Valentines Babies, 2013!

aww its gorgeous reading all ur posts , i had a valentines baby last yr ,exact 14feb <3 via c-sec ,lucky to have him :) goodluck in all ur pregnancys ladies xxx

btw i got my son a "happy valentines day mam and dad" vest made for the day he was born <3 <3
heres my boy last yr <3 <3 <3

(sorry taking over the thread a little, but this is my rainbow baby, i mmc at 12wk b4 my first son (whos 3) never used anything since he was born, fell preg when my first was11mth but sadly another mc, then fell preg with my babyboy no2 22mth later .. ) ) be plsed with wotever sexed baby ur blessed with i say, takes a long time and much heart ache to get the little bundles of joy here :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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here he is now ... sorry bout the pride ... ive had a :wine: :rofl:



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What an adorable little boy, honey08!

DH had to go out of town unexpectedly today, so I'm on my own tonight and tomorrow. I think I'll go down the library after work and pick up some movies to watch. Maybe I'll take myself out to dinner :) Oh the possibilities!
DragonflyWing are u aving boy/girl twins ???

i said this yr, but obv it was this yr :haha:
Hi all, hope you are having fun weekends! Here it is cooler than recently and I can feel autumn brewing and I am loving it!
On a less positive note I am feeling wound up by my MIL. Regularly she emails or calls to remind us of someone or others birthday that we shouldn't miss. Apparently it's an uncles birthday on Tuesday. Like which uncles would hold it against us if we forgot? The best was when she emailed to remind us it was her twins birthday! could think she is just being kind and reminding us, but since I know of one occasion where we didn't send someone, her sister, flowers at Christmas and she got all annoyed at DH and they and a row since apaprently it made her look bad, I don't feel it is just being nice...
Really, feeling irritated. We are grown ups. And if we miss a birthday who's not one of the kids. Then I would get it. But someone in their 60s?

Oooh deep breathing required here....
I wonder if this is preggo hormones ...
That would irritate me too, Helena! Inlaws are a sticky situation, and you can't always say what you want to say (unfortunately!) so sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode too.

I've been in a very stinky mood the last few days, which is pretty unlike me. I'm generally pretty upbeat. I just can't shake it! EVERYTHING annoys me, especially DH. I don't know how long this will last, but I hope it stops soon.

On a good note, I found a garage sale this weekend that had a TON of maternity stuff. I bought about 10 shirts and one dress! I would have bought all of her jeans too (she had 7for all mankind, Gap, etc) but she was about 5 feet tall, and I'm 5'8", so they would have looked bizarre on me. I'm just trying to find ways to feel cute and embrace the bump :)
I've had a cold all week, feeling yucky. It started out with a sore throat, then I briefly lost my voice. After that I developed a cough, which has now progressed to major sinus congestion. Some online sources say decongestants are ok in the second trimester, some say they are not safe at any point. For now I'm staying on the safe side and not taking anything, but I'm going to check with my doctor tomorrow. I can hardly breathe, and it gives me such a headache!

Had to miss my brother in law's housewarming party today because I just feel awful. :(

On a brighter note, I've only had to take Zofran once a day for the past few days! Yay!
Yay for maternity clothes wamommy! I wore sme maternity trousers for the first time this time yesterday, was so comfy. Am in love with stretchy waistbands!! I find I like tops that show e bump off. Otherwise I just feel fat. S I wore a stretchy vest with the trousers to a BBQ and people were so surprised I was so big so soon!

Oh dragon, sorry you are feeling so bad! Hoping your doc can help tomorrow. I have had a bit of half ever recently s also blowing my nose lots, though I read some congestion is common in pregnancy so maybe it's that.
There is always something new he!

Have cooled down from MIL's interfering now..deep breaths and handing the issue over to OH even though the email came to me, helps!

Draon - great you are feeling less sick! Me too, just midLy after eating, but a world better than a few weeks ago!yaaaaay! Even y fatigue is better, I have seen 11pm twice this week!

Another annoyance tho is restless leg. When I get into bed my feet are so wriggly! Drives me nuts and keeps me awake for a bit. :(
DragonflyWing, I'm so sorry you're feeling sick :( I hope your doctor can give you something to take the edge off. Colds are never fun, but during pregnancy? yuck!

Helena, our symptoms are so similar! I get sick after eating too, but I thought it was because I always take my prenatals with meals. I sometimes have to force myself to finish eating, then go to the bathroom sink and "pant" (that's what I do to not throw up, lol) for 5 minutes until I feel better.

The restless legs are also horrible for me. I used to get them when I was younger, but until this pregnancy haven't had a problem with it. When I go to bed it feels like my legs want to jump up! I adjust my feet, rub them together, roll over, but it just feels like I have ants in my bones, if that makes sense. I used to drink tonic water (for the quinine) and it worked really well, but apparently that's a no-no for pregnancy, so I don't know what to do!
Hello ladies!!

Hooray for maternity clothes! I've been in maternity pants for a couple of weeks. . .I couldn't take my clothes being so tight on my bump so I switched over early! :)

So, DH and I bought a couple baby clothes this weekend!! Pictures are below. . . two neutral onesies and two neutral outfits. :) I'm in love. :)

Also, MIL found a bargain at a garage sale on a stroller and carseat system. She called us up and asked if we could use one. She said it was in GREAT condition and just a fabulous piece. We trust her opinion, so she bought it for us (and we will reimburse her). She later sent us photos of it after she bought it. (See below pictures). After seeing the photos, I'm not really sure. . .it looks kind of antiquated to me. What do the rest of you think? DH and I are wondering if it was worth it or not, or if we should just politely take it from her and buy another one. Or does anyone think it's not that bad or a good model or something? Both of my sisters have the really expensive jogging stroller systems, but I don't think DH and I could afford them. . .so this really fits out budget, but I want to make sure it's a good system and I'm not sure if it looks out-of-date or not. I would love your honest opinions please!! :) Thanks guys!


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Hi Sierra, I think it looks fine, but you can't really tell without getting behind the wheel yourself. I remember having a push chair once that has wheels that stopped turning on the supermarket slippy tiled floors and it just sort of slid along. So annoying! So have a wheel about it in. You could always resell if t doesn't work. With my first baby we had three diffent chairs in the first year! First was a second hand bargain but turned out rubbish. The second was fab but too big to get in the car easily after a while, and the third I still have and love almost 4 years on!
Looks wise it looks fine to me though! X
And rather clothes are cute! I bet you keep picking them up and smiling!
Oh wamommy - I know, I lay there wiggling my feet up and down trying to use up the energy! ...must be SO annoying fir DH. I wriggle them to the extent I feel I may have pulled a foot muscle. Doh.
Hoping tonight will be less wiggly! Am also getting some muscle cramps, leg and feet. Ugh. This pregnancy lark isn't all glamour that's for sure!
Sierra, those baby clothes are adorable! I think the stroller system looks just fine, doesn't look antiquated to me. Seems like a good deal, but reserve judgment until you see and try it out yourself :)
I went pram shopping yesterday and there were loads of them that looked like that. So I don't think it's out of date or anything. Like the other girls said, you will know if you like it when you try it out in person.
Good Monday, Everyone.

Glad to hear that I'm not the only one making the migration over to maternity wear this weekend. I finally caved and bought a pair of jeans, which felt so good to wear. My shirts are still okay for the most part, but I've had to ditch a couple of my button ups for work due to the giganticness of my chest nowadays.

Just out of curiosity... Has anyone encountered this mythical second trimester "energy" everyone keeps talking about? For me I am still dragging and find it hard to be motivated. I had a paper due yesterday for my doctorate, but I haven't even started it. This is completely abnormal for me given that I currently am maintaining a really good GPA. I also find it hard to focus at work. Am I all alone here?
Thanks so much for all of your help ladies! I'll get to see the stroller system this weekend, so hopefully I'll have a better opinion on it then! :)

And yes, helena---I keep picking up the outfits and smiling. It's hard to believe that in less than 6 months, *MY* baby will be wearing them! It's so wonderful I want to cry!! :)

My sister and my MIL have purchased several books for our baby, so it's bookshelves are already filling up with wonderful stories! :)

Kellen--I know that I, for one, have NOT encountered this energy!! :( I get home from work and park myself on the couch in front of the television. DH tries to get me out on a walk or a bike ride every day to get my energy levels up more, but after that, I'm back on the couch!! :( We have an evening performance this weekend, so it'll be interesting to see how that goes! ha! DH does say that he has noticed a difference lately, though-he says that now I at least stay up until 9:30p.m. most days, whereas before I was falling asleep on the couch at 6p.m.! :) So, hopefully that means it'll gradually get better!

But, yes, fatigue-wise I feel like rubbish. :(

I do have to say that I think I'm starting to "nest" though. I keep wanting to do stuff to baby's room and the house in anticipation for baby. Now, if only I could get DH to get more motivated (poor guy, he has to do all of the labor around the house when I have these ideas since I'm pregnant and trying to take it easy. .. ) :)
Sierra, thanks for the response! I've been meaning to ask - if it isn't too personal - what type of music you and your DH play? Good luck with the performance!
Last night I made it until 10pm, but I also didn't get up until 9am! lol... this morning I was up at 5:45 so we'll see how this evening plays out. We have tried to go for a couple evening walks, but even at 8pm it is still 90 degrees out and that just saps the energy away...

My mom has bought some cute non-gender specific onsies. We were also gifted the exact amount of money that we needed to buy the car seat of our dreams (okay, my dreams coupled with excellent safety ratings). I feel very blessed. We also have friends that will be giving us bags (like the 20 gal kitchen bags) of 0-36 mo clothes once we find out the gender.

DH is actually really into getting our office converted into the nursery. We are going with a sailing/maritime theme. My mom swooped up an awesome crib set that has ships on it for $80 that we'll be paying back. We also found some really cool cupboards at a thrift store that we'll be cleaning up. Never before was DH motivated to put boxes away from our move in December... thank you baby for finally giving your daddy the inspiration to throw out a bunch of junk!
Hi ladies :hi:

I too suffer from the restless legs! Glad it's not just me :haha: all night, tossing and turning, rolling over, can't settle! It's so annoying.

I don't think I have experienced any of this mystical energy! What I have felt though, is a lot happier. A little less worried, like I believe it more.

I felt baby today! 100% sure of it, the other times it could have been gas or general rumblings but today I felt it and it was amazing :cloud9:

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