haha:

Helena, I've been thinking of getting a slow cooker! I had one years ago that was stolen when our house was broken into. They took just about everything, but I was still shocked they took our crock pot! Weird. Anyhow, it may be time to buy another one. The idea of throwing healthy foods in and letting them cook themselves all day sounds heavenly.

Kellen, well done buying yourself some new bras! That can make a huge difference in how you feel, can't it? I literally have ONE bra that fits me right now, since I'm not prepregnancy size and I don't fill out my 3rd tri or post baby bras. I've resorted to sports bras, etc, but I think I may take a trip to buy a new bra in the next day or 2.

I'm going to try that recipe for homemade teething biscuits. Thank you! I bet Max would love them. Kids are weird in what they like, aren't they? Max LOVES oranges, corn, peas, green beans and mango. He won't touch plain noodles. All of my kids have adored the rice at mexican restaurants, but won't touch white rice either! They have all loved mustard, too.

Great, now I'm craving Thai food. :haha:

There was a storm here last night that knocked out power around 3am. Without the sound maker Max was up the rest of the night. I tried putting him under my big, warm comforter, but he still wouldn't sleep without the white noise. Remind me to put backup batteries in it!! The power finally came back on this morning at 7am, so I'm just waiting for DH to wake up to I can go take a little nap. The Seahawks (american football) play this afternoon and it's an elimination playoff game. If I want to nap I better do it LONG before the game starts. Once it's on DH turns into a football zombie and can't hear me if I yelled, "the house is on fire!"

Helena, Max is down to one nap a day too... boo. It's usually around 2pm or so. Where does everyone's LO sleep when they're napping? Max is still on me or in his pack n play downstairs. If I even attempt to set him in his crib upstairs, nap over... :dohh:
Thanks for the formula/milk suggestions, I will look into those!

For naps, we're still at 2-3 per day for the most part. Lily naps in her crib 90% of the time. Occasionally she'll fall asleep on me or DH, but she usually tells us when she's tired and wants to sleep. Gunnar usually naps in the swing (which he's rapidly growing out of! I don't know what we'll do without it!), but sometimes naps in the pack n play if he falls asleep with his bottle.

Speaking of that, I know it's bad to let a baby sleep with their bottle, but is it bad if they fall asleep eating and then you take the bottle away? Often, Lily wants to eat just before she naps, and when she's ready to sleep she puts the bottle aside and turns over on her tummy. Is that still bad for her teeth, or is it just sleeping with the bottle in their mouth?
Camden is still napping twice a day---and as of Friday, those naps have been in his crib. He was napping in his swing up until now and the motor is wearing down because he's too heavy for it. He protested napping in his crib up until now, and he does still whine a bit when I put him down and I have to go comfort him, and his naps are shorter in the crib---but it is so nice having him upstairs in his crib rather than downstairs in his swing where I have to tip-toe around him!

I'm not sure on th bottle thing Dragon, but I am a huge fan of doing whatever works for you as long as it's not harming baby. .. sounds okay to me! :)

We just started brushing Camden's teeth. The pediatrician says it's not necessary at this age, but I want him to get used to having a toothbrush in his mouth so I don't have to fight him to brush them later. He LOVES it (but this could also be because of the watermelon infant toothpaste too! ) :)

I have to say, since I'm breastfeeding, I've just been wearing a tank-top with a built in bra for the last 11 months. . .I put on a bra yesterday for the first time because I was feeling pretty frumpy lately. . .I can't believe how PAINFUL it was! :haha: Needless to say, I'm back to tank tops! ;) But, once Camden is nursing less often, I plan on getting a bra fitted to me so it's comfortable and I can look more feminine again. . .

Anyone else just feeling Ugly lately?! I can't get past it. I got my hair cut, thinking that was it. .. but it didn't help. I usually don't wear a lot of makeup, so I don't think that's it. . .I really don't have money to update my wardrobe. . .I've contemplated dying my hair, but not sure exactly what to do because I have very fragile, thin hair and I don't want to fry it off with dying it (are there any "safe" dyes?!) I'm trying to do some ab workouts when I can to try to flatten up my baby tummy. . .but I don't know. . . still just feel yucky and ugly. .. :( I'm sure it's just because I don't get to spend time on my appearance since I devote all of my energy to Camden and work, but it really has me down lately. :(
I feel the same way! I just cut 6" off my hair because I thought it would help me feel better (the funny part is that even after cutting it it's still mid-butt length and DH says it doesn't look any different!:haha:). I feel ugly and frumpy all the time, and I feel like none of my clothes fit correctly. I'm wearing all the same clothes I was wearing pre-pregnancy, but my body is a different shape now so it all feels wrong!
I'm so sorry you guys are feeling down about your looks! I'm sure you look lovely, but I totally understand. Maybe it's the time of year? Maybe 1 year post partum brings out the frump in us? Who knows!? I know that I feel pretty yucky lately, too, but I mostly blame pregnancy weight and the inability to dye my hair. :( My new Old Navy maternity clothes arrived in the mail yesterday, so I hope that helps a little!

Dragon, your hair sounds lovely! I miss my long hair sometimes, and know that 6 inches is a LOT, even if DH doesn't notice, lol.

Sierra, I just did some quick research on healthier hair dyes, and apparently European dyes are much better because they regulate the levels of chemicals in them and the US does not. I would look for a low ammonia hair dye or ask your salon about the most gently dye they have. If it would make you feel better about yourself, I say do it!

On a totally unrelated note, Max is now combining words. :D He says, "got it!" and "Dat, Mama!" It's so cute. Now if he could only move when I put him on the floor. :dohh:
Oh I feel like a frump too! Feel I have aged so much in the last year. I so need my hair cut, its frizzy, out of shape and always looks a mess. I feel frumpy every day at the school, compared to some of the french sophisticated mums who look so together, confident and shiny...

And don't get me started on my muffin tops....
Think I am 5 kilos over where I want to be.
I just can't quite find the energy to go for a run or anything. And I do so love a pizza and wine....bleurgh, why are all the nice things bad for us?!
I think part of the problem for me is that I really need to lose some weight. I gained 22lbs when I was pregnant, and then lost all of it +5 lbs within 2 weeks after the twins were born. HOWEVER, with being so depressed since then, I've gained 30 lbs!! That means I'm heavier now than I was at 32 weeks pregnant with twins :cry:

I need to get back on Weight Watchers. When I got pregnant, I had just lost 70 pounds on that program, so I know it works. I just need the motivation to start!
Oh ladies--thank you so much! I'm sorry you all are in this too. . .but it feels so nice that I'm not the only one feeling this way!

And helena--I totally understand not finding the energy to exercise. . and food is so COMFORTING sometimes! (I'm eating some chocolate as I type this. . . :haha: ) I'm back in my pre-pregnancy clothes, at my pre-pregnancy weight, but the shape of me is horrible---you are right---the muffin tops! I bought some higher-waisted jeans, which help. . but I only have one pair. . so the rest of the time, I look exactly like a muffin! :haha:

I'm still debating about coloring my hair. I've always been against it (I love everything "natural"). .. but I need something to make me feel better. . .and I'm not even sure if hair color will help! And who knows what color to even dye it! ha! And in a lot of ways, it feels like one more "thing" I'd have to do. . .along with the laundry, cleaning, etc. . .who has time to get a hair color!? lol
Sierra- why don't you try temporary color? That way it's not a permanent commitment, but you get to try something new. :) You could even go really exciting and put temporary purple streaks in ;) I did that a few years ago and it was super fun.
Sierra- why don't you try temporary color? That way it's not a permanent commitment, but you get to try something new. :) You could even go really exciting and put temporary purple streaks in ;) I did that a few years ago and it was super fun.

Ooo--I never even thought about that. . . did you do it yourself or does a salon do it?
I did it myself, but you could get it done at a salon if you wanted. I used manic panic hair dye.

If you wanted to stick with natural colors, there are dyes that wash out in 12-24 shampoos that you could try. Not sure of the brands, but they're in most drug stores/grocery stores.
Temporary dye is a great idea! Just beware of any with red tones. I used one a long time ago thinking it would be temporary and it just faded but left a definite red tone to my hair until it grew out! They have probably improved the formula since 2001 though. :haha: I think it was an herbal essences one that I tried.

I used to highlight my hair and loved the way it looked. It's about $70 every 3 months, though... and I just can't justify that expense right now. I also found some... GASP... WHITE HAIRS recently. :dohh: :dohh: I'm with you, Helena, I've aged a TON this year. I suddenly feel like my face "droops."

Dragon, it sounds like Weight Watcher worked really well for you! Are you able to start back up on it? Just being on it might make you feel better, since you know you're doing something for yourself.

I know exactly what you all mean by the dreaded muffin top! Pre-pregnancy I had a serious insecurity about it. Now the muffin top stretches all the way around to my bump, so I just look like a lolli pop! Luckily maternity jeans mask it a little bit, since they don't cinch in at the waist at all.

I think everyone should paint their nails and take a hot bath tonight. :D We all deserve it! You can each have a glass of wine for me. :happydance:
wamommy---I have some white hairs, too!! And they seem to be multiplying! My mum greyed early, so I think I'm doomed! :( I think having a baby definitely ages us. . .unfortunately. Except maybe my sister. . .she seems to glow all of the time. . .lol. . . but she's only 24 years old (with a 2 year old and a baby due any day). . .so that could be it too. ;)

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