Valentine's BfP ladies

I know! It's so great to have people going through it at exactly the same time. Kind of makes it even more exciting! Xxx
I love calculus (!), after my Physics degree I considered teaching maths but at the time they wouldn't allow such a transfer (now they do - typical).

Don't put yourself under too much pressure in these early days, you're exhausted because your body is working overtime to try and get a new life started. I once read about a lady who described it to her husband saying it was like climbing a mountain each day! You must rest when it becomes too much. It is safe to continue doing the things you usually do but don't push yourself too hard. The baby gets all your resources first, but that can leave you short - you don't want to make yourself ill.

I love Calculus as well! It's my favorite math so far. As for doing to much I'm trying to take it easier. Normally I would work out 5-6 days a week and I think I'm going to cut back to 3-4 days for now. Honestly, running makes me feel so much more energized in the morning...but by lunch I'm done!

Actually I have one thing which I guess only Katina may be thinking about now, and that is having two children. Something my husband jokingly said has settled in my head and I can't seem to shake it.

I'm one of four children (the eldest by a long way) and love it, I always said I wanted 2 or 3 of my own. However, I love my DD so much, I'm still amazed at all the little things she's learning to do as she's growing up and suddenly I wonder if I can be a good mummy to more than one child. I always said you get more love to share around, you don't split the same amount between more people. But now I am scared.

Fortunately that's not something I have to worry about this time around; however, Emma, I'm sure you are going to be a fantastic mom to both of your babies!!! :thumbup:

Haha! This thread for the next few weeks is just going to be full of zombie women!! I spoke to the midwife today and I am going to book an appt for 6th March! Can't wait! I'm so excited!!

I am wishing I would feel sick because the only symptom I really have is tiredness and some serious bloating (feel like I'm already hiding a bump). At least if I felt sick I could convince myself I am actually pregnant and get over my POAS addiction (clearblue and IC done today alone :blush:) I need to see a therapist! :rofl:

Thank you all for your support re my supposed best friend! She has been weird with me ever since I told her we were ttc (she asked me to guarantee I wouldn't get preg and I told her I couldn't but would cover any costs involved) she said ok at the time but has been weird with me since. Out it all came yesterday. How I'm selfish and couldn't respect her wishes and have put her in 'planning hell' (dresses aren't even bought yet by the way!) she kept going on and on over text so in the end I just said leave me alone,I don't need this stress right now to which she replied calling me a sad, pathetic, lonely bully!!! All for getting pregnant!!!! :shrug: really hurt and upset but a bit relieved too that it's over with as I feel like I've been walking on egg shells round her for months now!

How is everyone doing? I am so bursting to tell people, it's so difficult to keep quiet! Xx

You're right! I know I definitely feel like a zombie! I'm so tired! By 10:30 in the morning I'm just exhausted. It's a little frustrating because, as a teacher, I feel off my game. I had to literally sit in an empty desk group and have the kids come to me with their questions as I was so tired! I feel like they think I'm being lazy and I wish I could tell them why but its just way to soon!

As far as your friend, I agree with Emma. She sounds absolutely bonkers! And you were totally right in distancing yourself from the drama and stress.

I really want to tell people, I'm excited to, I'm just scared. I don't want to have to deliver the news that we miscarried after we tell people we are pregnant. I just mostly want to tell my family...I just don't want any leaks on facebook. I'm starting to not like that thing very much!

I am going to wait till 12 weeks to tell everyone - so far only my husband, mum, sister and boss know.. I have sworn them all to secrecy... I need to make sure everything is ok - i had a dream last night that I had another miscarriage.. awful.. obviously I am thinking about it a lot.. :(

I have no symptoms yet - only a bit of fatigue, sore boobs and bloating/gas (eew!) I know what you mean when you say you kind of wish you were sick so you could be certain it was real! lol

I am so excited to progress over the next 8 months with you ladies - i know this is a bit FAR FETCHED right now - but has anyone had any thought as to whether they will find out the sex of the baby when its time??

I'm waiting until 12 weeks to tell most people as well. I have a list of when I'm going to tell particular people...I know I'm crazy. I just don't want to forget the people that I want to tell myself so they don't hear about it on facebook. My family is at the "after our first ultrasound" mark. The rest of my close friends and family are at the 12 week mark and facebook people are at the 13 week mark.

I'm also super excited to see ultrasounds!!!! As for finding out the gender...I kind of wanted it to be a surprise but DH says no! He wants to know what to expect. And with the silent nervousness he has going on right now, I've decided to go with it.
Haha jbell 'silent nervousness' sums it up so well! My hubby is excited but very quiet the last week :)

I really want to find our gender! I want a boy personally, but will obviously be overjoyed whatever happens. Bonus of having a girl though means I have tons of hand me downs from family and friends as seems to be girls everywhere!

Feel so stupidly tired, I go to bed at 9 every night atm!
Actually I have one thing which I guess only Katina may be thinking about now, and that is having two children. Something my husband jokingly said has settled in my head and I can't seem to shake it.

I'm one of four children (the eldest by a long way) and love it, I always said I wanted 2 or 3 of my own. However, I love my DD so much, I'm still amazed at all the little things she's learning to do as she's growing up and suddenly I wonder if I can be a good mummy to more than one child. I always said you get more love to share around, you don't split the same amount between more people. But now I am scared.

Don't worry hun! It's just hormones. You will get double the love. I bet when you had your DD you got a rush of love for her that's stayed ever since? The same will happen when you have this one, he/she will give you their own personal 'love rush' so you'll have more than enough to go round xxx
I am going to wait till 12 weeks to tell everyone - so far only my husband, mum, sister and boss know.. I have sworn them all to secrecy... I need to make sure everything is ok - i had a dream last night that I had another miscarriage.. awful.. obviously I am thinking about it a lot.. :(

I am so excited to progress over the next 8 months with you ladies - i know this is a bit FAR FETCHED right now - but has anyone had any thought as to whether they will find out the sex of the baby when its time??

:hugs: What a horrible dream. :hugs:

I won't be telling anyone else until at least 12 weeks.

When I was expecting DD I had convinced myself I was going to have a boy. We wanted a surprise though and when I went for my scan the doc just told us she was a girl before I'd even got comfortable - for her it was a reflex action - barely anyone in Spain goes through the pregnancy without finding out. I was absolutely shocked, I managed to get through the rest of the scan, then left the building and burst into tears. The thing is I didn't mind either way but I'd spent the first half of the pregnancy imagining a little boy! I will probably find out this time too so that I am mentally prepared and can daydream! :)

I've thought about it! I'm such an impatient person that I think I would like to but DH thinks it should be a surprise. My only concern about knowing is that I will subconsciously buy stuff more suitable for that sex rather than neutral (I plan on having more kids so should really get neutral). What about you? Anyone else thought of this? Xx

I compromised, when I bought vests, babygros and things I bought 1 pack of neutral and one girly one (not that I am a very girly person but I found I couldn't resist!). I didn't buy a lot more than that for the first few months and was glad I didn't, they only wear things for a few weeks before they've grown out of them. All the bedding, pram, cot, etc, are neutral so I can easily use them again.

I love Calculus as well! It's my favorite math so far. As for doing to much I'm trying to take it easier. Normally I would work out 5-6 days a week and I think I'm going to cut back to 3-4 days for now. Honestly, running makes me feel so much more energized in the morning...but by lunch I'm done!

I'm impressed you have that much energy! :)

I'm also super excited to see ultrasounds!!!! As for finding out the gender...I kind of wanted it to be a surprise but DH says no! He wants to know what to expect. And with the silent nervousness he has going on right now, I've decided to go with it.

Haha jbell 'silent nervousness' sums it up so well! My hubby is excited but very quiet the last week :)

I really want to find our gender! I want a boy personally, but will obviously be overjoyed whatever happens. Bonus of having a girl though means I have tons of hand me downs from family and friends as seems to be girls everywhere!

Feel so stupidly tired, I go to bed at 9 every night atm!

"Silent nervousness" LOL! When I finally got pregnant with DD, my DH went absolutely crazy. i don't mean shouting and things, but huge mood swings, never good, going from "Oh, woe is me, I have to grow up, I have lost my youth", to not wanting to talk about it at all. It was really horrible and really weirdly almost broke us up. It was at 16 weeks when my bleeding started and I was ordered to rest, not drive and not travel to Spain immediately that all of a sudden he came around. I was staying with family in Bristol as he'd been on a stag weekend and he made his parents who had just driven from Sheffield to pick him up from Norfolk and driven back (a 5 hour return trip) come and rescue me from my family (who as much as I love them really do my head in with fussing), which was a 6 hour return journey.

This time he is much more interested. He blames his strangeness last time on the fact he was working away in Spain already, so missed almost all of the first trimester. He couldn't be a better Daddy though! <3

I went to bed at 10 pm last night but am still exhausted, today I have a stinking cold and a migraine as well which isn't helping my overall mood.
Don't worry hun! It's just hormones. You will get double the love. I bet when you had your DD you got a rush of love for her that's stayed ever since? The same will happen when you have this one, he/she will give you their own personal 'love rush' so you'll have more than enough to go round xxx

You're right of course! Thank you!
Emma I'm so glad your DH came around! It's amazing how men react differently to finding out their lives will be changed forever. He did seem to save himself quite well by coming to rescue you! How chivalrous! Also, I can't believe your doc just blurted out the sex like that. I would have been quite perturbed.

I do want to find out the sex and I'm hoping for a boy. Not for any reason in particular other than I can't find any girl names that I truly love and DH and I have had a boy's name picked out for as long as I can remember. But honestly, I really don't mind which. I will be excited either way.

As for the bedtime, I went to bed at 9 last night as well. That was after falling asleep on the couch at 8:30! My gosh I feel so ridiculous being so tired all the time. It's hard to remember that our bodies are working overtime on a special surprise for us ;) I'm trying to be grateful for the symptoms though. A lady at school found out she just had a miscarriage. Its sad business. She was a co-teacher with me last year and she is just wonderful. I feel very sad for her.
Actually I have one thing which I guess only Katina may be thinking about now, and that is having two children. Something my husband jokingly said has settled in my head and I can't seem to shake it.

I'm one of four children (the eldest by a long way) and love it, I always said I wanted 2 or 3 of my own. However, I love my DD so much, I'm still amazed at all the little things she's learning to do as she's growing up and suddenly I wonder if I can be a good mummy to more than one child. I always said you get more love to share around, you don't split the same amount between more people. But now I am scared.

Don't worry hun! It's just hormones. You will get double the love. I bet when you had your DD you got a rush of love for her that's stayed ever since? The same will happen when you have this one, he/she will give you their own personal 'love rush' so you'll have more than enough to go round xxx

I'm scared too, :( my heart is consumed with my daughter how does it grow more?
Have any of you ladies contemplated midwife vs. OBGYN?

I def see the pros of both.. I will be having both! If I had to pick only one though, I would prob go with the OB.. what do you think!?
Have any of you ladies contemplated midwife vs. OBGYN?

I don't think you get a choice in Scotland. You just see a community midwife and then when you're delivering its just in an NHS hospital with midwives but doctors are on hand. Unless you choose to have a home birth or go private.
Well, I am officially a POAS addict! Took another boots test today and strongest line yet, yay! I think it's just because I'm so worried about my hcg levels not rising, must learn to chill out!

48 hours until my Dr's appt, what kind of things should I be asking at this stage? I don't want to go in and just sit there feeling daft.

How you all feeling? I accidentally fell asleep for 2 hours yesterday afternoon so couldn't sleep lastnight, was so irritable with everything yesterday...mostly the sound of other people breathing was winding me up!! Haha

For most of us it's already been a week since we got our bfp's isn't it!? That went quick!!
Well, I am officially a POAS addict! Took another boots test today and strongest line yet, yay! I think it's just because I'm so worried about my hcg levels not rising, must learn to chill out!

48 hours until my Dr's appt, what kind of things should I be asking at this stage? I don't want to go in and just sit there feeling daft.

How you all feeling? I accidentally fell asleep for 2 hours yesterday afternoon so couldn't sleep lastnight, was so irritable with everything yesterday...mostly the sound of other people breathing was winding me up!! Haha

For most of us it's already been a week since we got our bfp's isn't it!? That went quick!!

I was thinking the same thing yesterday! The week has just flown by. My appointment is Wednesday. I'm going to ask stuff like how many days I should be exercising and I'm severely lactose intolerant so what are ways other than milk I can be sure I get enough calcium and vitamin d? I also want the no-no food list.

I am going to an ob/gyn. I have been going to him for my yearly for quite a few years and want to stay with him. He is so nice and will sit in the room and talk with you and answer all your questions.
Have any of you ladies contemplated midwife vs. OBGYN?

I don't get a choice here (though I have heard of one midwife who does do home births in the city). Generally Spain over-medicalises ('scuse the invented word) birth, the caesarean rate has been steadily climbing to about 30%. The figures terrified me and the knowledge you have no choice, you're not allowed to move around, you get told off if you don't have an epidural... My first obgyn even wanted to induce me just cos he was going to India around my due date!

I finally found a clinic specialising in natural birth, and in the end just had the midwives with me as the obgyn was with someone else at the time. I've stayed with her as they were really good - just hope I can make it to the hospital in time - it is an hour away in traffic! :eek:
Sorry I havent posted ladies.. I lost the thread somehow :( but I found it again :) Here is my story for the last week just so everyone is on the same page...

I got my first bfp on February 12 and a second one on Valentines day, on february 15 I had a negative test so I went to the drs. where my test was alsi negative. I asked to draw blood and they did the same day ans my level was less than .05(not pregnant) on the feb. 17 my levels jumped to 6 and by feb 21 my levels had gotten to 60!! I am currently doubling hcg every 28 hours! Tge dr told me that my poaitive tests ciuld have been from a cervical cyst poping at the same time as my egg released cauaing a false positive that ultimatly helped my little jelly bean to stick. The dr has put me on prescription prenatals, and I have my first ob appointment in a week and a half(because my case to start off with was so strange and we dont know my conception date).

According to my lmp I am 8 weeks pregnant but according to when I believe I ovulated I am 5 weeks and 3 days and still my levels suggest 3-4 weeks... my Edd is anywhere from Oct. 24 to Nov. 8

My symptoms are tender bbs, I stopped biting my nails out of nowhere, light cramping/bloating, hungry sooner and full faster, exhausted by the end of the day, and mood swingy (I am such a sweetheart b I have little patience right now).

How are all of you ladies??
Wow sasha you have been through so much this last week! Fantastic news on the hcg levels rising. Tbh thats what I'm most worried about. I'm taking a test every 48 hours to make sure the test line is a)still there and b) getting far so good!

I am also definitely feeling hungrier but also feel queasy once I eat.

I'm also having random period pain like cramp now and then, only lasts for a few seconds but when it happens I just want to curl up. Weird.
Wow sasha you have been through so much this last week! Fantastic news on the hcg levels rising. Tbh thats what I'm most worried about. I'm taking a test every 48 hours to make sure the test line is a)still there and b) getting far so good!

I am also definitely feeling hungrier but also feel queasy once I eat.

I'm also having random period pain like cramp now and then, only lasts for a few seconds but when it happens I just want to curl up. Weird.
So glad to see you again here Sasha :hugs:

I've had the same 'period cramp' like symptoms and also worrying about hcg. Tests are now as dark as they can be. Was thinking earlier of asking nurse for blood test to check levels on Monday when I'm in but I have no real reason to check (other than paranoia) so I'm scared to ask incase they think I'm being crazy. :dohh: xxx
dont be scared to ask... if you tell them you just feel like you need to know they will give it to you.. unless you have seen/heard the heart beat!!!

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