Valentines Babies, 2013!

I had my first prenatal appointment this afternoon. I saw a midwife, and she took my medical history, and did a basic exam. Had a pap test done and some bloodwork, and they took a urine sample.

I asked when I would have an ultrasound to check for twins, and she said 20 weeks!! My jaw must have dropped to the floor and my heart sank. I told her that with my last pregnancy my doctor had offered a scan at 8 weeks, and that I would just about die from anticipation if I had to wait until 20 weeks to find out. She said we could tell a little white lie and say that I'm not sure of my dates, so I can get a dating scan in 2 weeks. *HUGE sigh of relief*

So I have my first ultrasound on April 8th! :happydance:

I can't even imagine having to wait until 20 weeks to have my first ultrasound. I would be on pins and needles the whole time wondering if something was wrong. I am so spoiled from my last pregnancy, when I got to see the babies every 2 weeks!
Kellen, I totally understand the clueless man syndrome that most DHs tend to struggle with. I don't even bother trying to look at anything for myself in the store, because DH will sigh, then get irritated, then let the kids run CRAZILY around until I say, "ok, forget it... I don't need to look." He then has the nerve to tell ME "Go take the kids somewhere else so I can look at X,Y or Z." :wacko: He's in for a pretty big surprise the night I'm in the hospital and he has to actually take them all for a full night!! :haha:

Eew... mice. We don't have them, but a starling flew into our attic through a tiny hole in the top of the house and made a nest there. I hear scritching and scratching of the birds making a home up there and it's so gross! There's too much insulation for us to go up there and clean it out, so every season we have to deal with this. At some point you can actually hear the squeeking of new baby birds! So yucky. I can only imagine how gross it is up there.

Dragon, I'm glad they aren't making you wait! I've learned to always tell them I'm confused about dates to make sure I get that early ultrasound, lol. In your case it seems like it should be standard, especially with a 1 in 7 chance of twins again!

Max still isn't walking. :( I've kind of accepted that he's just not that into it. He doesn't even want to TRY. It's shocking, since my girls walked so early, but I suppose each baby is different. Hopefully he'll get with the program before summer so he can enjoy the park! For now he just stand there holding on to something watching the girls play. :haha:
Wow, it's been quiet lately! I've been thinking of all of you ladies and thought I'd see how everyone is?

wamommy--Camden isn't walking yet, either. . .so we're in this together! ;) I don't mind, but people's comments are kind of annoying when they see me carrying him all of the time. ;) He'll get there, I know. And so will Max!

How's the pregnancy? It's getting so close!! I'm so very excited for you!

Dragon, how's your pregnancy going?

I think DH has decided that we'll start trying for another lo once we have my job situation figured out. I'm hoping everything works out because then Camden will have a sibling! ;) Right now, we're trying to decide between me going part time and getting a slightly cheaper home, or me quitting completely and us getting a *very* small home that would fit an extremely tight budget. . . Both options will be hard, but I think that will be best for our family. Hopefully we can decide soon.

Kellen, Helena? how are you?
I noticed it's been really quiet, too!

That's exciting that you're thinking of TTC again in the not to distant future! I hope everything works out the way you want with your work situation. Camden has plenty of time to learn to walk! I say enjoy the limited mobility while you still can! I can't keep Gunnar in one spot for three seconds before he's running away at full speed. It's nice that Lily still prefers to crawl and/or cruise.

The pregnancy is going fine- symptoms are still at a minimum. No nausea at all yet! A bit fatigued, but if I make sure to get enough sleep it's not so bad. My first scan is a week from today :D
Thanks Dragon! I'm so glad to hear the pregnancy is going so well---yay!! Can't wait for your scan!!!
I've noticed that it's been quiet, too! I figured everyone was just really busy lately.

Sierra, how exciting that you guys want to ttc soon! I hope the job situation works itself out so that you can concentrate on more fun (and less stressful) things!

Dragon, I'm glad to hear you're feeling well so far. After having twins, this pregnancy will probably be a breeze for you!

As for me, I'm getting SUPER nervous about the birth of this baby. I literally lie awake in bed panicking about it almost every night. Not only am I worried about the actual birth, but also how I will handle ANOTHER baby, when Max is still a baby! I had an OB appointment today and all looks great. The non stress test was actually pretty relaxing, and the OB said that it was "textbook perfect," so that's a relief! It looks like about 2 more weeks and we'll meet the newest member of our family!
Oh wamommy---I'd be worried, too---I think that is understandable in your situation! I hope this baby is a breeze (and labor!) and all of your fears are eased! I'm sure you'll handle it a lot better than you think---and I always believe things happen for a reason in perfect timing. . .so I believe it will work out.

Thanks so much for your guys' support. I really hope things work out soon and we can start ttc. It sounds perfect to me.. . if we can just work. it. out. Here's to hoping!
I'm having some light bleeding and cramping...waiting for a call back from the doctor's office. They're trying to fit me in for an u/s today. Keep your fingers crossed for me, ladies.
Oh Dragon!! How scary!! Fingers are crossed and good wishes your way! Please keep us updated! :hugs:
Thanks, my scan is in about an hour. I will update when I have more info.
:hugs: Dragon! I'm so sorry. I'm glad they're able to see you today. I hope all is well!! Keep us posted. :hugs:
Baby is ok! I saw the heartbeat and it's measuring 6w2d. I'm waiting to see the doctor to get more in depth info, but I saw a large ovarian cyst on the ultrasound, so that might be what's causing the pain and spotting. I got a little photo of the bean, I will post it later.
Oh, thank goodness!!!!! And there's just one in there? Phew!! What a relief. I 'm sorry about the cyst, but all things considered, yay! I had bleeding on and off with Max from 5-7 weeks, and I remember freaking out. I'm so glad you got some reassurance. :happydance:
Oh Dragon!! that's great news!! So happy for you!!!! Can't wait to see the photo!
Haha, yes just one, thank goodness! The cyst isn't as big as it looked on the screen, only a little over an inch. The doctor said it's probably a corpus luteum cyst and will resolve itself. :happydance:
Oh, Dragon, I'm glad that they were able to see you immediately. And you got to see your little one! I am looking forward to pictures.

Things have been a bit crazy here, hence the silence. We have both been applying to jobs like crazy, but so far don't have any bites. Sierra, I hope your DH is able to find another job and resolve your work situation. My DH wants to start TTC again, but I'm not quite ready. I want Teagen to be a little bit older so that she can help me with the baby and at least play by herself while baby and I take a few naps.

My mom goes in for hip surgery on Monday which means I'll be looking after Teagen, DH, the puppy and my dad for a while. Life is never dull!
Well, here's the little tadpole. He/she is only 5.5mm long, and hiding behind the yolk sac, so all we could get was a blurry picture of a little blob. I did see the little flickering heartbeat, though! It was 145bpm.

I guess seeing the baby convinced my body that I'm actually pregnant and should have some symptoms...woke up this morning and immediately vomited. :sick:


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Lovely photo Dragon! Sorry about the morning sickness, but it's a good sign! :)

Thanks Kellen--I hope you and/or your DH find jobs soon! It's so discouraging! I can understand wanting Teagen to be a bit older. Both of my sisters and I are 3 years apart, which worked out great for our family. DH and his brother are about a year apart, so he wants to have kids close together---I think if we TTC soon would be nice for us. . .but it all depends on the work situation. . .
I'm so glad you got to see the heart beat, Dragon!! Isn't that the best feeling? It's real, isn't it? :happydance:

Kellen, I hope your Mom's surgery goes well and that you survive being the caretaker. Good luck on the job hunt, too!

I got a phone call from my OB's nurse that my platelet count is extremely low. :( Like... extremely. This means my blood won't clot well, and I won't be allowed to have an epidural (not that I ever have anyway) and if I need a c-section I have to be under general anesthetic. :( I'm already kind of freaked out about labor looming in a week or two, and now I'm concerned about the risk of hemorrhage! They'll test it again on Tuesday at my next appointment, and the OB will apparently discuss it with me further. Sigh...

How is everyone else doing?
Just sayin a quick hi!! Have been quiet lately but haven't forgotten you all.
Glad bean is good Dragon. Will read more and update you all soon.
Lots of love from France xxxx
Ps. Omg wamommy you are almost full term!!! That's so fast!! So excited! Xx

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