Stepmummy - I'm sorry you're having a down day but try and stay positive and remember they cannot make you do anything you don't want to. They can advise you and try to scare you but they need your consent before they do anything so if you're not 100% sure about induction, then don't! You need to be happy and comfortable, they can't force you into anything - stay positive and strong!!
Minties - why is your MW sure unsure about a VBAC?? It's really encouraged at my hospital, albeit, on *their* terms lol..
Thank you i must admit i'm tempted to get my bishops score on friday before they start anything,and ask to delay the induction if i'm not 'favourable'. I just can't seem to decide whether this is best for the baby as well. At the mo, i'm about half a cm dilated, medium cervix andit's posterior. I guess this could've improved a lot by Friday.
Welcome minties VBAC is a funny old subject, still relatively new for a lot of the more old fashioned healthcare professionals! Positivity is definitely key so arm yourself with plenty of knowledge and start telling people what you're going to do,way more empowering that asking what they think you should do
You could opt for monitoring instead of induction stepmummy, personally I would be scared of induction, but that's just me, I had a bad first induction
Have you crab walked up the stairs, dtd and crawled about on your hands and knees?? Labour can happen even though you were check 12 hours ago and not effaced - suddenly baby decides nows the time and boom, you're in labour.
Lots of hugs, I ha my first at 41+4 so I know how frustrating it is!
Hi girls,
I had my meeting with the head of midwifery on Tuesday and although I though it went well at the time, it took two sleepless nights to realise that I was really worried about how is went. I am even more worried about the fact that I don't feel like my doula stood up for me
I have written a draft of an email I would like to send her this afternoon but I would like to get people's opinions before I send it.
The thread is here :
Any replies would be TOTALLY appreciated