Valentines Babies, 2013!

Those classes sound great wamommy---I'll definitely check into more! Thanks for the tip!

I'd be embarrassed if my mom just stopped by---I ALWAYS clean up the house for her. It's not usually dirty, but DH doesn't put things away right away sometimes. . .so it would just look cluttered! I'm sure she didn't even think twice about it, though----I usually find that I am more worried about it than people really notice. ..

Also, my Mom and younger sister offered to come clean my house completely for me right before baby comes---hooray! :)
Oh wow so 27 is the start f tri 3? I keep reading mixed dates and getting confused. Yaaaaay, I will count tri 3 as starting tomorrow then. Fab.
Sorry to hear about the SPD dragon. I have had bouts of t, or what I think s it, but right now it is ok. Seems a lot worse after I have overdone it. Maybe ot isnt spd at all, can it come amd go? But i know how painful it an be, and carrying two it must be worse. Poor you! X mine plays up After I have sat with my feet up on the sofa. I think feet and knees should be lower than hips? Or something like that. Stating cross legged can give me pains afte too. Have you tried sitting on a birthing or exercise ball? I hear they can relieve pressure a lot.

I felt baby have hiccups for the first time this morning :) a rhythmical pop pop pop pop pop :)

Have also been having some period type pains mostly at night or the mornings. I thought it might be Braxton hicks (couldn't work them out in my first two prregnancies) but the bmp doesn't go hard, it's just like dull period pains. Hopefully not contractions...will maybe mention to the doc when I see him next week if it carries on. By no doubt it's all normal.
I also think my little girl is head down ready for blast off now. Her kicks are really high a times, right at the top, and I be a rummaging feeling lower down. It's all going so fast!
If I get my c section on the date we had discussed (1 feb) that is oly just over 11 weeks away. Aaaaaaaaaah! Amazing. Can't wait.

Family offering to come and clean? Amazing!! I will have my MiL her while I am in hospital and she is a washing and ironing fanatic so that's always helpful!

Anyone having eye issues? I usually wear glasses for driving or tv when. A tired but find I need to wear them lots now. Alms b
Urged and double vision ish if I don't. Odd.
Also so out of breath even when just doing something easy, hoovering or just walking in The garden slowly. Gosh. Feel like I am so unfit!! This is just tri 3 maybe...

Happy Wednesday all. Xxxx
Good Morning All!

I am glad that I'm not the only one who freaks out about cleaning when family is coming to visit. My folks are coming in next Tuesday and I know I am going to over do it cleaning this weekend. I still have 4 boxes in the office (which will be converted into the guest bedroom) that I need to go through. Once that is done I can wrangle all the computer stuff into the kitchen and set up shop there. I guess it is a good thing we don't have a desk yet and use a card table. :)

Dragon and Helena I am so sorry to hear that your bodies are not cooperating the way that they should. I have sciatica, but I've been dealing with it since before pregnancy so I try to ignore it and see my chiropractor weekly.

I think the 3rd Trimester nesting syndrome hit me at work this morning. I've been ignoring boxes of papers that followed me home from the conference in October. So this morning I completely emptied all the boxes and rearranged my office. I'm pretty much all alone due to everyone being sick and not wanting to infect the pregnant lady (except the stupid intern... :(

We have a potluck coming up Friday at work, but I am at a loss for what to bring. It is supposed to be "Tailgate" themed. I don't do football and I don't eat wings (which is the main thing to be served). Since I have allergies I normally try to fix something I know I can eat. I make a killer spinach dip in sourdough, but I don't like it... The things I do like take a lot of prep time and I'm not willing to put that much work into food for work :LOL: I am a lazy pregnant person.
Hello ladies---I just posted this in second tri, but hoping maybe you can help as well?

I started cramping at 7a.m. this morning and it's now 10a.m. It's still going on and it's constant---it doesn't really let up. It feels like period cramps but no relief---it also feels like a lot of pressure. It's all in my lower abdomen, about 4 inches below my bellybutton and the entire width of my belly below that point. I'm not bleeding or spotting, and baby has been moving off and on for the most part. It just aches. Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

I told my sister about it and she said it's probably Braxton Hicks---but I didn't think those were painful nor were they constant?

So that's what is going on with me this morning. . .

Kellen---I've been a lazy cook lately, too. . .I only want to make quick and easy things! :)
Sierra- I'd probably call the doctor's office to get their advice. My doctor told me to call if I had cramping like that for over an hour. Hope all is ok! :hugs:
Sierra, I agree with Dragon. I would call your doctor and see what they have to say. Better to be safe than sorry.
Thanks ladies. . .I called and told a nurse. She is talking to the doctor and will call me back. . . I'm still able to work through the pain, so it's not extremely bad. . . but it's there and it hasn't let up. It kind of feels like a weight is tied to my uterus and it's pulling down on my lower abdomen. .

I'll keep you updated.
They ordered a urinalysis. They want to rule out urinary tract infection? I'm leaving soon to have the test, but they said to notify them if the pain gets worse.
good luck sierra!! it wasnt the shock of reading the word contraction in this mornings thread?! i agree to call the doctor. i also had period style pains this morning, but they passd after maybe 2 hours.
once before i woke and had a big ache in the night, a few weeks ago. i think i ache a lot after baby has had a big movment, am hoping maybe your baby has simply wriggled round to the head down position.
if there is no loss of fluid i wouldnt panic.
or if the pain isnt every few minutes as per contractions which get closer together.
i think BH can hurt from what i have rad, or at least be uncomfortable.

let us know how you get on. more rest time and water maybe?
you arent feeling stressed with the house guests? i know i also ache when stressed..

Sierra, please let us know what they say! A few days ago I started having period-type pains (like Helena described) and one morning it was bad enough for a few hours that I almost called the Dr. I'm hoping it's normal! I found relief by taking a hot shower and wearing extremely loose-fitting pants so there was no pressure on my lower abdomen. I'm hoping it's just baby having a growth spurt, or maybe making the big turn to head down? Sending my thoughts, and hope you feel better :hugs:

Helena, my eyes have been all screwy too. I wear contact lenses all of the time, and they have been bothering me so much. I read that your eyes change shape while you're pregnant, so that may be why. I assume they go back after pregnancy? I've been putting off going to the eye doctor because I don't want to get new lenses for my "pregnancy eyes" and have them not work after!

Kellen, can you eat chili? That's a great tailgating food :D It's easy, too. I don't know how friendly it would be for preggo indigestion,
Kellen, can you eat chili? That's a great tailgating food :D It's easy, too. I don't know how friendly it would be for preggo indigestion,

That is brilliant! I will make it even easier and buy a bunch of canned chili, stick them in my crockpot and pretend I'm an amazing cook. I know real chili isn't all that difficult, but I'm being really lazy. I know I can get a special type that doesn't have wheat to thicken it. :) Thanks for the excellent suggestion! :happydance:

Also, thinking of childbirth classes. This Thursday DH and I have a waterbirthing class at the hospital we will be using in February. Our midwife is the expert in the state for this so we are pretty excited. The rooms are super nice. After that we will be taking a general childbirth and postpartum class from the same hospital. Just have to find a Saturday that DH doesn't have to work.
exactly wamommy, i feel i need a stronger prescription but i dont think we are meant to have an eye test until at least 6 months after having baby. so we should get used to the blurry world for a bit i guess!

good luck again sierra x
Thanks everyone. Just got back from taking the test--they said I probably won't know results until tomorrow! :( I'm not extremely worried, but it would be nice to know today!

Yes, I have been stressed helena, so maybe that is it---or the baby moving, I thought about that, too. I guess I'll know more tomorrow. . . I'll definitely keep you all updated!

We'll all have to compare notes after taking our classes---that should be fun! I'm excited for classes. Anything that focuses on my baby is a plus for me! :)
Kellen, I'm glad the chili will work :D Loving the idea of canned chili!

Sierra, yet another suggestion... maybe a growth spurt? I had the worst of my cramps a few days ago, and just now as I walked by my DH said, "Wow, you got bigger since last night." Uh, thanks?! He's right though, I've grown a ton in the past week. I think I've gained 2-3 more pounds this week, so that might be it... I like to think it's baby!! :dohh: Anyhow, hopefully you're just having a growth spurt and the pain is stretching? Either way, I'm glad you went to the Dr and are having it monitored.
I've been feeling like the bump is growing super fast this week, too...I've also had some period-type pains here and there. Maybe this is just a super growth spurt. The twinkies have been less active for a few days, but I think that's because they're both breech, so their little heads are at the top (where I tend to feel most movement). In that position, I don't get the strong kicks that I get when their feet are up! HOWEVER, Gunnar goes nuts during my weekly NSTs, no matter what position he's in :haha: I have a feeling he's going to be the hyper twin, and Lilja will be the laid back one :)
13 weeks till D day, amazing!!! Hopefully just over 11 weeks until my c section. Woweeeeeee!.......been tidying toys in my kids playroom, so lots of bending or sitting on floor. Right side of my bottom now in agony, aching right down my leg. Time to rest!..
Hope you ok Sierra x
Thanks ladies! I definitely feel like I am getting bigger, so maybe that's it? I'm still experiencing some pain this morning, but not as bad as yesterday. Since he's been moving and there hasn't been any blood, I feel like I'm okay. . .but hopefully I'll get results from the doctor today. I'm really hoping I don't have a UTI, though! Yucky!

I can't believe it's third tri already! It's hard to believe we all actually got this far! After my miscarriage, third tri just seemed like a distant dream---and here I am with a very active little guy! I'm just so thankful for how far we've come! Congrats everyone!!!!

On other news---after eveything going on, the buyers backed out on purchasing my sisters house (2 days before closing--which is the date they told my sister she had to be out of the house by). So, they are almost completely moved out now, with no buyer. So, they are going to move back in next week or so. I feel so badly for them---they are exhausted and their poor 3 year old is having a really hard time because she has had to move in with us and now is leaving. She's really emotional and it's been really hard on her. I told them they could stay as long as they like, but they want to get their lives back in order. I feel so badly. :( In some sense, it's good to know that Ill be able to set up the nursery now, but I wouldn't wish this hassle on my family for that. :( They're so exhausted. :(
Sierra, I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Bad news about your sister, that is difficult to deal with. I pray that you are all able to adjust and that the little one isn't too overwhelmed. I too am grateful to be in the third trimester after a miscarriage. This point seem like a mythical place that everyone else would experience but me. For all my complaints to DH about my ribs being used as a jungle gym I am so happy to have an active little girl.

I am dreading a conversation that I need to have with my DH. We live in Georgia. His family lives in Texas. It is a 850 mile one way trip. He really wants to go because his mom has been calling and saying things like: "It has been soooo long since we last saw you. It isn't fair that we never see you." I would like to point out that my parents live 3000 miles away and I've seen them once in the past year; we have visited Texas four times this year.
It isn't that I don't want to go visit, but I have some very serious concerns. 1) I'll be 37 weeks and I don't know how I'll handle two 13-15 hour car rides. 2) Gas isn't all that cheap. It will cost us around $200 round trip. 3) His parents smoke. Since grandpa died I am fairly certain they have started smoking indoors again, but I'm not sure. 4) There is no spare bed. We would be sleeping on an air mattress in the middle of the living room floor...which is cement.

Any suggestions on a nice way to broach this subject? At this point I'm willing to buy him a plane ticket and stay home with my cat for Christmas. :(

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