Valentines Babies, 2013!

Hello Everyone!

Congrats on the super positive, Sierra. That is awesome!

My ankle healed perfectly well... I have "residual arthritis" according to the doctor. Never got around to talking about the IUD as Teagen drug my mom into the room with us. Um, not exactly a thing I want to talk about with her in the room.

Teagen is an amazing eater. Most of the time she enjoys being independent with her food and like Max does not like dirty hands. I keep a damp washcloth beside her plate so she can wipe her hands as she goes so we don't have a million trips to the sink. There are times, however, that she enjoys having me wield the spoon or fork.

DH will be home in a little under two weeks. Their schedule has changed so he might get to be home for two full weeks... which would be amazing and fit in nicely to when I'll be ovulating next. Not that we'll need an excuse...

Teagen had a 48 hour fever for the past two days too. She spiked really high the night before last. I had her sleep with me and even though the room was only 68* her poor little body was still hot to the touch. She asked to sleep with her "scarves" which are kind of bean bag freezer things. Thankfully she got much more sleep last night and seems recovered this morning.
Bummers about not being able to talk about removing the IUD. I hope you can get another appointment soon so you and DH and get busy when he's back! :rofl:

I'm 6 weeks, 1 day pregnant today. I'm soooooo worried this pregnancy because I'm feeling really good so far. . .by this time when I was pregnant with Camden, I was already getting pretty sick. :(

I'm trying to figure out when to tell our families about baby #2. . .as far as they all know right now, they still think DH doesn't want another baby. . .so I can't wait to surprise them! I jut am nervous to spill the beans before hearing the heartbeat. .. but we'll be seeing our families multiple times before we hear the heartbeat and I'm not sure I will be able to explain away the not drinking (one is a family wedding) and severe bloat that makes me look like I'm 20 weeks already. . .lol

What are your guys' thoughts? How soon did you all tell?
With both pregnancies, we told people around 8 weeks. I told my sister right away as soon as I got the positive tests both times lol! Even before I told DH :haha:

I can't keep big secrets like that. Although, the second time I wasn't as eager to tell everyone, since some people were horrified that we were already having a third when the twins were only 15 months at the time. I think when we have a fourth (probably when the twins go to school), people will start thinking we're crazy...but we both want one more before we're done.

Anyway, I when I got my first ultrasounds at about 7-8 weeks, I'd show people the picture and tell them I was pregnant. Obviously, the first time had a bigger reaction with two in there! I didn't do any special announcements.

Speaking of food, I'm glad to hear all the variations in toddler eating behaviors! Gunnar is a big eater, although he never stops moving so he's starting to lose his baby fat and getting tall and thin like his daddy. Lily is a pokey eater, she takes forever and is really picky. She and DH lock horns pretty frequently over food. She gets really stubborn and won't eat the last bite of something, and DH absolutely won't give in, so they end up staring at each other sullenly for an hour or more until she finally eats it, or DH puts her in time out. I don't agree with that course of action and making such a big deal over eating, but he's got a major pet peeve about wasting food. :-\

They both LOVE granola and most fruit. Graham crackers, beans, and raisins are other favorites. They both like meat, Lily won't eat cooked onions or beets. Gunnar has never turned down anything! We don't really give them sweets or junk food aside from Teddy Grahams as a treat for going on the potty or doing something extra nice. Once in a while we share a little ice cream with them. An average day for them looks like this:

Breakfast: granola, yogurt with applesauce, banana
Lunch: beans, cheese, blueberries, peanut butter toast
Dinner: cut up chicken with rice and sauce (one day last week we had chicken tikka masala), pineapple, corn, graham crackers
Snack: raisins, string cheese
They drink lots of milk and water all day long, and they get half a Flintstone vitamin with breakfast. Do you guys still give vitamins?
Wow, 6 weeks already Sierra?? Yay! Maybe it's a girl this time, and THAT'S why it's so different! :winkwink:

I told everyone with babies 1 and 2 at about 13 weeks as I went into the 2nd trimester. With Max I think I was around 15 or 16 weeks, since I wanted to tell everyone in person. When Luca came around I was SO terrified to tell everyone that I was 5 months along!! :haha: I think it's totally personal preference, and that everyone will be thrilled!

Dragon, I'm ashamed to admit that our daily eating falls TERRIBLY short of how healthy yours is! I can't get Max to eat anything really, and my girls are terrible about healthy choices. They constantly snack and it's a huge challenge to put things in the house that are healthy and tasty enough for them to eat. I just got home from costco where we bought a ton of blueberries, so Max is set for a week or two... sigh.

How was everyone's 4th? We went to Leavenworth, a small Bavarian town in the mountains. It looks like you're in the middle of Germany or Austria, but it's only 3 hours from home. There was a children's festival and the girls swam for the first time. It was 105 degrees though. Yikes! I thought it would be easier in the hotel room with the kids, but it is impossible to baby proof a hotel room. There are plugs, wires, curtains to pull down, and a million sharp corners. The first thing Luca did was run into the bathroom and climb into the tub. BAM! He smacked his head on the bottom of the tub and has an enormous goose egg. Poor guy.

Kellen, your DH should be home super soon, right? I'm excited for you to get to spend time with him! The story about Teagen and his T-shirt is incredibly adorable. Also, You mentioned a while ago that you were catching up on Game of Thrones and Outlander. I love Game of Thrones and am always looking for new shows, so I thought I'd check Outlander out. Oh my goodness, I am HOOKED! We're watching season 1 fanale tonight on ON Damand. When does season 2 come out??
Sierra - 6 weeks! Hooray! We waited until 12 weeks with Teagen due to our first ectopic pregnancy. We lost that baby at 7 weeks so we were very cautious about announcing anything. I suspect we'll be the same way with the next one. As for not drinking just tell people that you're doing a whole body cleanse or something. Or you want to be clear headed to chase after Camden.

Dragon - Wow. You have scheduled meals... Actually, we're pretty good about meals too, but rarely have the same thing. Breakfast ranges from applesauce, to English muffins, to pancakes to oatmeal. Lunch it depends on the leftovers or where we go to eat. Dinner is the same thing. With three different cooks in the house it depends on what we can cobble together from the pantry/fridge/freezer.

Wamommy - ONE WEEK UNTIL DH IS HOME! Whooo! I'm not excited. Also - excellent news about Outlander being a new favorite of yours. I think season two comes out this fall? They are still doing some casting and I don't think they have started filming yet. You really should read the books. They are stellar.

In sad news one of my friends who had a little boy on Feb 6, 2013 just lost her baby who was 4 months old to SIDS. She also has a little one Luca's age too seeing as they had an oops after baby #2 too. I can't imagine how hard it would be to loose a child that you have gotten to hold and love and name.
Oh that is so sad, Kellen. :( I'm so sorry for their loss.

We do have theoretically scheduled meals lol, but a lot of the time it works out differently; that was just an example of a fairly good day! Lately their naps have been wacky, so sometimes they sleep through either lunch or dinner, and then need a bigger snack before bed. Aside from their evening snack, they don't really eat between meals. Mostly they dictate their own meal times, they tell us when they're hungry.

Anson has started eating solids, he's still on single ingredient purees mixed with rice cereal since we started a little late (6.5 months). I've let him gnaw on chunks of banana, and yesterday he ate his first grape (there was a tiny baby grape in the bag and I let him have it to practice his pincer grip)! It's a little sad now that he's eating solids and getting teeth (5 so far), he's growing up so fast! Where's my little nursling going? DH is already talking about having another, but I said we really have to wait until the twins are in school if possible, plus I have not gotten AF back since Anson was born AND I'm on the mini-pill, so no babies right now!
Oh Kellen, that is just so sad! :( :( Heartbreaking! :(

wamommy----our 4th was quiet---we just had a picnic in the park and watched the parade. We found out that Camden is terribly afraid of fireworks. . .lol. . .

Kellen---I'm so happy that DH will be home soon---you must be just over the moon!

I got a little scare last night as I saw a couple drops of blood a few times when I went to use the bathroom. . .but nothing today. I called the dr and they said sometimes women spot throughout pregnancy, but I'm wondering now if the outside of my vagina (tmi) was bleeding because it's been a bit irritated with the extra cm (that happened with Camden too). So, I'm praying the blood doesn't come back! AND, I got sick for the first time today---so I think that baby is doing pretty good in there. :)
How's everyone doing? It's been absolutely crazy here! Dh got a new job, which means another move for us (about an hour away). We put our house on the market, and are house hunting pretty heavily.

I am more sick with this baby than u ever was with Camden. I'm lucky if I can keep 2 pieces of toast and a glass of water down a day. I'm losing weight, and hoping to go in to a dr this week or next to see if baby is doing okay during all of this. (With the job switch we were without insurance so I couldn't go to the dr...but now we have insurance again...phew!)

What have you lovely ladies been up to?
Oh Kellen, I can't imagine! How terribly sad... :( On a happier note, DH is home now, right? Yay! Teagen must be over the moon.

Sierra, it sounds like you have a TON going on! I'm sorry you're so sick with this one. Hopefully it will pass soon. You're only a month from 2nd trimester, so hopefully it will ease up. Argh. I'm still sticking to my girl theory/ :winkwink:

DH has decided that we should make camping our new weekend activity with the kids. We bought a used HUGE tent and sleeping bags and headed out a couple of weekends ago. The ground was covered in rocks so we bought a few air mattresses and went out again this past weekend. It was better, but still nuts. Camping with 4 kids (AND my 18-year-old step-daughter and her boyfriend) is not at all relaxing. It's exhausting! The kids love it and it's pretty cheap now that we have all the gear. We're going out again this Sunday. To be honest, I feel like I go along as child care so that my husband can do the fun memory making stuff with the kids. Ah well, as long as they enjoy it I suppose.

Dragon, Anson is getting so big! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? Luca is running around the house and speaking (kind of) now, and I miss the babe-in-arms stage somewhat. In other ways it's easier now.

Helena, how have you been? Miss you!
Almost 14 weeks pregnant and dealing with horrible morning sickness still. :(

I have my first midwife appt on Wednesday so I'm super excited about that.

How are you all doing?
I'm looking forward to school starting! I LOVE my kids, but 24 hours a day for 3 months straight is enough to drive me batty. I had a pretty good routine going during the school year and I can't wait to get back to it. That, and I feel guilty when I can't spend a ton of one-on-one time with each kid, and I see them getting bored and fighting each other or watching too much TV. I love their school and feel like sending them is as much of a joy for them as it is a break for me. One more week!

We sent my step-daughter off to college this week. DH is taking is really hard. I'm actually surprised how sad I was to see her go, too. There were some (quite a few) tough years in there, but the last year or so she and I really got along and I actually viewed her as an ally instead of an adversary. She seems terribly home sick and unhappy, but I'm hoping she'll meet some friends and love her classes and things will turn around.

Sierra, I can't believe you're 14 weeks already! Yeehaw second tri!! I'm so sorry that you're still sick, though. :( Maybe your midwife can help you on Wednesday. How is the move going?

Kellen, how is your time with DH? Any news about baby #2? :winkwink:
Wamommy, how's school going? Are you getting any time to yourself now that the kiddos are in school? I hope it's a great transition!

We haven't moved yet... still trying to sell our house. We had an offer but backed out of it because they kept wanting more money taken off. So, we're staying put until we get a buyer.

Baby is doing great and I'm now 17 weeks! Camden got to hear the heartbeat last week and now keeps talking about the "Baby sound " :) So precious.

How is everyone?
Sierra, 21 weeks! How exciting! How are you feeling? Are you still sick? How's the house selling going?

How is everyone else doing? It's been so quiet lately. I miss you, ladies!

As for me, life keeps chugging along. Things have been rough with DH (like, horrible, terrible, awful), but the kids are doing well. My brother had his first baby yesterday. Yay! My Dad is coming to visit this weekend from San Diego. Luckily I just finished cleaning out my step-daughter's room so he has a nice guest room to stay in. After he leaves the girls will be sharing that room. We still have to paint and clean the carpets.

Max is growing up! He speaks SO well, but has a bit of an attitude problem. He's a weird mix of the most adorable and loving little boy and the most stubborn, confrontational little person. I think he may be on the small side. He just transitioned into 3t sleepers, but he's in a lot of 2t clothes. He wears a size 7 shoe. Is he small?
Also, how is potty training going for everyone? Is MAx the only one still in diapers? He has zero interest in the potty. I don't know what to do!

I hope all is well with all of you! Time to get the kids off to school!
Hey wamommy!! I'm feeling pretty good. I had another bout of morning sickness at 20 weeks, but so far so good this week. :) And, we found out that this baby is another BOY!! We're delighted!

The house hasn't sold yet, do we're thinking of just sticking out the winter here for a bit...we'll see. I believe God has a plan in it all, so just trusting Him right now.

I'm so sorry to hear how bad things are going with DH. I really wish there was some advice I could give you.... but until then...I'm willing to be a listening ear and sending you hugs...

Max sounds perfect to me! Camden is still in 2T, except for the rare 3T pant that might fit his length...he's long for his age, but so thin that 2T pants even fall down on him. Poor.kiddo. Camden is just transitioning into 3T sleepers as well and still in size 7 shoe! They're exactly the same size it seems! ! :)

As far as potty training, I've been.told not even to attempt potty training boys until they are I think you're totally fine! Camden is potty trained which everyone has told me is incredible for his age... he still wears diapers at naps and bedtime. Sometimes for naps, he'll wake up dry, but still very much needs a diaper at bedtime. I've heard some boys even need pull ups on at night when they are in elementary school--something with their anatomy. just doesn't wake them up.when the have to go... :shrug: I'm a huge proponent of going with their time table...if.Max isn't ready, dont push him... hell learn eventually and it'll be a lot easier than forcing him.

It's soooo good hearing from you. I miss you ladies!
So good to hear from you two! Congratulations on another boy, Sierra! How exciting :)

Gunnar seems to be about the same size as Max and Camden- he is in a size 7 shoe and is just transitioning to some 3T clothes. He still fits in most 2T pants and shirts, but the 2T sleepers are getting tight. He is 34 pounds. Not sure on height, but I think he's around 75th percentile there.

Lily is even smaller, she's wearing a size 6 shoe and still fits in all her 2T clothes, and even most of her 24 month clothes. She is 30 pounds, and a couple of inches shorter than Gunnar, somewhere around the 30th percentile. She's a little peanut!

Anson, on the other hand, is giant! He's 11 months, 23 pounds, and around the 85th percentile for everything except his head, which is off the charts huge. He also started walking at 8 months, and is now running around and keeping up with the twins. I think in about a year, people will think I have triplets!

Max is not alone! Both twins are still in diapers, and refuse to use the toilet. It's so frustrating, because they were both enthusiastically using the potty when they were 18 months, but then Anson was born and it completely derailed them. I'm actually running out of options for Gunnar, because size 6 diapers are leaking almost every night, and that's the biggest size! Anson is catching up there too, as he is now transitioning to size 5 diapers. Those weight ranges are way out of whack for us. Size 4 is supposed to go up to 37 pounds! On what, a string bean?

The twins are doing great with their speech, they even have their pronouns correct most of the time. Gunnar gets a little confused between "him" and "her." Yesterday, I got home from work and Lily said "Mama, Gunnar is being mean to me and making me feel bad." I was kind of like "Wow, that was well articulated! Now tell me what he's doing." lol
Congrats on another boy, Sierra! Yay! :) I'm so excited for you guys. Did you keep all of Camden's stuff? It's smart to wait on the right situation with your house. It's great that you have the option to wait it out! We're now on the hunt for the perfect place to move. I'm kind of not thinking California anymore. I do have family there, but some stuff has happened lately that makes me think maybe it would involve my kids in more drama than I want to deal with. My sister and my Dad are always at odds and using me to get at each other. I don't have the emotional energy for that! If you could live anywhere in the US where would you choose? Assume you don't have to think about family or job. I'm curious to know what you think!

It's funny that all of our boys are about the same size. Dragon, Lily sounds adorably small! Her speech is GREAT! Luca us almost as big as Max at only 18 months old, lol. It's funny to watch them wrestle and it's pretty even! Once the teeth come out I jump in and stop it, but I let them roll around for a while first. :haha: I'm with you on diaper sizing. It's totally based on a very specific shaped baby. My pudgy little ones need a size 4 by 6 or 7 months and then they can wear a size 4 until 2 as they thin out! LOL Luca wears a 4 in the day and a 5 at night, and Max wears a 5 all the time. About half the time he "blows out" during the night, though. hurray!

How was everyone's Halloween? It rained here (gasp, shock) but we went out trick-or-treating anyway. My oldest was a monkey-pirate-princess-fairy. She definitely has a great imagination! I tried to do monkey face paint. Let's just say I'm not artistic! My second daughter was a kitty (jaguar if you asked her), Max was Mario and Luca was his very cute self! We went to the girls' school dance after trick or treating and it was SO fun! Max loved the music and lights. He cried when it was time to leave and on the way home sleepily said, "dancing is fun." It was a good night. I was thankful for all of the Halloweens my own mom put on. It's exhausting!

Kellen and Helena, it's been a long time! How are you two?
Here they are! I could get a shot with everyone looking to save my life!


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Wamommy, your kiddos are so cute! They look like they loved every minute of dressing up! We just passed out candy this year. I'm really protective and not quite comfortable letting Camden go door-to-door right now (In my paranoid head, I am worried he'll think it's okay to go up to stranger's houses any day of the year.) I'm waiting until he's a bit older, I think, or we might just stick to Trunk-Or-Treats at church.

And, yes, I did save all of Camden's stuff---which I'm really glad for because this baby is due exactly 3 weeks after Camden was born---which means they'll be in the same season of clothes and everything! I'm trying to convince DH that we need a new crib for this baby. Camden's crib has been transitioned to a toddler bed for him, which he loves, and I'm not quite sure if I want to "kick" him out of it for the baby. What did you ladies do when baby #2 (or 3 or 4) came? New crib or no?

It's amazing how much stuff I seem to be adding to my list to buy for baby even though they are the same gender. . . New crib, dresser, crib sheets, new bibs, etc. . . I'm trying not to go overboard because I know we'd have everything we need without the new stuff. . .but I also want this to be special, too. . .I dunno. . .we'll see how much I can make the finances stretch for all of the extras. ;)

We're doing cloth diapers again with this one. We didn't start Camden on cloth diapers until he was 8 months old, so cloth diapering a newborn will be new to me---but I'm way excited about it. :)

If I could move anywhere in the US, I'd probably pick Maine---it's so beautiful there!! Are you truly considering moving anywhere, or still close to the West Coast?
Wamommy, the kids are so cute! Here are the twins. They had a lot of fun trick or treating!


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