Valentines Babies, 2013!

So cool Camden has his own shower! :)

Oh wamommy, it's heartbreaking the older they get and the more deep their troubles cut isn't it? Least I find so. From what I know of you you are a kind person, no doubt a lovely mum and that's all your daughter needs - mummy's cuddles and understanding. Letting our babies work out how to deal with all the new emotions and pressures of life a bit by themselves is so tough. We can advise and guide but they need to "do" it all themselves...I have felt a lot of my sons stress in the he last year. He started a new school has mastered a new language and made new friends. I can't imagine going to a new school, into an established class who know each other, who all speak a language that is a bit vague to you...

But he came through. He had night terrors for a while. But is now bilingual and has lots of friends and this week started reading. It's amazing what these children of ours can do.
Your daughter is sad right now, but with your hugs I bet she will find her way. I hope so, for you both, it's painful I know. ((Hug))

Didn't mean to make that about me and my son. Just wanted to say how amazing kids are. And with you as her amazing mum she'll get there xxx
Thank you so much ladies for your kind words! :hugs: Helena, I appreciate the story about your son. I can't imagine how hard it was for him, but it sounds like he's doing great! I hope my daughter can turn a corner and do so well. Actually, when I picked he up from school yesterday the teacher said that she had a great day with no tears! We took the girls roller skating to celebrate a "happy day" at school, lol. I'm really hoping she's moved past whatever is really causing so much anxiety. Poor girl.

We also registered my DD#2 for kindergarten next year. I seriously can't believe that she is old enough! It seems like yesterday that she was in my lap ripping up paper like Max is doing right now. I suppose it's good that next school year both girls will be gone most of the day so that I will only have the two youngest to chase around, but I am sure sad and will certainly miss them!

So, Max still isn't walking... :dohh: Do you think that's fine? He stands with support, like holding onto the couch or something, but still hasn't even attempted a step. My girls were running wild by this age! At what age do I get concerned?
I think it's fine that Max isn't walking yet. I think the average age is 12 months, but it's totally normal to start at 15-16 months, too. Gunnar started walking just shy of 14 months, but Lily still is holding on to furniture at almost 15 months.

Does he walk if you hold his hands? That might be a good way to practice. :)
Does he walk if you hold his hands? That might be a good way to practice. :)

He doesn't! That's the weird thing. When I try to practice by holding his hands he thinks it's a game and collapses to the floor or just hangs there laughing. At least I'm glad to hear the twins walked in their own time, too!
Maybe Teagen can teach him? She taught her 15 month old friend how to climb :dohh:
Camden isn't walking either, wamommy! Not even a step! He sits down as soon as we try to encourage him to take a step. . haha. .. I'm just aiming for him to start walking by this summer. :)
Oh my gosh, something so funny happened this morning!

DH was sleeping on the couch, and Lily was in the pack 'n play a few feet away from him. I walked into the room to get my shoes (I was heading out to work), and Lily was standing up, looking at DH. She turned to me, pointed at DH, and yelled gleefully "Daddy's dead!"

I had a moment of panic, but DH was fine :haha: I'm pretty sure she didn't actually mean it or even know what she said, but it was clear as day!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh my goodness Dragon! How crazy is that?! What a cutie!

Anyone else have trouble with people feeding your lo off of their plate or letting lo drink from their glass? There are several family members (on both DH's side and mine) who share their food and drink with Camden. I feel fine saying something to my family (and do on a regular basis), but I don't know how to tactfully say it to DH's family. But it drives me CRAZY! Seriously, why do I want my kid drinking from a glass that has your saliva on it?! I know I'm a germ-freak, but this just grosses me out! How do you all deal with it? Is it one of those things that I need to just "let go"?
Haha, Dragon!! How cute!! I would have cried laughing. What a character Lily is! :D

Sierra, I am a total germ freak too, so I get it. With DD#1 I religiously used a shopping cart cover, sanitized EVERYTHING and would replace any food, toys or silverware that hit the floor. If someone were to share a straw with her I would have flipped. That said, now that I'm on #3 I have relaxed a lot about that. I still tense up and get anxious when someone near is coughing, and I still hate when people kiss his hands, but Max has WAY more germ exposure than I ever thought I'd accept. I just don't have the time or energy that I used to, and it's just easier to "chance it." As far as your situation is concerned, I'd do whatever YOU are comfortable with. Hopefully anyone would accept that it's just love/concern for your LO that makes you worry. :hugs:
The only thing I tell people about feeding the twins is that they can't have milk products. Other than that, I don't mind people giving them food or letting them drink from their cups. Obviously, if someone is sick I expect them to keep their germs to themselves, but I'm really not uptight about sharing utensils and stuff like that. My kids sometimes lick the I guess I shouldn't worry about them sharing their cousin's cup :wacko: Hopefully they will have good immune systems! :haha:
I'm not worried about Kiara drinking from others cups etc either. Before I know it she will be a in the park in summer rushing to pick up anyone's sippy cup she can and having a glug (least my sons had this obsession!). As long as the food hasn't been previously chewed I don't see an issue. Unless someone is ill, as dragon said.
Kiara is constantly stealing food from her brothers or me and her dad. And in fact from anyone she can when at playgroup. She is a piggy :)

I heard that people are getting too many allergies as a result of our world being too sterile these days. I don't think Kiara has a worry about this after eating a mouth full of compost in the garden today, sucking several stones and finishing off with a fist full of sand from the year old sandpit..bleurgh.
Eew, Helena! :haha: The grossest thing my kids ever did was when DD#1 was about 1.5 and she reached in her diaper, pulled out some poo, and then licked her fingers! I about died. She never did it again, so I think she learned it didn't taste very good!
Oooh gross! Lol.

In fact I did forget Kiara's most yuk moment today - when I looked down and she was popping in a big fat white grub from in the compost!one of these:

So glad I got there before she got her teeth in!!!! :wacko:
Oh Helena---I'm so glad you caught her! How gross!

I really appreciate all of you ladies' input--it helps a lot! It's mainly sickness germs I'm worried about, but it helps to know that it's a part of life. :)

We've had our bouts with gross things here, too. In fact, I just came home today, put Camden down on the floor to crawl around, then realized AFTER he did that the cat vomited on the floor. :( Also, wamommy--Camden actually ate a piece of his poop before, too.. . I had to scrape it out of his mouth!! :(
Oh gross, Sierra! :haha: It's amazing kids grow up at all. I suppose they are much more durable than we think!

How is everyone doing? We're finally all well here. It's been a while since no one had a cold! I think we'll take the kids roller skating this afternoon, since it's only $2 on Tuesdays at our local rink. The kids have really taken to it, and it's one way to get them some exercise (which = earlier bedtime too!! :D) when the weather is terrible. We're actually supposed to have SUN tomorrow, so I'm thinking it may be time to go outside and pull some weeds.
Teagen is teething again and it isn't a pretty sight. Her poor bottom gums are so swollen. However, that doesn't stop her from being a food mooch. Right now we are staying with my sister in Washington while DH finishes up some training. Last night Teagen made circles around the room and stolen pieces of chicken off of everyone's pizza and then ate half a bowl of mac and cheese. The last two nights she hasn't wanted to go to bed, but I think she was finally normalized enough that she fell asleep on her own in the pack n play.

DH received a really disturbing email from the company that hired him. Basically the people who own the boat aren't sure they want to hire another person right now, but will make a decision by next week. But for DH not to pursue any of the additional training that they requested he go ahead and get, but if he has to send them the bill. Gee, thanks! DH has already filed his two weeks and quit his other job and we've shelled out a lot of cash for the training. Awesome! I am trying not to freak out, but it is difficult.

Today during nap time I was putting Teagen in comfy clothes and changing her diaper and per the norm she was tired whining at me. As I was putting on her shirt she looks at me and says: "Dada say stop Momma." I replied, "Yes, Teagen, Daddy would ask you to stop whining at Mommy." She apparently didn't find my response correct and began to wail... :shrug:

Because Teagen has been struggling with referred ear pain I have been putting garlic drops in her ears before bed every night. Well, last night I couldn't find the drops so I decided that skipping one night wouldn't hurt. WRONG! She was up every 45-1 hr crying in pain. I found the drops and they are in her ears. I pray that tonight's sleep is better.

Teagen eating gross things doesn't really freak me out. Nor am I a huge germaphobe. Her newest semi-gross thing is she has learned how to pop the top off of the cat treat bottle. I caught her feeding herself a treat and then handing one to the kitty a couple days ago. She was sharing so I couldn't really scold her.

My mom is finally getting a dog (for her no dog is like no oxygen). They are adopting an English Shepard puppy who is 17 weeks old and had to be re-homed. I am pretty excited that Teagen will have a playmate this summer and a dog she can truly grow up with. The cat is nice and all, but she is 9 years old and a bit cranky at times.
Oh Dragonfly, that line is clear as day!!! Congrats!! :happydance: How do you feel about it? The twins are a little older now and would be 2 by the time the baby came, right? I can't believe it! :D Are you shocked? Had you been trying? I can't wait to get all of the details!!

Kellen, I'm so sorry to hear Teagen is struggling with her teeth. :( Max was up from 4-6am this morning, but I checked his gums and it doesn't seem like any new ones are coming in. :shrug:

I would be pissed about DH's job! It isn't right to have you both turn your lives upside down only to pull the rug out. Hopefully he still has the job and all of this training will pay off. Ugh. How annoying!

I wish we could get a dog. We don't have the yard for it, and it wouldn't be fair as long as we live in this house. I suppose we could build a fence, but our yard is kind of on a giant hill with tiers, so a fence would be really unsightly. We have 3 cats, but it just isn't the same. I'm endlessly impressed by how well they put up with the kids, especially our big 9-year-old male. He actually lets the kids lie down on him and dress him in hats, etc. :haha: We also have a rescue cat that spent the first few months in a meth lab who has brain damage. She licks walls and stuff. It's sad, but kind of endearing. :rofl:
I'm freaking terrified! I just had to run to the bathroom at work to throw up, and I don't know if it's morning sickness or just plain fear! We weren't trying at all, in fact we were just joking the other day that the twins would be 10 before we were ready for another. I'm completely shocked and don't really know how to feel.

I'm pretty sure I'm 9dpo, as I got a positive OPK on 3/3. We dtd 2 days before that, and I hadn't had any ewcm or anything at that point, so didn't think I was in my fertile window. With the twins, I got a BFN at 9dpo! Oh, I hope this isn't another set of twins. :wacko:

I've taken two tests now, and gotten two faint positives. I don't know how in the world I'm going to tell DH.

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