Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh wamommy---congrats on Luca smiling!! How perfectly wonderful!

I'm so glad to hear that you notice a difference with Max than girls, too. Makes me feel better. Also makes me realize I don't need to be so hard on him if he is just frustrated---poor guy. He hardly has any words (except for "Muh", which means "up"). . .so he HAS to be so irritated that we don't understand him! :(
When Max gets frustrated he doesn't hit, but he has a full-body meltdown. He flaps his arms like a bird and kicks his feet. It's actually pretty funny, lol... DH calls him "flappy bird." Lately he'll do this for a few seconds (including the most annoying 'uh uh uh uh uh" sound) and then he'll blurt out a random word. For instance... We're sitting at the table for lunch yesterday and he starts flapping. I said, "what do you need, Max? Use your words." He points feverishly at my cup and says, "Uh uh uh uh uh, POP!" :dohh: Great.
Haha wamommy---that's awesome! Camden will throw fits like that too--especially if we pick him up and take him away from something, he'll flail and kick his legs in the arm like he's running away. . .so funny. what an age!
I agree that boys seem to be much more rough and tumble, and seem to lash out more than most girls. Gunnar has been hitting and shoving lately, but he does it more to Lily than to me or DH. For a little while, he was pulling my hair when he got angry, but I pulled his right back to show him that it hurts...and that seemed to make sense to him, and he stopped.

Poor Lily gets the worst of it. She'll just be minding her own business, walk past him, and he'll grab the back of her shirt and yank her off her feet. Or he'll shove her to the floor and steal whatever toy she's holding. He gets put in time-out, and he has to give back whatever he stole from her, but it doesn't seem to deter him. It happens so frequently that Lily runs away yelling "no! no!" anytime he comes near her. What a little bully!

They do occasionally play nicely together, though. Yesterday they were both in time out, and they passed the time by making faces and giggling at each other. The other day, they were chasing each other trying to kiss each other! :haha:
Loving the baby grin image xxxx

I wouldn't expect it to get better when Camden can communicate...hope but don't almost six year old still growls at me. And my three year old spat pasta at me today..

Going back to's so strange how some kids develop it earlier.. My almost six year old just doesn't put himself in others shoes yet. He is too busy barging straight ahead through life like a stampeding bull. My three year old however (also full of beans and busy all the time) will stop and ask me if I am sad if I have a face on.., or give me cuddles to make things better. Genes are funny things.

And if one child doesn't have empathy when another does, especially someone else's kids, it can make us feel quite our kids are out of control. But they aren't. They are kids. .... I read this recently, kind of interesting..

She is far too smug but I agree with some of her points.

And very good for mums of boys......
:rofl: Helena, the post on boys was hilarious! My little guys are still too little for most to apply, but I grew up with brothers and laughed, because most of that blog is so true!

Dragon, the twins sound hilarious! I bet there's never a dull moment at your house.

Helena, your little one sounds so sweet! I also like your point about empathy. Kids really are different in that respect. If there's one thing I've learned about kids it's that they are on their own timeline and are truly their own little people. We can guide and encourage them a lot, but their personalities come to us pre-formed. I think back to when I was 21 and a baby would cry throughout a meal at a restaurant (or god forbid, a toddler had a tantrum!!) and I would think to myself, "how could that parent let that child act out and 'ruin' everyone's meal??" :haha: Now I feel like such a jerk for ever thinking that!
We're having a language explosion in our house! Lily, especially, is suddenly enunciating really well, and learning multiple new words every day. She had about 25 words two weeks ago, and now I'd estimate she is close to 50! Gunnar is learning new words too, but slightly slower.

For the longest time, they would just say the first syllable of most words, so monkey was "muh" and daddy was "dah," but now Lily is saying "monkey" and "daddy" perfectly. :) They will both try to repeat any word you say, and they usually remember it after a few repetitions. It's so awesome!

16 weeks today! I'm trying to decide if I'm going to spring for a private gender scan, or if I can make myself wait another 4 weeks for the anatomy scan. It's so hard to be patient!
16 weeks already?? Wow! Time is seriously flying by. How are you feeling? What gender do you think baby is?
Hello Everyone,

Wamommy - Congrats on the Luca smile. That is so special. I'm glad that he is being a good boy for you. How is the sleep issue in your house coming along?

Helena - Thank you for the interesting insight.

Dragon - 16 weeks! Wow! Time is flying by. I love all the words your twins are saying. That must be so exciting.

Teagen is napping right now. For the past three days she has gotten up at 6:21 on the dot and is back to two naps per day. I think she is probably going through a growth spurt as she consumed anything and everything.

Not a lot of words here, but tons of signs. Last night we were coming home from the park (which she attempts to finger spell since there isn't a sign for park... she has the "p" and the "a" down, but gets lost at the "r" and "k") and I wanted to show DH the roping arena just off the path. It turned out to be practice night for the local women's horse club. Teagen was enthralled and signing "horse" the entire time. Of course now my family wants to buy her a Welsh Pony so she can start riding. Given that we have all the tack and gear that would be cool, but where would it live? My bathtub?

What are everyone's plans for Father's Day? I think we are going camping at the beach or the lake. DH just wants to get away for a little bit and be in nature. The next weekend is the big four zero birthday for him. We will actually be at a local event called "Woofstock" and hopefully gain more customers.
I just got home from dropping DH at the airport. He'll be gone until next Tuesday! I was upset that he was leaving until this morning, when he yelled at me for an hour straight (in front of the girls) about how I dared to ask for time to shower before we left. I never did get to shower. Right now I'm actually relieved that he's gone!! To think, I get a week without being yelled at. :D I may not be sleeping or showering for the week... but it will honestly be amazing to be DH free. That's so sad to say!
Wamommy - I'm sorry you won't have a shower, but I'm glad that you get a break from being yelled at. No one, no matter who they are or what age they are needs to be yelled at. I hope that this break gives you the confidence boost you need to make some changes. At least you are off the hook for Father's Day!
Yay for a break wamommy! I hope you are enjoying it! And hey---I say if you are just home with all of the kids, who needs a shower anyways?! No one to impress! ;)
Hi all,
I hope everyone is ok.
Especially you wamommy, home with four kiddos and having been shouted at. Your DH needs to have a big think about his attitude I say. Sorry.
I hope your time with the kids goes ok. I often find that while it is so hard being at home with my three, that somehow things go more smoothly... Hope that's the same for you.
I say get a picnic in a bag (like a super easy one...a bag of sandwiches and a box of biscuits!) and get those beautiful kids to a park where you can let them run wild and tire them out so they all sleep perfectly x x x x

Dragon, the time has flown!! I am voting boy. Xxxx

Here Kiara is saying things a little more clearly but only a little. But she has really cracked the word "duck". Her comforter is a little duck and she so loves it! She has also discovered being naughty. She pinches her brothers then laughs when I say no. Monkey.

My new avatar is her eating cherries from the tree in our garden yesterday. She loves them!

Her favourite snack at the moment is crab sticks.
And she is sleeping great 8-7.30 with just a few cries in her sleep every now and then. Perfect. Hope I haven't jinxed it now!.....

I have been feeling a little stressed. Mum seems a little confud lately, forgetting things that just happened earlier that day or a day or so ago. Am hoping it is just tiredness from her chemo and not the brain tumour growing. She also has pains in her ribcage which I am terrified are her liver's so scary.
She sent me a photo of her taken today though and she looks good. So that has helped a little.

I think I am comfort eating. DH is out and I just ate a whole pizza. Had half a pizza with him yesterday. And a whole one the day before!!! I must try harder to vary my diet! Lol.
And too much wine...ops. But when in France........ It's all so cheap, and nice!..
Helena - That is an adorable picture of Kiara. She looks so grown up and is certainly enjoying those cherries.

Wamommy - At least you have had a shower. LOL. I hope this time away from DH actually gives you a bit of a vacation.

A little whine here: I have a blood blister on my nipple and it hurts like the dickens! I blame a bad latch due to molars coming in. She keeps trying to feel them with her tongue while nursing, which isn't really possible without causing me loads of pain. But... she only does it on one side. The other side she latches normally and causes no pain.

Anyways... I'm tired and going to go to bed. Have a good weekend everyone! We have a full day tomorrow with one cat and four dogs already on the books...
Ouch Kellen!! Wow, nursing seems so long ago to me!
I nursed my first until 17 months, but only 3 months each for my second two. So it seems an age ago! How long are planning to keep nursing?
I kind of wish I had carried on longer for purely selfish reasons - it was such a great weight loss tool for me first time around!! I could hardly eat enough :)
Ouch, Kellen. I hope you heal quickly! :hugs: I was packing up my breast pump and getting it ready for a new home just yesterday. It was a bit sad, but kind of awesome too. The breast pump and I have always had a love/hate relationship, and part of me is glad to see it go! That said, I still get a twinge of sadness every time Luca nuzzles like he wants to nurse and I know he can't... :( Good for you for nursing so long!

Helena, Kiara is SO cute in your avatar! What a sweet girl. :) I'm sorry to hear your Mom is seeming off. I can't imagine how hard that is! You have every right to comfort eat. That, and pizza is tasty, lol. I still have 15 pounds to lose to get down to pre-Max weight... urgh.

We're surviving here, believe it or not! I've finally found a rhythm that works for us and today has been fairly smooth. I'm beginning to actually enjoy it! Grandma came down today and is outside gardening our much-neglected yard with the girls as we speak.

Max is LOVING DH being gone because I let him get away with everything... :haha: I think it's good for him though. His language and physical ability are growing exponentially. He's started using a bunch of new words (ball, bear, help, hot) and he can run and kick a ball now! I've taken Helena's advice and let the kids loose at a park where the girls could play and slide and Max could explore the grass field. He ate bird poop, but it could have been worse. :dohh:
Oops! I forgot to mention that Max had his 15 month appointment (a month late because his Dr was out of town) last week and he seems super healthy. My only concern is that he is 12th percentile for height and 90th for weight!! Poor little bowling ball. I blame his giant head for the extra weight. :haha:
Oh heads are indeed heavy!! Hahaha, lovely little chunk. It's good to have a bit of extra weight at this age surely.
Glad to hear you are coping well.
Bird poop....who worries about bird poop!? Lol. Xx
Wamommy - I am so glad that you have developed a happy routine and that Max is thriving without DH. I might hazard a guess that this helps you with future decisions knowing that your kiddos can survive and thrive with just mommy and other family around.

Helena - I don't know how long we'll go with nursing. At first I said 18 months. Then bumped it back to two years after reading the WHO recommendations. Now I'm up in the air and will probably allow Teagen to self-wean sometime after two. Right now we are practicing don't ask don't offer, but she wants to nurse every 15 to 45 minutes :dohh: But I agree that it is a fantastic way to stay slim. I weigh less now than I did before she was born.

Today was a tough one. Teagen was super clingy from the moment she woke up. We had three dogs come in this morning so I ended up putting Teagen in the Ergo so she could be on me while I washed the dogs since our help does arrive until 9. Then she decided a nap at 10:30 was in order and slept until 12:30. Great! So we ran to town, did some banking and brought home lunch. At 4 she was tired and cranky and I fought her for an hour trying to convince her sleep is good. It didn't happen.

Now I am tired and cranky and told DH that if I didn't get five minutes to myself without a small person whining and pulling on me I was going to self destruct. He kind of gave me a blank stare. So I sucked it up and went and started to play with Teagen. About fifteen minutes later he wonders into the room and states: If you put some pants and a diaper on her I'll take her out for a stroll. So out strolling they are. I think they are probably at the ice cream shop that is literally right behind our building.

In other awesome news... My grandmother bought Teagen a house. Yes... technically the whole family will be living there. But to quote my grandmother: "I'm not so keen on the house, but it is big enough to grow with Teagen. And there is room to get her a horse." So my mom and grandma are coming up tomorrow to sign papers and we'll be going over to the house to see if there is any furniture or farm equipment that they want to sell for a reasonable price. Then this weekend we head back down to the original farm and pack up the RV we've been living in for a year. Thankfully most of our stuff is still in storage, we just have clothes and misc paperwork that needs to be boxed up.
A HOUSE, Kellen?? Yay!! That's amazing!! Have you seen it yet? What do you think? What a generous, amazing gift. :D You go, Grandma.

DH came in on the plane late last night. I picked him up at 11pm and didn't get to sleep until 1am or so. His body is apparently used to the 3-hour time difference because he's still sleeping and it's after 8! So much for catching up on my own sleep... :dohh:

Luca is crying. Sigh... I'm off to save the day!

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