Valentine's BfP ladies

I started to write whilst I was shaking I the waiting room at the surgery but got called in before I posted. I'm so happy now! The sac was visible, correctly implanted and there's still some blood to come out that's opposite the implantation site. Doc said it is looking good and to go back if there are any issues. Next appointment is the one I should originally have gone to in two weeks!

Now to find my way to work from here...

That's so wonderful!!! :yipee:

I can't wait for my appointment. Its next Wednesday, so one week to go. I'll be 5 weeks 2 days. I hope they do an ultrasound but I don't know if they will. I've been going to my ob/gyn for years, so maybe he'll help me out ;)
Ok ladies, here it is...our wee group thread in the PREGNANCY forum!! :happydance: get changing that status and get your wee ticker and let's keep all that happy positivity going from the 2ww thread going (it got us this far!)

Special VIPs in our wee thread...

Sashajoy13 - EDD 24/10
Bambola - EDD 27/10
Makemeamammy - EDD 27/10
jbell157 - EDD 28/10
emmalg - EDD 28/10
missusgee - EDD 31/10

Okay so I thought we might start with a kind of 'getting to know you' type Q&A. I know it's a bit cheesy and we already know eachother but i guess lots of info can get swallowed up in big threads so this might just make it all a bit clearer for all of us. I'm making these questions up as I go along so please feel free to offer up any other suggestions.

1. Name?
2. Age?
3. Married or partner?
4. Location?
5. Job?
6. Pregnant with first?
7. How long were you ttc for?
8. Thing you are most excited about over next 8 months?
9. Thing you are most scared about?
10. Describe yourself in 5 words?

I know these Qs are kind of personal but I guess that's kind of the whole point of getting to know people. I'll go first but please feel free to not answer any of the questions or add your own. Xx

Hi ladies may I join? My EDD IS OCT. 28TH

1. Katina
2. 28
3. Getting married July 20th to my amazing fiancé (yes I'll be 5 months lol oh well)
4.united states
5. Run an at home daycare so I can stay home with my dd(from previous marriage)
6. Second pregnancy DD is 7
7. 1 year
8. Watching my belly grow and getting the baby move
9. The "M" word!
10. Energetic, outgoing, fun loving mommy!
I started to write whilst I was shaking I the waiting room at the surgery but got called in before I posted. I'm so happy now! The sac was visible, correctly implanted and there's still some blood to come out that's opposite the implantation site. Doc said it is looking good and to go back if there are any issues. Next appointment is the one I should originally have gone to in two weeks!

Now to find my way to work from here...

:happydance: yay!! So happy for you hun! Aww I feel all left out on the ultrasound front now! I want one! :)

Ok ladies, here it is...our wee group thread in the PREGNANCY forum!! :happydance: get changing that status and get your wee ticker and let's keep all that happy positivity going from the 2ww thread going (it got us this far!)

Special VIPs in our wee thread...

Sashajoy13 - EDD 24/10
Bambola - EDD 27/10
Makemeamammy - EDD 27/10
jbell157 - EDD 28/10
emmalg - EDD 28/10
missusgee - EDD 31/10

Okay so I thought we might start with a kind of 'getting to know you' type Q&A. I know it's a bit cheesy and we already know eachother but i guess lots of info can get swallowed up in big threads so this might just make it all a bit clearer for all of us. I'm making these questions up as I go along so please feel free to offer up any other suggestions.

1. Name?
2. Age?
3. Married or partner?
4. Location?
5. Job?
6. Pregnant with first?
7. How long were you ttc for?
8. Thing you are most excited about over next 8 months?
9. Thing you are most scared about?
10. Describe yourself in 5 words?

I know these Qs are kind of personal but I guess that's kind of the whole point of getting to know people. I'll go first but please feel free to not answer any of the questions or add your own. Xx

Hi ladies may I join? My EDD IS OCT. 28TH

1. Katina
2. 28
3. Getting married July 20th to my amazing fiancé (yes I'll be 5 months lol oh well)
4.united states
5. Run an at home daycare so I can stay home with my dd(from previous marriage)
6. Second pregnancy DD is 7
7. 1 year
8. Watching my belly grow and getting the baby move
9. The "M" word!
10. Energetic, outgoing, fun loving mommy!

Hi Katina, yeah you have the same due date as us and it's still pretty early into our wee group so yeah that's fine. Welcome :thumbup: when did you get your bfp?

AFM - so I've had a pretty crap day all thanks to my supposed best friend. It's such a long story but to cut it very very short she has ditched me as her bridesmaid for being pregnant! I told her I would cover all dress costs etc but no, she didn't so much as say congrats just told me she couldn't believe how selfish I could be and why couldn't I just let her have her day! (Not entirely sure how me being pregnant stops her having her day?) she knew we were ttc and never outwardly said it was a problem although she has been really bitchy and off with me of late and I wondered if it was abut that. Who needs enemies with friends like that eh :cry: :shrug:
I think it's so awesome that our EDD are so close together! We have 2 pairs of ladies that have the same EDD!

Today my only symptom is exhaustion. I'm so tired. However, I am also super bloated today. I'm still temping every morning. I feel like this is the only way I can be sure baby is ok right now. My temps are still staying high so it makes me feel good.

I'm also monitoring my caloric intake. My BMI is low, so I need to be sure I'm getting enough calories to sustain both of us, especially on the days I'm running. Right now I'm not supposed to add a ton of extra calories so I'm just making sure I'm getting there or a little over.

I'm glad you ladies are doing so wonderfully! I pray all the time that the little bean sticks and we have a happy, healthy baby.

Good on you with the calorie monitoring! And the running! I've been so exhausted too - when I get home from work I'm good for nothing other than dinner, bath and bed! Still not had much in the way of nausea and I'm now getting to the stage where I want it (how twisted is that haha!) just so that I have a clear sign that I am pregnant! Still doesn't feel real! Xx
Thank you got the warm welcome malemeamammy :hugs: I found out I was pregnant 10piui on VALENTINES DAY I made it very special when I told OH it was just wonderful!

That really upsets me that you have a friend that would treat you that way. I have someone in my wedding who will be nine months pregnant and I wouldn't have it any other way! Not much of a friend I say! Cheer up buttercup it's not good for your little bean ;).

P.s. I love that we share due dates!!!!
momofimaking2 - Welcome to our little group! Congrats on your BFP.. February is just wonderful! yay!

Makemeamammy - Honey that is so terrible! I must say i have heard of this kind of behaviour before.. I mean, women telling their BM's that they cannot be part of the wedding if they are pregnant. It is really superficial.. Its her loss at the end of the day.. what i find even more horrible is that she didnt even congratulate you! WHAT THE HELL!? Is she crazy? I am sorry hun - she is clearly not worth it.. I can see she is jealous of you.
I can't wait for my appointment. Its next Wednesday, so one week to go. I'll be 5 weeks 2 days. I hope they do an ultrasound but I don't know if they will. I've been going to my ob/gyn for years, so maybe he'll help me out ;)

There wasn't very much to see at all, and probably not until 6+ weeks, but it doesn't hurt to ask! It's one of the good things I've found about consultant led care like they have in Spain as opposed to midwife led care in the UK. Here the ob-gyn's have their own machines, so you get regular ultrasounds instead of being sent to the hospital. And for the 20 weeks scan, you typically get sent for a 4D scan here. If you get the opportunity to get one, go for it!

Hi ladies may I join? My EDD IS OCT. 28TH

Hello!! :wave:

:happydance: yay!! So happy for you hun! Aww I feel all left out on the ultrasound front now! I want one! :)

It'll happen before you know it!

AFM - so I've had a pretty crap day all thanks to my supposed best friend. It's such a long story but to cut it very very short she has ditched me as her bridesmaid for being pregnant! I told her I would cover all dress costs etc but no, she didn't so much as say congrats just told me she couldn't believe how selfish I could be and why couldn't I just let her have her day! (Not entirely sure how me being pregnant stops her having her day?) she knew we were ttc and never outwardly said it was a problem although she has been really bitchy and off with me of late and I wondered if it was abut that. Wo needs enemies with friends like that eh :cry: :shrug:

OMG - how horrible! :hugs: :hugs: Maybe she is also slightly jealous to have found out you are expecting. We're here for you though! :friends:

Good on you with the calorie monitoring! And the running! I've been so exhausted too - when I get home from work I'm good for nothing other than dinner, bath and bed! Still not had much in the way of nausea and I'm now getting to the stage where I want it (how twisted is that haha!) just so that I have a clear sign that I am pregnant! Still doesn't feel real! Xx

For anyone who doesn't quite have the dedication to calorie count, the 300 calories extra you will need is roughly a bowl of cereals or a chocolate bar - not quite the "eating for two". Obviously the first helps keep your blood sugar more constant and fills you up more!

I am really tired too, but with a toddler I don't get the chance to just eat and go to bed like I could last time! I left the house at 7:30 this morning to get to the doctor's, went straight to work until 14:30, left to get DD, popped home for our snacks, took her to her swimming lesson whilst I chilled out in the cafe, then home, dinner for her, bath, feed and bed - never as easily as I hope. DH has made my dinner and it is now 22:45 here and I can't wait for my bed! :sleep:

It hasn't sunk in for me either yet! :)
Welcome Katina! :hi: It's so exciting to have others who share the same EDD :)

Mamms what a b word!!! I know its tough but I think you will be glad to be rid of her. :hugs: I hate drama and find its more work not to like people and be angry than its even worth! Just hang in there and you'll learn who your true friends are! They will be the people who scream and jump up and down when you tell them ;)

Emma I feel the exact same way! I'm so exhausted at the end of the day.

Unfortunately I'm taking Calculus 2 right now, am grade level chair for mathematics at my school, love to run every day, and I am coaching soccer (or football for my UK/European lovelies) I have so much I want to do I'm trying to just force myself. And it all accumulates to the fact that I'm really too scared to share the news with people in case we miscarry. Boo! I'll be happy when I'm on summer vacation! That will take a lot off my plate!

On top of that I found out what my nausea trigger is. Sweets! I was having a piece of cake for my co-workers birthday and I thought I was going to lose it! Luckily my best friend noticed and she grabbed some pretzels for me! Pretzels are my saving grace right now!
Good morning ladies

Is anyone feeling sick in the stomach/vomiting yet? i know they normally say that starts at 6 weeks but i swear i have had a little bit of upset stomach already..

Also i caved and booked in with a GP to get some blood work done before my OB appointment - I am so scared that i will miscarry again so will do blood work over the next week to ensure HCG is climbing.. I couldnt help myself.. SO much for being calm and forgetting about it for a couple weeks... *sigh* I pray its all good for everyone..
Unfortunately I'm taking Calculus 2 right now, am grade level chair for mathematics at my school, love to run every day, and I am coaching soccer (or football for my UK/European lovelies) I have so much I want to do I'm trying to just force myself. And it all accumulates to the fact that I'm really too scared to share the news with people in case we miscarry. Boo! I'll be happy when I'm on summer vacation! That will take a lot off my plate!

On top of that I found out what my nausea trigger is. Sweets! I was having a piece of cake for my co-workers birthday and I thought I was going to lose it! Luckily my best friend noticed and she grabbed some pretzels for me! Pretzels are my saving grace right now!

I love calculus (!), after my Physics degree I considered teaching maths but at the time they wouldn't allow such a transfer (now they do - typical).

Don't put yourself under too much pressure in these early days, you're exhausted because your body is working overtime to try and get a new life started. I once read about a lady who described it to her husband saying it was like climbing a mountain each day! You must rest when it becomes too much. It is safe to continue doing the things you usually do but don't push yourself too hard. The baby gets all your resources first, but that can leave you short - you don't want to make yourself ill.

Good morning ladies

Is anyone feeling sick in the stomach/vomiting yet? i know they normally say that starts at 6 weeks but i swear i have had a little bit of upset stomach already..

Also i caved and booked in with a GP to get some blood work done before my OB appointment - I am so scared that i will miscarry again so will do blood work over the next week to ensure HCG is climbing.. I couldnt help myself.. SO much for being calm and forgetting about it for a couple weeks... *sigh* I pray its all good for everyone..

It was one of the reasons I took my test at 12DPO! I have been feeling queasy already, the last few days it has been quite noticeable at times. I can't remember when it began last time, though it can start earlier than 6 weeks, that's just the average.

Ginger is good to relieve the symptoms, whether you eat ginger biscuits (I mean British biscuits - cookies!), or drink ginger teas.

It might be why when asked what I wanted to eat last night, I said I wanted something with rice - like Thai curry... Also it is usually worse if you get hungry, so maybe save some of your lunch to eat in the afternoon. My biggest issue at the moment is that only working 5 hours a day I am not entitled to a break, so I drive an hour to get to work, and hour to get home and end up 7 hours without more than a snack I can gobble up at my desk. I have to think of something...

:hugs: There is nothing I can say that will stop you worrying. We're all probably worrying with you, but with your mmc I can guess it must be on your mind even more. I think you are doing right with getting the blood work and hope everything goes well.

I'm also getting the odd hot flush. Anyone else?
Actually I have one thing which I guess only Katina may be thinking about now, and that is having two children. Something my husband jokingly said has settled in my head and I can't seem to shake it.

I'm one of four children (the eldest by a long way) and love it, I always said I wanted 2 or 3 of my own. However, I love my DD so much, I'm still amazed at all the little things she's learning to do as she's growing up and suddenly I wonder if I can be a good mummy to more than one child. I always said you get more love to share around, you don't split the same amount between more people. But now I am scared.
Afternoon ladies, how is everyone feeling?

Today is officially af sign of her so I can feel myself relaxing a little!

Majority of symptoms have gone, just achy bbs now and sharp twinges in abdomen here abd there. Oh and feeling sooooo tired!
Afternoon ladies, how is everyone feeling?

Today is officially af sign of her so I can feel myself relaxing a little!

Majority of symptoms have gone, just achy bbs now and sharp twinges in abdomen here abd there. Oh and feeling sooooo tired!

Absolutely shattered! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Haha! This thread for the next few weeks is just going to be full of zombie women!! I spoke to the midwife today and I am going to book an appt for 6th March! Can't wait! I'm so excited!!

I am wishing I would feel sick because the only symptom I really have is tiredness and some serious bloating (feel like I'm already hiding a bump). At least if I felt sick I could convince myself I am actually pregnant and get over my POAS addiction (clearblue and IC done today alone :blush:) I need to see a therapist! :rofl:

Thank you all for your support re my supposed best friend! She has been weird with me ever since I told her we were ttc (she asked me to guarantee I wouldn't get preg and I told her I couldn't but would cover any costs involved) she said ok at the time but has been weird with me since. Out it all came yesterday. How I'm selfish and couldn't respect her wishes and have put her in 'planning hell' (dresses aren't even bought yet by the way!) she kept going on and on over text so in the end I just said leave me alone,I don't need this stress right now to which she replied calling me a sad, pathetic, lonely bully!!! All for getting pregnant!!!! :shrug: really hurt and upset but a bit relieved too that it's over with as I feel like I've been walking on egg shells round her for months now!

How is everyone doing? I am so bursting to tell people, it's so difficult to keep quiet! Xx
Haha! This thread for the next few weeks is just going to be full of zombie women!! I spoke to the midwife today and I am going to book an appt for 6th March! Can't wait! I'm so excited!!

I am wishing I would feel sick because the only symptom I really have is tiredness and some serious bloating (feel like I'm already hiding a bump). At least if I felt sick I could convince myself I am actually pregnant and get over my POAS addiction (clearblue and IC done today alone :blush:) I need to see a therapist! :rofl:

Thank you all for your support re my supposed best friend! She has been weird with me ever since I told her we were ttc (she asked me to guarantee I wouldn't get preg and I told her I couldn't but would cover any costs involved) she said ok at the time but has been weird with me since. Out it all came yesterday. How I'm selfish and couldn't respect her wishes and have put her in 'planning hell' (dresses aren't even bought yet by the way!) she kept going on and on over text so in the end I just said leave me alone,I don't need this stress right now to which she replied calling me a sad, pathetic, lonely bully!!! All for getting pregnant!!!! :shrug: really hurt and upset but a bit relieved too that it's over with as I feel like I've been walking on egg shells round her for months now!

How is everyone doing? I am so bursting to tell people, it's so difficult to keep quiet! Xx

SHE called YOU that?! I think that's that psychological thing where people push their feelings about themselves onto someone else. I'd have to ask MiL what the term is! It sounds like she isn't happy anyway.

I feel a bit queasy and it isn't really helping it to sink in, spare yourself!

I have told a few people now. A school friend who knew I was TTC, her first baby was due a week before mine (but I beat her to it) and her second is due in two weeks. My Grandma, my Mum, I'm trying to get hold of my Dad this evening. I also told a lady who's daughter swims with mine as she's 7 weeks pregnant. I think my DH is planning on telling his parents this weekend. Oh, and a close friend from work back in the UK office who has been TTC for about a year and having fertility investigations. She knew we were TTC another one and we've been discussing it quite regularly.

Despite already telling so many people it's bursting to get out! :D
Oh mammy, forget her, you need to stay relaxed and certainly don't need that crap at this exciting time!

I've told 4 people, but not my folks yet which is the hardest one as I want to tell them face to face but they live far away. My sis ordered me Dr Miriam Stoppard book which arrived today so have lots of reading to do! :-D
I am going to wait till 12 weeks to tell everyone - so far only my husband, mum, sister and boss know.. I have sworn them all to secrecy... I need to make sure everything is ok - i had a dream last night that I had another miscarriage.. awful.. obviously I am thinking about it a lot.. :(

Meanwhile - cotinuing to POAS doesnt do much once the test line is darker than the control line does it?? I stopped because I thought the tests were just going to look the same from now on as they have made the ink go as dark as it can..? I did a digital today and was hoping it would say 3+ weeks (so put me above where I am) but it came back with 2-3weeks.. ah well - it is still good and accurate I guess... Blood tests this afternoon will get the ball rolling!

I have no symptoms yet - only a bit of fatigue, sore boobs and bloating/gas (eew!) I know what you mean when you say you kind of wish you were sick so you could be certain it was real! lol

I am so excited to progress over the next 8 months with you ladies - i know this is a bit FAR FETCHED right now - but has anyone had any thought as to whether they will find out the sex of the baby when its time??
I am going to wait till 12 weeks to tell everyone - so far only my husband, mum, sister and boss know.. I have sworn them all to secrecy... I need to make sure everything is ok - i had a dream last night that I had another miscarriage.. awful.. obviously I am thinking about it a lot.. :(

Meanwhile - cotinuing to POAS doesnt do much once the test line is darker than the control line does it?? I stopped because I thought the tests were just going to look the same from now on as they have made the ink go as dark as it can..? I did a digital today and was hoping it would say 3+ weeks (so put me above where I am) but it came back with 2-3weeks.. ah well - it is still good and accurate I guess... Blood tests this afternoon will get the ball rolling!

I have no symptoms yet - only a bit of fatigue, sore boobs and bloating/gas (eew!) I know what you mean when you say you kind of wish you were sick so you could be certain it was real! lol

I am so excited to progress over the next 8 months with you ladies - i know this is a bit FAR FETCHED right now - but has anyone had any thought as to whether they will find out the sex of the baby when its time??

I've thought about it! I'm such an impatient person that I think I would like to but DH thinks it should be a surprise. My only concern about knowing is that I will subconsciously buy stuff more suitable for that sex rather than neutral (I plan on having more kids so should really get neutral). What about you? Anyone else thought of this? Xx
hehe I admire your patience Makemeamammy - i need to be more like you! I will find out - we both want to know and I am a shopaholic so will go and buy all girl or boy stuff! I cant resist..

P.S. was also lying in bed last night thinking about this thread and thinking how amazing it will be when we all post our ultrasound pics etc over the coming months! will be just lovely!

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