Valentines Babies, 2013!

Congrats, Dragon! I am sure you will find a way to let your DH know.
I say just come out and tell him, and let him know how scared you are so you don't have to do it alone. My DH and I have a LOT of problems, but when it comes to "oh s#*t" moments we actually bond and work together quite well. Maybe he'd like to support you? How will he feel, do you think?
I think he'll be overwhelmed by the idea of taking care of 3 kids, and I have a feeling he'll be really worried about our finances. He already gives me a hard time about buying anything that isn't strictly necessary...I'm sure that will be even worse.
I think taking care of 3 kids will be harder, and a valid concern... but you guys can do it! Also, financially this baby should be pretty cheap. You have everything you need for a boy OR a girl, so really all you have to buy is diapers (and formula if you decide to formula feed). Realistically, we buy diapers on Craigslist or other online sites and pay about $40 a month. That's not a huge jump financially... but I understand being stressed about any new expense.

I'm getting a bit freaked out as this baby gets closer to making an appearance. I've reached the uncomfortably huge stage of pregnancy where I just feel BLEH. I'm trying to enjoy it, since THIS IS OUR LAST!!! I'm just finding it hard not to stress about labor, birth, and then having a newborn along with Max, who I still consider my baby. :( It will all work itself out, I know, but now that the time is close, I'm having to face some of these fears I've squashed down throughout this pregnancy!
I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is going, wamommy! It's weird to think that you found out because I thought I was pregnant at the time! Now you're almost done, and it's my turn :haha: Anyone else thinking about TTC again?
DH and I were emailing back and forth this afternoon about various things, and I mentioned that I was feeling sick and the smell of coffee made it worse (that was the first sign I was pregnant last time). He reassured me that it was very unlikely that I'm pregnant :wacko:, but that I should take a test tonight to set my mind at ease.

I think "finding out" at the same time will make things a lot easier. That way I don't really have to break the news to him, and we can deal with the results together.

I'm picking up a FRER on the way home. Wish me luck!

(wouldn't it be funny if it came up negative because it wasn't FMU?)
I guess we had all better break out the POAS. Last time it was Wamommy... maybe Dragon is our pregnancy psychic. I know it is not me unless immaculate conception happened as DH was away at training.
Good luck tonight, Dragon!! I hope DH gets excited when the two of you stare at the test together. :) Let us know how it goes, and a pic!

Kellen, I agree that you should all test again! Although this time I do think Dragon is actually pregnant, instead of sent by the fertility gods to make me test... :haha: Who will be next???
Took a test and had DH check the result. He was surprised, but totally fine with it! So relieved!

I got "Pregnant 1-2" on a digital. I guess that confirms it! I have to call my doctor first thing in the morning, because I'm on several prescription medications.
Congrats, Dragon! I'm glad that you were able to test with DH present. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy full 9 months this go around.

DH passed his class and now we're just waiting to hear back from his sort of maybe kinda hopefully still job. He has one last test to take Saturday and then he is all set. I'm not really looking forward to the 8 hour drive home tomorrow. We still need to pick up a Seattle shot-glass as it is tradition wherever we visit we collect a unique one so it can sit on the mantel and collect dust.

Teagen was a holy terror tonight. She kept herself awake an hour and a half past bedtime so she could have DH talk to her. Miss Screams-a-Lot just about drove me up the wall. The only way she would stay still was sandwiched in between DH and I, nursing. After 90 minutes I finally picked her up and put her in the pack n play where she commenced to scream. I told her I was going to sing to her and when I was done she had the option of continuing to keep the rest of the house awake or going to sleep. Thankfully she chose sleep otherwise I was taking the car keys and going for a sanity drive sans baby.

She is becoming more verbal everyday. She went on a walk today with her uncle and was beginning to get tired so he asked, "Teagen, would you like Uncle to pick you up?" She looked up at him and said: "Okay." Then she was playing with a pair of her pants and I commented to her uncle that they must be the best pair of pants ever to get that kind of attention. She then brings me the pants and says, "Not that good."
Congrats, Dragon!! I'm so glad your DH is ok with it. :) Phew! 1-2 on an digi?? Wowzers! Is it sinking in yet? I know with me it took a good 2 weeks before I was like, "oh wow... I'm actually pregnant." :haha: Have you told any other family?

Kellen, I'm sorry Teagen was so difficult. :( There must be something in the water, because Max was AWFUL last night. He woke up every 45-60 minutes and wouldn't go back down. Finally at 5am he was apparently up for the day and wouldn't let anyone else sleep. I tried putting him in his crib to send the "it's not time to get up yet!" message, but he just screamed and jumped and woke up the girls... So now we're all downstairs (except for Daddy who is sleeping peacefully...grrrr) and the girls are watching cartoons and I'm wondering how in the heck I'm going to function on ZERO sleep in a month. Sigh...
Wow, Kellen, that's some great talking from Teagen! Such a smarty! :)

wamommy, I'm sorry you're so tired! That's really a tough situation with Max waking up so much. You're right about something in the water, because Lily was up half the night too! I finally had to take her into my bed, or I would have been standing next to the crib all night long! I try so hard not to make that a habit, but at least I get to wake up to hugs and kisses. She thinks it's the best thing ever when she wakes up right next to me instead of alone in her crib.

I don't think it has sunk in at all yet that I'm pregnant. I don't really feel pregnant...the only real symptom I've had is some nausea. I don't have any breast tenderness, and that was a major symptom last time, even before I got a positive test. Hopefully that's because there's just one baby in there instead of two!
Oh wow---congrats Dragon!! That's exciting!!

Kellen---I can't believe how verbal Teagen is----I'm struggling to even get Camden to babble here---he's just so quiet.. .

wamommy---maybe your DH will get up with Max when you're up with the new baby? (Or at least he SHOULD!)
I called my doctor today, and he said I need to stop taking all of my medications. I'm so worried that I'll get depressed again :(
Dragon, I would ask the Drs to see you as soon as possible to figure out a new medication you can switch to that's safe in pregnancy. Don't let them put you off this time! :ninja:

Sierra, I hope DH picks up some slack when the baby comes. If not, I might lose it! I'm already so tired, lol.

I just came back from my 33 week growth scan. Apparently my baby is enormous. It's estimated at 6lbs1oz already, and is measuring in the 97th percentile. :wacko: My doctor is predicting an over-9lb baby, EVEN if I deliver 2 weeks early like the other 3. I'm freaking out a little, but glad to know everything looks great with the baby. It's fat and cute... :D We didn't see the gender, PHEW!!! I was afraid I'd accidentally spot a giveaway. The sonographer was great and told us when to look away. At least now I feel a little validated in feeling so uncomfortable lately. :haha:

Here's a profile of the little monster. I think he/she is making a kissy-face. :D


  • Baby4-33week (Small).jpg
    Baby4-33week (Small).jpg
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Oh how cute! That's a great u/s photo!

I have an appointment with the psychiatrist on the 27th to talk about other medication options. However, on the phone he said I probably shouldn't take anything at all.
I made my first ultrasound appointment for 4/16. I wanted to get in the week before, but the ultrasound technician is out that whole week. That made me laugh, because the same exact thing happened last time...apparently he schedules his vacations specifically to inconvenience me! :haha:

I'll be just over 8 weeks at that point, so should be able to see the heartbeat. I'm slightly disappointed that I couldn't get in a little sooner, because my mom and dad are visiting from April 9th-15th...and I was hoping to have an ultrasound picture to surprise them with. Oh well! I'll have to think of another fun way to tell them.

How's everyone doing? Any new milestones to report? I need baby/toddler news :D
Teagen slept for an entire 8.5 hours straight last night, and then took a three hour nap tonight. I believe we have officially transitioned from 2 naps down to one really long nap in the middle of the day. We have had super nice weather so we've been outside all weekend long.

My mom just adopted a puppy on Sunday and Teagen is over the moon. She and the puppy are getting very well acquainted and enjoy swapping toys. Teagen wanted the rope that the puppy had so she trade in a toy car and the puppy acquiesced.

DH did not get the shipping job as the vessel will be in port for an unspecified amount of time. So I've been putting in as many applications as there are jobs for the both of us for different things. We'll see what the future has in store.

Dragon, I'm glad that you have an u/s scheduled, but I'm sorry you won't be able to surprise your parents with it. Have you gotten the medication aspect sorted out yet?

I learned an important lesson on Friday. If I want to continue waiting to have baby number two in a few years (say, when Teagen is around 3 or 4) I should not allow DH to visit with other parents who have two adorable girls that are close together. Other people's husband's should also not comment that it is good that their ages are so close. LOL. Now DH is trying to convince me that we should start TTC now.

Yesterday we took a small trip about 30 minutes away to the town where my great-grandparents got married in the 1920's. While we were there we decided to eat at a Mexican restaurant. Teagen was sitting in the highchair and I was feeding her applesauce when she starts signing "animal" and pointing to the wall. There were pictures of fruit. We explained fruit, showed her the signs for "pear" and "grapes" and she then proceeded to use our arms to sign grape and would point to the pictures and sign fruit. It was pretty awesome to have a complete conversation about the difference between fruit and animals.
Dragon, how exciting about the ultrasound! I can't wait to hear how it goes. I wish it were in time to surprise your parents, but ah well. I'm sure they'll still be surprised over the phone/skype!

Kellen, I'm sorry about your DH's job. :( What a bummer! After all of that training and everything, too. Grrr. Well, hopefully it was meant to be and he's now freed up for the perfect job that is just around the corner.

LOL about your DH wanting to TTC right away. Those girls must have been really adorable! :haha: I have to admit, a small age gap is awesome as they get older, but there's a special relationship between my oldest and Max, too. She's a big helper and loves the role of helper and protector, as opposed to playmate with her sister. I think there are good and bad things about any age spread!

Max still isn't walking. He stands well as long as he has one hand on something for security, but he hasn't even attempted a step. He just collapses into sitting if I try to encourage it. Sigh. On the plus side, he only woke up twice last night to eat. :) Yes, he was in bed with me, but still! Any progress is good progress.

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