Valentines Babies, 2013!

Oh no wamommy....but you are owed some serious baby sitting in the next week!! I say grab a friend and go swimming / spa and for's only fair DH gets quality time with all four kiddos too...

Kellen, what!?! A whole house?? Wow your grandma is awesome! What do you think of the house? Would live a pic! Wow....who gets bought a house!? Amazingly room for a horse!! Taegan is one lucky girl!

Kiara is so very clingy recently. I read separation anxiety peaks at 18 months's hard work!! I hVe my inlaws arrive for a week (!!) tomorrow. Today I managed to clean the while kitchen while holding Kiara...I will have one very strong right arm.

Hello all, sorry I've been missing for a bit...haven't had much time to get on the computer!

Wow, Kellen, that's amazing about the house! :D

Things are going ok with us...the twins have been super affectionate lately. They give lots of unprompted hugs and kisses, and Lily learned to say "love you." :cloud9:

2.5 weeks until my anatomy scan! The time is dragging. I've been feeling pretty good, the nausea is gone now and my energy is coming back. I had a week where I didn't feel pregnant at all. This week, I think the baby had a growth spurt, because I can really feel my uterus, it's just about at the level of my belly button now. Still not showing much...I had a lot of belly fat to start with, so I don't look much different yet. Weight is holding steady, I've lost about 5 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Hoping to gain no more than 10-15 lbs overall.
Dragonfly, I'm so excited to know how your scan goes! You must be getting anxious. I can't believe how time is flying!

Kellen, how is the house deal going? How's work?

Helena, Max has been very clingy, too! Luckily he's sort of bonded with my 17-year-old step daughter, which is weird because she never liked the girls when they were babies. I've been pawning Max off on her sometimes to get a moment of peace!

I've been working out like a mad woman this week now that DH is back to watch the kids while I sweat. So far I'm only down 3 pounds, but it's a start! I'd love to lose about 15 more pounds to get down to pre-Max weight. It's all parked around my belly so it's easily hidden by sweaters, but I'm getting too hot to keep wearing layers!

Let's all post new pics of our babies!! I'm curious how everyone has grown and would love to see how adorable Kiara, Gunnar, Lily, Teagen and Camden have become. :)

Here's Max yesterday. I'll also post a pic of Luca, even though he isn't a Valentine baby. :haha:


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The papers for the house were signed today. We get to start moving in on July 26th! So very, very excited. Because of the awesome covered arena we have officially asked a friend of ours who has a master's in animal behavior to come up twice a week to offer AKC Certified Dog Training Classes. Our insurance has also okayed us to have a doggie daycare on the property as well to be covered under our current business insurance.

Life has been incredibly busy here. We had a huge pet event on Saturday that we had a booth at. The original photographer was unable to make it so we were asked to shot it due to "photography" being in our business name. I took over 1,800 pictures from 9am to 3pm.

I couldn't decide which photo I liked best so I uploaded two of them.


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Oh my gosh, Max, Luca, and Teagen are so adorable! I can't believe how they've grown!

Here are some recent pictures of the twins :D


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What beautiful babies!! Teagen, Lily and Gunnar are adorable! I can really tell the twins apart. Lily looks so much like a girl (LOVE the supergirl outfit!!) and Gunnar looks so much like a little boy! So cute. Teagen's eyes are the prettiest color, too! They look just like Mommy's. :)

Sierra, I hope all is well with you guys. Have you decided what to do about work and where to live? I've been sending prayers your way!

Helena, luckily your avatar is pretty recent, so we get to see how beautiful Kiara is! A neighbor dropped by cherries to our house the other day and my DD quickly stained her clothes AND the counter top with the juice... :dohh: I thought, "oh ya, no wonder Helena has Kiara eat them outside, naked!!"
Dragon the twins are adorable! Love the Super Girl outfit. So very cute. You can certainly see that they have unique and individual personalities.

We are going through a major growth spurt here. Teagen has a super cute anchor dress that she wore to the wedding a month ago. At the time it fell below the knee. Well, I put it on her for church and now it is above the knee. So we hit up Target yesterday and she now wears 3T tops and 2T bottoms. But the poor child has such a tiny waist that she has to have a belt to keep her pants up. I knew this upward growth was on the way because her face and ribs were becoming chubby again. And she outgrew her Crocs which were 4/5 and is now wearing a size 6 toddler shoe.

The incisors are finally here! And they are barely bothering her at all. The molars are all finally through the gums.

We also have. New favorite word to say: "touch". I think it is because we frequently ask her not to touch things. Now she will grab your hand and led you to an object and demand that you touch. And instead of asking for help she will sign help and ask for "sisstance" meaning assistance.
I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July! We went down to my Mom's vacation beach house on the Washington Coast and met up with a ton of family for 3 days. It was super stressful trying to make sure my girls weren't doing anything dangerous and Max wasn't smashing any of the 100 breakable things in my Mom's house! It was fun seeing family, though.

Teagen is so tall! Max is still squarely in 18 month clothing. He has a really funny body, with shortish limbs and a huge head. I think he walks like a chimpanzee, too... lol. It's adorable.

We have a sentence!! Max said, "I want THAT" this morning. Sure, he grunts and points most of the time, but it's nice to know he IS capable of speech. :D
Hi everyone! So sorry for my absence! Things have been CRAZY over here. I'll try to be short with it, but basically---we're MOVING!

DH got a job 3 hours away---that basically, with some down sizing and very frugal living, I can be a stay at home mom and won't have to work anymore!!! I'll still do music concerts and such, but I'll get to take care of Camden all day long without having to juggle work too!

So, today was his first day working the new job. He is staying with a friend, while I continue working from home over here and try to sell the house. We accepted an offer on the house and now just have to go through inspection and appraisal before we can close. We're shooting for the first week of August----going quickly, but still it's a long time for us to be away from DH. :(

We'll be renting a really small home for a year, then hopefully buying another really small home. It'll be a big lifestyle change for us, but I think it'll be better for all of us---I'll be able to focus more not only on Camden, but also on being a good wife to DH. <3

So, that sums it up! I'm busy working full time in the meantime, taking care of Camden, packing a house, selling it, and trying to find a place for us to rent! I'm going insane and eating lots of chocolate. ;)

But am very happy! :)
Way to go Max on the sentence!

Wow, Sierra, that's big news! I'm glad you'll be able to stay home with Camden and not have to worry about work. That's great that you got an offer on the house so quickly!

As for me, I had my 20 week scan today,'s a BOY!!! :) Everything measuring right on track, he's already 13 ounces. I have to go back in a month because he was hiding his face and spine, and they want to check those. I also did my glucose tolerance test today, and I'm waiting anxiously for the results.


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Sierra, I'm so glad you're happy!! Congrats on the new job and the move. I'm SO GLAD you're able to stay home with Camden, since I know it's been really tough dividing time. It sounds like a great move for your family, even though the next couple of months might be stressful trying to get everything done. You deserve chocolate!! :D

Dragonfly, I knew it!!! Yay for another boy. :D Have you thought of any names? The foot picture is adorable. How have you been feeling? I can't believe how fast time is flying... you're already 20 weeks?? Wowzers. I think it's awesome that baby was hiding his face and spine since he gives Mommy another chance to see him in a month!

We're getting the carpets cleaned today, so I better run move everything off of the carpets and vacuum!! I'm actually really excited. I've been begging DH to get them cleaned for a YEAR. Oh, the simple joys in life. :dohh:
Sierra - That is AMAZING! I am so happy for you. Does this move get you a little further from your MIL as well? I think you'll have a great time being a SAHM to Camden. Hopefully you'll be able to find a local mommies group and make some friends for the both of you. I know how hard it is to be away from DH from an extended period of time. For us it was a good hard thing. It allowed us to both realize that we truly do need and support each other in different aspects of our marriage. Congrats on getting the house sold so quickly!

Dragon - The foot is adorable! Congrats on your baby boy. :happydance: Now Lily will get to be the queen bee and rule over all the boys. Well, at least this way you'll get to have another scan and a peek at your newest family member. How exciting!

Wamommy - It sounds like you had a fun, but exhausting 4th. But YIPPEE! Your carpets are getting cleaned. I love being in a house with clean carpets. It just makes everything seem so fresh and new.

For all the US ladies and babies: How did your LO's do with the fireworks? Did you stay home or actually take them to a display? We went to see an amazing display and took a pair of shooting earmuffs for Teagen so that the loud sound wouldn't bother her. HA! She refused to wear them and kept saying: "Ba-ba-BOOM!" and then giggle and trying to run towards the platform where they were being shot off. :dohh: My child has no fear.

We are getting new words everyday. Last night I asked her if she wanted to switch sides for nursing and she calmly stated: "Yes, please." She signed it as well as spoke it. But it was very clear. Her favorite sign right now is ice cream. There is an ice cream shop behind our shop that is owned by some people from church. Keep in mind the child had never even had ice cream before the 4th of July. There was a free social so I let her grab a spoon and try some vanilla. Of course she loved it. But yesterday I gave her the choice between a cookie and a piece of homemade tomato basil bread and she took the bread.

Last night I was struck with a migraine. Normally if I can go to sleep it will dissipate and I'll be cranky in the morning. Not so! I managed to fall asleep at 11. Woke up at 3am with my head still feeling like someone was sticking ice picks through my eyes and temples. So I rolled around until 5 and then took a shower. Managed to get back to sleep and then Teagen woke up at 7:30. DH had a breakfast appointment to talk to a guy about raising chickens. The amazing man took the child and allowed me to stay home and sleep. Of course he brought me back and overly cranky toddler with a need for a nap, but she is asleep now.

We start moving into our new house on July 22nd. And I am SO excited to be in a house. The RV and all of our stuff is in boxes. Half we never unpacked from last year and is still in storage. I've been selling off baby stuff and making a few bucks here and there. So, Sierra, I feel your pain.
Sorry about the migraine, Kellen, I hope you're feeling better.

We didn't go anywhere for the 4th, but we could hear a lot of fireworks from our house. Lily didn't give a hoot, and completley ignored them. Gunnar was getting upset at each loud boom until we looked out the upstairs window and showed him what they were. Then he was fine with them. I think he was just scared because he didn't know what was going on.

This morning as I was leaving for work, Lily waved at me and said "bye bye mama! Love!" :cloud9:
Dragon - That is adorable! Talk about melting your heart...

I am not sure what to do with myself. All the laundry is done. The house is clean. Teagen is still sleeping... going on a 3 hour nap. In other news it is too hot here today. 105. Yuck!
Congrats on baby boy Dragon!!!!! Adorable pics! I agree-- hooray for another scan!

Thank you ladies!! I'm so nervous-- inspection was today and we have a really old house (1935)-- so I'm praying nothing bad came in the iinspection. I think it's a great house but also know older houses can have hidden problems. Positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated!

And YES kellen--- the move will get me a blissful THREE hour distance from mil!!!! ;). A definite perk! Especially since she randomly decided to stop by the other morning, during Camden's nap time without warning, letting herself into our home without knocking and walking on my freshly swept floors with her shoes on. Grr!! The move will be very welcome. ;)
Hi all,
Lovely pictures!! It's great seeing how everyone is growing and becoming real little people. Wow Max, well done on linking three words!!! We still have few clear words, but Kiara is doing so we'll physically so maybe speech will come later . I have had to start stacking our dining chairs when we went eating or she climbs up, then on to the table. She thinks its hilarious.
Congrats on a boy dragon!!! Xx
Oh and congrats on the move Sierra, exciting times!

4th of July here was my first sons sixth birthday. We had a little party with two of his friends plus my two boys (and Kiara!) all charging about the garden with water bombs and water pistols. They had a great time. Kiara enjoyed herself and was so tired she then went to bed and slept solid for 13 hours!! :)

It's the school summer holidays here. I have all three of my monkeys home for 9 weeks. 9. Good lord... ;)
Here is Kiara and her six year old brother...she is going much blonder in the sun:

How's your carpets wamommy?

Can't believe mil let herself in Sierra!! Omg I wouldn't like that. Don't give her a key at the new place? X
Sierra - That is awful! Even when we lived in the RV from my parents they would knock or text beforehand to make sure that no one was sleeping or busy doing something else. That woman has some gall. I am pleased to hear that you are going to be getting a bit of break.

Helena - Kiara is adorable... as is your sun. Teagen is getting blond tips, but the body of her hair is still a reddish hue.

DH thinks I'm pregnant. Here are his reasons: You have been unusually emotional for the past two days. You are extra tired. You spotted yesterday and your AF was only two weeks ago. We've been through this rodeo twice... I know the signs.

All this from Mr. Oblivious. I am terrified that he is correct. Right now we are in the process of getting medical insurance quotes for small business owners. If it turns out to be true we will have to bite the bullet and get insurance NOW before it becomes a pre-existing condition. :dohh: Because life doesn't need to be easy...
Helena, Kiara is beautiful! Your son looks so much like you, too. Do they always get along so well? So cute!

The carpets are amazing, btw. :D Except my 4-year-old was chasing the cat marker in hand, and now there are brand new blue blob stains on the family room carpet... grrr.

Kellen, eek about a possible pregnancy! Do YOU feel pregnant? How would you feel about it, insurance aside? The age gap would be pretty manageable I think. I can't wait to find out!

Helena, we're out of school here too. August 27th they start up again and both of my girls will be in full-day school. Part of me is SO excited for the peace and quiet, and part of me is sad to have them both gone that long each day! For now it's a challenge to find activities to entertain the girls while not being too hard on the boys. Right now it's too hot to do anything outside until the evening so we've been going stir crazy.

Sierra, LOL about the MIL. I'm glad you get a little separation from her with the move. I couldn't stand people popping by unannounced, much less letting themselves in! You're a more patient woman than I! :haha:
Kellen when will you test?! That's so exciting!!!! How do you feel?

Wamommy, when it's super hot here, Camden plays in this water table--- if you don't have one maybe some other tote or bin full of water and toys?

And mil...I really wasn't that nice... lol..very short with her actually. And then on Tuesday she said she was going to come by and watch Camden while I worked, and texts 30 minutes AFTER she was supposed to be here and says she wasn't coming anymore because it was raining and she wanted to take him on a walk. For some reason she wants him out of my sight when she watches him.. makes me so mad that she offered to "help" me but then because she couldn't go walking, she didn't come. So frustrating. Let's pray the distance helps and comes SOON!!
Kellen- wow! I echo what wamommy said, do you feel pregnant?

Helena- that is such a great picture! Kiara is getting so big!

I clipped coupons for a week and managed to come in $15 under budget on groceries, so I bought the twins a baby pool for $12.99. I was so excited to get home and show them, then DH rained all over my parade and got upset with me for buying something "unnecessary." He's making me return it. :( When I explained that I made room in the budget for it, he said "A budget is there to limit spending, not to justify it."

Stoopid head.

He said they can just run through the sprinkler. But I want them to start learning about being in water! They've never even been in any water except the bath.

In other gloomy news, I failed my glucose test, so I have to go back and do the 3 hour one. Argh.

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