Valentines Babies, 2013!

My due date is November 24th :)

Haha, I already have to brace myself before I sneeze with a full bladder, or I might pee a little! I've had minor issues with urge incontinence and bladder spasms since I was a little kid, but it's fine as long as I don't hold it too long.

Another consideration is that I get an additional 2 weeks off from work if I have a c-section- 8 weeks instead of 6 weeks. However, that might not matter much if I'm spending that time recovering instead of enjoying the new baby. There are too many factors to consider!
My c section rcoveries were easy. So you know. Even with my other children. The incision is so low that even when they sit on your knee for cuddles it's ok. Especially with a pillow for padding.
It helps to plan ahead with things like high hairs they can climb into themselves (or a low down table and child chair). Each time I had another baby I got my two year old booster chairs instead of high chairs. They could climb up with a step no problem. I bet even earlier it would be easy enough.
I had help for a week or two but was then doing everything I had to with my boys.

Before Kiara was born by c sec I went into labour for a couple of hours. I have no idea how far along I was before the emergency section, but the pains I had were no fun I can tell you....experiencing labour could be highly overrated ;)

Baby will be a very cute size for Christmas :)
Congrats on your due date. It almost makes me want to start TTC, but then I remember we just bought a business.

Teagen is the world's worst tether. All four of her molars are on the way and she is miserable. If we aren't touching she is screaming. The top two have pierced the gum, but the bottom two are almost ready to pop through as well. No sign of her incisors yet which seems a little odd to me.

So glad the wedding is over. It was a really long trip. I ended up forgetting my computer at the hotel with all my school work on it. Thankfully I remembered and was able to contact the hotel and have my friend retrieve it. This week we have done more business and outreach. Tuesday night we had five dogs walk in at 4 (we typically close at 6). But we got them done. Yesterday we closed early and went to the dog park. Teagen loved it. She has two back rooms that we toddler proofed and a baby gate so she can watch us and look at the dogs.

She desperately wants to start talking. The other might she woke me up giggling and then speaking: c-c-cooooow. DOG. Gog. Guck. Cock. Really child? I had shown her a picture of a peacock so now cock is on of her favorite sounds... Great.
Haha that's adorable! Both the twins say "cracker," but it sounds like "cock-a"...and they REALLY love crackers, so they say it a lot! :haha:

Lily has been putting some words together this week. We have some houseguests right now, and they have a 6 month old baby. We have been explaining to the twins that they have to be quiet when the baby is sleeping. Last night, DH laughed loudly at something, and Lily held her finger to her lips and said "Shhhhh! Baby night-night!"
Hi all! Wanted to drop in---we've all been sick with a nasty nasty stomach flu (I had to go to the ER because I was so dehydrated that my heartrate skyrocketed!) We are much better now but it was awful. :(

Camden is getting his molars, too---one top one has popped through and the rest of his gums are horribly swollen. .. poor guy. :(

We're debating on whether to go in for his first haircut this weekend. I just want to let it grow, but it's hanging in his eyes now. . .and I feel bad because that has to be so annoying for him. :(

No talking here yet.. . except for "Muh", which means "Up". lol
Oh, no, that sounds terrible Sierra! I'm so sorry you were so sick. Ugh, stomach viruses are the worst. I'm glad you're doing better now.
Sierra, I'm glad you're feeling better! SO not fun. :hugs: I hope you're getting a chance to rest and take care of yourself.

No molars are coming in yet here, at least not that I can tell. Max has been SUPER fussy though, so maybe they're getting close? We have huge news, though! Max walked across the living room on his own this morning!! It was probably 10 steps. :D I think we've crossed over and he'll start to walk now... finally! I put up gates in our sunken living room so that Max has a completely safe and confined place to play without being told "no" every 2 seconds. I think that made all of the difference!

In not-so-great news, DH's aunt passed away in Hawaii (where his family is all from) and he has to go back for the funeral. He's going for a WEEK and I have no idea how I'm going to manage here with 4 kids alone. I might have to stop being a martyr and actually call people to come help me. I don't even know how I'm going to shower! Ugh...
Taegen and her cock sounds did make me laugh!
Seems there are some good words coming out.
We are still stuck on no, tractor, dada and night night.not a mama in sight....

Sierra, so glad you are better. Bleurgh x

Oh wamommy, a week? I am sorry, but it's his are his family with four kids, he can't go for that long can he?? Baby is so small still.. Call in all help you can. Wish I could join for a few play dates x
Well done walking Max! He decided its time to be big brother I bet, show baby bro how it's done. Well done!!

We have all our first molars (ner but Kiara is coming down with a cold :( it's almost June, I hoped these bugs would have flown off by now! :( she keeps ending up in our bed, not sleeping great and being tired and moody by day. It's 9.43 am and she is already napping....will make for a very long afternoon if she doesn't have a second nap!!
Sierra - Glad to hear that you and Camden are on the way to recovery. How is the job situation working out? Has he started to try to take any steps?

Wamommy - I feel for you. But huzzah for Max stepping up his game as big brother and beginning to walk.

Helena - Poor Kiara. I hope she starts to feel better soon. But send some of that teething mojo this way. I am done having a whiny, clingy baby.

All 8 tips of the molars have arrived, but her gums are still bleeding as they push through. Thankfully she is still sleeping from 8pm to 5am without waking. The past two nights nursing has been too exciting for her and I put her in her crib where she settled herself to sleep without a fuss. Awesome!

Business is picking. We have an employee that is on loan to us from the local jobs counsel. She has never had a job before, but she gets credit for working with us and we provide something to put on a resume and a letter of reference if requested. Today was her first day and she was a huge help. Right off the bat we had two cat shave downs, a geriatric bath dog, a recently adopted dog and then two shih tzu's this afternoon. Tomorrow we have another cat shave down, a self bathing Husky and a Peekanese already on the books.

We took Teagen to the ocean yesterday. It started out as a trip to Dairy Queen, but we drove an extra 50 miles to let her run on the beach. She had been to the Pacific Ocean before, but she was only 9 months at the time. There were lots of dogs and kids so she thoroughly enjoyed herself. DH accidentally dunked her in a tide pool because it was deeper than he had thought. Thankfully I always keep at least two sets of clean clothes in the car for Teagen.
Hello ladies! Thanks so much for your warm thoughts. We've recouped quite well, and feel pretty much back to normal. I'm battling an awful rash on Camden's bum, which I think might be yeast?! It's starting to look better, so hopefully it's clearing up!

Kellen---I'm so happy your business is picking up--that sounds terrific! And how fun! I'm really jealous that you get to go to the ocean--I've been to the ocean maybe 3 times in my entire life. . .and would love to live closer to it!

wamommy--I agree. . .that's an awfully long time for DH to be gone and leave you with such a little one and 3 other children! Get all of the help you can, and while you're at it, get a more considerate DH! ;) Also, congrats on Max learning to walk! What a big boy!!

With all of the sickness and everything going on here, I'm not sure if I mentioned that Camden is finally walking! It's been about 3 weeks now, and he is loving his freedom! He has gotten so adventurous--it's adorable! We went to a spray park the other day (not sure if those are that common or not, but around here, it's basically a bunch of different sized fountains shooting up from the cement that kids get to run through)--Camden LOVED it, and was running right through the water, not a fear in the world! So precious. I'm really thankful that it's finally summer. :)

In all of t
We have a spray park nearby. My kids love it. And I love it as thy can get wet and have fun and no risk of drowning. Kiara loved it too but just stands at the edge of a fountain moving her hands from low down to up high making whooshing noises.
Well done Camden on walking! And for going right on in to the water :)

Dragon - I loved Lilly telling daddy to shhh. Clever girl.

We don't have a spray park here, but we accidentally stopped at one on the way back from the wedding. Thankfully Teagen was more entranced with the swings at the park next door and didn't insist upon getting wet. She does however think it is the funniest thing when we have the water hose out and the dog attacks the stream of water.

The molars are still being stubborn. I caught a look at one of the bottoms ones this morning. It looks like the whole tooth is up, but the gum hasn't split yet. It is all bloody and swollen, but not popped out. Ouch! No wonder she has been grumpy.

This was a good week for the business. Oddly enough Friday and Saturday are the two slowest days. But we are making it financially and are happier in our marriage and family relationships than at any other time. Tonight we will go to church. We found a church that has Saturday evening services and nursery provided. Teagen absolutely LOVES to go. The first time we visited she tried to lead me back as we were walking out the door. Last week we were a little early and the worker hadn't arrived so we were walking around and visiting. Well, Teagen caught sight of the lady who runs the nursery and jumped out of DH's arm and ran to follow her to the nursery.

After church tonight we are going back down to our semi-permanent home. I am excited about not sleeping on an air mattress tonight and taking a real shower. I know Teagen will have a good time visiting with her grandparents and dog. DH and I have been looking at property around here and as soon as business really picks up we will use his VA loan to buy a place. There is a nice house 3 bed 2 bath on 22 acres for 179,000 that we are interested in. It is a short sale so if it is still available in a few months we will try to offer them 138,000.
22 acres!!!! Woweeeee! We have a garden of about 1000m2 and here that is pretty big!! Keeps us so busy.
Oh I would love that kind of space. Definately a sit on mower required :)

Great that Taegan loves church nursery! It's also super great to read you and DH are doing so great right now xx
Yay Camden for walking!! :D Just in time for summer. The world is so much more fun to explore when you can charge clumsily around. :haha: It's so fun to watch Max be incredibly pleased with himself for the most simple discoveries, like the fact that grass comes OUT of the ground if you pull!

Kellen, the property you and DH are looking at sounds amazing. Lucky Teagen!

I've been off the grid for a week or so with the flu... can you believe it? I got the flu shot, yet I got terribly sick and was quickly followed by all of my kids except Max! I'm really glad that Max didn't get it, but wowzers, life is tough with 3 sick kids while I feel like I'm breathing through a straw and someone beat my entire body with tiny hammers! I'm hoping it breaks soon, since I'm going on a week of being sick. :(

I'm off to start dinner! I hear Max screaming in the other room with DH (who is on the phone) and I'm tempted to go rescue him, but the idea of cooking with TWO screaming babies sounds like a nightmare. DH will have to figure it out... :haha:
Kellen--that house and acreage sounds so lovely! I'm very jealous!

wamommy--so sorry you all have been sick! How awful! :( I'd say DH should take both screaming babies AND cook YOU dinner! Hmphh! :hugs:

Is anyone else struggling with their lo hiting/biting/pulling hair/pinching? I'm getting really worried about Camden because whenever he is frustrated especially, he'll just be down right mean---he grabs faces and pinches and hits and pulls my hair and just gets so awful. He even does this when he is happy! We've tried telling him no very sternly, putting him in time out, just leaving him to cool off by himself, etc. . .nothing has worked, and it seems to be getting worse. It is mostly with DH and I (and especially me!), but he even pinched my sister the other day! He seriously acts out like this maybe 15-20 times a day. . .I'm not sure exactly what it is. He has a dr. appt on Thursday, so I'll ask the doctor then, but it's just getting so out of control. . . Some days I feel it must be my parenting because he's just so bad, and other days I wonder if he has something wrong with him that's causing him to act out so much. It awful. . . I literally get bite marks and red spots from him "beating me up" all day long. . .Is this anything you guys' go through with your lo's? Or do you think he has some sort of behavioral issue this young? Or am I just not being stern enough with him? I'm so out of answers, and DH is equally frustrated. :(
Wamommy - So sorry you have been sick! I agree with Sierra that DH should have been the one juggling multiple children and cooking dinner. Or you could tell him it was a YOYO night (you're on your own) and only fix the kids dinner.

Sierra - It sounds like Camden is frustrated and doesn't know any other way to communicate with you. Teagen has recently entered the hitting stage and throwing stage and whining stage. I have to constantly remind her that she does know sign and if she needs to tell me something to either "please use signs or words." I seriously repeat that around 100 times a day.

The molars FINALLY broke through, now they are just continuing to emerge. Thankfully she is back to sleeping all night and taking two hour continuous naps from 11:30 to 1:30. Pretty soon I think she'll be able to lay herself down for naps and semi-bedtime with still nursing during story time and then laying down.

I am excited. I have been invited to join a MOPs group by a lady at church (Mothers of Preschoolers). They meet every Wednesday at 9:30 at the park that is two blocks from our shop. Since moving Teagen has had way more interaction with small people and I think it is great for her. I believe we are also reaching the stage where it would be good for her to go to preschool for a couple hours once or twice a week. And it would give me the ability to actually get things done on the office side of the business. A local preschool has just opened up enrollment for fall so I think I will check them out and ask at the meet up tomorrow.

DH got a call for an interview for a shipping job today. He initially accepted the interview, but then thought better and will call to cancel tomorrow. It stressed me so badly that I ended up in tears after our employee went home.
Don't feel its you Sierra. It's just kids. One of many phases.
Kids, especially boys I think, just do hit. It gets attention, reaction and releases could be years until they get the idea it's not nice. My boys fight physically all the time. Drives me nuts. I am always shouting "stop that...that hurts him...that's being a bully...that's not nice, say sorry....stop it...". They carry on.....
My paediatrician told me some kids don't develop empathy until they are much 8 or so..there are always phases to make us feel bad or guilty. I think being guilty is a massive part of motherhood no one warns us about!

For the record Kiara hurt me on purpose for the first time today. I think boys are much worse physically though. Or my two are?!
Thank you ladies--that makes me feel so much better! He's the first boy in our family, so compared to my nieces, he's just plain "mean" at this stage! Nice to hear that your boys are rough, too, Helena---though I can empathize with the pain!

Kellen--congrats on joining MOPS--that sounds fun! Camden's molars are all poked out now too, though I still think he's in a lot of pain because he's still so swelled where they are. :( Molars have been, by far, just the hardest teeth. . .:(
We'll see if MOPs happens today. Right now DH is blow drying one dog and as soon as he is done I have one to dry as well. Then a small bath dog is scheduled for 9. After that two more dogs come in at 10 and then a groom at 11. Then we have a break until 1 when two more bath dogs come in and another groom at 2. Thankful for the business, but I want to go hang out with moms. We run an awesome Wed bath special though so I'm not too surprised at the number of tiny dogs coming to get washed.
Kellen, LOL about a YOYO dinner. I like that idea! I hope you're able to make the MOPS group. That sounds awesome! We have one that meets a couple of minutes from our house, but I've always MEANT to go and never have. :( I say, do it! There's nothing quite like the support and companionship of other women, especially Moms. I think it would be great for you. I'm glad to hear your business is doing so well, but an hour or two off to yourself can't hurt!

Sierra, I have been surprised how different Max is from my girls in a ton of different ways. He's way more Smash'em, Crash'em, and he grunts and growls in ways that make me laugh. I think Helena and Kellen are right that he's probably just frustrated that he can't communicate with you. Once he can ask for what he wants it will probably get better. What I do with Max is pretend to cry, or that he REALLY hurt me, and he'll stop and look really sad. I also repeat, "use your words, Max... what do you need?" over and over throughout the day. Most of the time he can't say it, but at least he knows what will help. :shrug: Hang in there!

Luca is smiling now! :D This morning when I was holding him and checking out his gorgeous eyes (which are staying blue, I think!) he gave me the biggest, broadest, most amazing grin! :) Somehow all is right with the world in the shadow of a baby smile.

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