Valentines Babies, 2013!

Wonderful news Dragon!!

Wamommy---you are so cute! I feel very frumpy compared to your cute bump! lol I'll have to get a picture soon to post. . .

My baby shower is tomorrow! I'm so excited!! I just can't wait to show off my bump and spend a few hours ooing and ahhing over my baby! :)

And when I got to work today, a lady in my office had a bag of baby clothes on my desk from her grandson! SO CUTE! I like today already! :)
Congrats, Dragon! That is fantastic news!

Wamommy, that is an adorable bump. I would have never guessed those were workout clothes if you hadn't said anything.

Sierra, I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope they call today.

We went to our water birth class last night. It was pretty cool. Basically it outlined the pros and cons and how to do it. The nurse was talking about whether or not your a modest person and having DH do nipple stimulation in the pool to help with contractions. My lovely *hmmm* DH proceeded to tell that class that he was in no way modest and would do this task to the best of his ability. Also he is planning to get a speedo for the birthing pool.:dohh:

The nurse encouraged us to sign up for a labor/delivery/postpartum class... mainly so DH can learn massage techniques to use on me while in labor. The hospital offers the class on specific Saturdays so now we just need to figure out which Saturday DH needs to schedule off. After watching all the delivery movies last night I am now very curious as to how I will react during labor. :shrug:I'm not big on screaming. I figure I will keep a steady stream of highbrow insults flowing at whomever happens to be near. I also tend to recite books when in pain. This should be interesting...
Kellen, that is hilarious about your husband!! :rofl: My DH is the exact opposite----he would turn all red and tell me he's NEVER doing that in front of people. :haha:

I'm very interested to see how I will be during labor as well. DH thinks I'm going to be extremely emotional and clingy (which I tend to be like when I'm in pain). :)

For those that have kids already---how were you during their births?
Thanks for all of the nice comments, ladies! I know I tend to be too hard on myself, but I'm really working on it!! :D

Dragon, YAY on your test results!! I'm glad the twins are happy in there, and content to stay a while longer to grow big and strong.

Sierra, did you ever hear back from your DR about your test? How are the cramps?
I also can't wait to hear about the baby shower.

As for labor, I handled it a bit differently than I thought I would. I took classes on unmedicated birth, and watched a ton of videos where the women were able to stay SO serene and calm. I thought I could do, no. I did well, and was able to go unmedicated, but I sounded like a dying water buffalo, and got really scared right before having to push. The first time I had my Mom on one side and DH on the other, and I just started saying "I can't do it, I'm scared" over and over. Luckily, your body MAKES you do it. The second labor was SOOO fast that I didn't have time to do much of anything. We rushed to the hospital and I was already fully dilated, ready to push. Again with the water buffalo, an amazing nurse who looked me right in the eye and kept me focused, and in the video (yes, I let DH take a video, cringe) I keep talking to my then 18-month-old, telling her not to worry, that Mommy was All in all I'm pretty proud of how I handled it, but am aware that every labor and birth is different, and I can't predict how this one will go!

As for DH in a speedo, just the mental image right now made me laugh!! I don't think I could take it during delivery!
wamommy---LOVE the story! Water buffalo makes me laugh. :haha:

My doctor said that the lab decided to run cultures---so they take 72 hours. . .so I won't know results until Monday. However, they said since I am still having cramps (and I am. . .more like just heaviness and pressure), they want me to start on an antibiotic just in case it is a UTI. So, I have to pick up antibiotics tonight and take them until Monday--on Monday they will call and tell me to either stop the antibiotics or continue to take them (depending on what the cultures say). I hate taking antibiotics if I really don't have something, but DH would rather me take them in case it's a UTI to protect baby. So, I'm going to do it. I'm nervous, though, with all of this waiting----I know it's probably nothing, but what if it's not a UTI but something more serious and we are just spending all of this time WAITING? I know the doctor knows what she is doing, but still. . .makes me anxious. . . . :(
Wamommy, those are two fantastic birth stories. I hope to labor at home for as long as possible, but I have a feeling DH will want to rush me off to the hospital as soon as I say: "Ouch!"

Sierra, I'm sorry you won't get your results back until Monday, but I am glad that they are taking preventative measures. I hate taking medicine as well, but I would do anything for my little girl to make sure she is safe.

DH just called. He is fed up with his employees. One girl is making it hard on him. One of the assistant managers just told him that he has to work Christmas Eve because otherwise he is singling her out. This makes no sense since he always Sunday/Monday off and has since the store opened in July. So he asked if I would draft a resignation letter for him since we will be in Texas on Christmas Eve. I told him I wasn't sure I could make the journey. His response: "So I shouldn't resign because we aren't going to Texas?" I said: "You can go, but I'm not sure how my body will handle it. I will just stay home and you can go." DH: "Don't draft the letter. We'll talk about this later."
Now I feel bad for compounding his problems. :(
Water buffalo! Hahahaaaa.

Both my births were c sections. Scheduled. They were fine. Scarey but exciting and amazing. I only have mild fear about this one, but in geneal I am ok with the idea of another section.
If anyone ends up having a section try and not worry. I read lots of horror stories about them but I had fantastic experiences and recovery was fine. In fact I know a fair few who ended up with c sections and they were all fine.
It was all a bit uncomfortable, but in the grand scheme of things I don't think I did too badly if I can describe the birth of my sons as "a bit uncomfortable"! Lol.

Sierra, I won't say to not worry as that would sound patronizing.i would worry too, anything unknown is Scarey right now with our health I find. Instead I will just give you a hug (((hug))). Antibiotics won't do any harm whatever the final verdict. Xxx
Kellen, I know you feel bad, but it has to be discussed sometime. . .maybe now it is better to get it all out in the open? I hope the conversation goes well. I know it's hard. :(
Water buffalo! Hahahaaaa.

Both my births were c sections. Scheduled. They were fine. Scarey but exciting and amazing. I only have mild fear about this one, but in geneal I am ok with the idea of another section.
If anyone ends up having a section try and not worry. I read lots of horror stories about them but I had fantastic experiences and recovery was fine. In fact I know a fair few who ended up with c sections and they were all fine.
It was all a bit uncomfortable, but in the grand scheme of things I don't think I did too badly if I can describe the birth of my sons as "a bit uncomfortable"! Lol.

Sierra, I won't say to not worry as that would sound patronizing.i would worry too, anything unknown is Scarey right now with our health I find. Instead I will just give you a hug (((hug))). Antibiotics won't do any harm whatever the final verdict. Xxx

Thanks helena. I appreciate it. :hugs:
Oh deary me. Emotional outbursts on a high today. Lost count of my sobbing outbursts. Mostly related to my children...our 4 year old and I are really clashing just now, he is rebelling and trying to work out the house hierarchy I think. Oh so drained. To top it all DH was called into work this afternoon and no idea when he may be able to get home this eve...oh roll on a rand new day!
I'm so sorry, Helena. That's so hard! Hopefully a new day will bring a better mood for your little one. As for crying, let it out! I hope your DH is home soon to give you a long break :hugs:

Sierra, any news?

Kellen, did you and DH have a chance to talk?
A much better day today. My son tried harder as did I. And we had a nice day. I won't a lot more time doing hands on things with him and that helped. I think the fact. Am tired and pregnant and can't run about the same with him is tough on him. That and the fact that 4 is a tough age....I find it the hardest yet! Terrible twos were a breeze...:)

Baby really moving a lot today, perhaps she prefers the happy me. Nd I read my boys lts of stories today, I think she likes my adding voice :) She is really filling the space, kicking me right low down a wha seems to be just about inside..and right at the top of the bump. Maybe she is going to be tall!

Pointless post but just saying hi x
helena---glad to hear things are going better! I, too, feel that baby is just kicking all over. Feels like his little foot is going to pop right out of my you-know-what sometimes! :haha:

Wamommy---no news yet. I haven't been as crampy lately, so that's good. I'm expecting a phone call today, but I'm not holding my breath. I think since it's probably nothing "serious", I haven't been put on the 'priority list'. :(

On better news, I had my baby shower on Saturday! Got tons of great stuff, and it was really fun! Everyone said I look like I'm all baby and haven't gained a pound---so of course that made me feel really good (especially knowing that I've gained 18 pounds!) :)

My Mum and sisters bought us a beautiful pack-n-play and highchair, we got out bedroom set for baby, baby monitors, an umbrella stroller, TONS of books, a diaper bag, some sleep sacks, clothes, bathtub, bathtoys, etc. All very nice stuff--I'm super excited! My older sister and her family moved out of our house yesterday, so I think this week I might try to get DH to put up the crib and help me set up some of the new stuff!

What I find amazing, though, is after all of this stuff that we got this weekend, I still feel like we need TONS more. For instance, we still need: a mattress, swaddlers, bottles, pacifiers, a jogging stroller, sheets, socks, white onsies, pjs, diapers, wipes, a changing pad, etc. The list goes on and on. . . We're hoping to hit the after Christmas sales to finish up everything we need for baby.

How is everyone else doing with what they need?
Sounds like a great shower, Sierra! We got a ton of great stuff, too...I think we have pretty much everything we need. In fact, we got lots of duplicates, so I returned a bunch of things to Babies R Us yesterday...our gift cards and store credit now add up to over $600! I'm sure we'll be getting lots of diapers!

We plan to have the babies sleep in the bassinet of a pack n play for the first few months, and we have one that was given to us by my sister in law...but we might pick up a second one so we have one to travel with and one more permanently in place. Haven't decided yet. Where will you all have your babies sleep? Crib, bassinet, co-sleep?
Sounds like a great shower, Sierra! We got a ton of great stuff, too...I think we have pretty much everything we need. In fact, we got lots of duplicates, so I returned a bunch of things to Babies R Us yesterday...our gift cards and store credit now add up to over $600! I'm sure we'll be getting lots of diapers!

We plan to have the babies sleep in the bassinet of a pack n play for the first few months, and we have one that was given to us by my sister in law...but we might pick up a second one so we have one to travel with and one more permanently in place. Haven't decided yet. Where will you all have your babies sleep? Crib, bassinet, co-sleep?

We have a crib for the evenings (upstairs), and I will probably set up a pack-n-play downstairs for his naps since my office will be downstairs---that way I won't have to keep going up and down stairs during "work hours". I haven't decided for sure or not---but if nothing else, then the pack-n-play will be for when we travel (which we travel a lot!). The pack-n-play also has a bassinet and changing table, so I might leave that up downstairs as well for quick diaper changes! :)

I can't believe how much store credit you have! That's wonderful!!!
Oh, the baby showers sound amazing! I'm so glad you have all of the major stuff covered, and getting the rest of the things on the list shouldn't be too bad, especially considering we have 10-12 weeks to go!

I'm actually having a mini panic attack today about being ready for baby. All we have, literally, is a stack of sleepers (maybe 8?) a few onesies and pants, and a stack of hats. That's it.... Every time I mention getting ready for baby DH says, "we have plenty of time!" Ya, but the stress of having NOTHING DONE is starting to make me want to cry! Also, we don't have an extra room for a nursery, so LO will be sleeping in my room, which is totally fine... but I've been looking at pics of other people's nurseries and it makes me a bit sad! DH doesn't even want to put together a crib! He says we have 2 pack and plays (one small, one larger with the changing table in it) and we'll just use one upstairs and one downstairs. I know it's our third baby, but I feel like he's irritated to have to do ANYTHING to prepare. I already do ALL of the housework and cooking, and now feel like everything "baby" is being dumped in my lap too!!

I'm sorry :blush: I'm having one of those days... just feeling overwhelmed. I'll try to turn it around as the day goes on.
Hi all, sounds like a great shower Sierra.
Oh yes it certainly seems like baby needs a lot of stuff.
As I have had two already I have a lot things, but sold a lot too, thinking two babies would be enough... Doh.
I still need to sort through the baby clothes to see what we have and what I gave away...
Otherwise I also need a mattress. Baby will sleep on a full size cot from the start. Maybe on our room for a few days then in her room, right next to us. I will see though, its a rough plan. I find babies are such noisy sleepers! I slept so much better with my second son in the other room. I knew I would hear a cry but I wasn't woken by every snuffle.
Wamommy don't worry, my baby's room is still a play room full of cars and diggers. Am not sure they will find somewhere else to be put before baby is here...
I also need to buy some silver nipple cups - meant to be great at helping heal sore nips when feeding. It was painful for me both times. Google silver nipple angel cup and they should pop up. Expensive but I want to try.
Aww wamommy! That's terrible---I'm in the preparing mode, too---except I feel that DH is at least helping me somewhat. It's our instinct as women and as pregnant women to prepare. . .and it would be a lot easier if your DH could help. I keep telling my DH that we might have time, but what if baby comes early? I realistically want to get everything done by mid-January, just in case. It's always a possibility that baby might come early---and you don't want to be caught unprepared. You shouldn't have to do it by yourself. I know that doesn't help, but know that I agree with you. :flower:

helena---I'll definitely look those up! I'm so worried about sore nipples! :wacko:
Hello Everyone,

DH and I finally had the talk. More like I had the talk with his mother and then he got mad because she agreed that I shouldn't travel. :haha: Anyways, he is now reconciled to the fact that we will be staying home for Christmas; he isn't happy, but I think he knew it was coming. I just sprung it on him at a bad time.

This weekend I rearranged the whole house. Well, actually I moved the office into the kitchen and the futon from the living room into the spare bedroom. (Okay, so DH and SIL moved the futon while I stood around and made helpful suggestions). It was a lot of work because I thoroughly cleaned everything with my steamer and vacuum. My parents are staying with us for 10 days so I thought they might like a room to themselves instead of the living room.

I am excited about them coming, but it is somewhat damped by my 6 month review at work. Apparently I am not aggressive enough and they are worried that I don't have the passion to do my job. I need to be more vocal... Okay, I guess that is what I will do. Kind of a bummer since my boss was gone for 16 weeks having a baby. Would have been nice to have someone to give me direction... And apparently I'm a horrible public speaker.

SIL gave me a bunch of baby clothes yesterday. Some I will be keeping others I will be throwing out. She does not believe in buying new clothes so she only shops at thrift stores. Some of the clothes are cute, but others are really stained. I appreciated the gesture. The only gear we have for the baby is a car seat/stroller combo, walker (which I'm tempted to throw out or give away), crib bedding, mobile, soap, some clothes and that is about it. My mom's friends are throwing her a "grandma shower" in either December or January so I'm hoping to get some nice things from that. It is hard when everyone is 3000mi+ away. this is them.
I also want some silk breast pads (how posh!) as they are less likely to stick to sore cracked nips. Again a bit pricey but hey, I am worth it!.. Them and the cups will be my Christmas present :)

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