VBAC info/support

I haven't been around this thread much because my broodiness was killing me and I knew I still had a few months to go. I am working on loosing some weight before ttc and getting married. Can't wait to rejoin you guys around September (fx I get a sticky right away!).
Great thread.

Having my second HWBAC in September - things are going a lot smoother than last time, lets hope it stays that way!
:hi: to all the newbies :)

Just noticed a VBAC after SEVEN c - sections on this link!!!

added to the first post nn

keep em coming ladies!
Just came out my scan - they wanted to check placenta as it was anterior at last scan at 20 weeks.

We are still anterior, not low, not attached, and Mia's head is already under it. Woooop!! Feel like I've just overcome the last hurdle to my vbac!
Great stuff NN, I know that had been playing on your mind!

Plain sailing from here on...I know you'll do great!
:wave: Hello ladies, I would love to join you all.

I am currently 31 weeks, planning a HWBAC after an EMCS due to my daughter being descovered to be breech at 7cm :(

So as mentioned above mw found out DD was breech at 7cm, I was still at home at that point, as I had planned a water birth at birthing centre. By the time I got to main hosp I was fully dilated and ready to push. However they insisited I had emcs due to meconium in my waters.

SO this time I am planning a home water birth, and really hoping it happens :)
Welcome missus, if you got to 10cm you stand a great chance at a VBAC!
Hello All,
Went for my 32 week scan on Monday. Also have an anterior placenta but its high and not attached. Baby is sitting in the right position. Measured perfectly in the scan... either 31w6d or 32w exactly! Looks like she is going to be a big baby like her sister weighing around 1975g so far. DD was born at 3.4kg. Her face shape looks like her sis already :D So everything looks good but I am just soooooo tired these days! I just feel like taking naps all day long. Now its 4am and I just can't sleep. Baby moves around quite a bit when I am sitting down. I can see my tummy move from side to side and I am really enjoying these moments. Although I hate it when she stretches as I can feel her head right at the bottom and her feet against my ribs.
Anyone doing any RLT and EPO? What kind of schedule are you on with it? I have been drinking RLT from around 22 weeks and have upped to 2 cups a day for the past 2 weeks. I am thinking of taking the tabs now instead.
So, just thought I'd say hi and share some details!
I'm due 25th October.
I had an EMCS with DS as he was transverse and in distress. I'd been in labour for almost 4 days when he was born.
Because he was distressed, I had to have a general & I lost a lot of blood.

I met my consultant a couple of weeks ago. He had all my post surgery notes and explained the previous C section to me (after asking what I remembered/knew about why I needed one). It filled in a lot of gaps for me cos this was never done at the time, it also confirmed a few things I was never told.

Anyway, he asked me what I wanted, I said a vaginal delivery and he said he fully agreed, it was sensible and wrote down "aim, vaginal delivery" in my notes!

He explained there was a 0.5% risk of rupture, adding that is a minor amount and said VBAC success rates are around 70%

Iced Queen I took around 2400mg per day of each think when I went overdue I uped it!
I had very little blood loss, when I got my waters broke at 3cm I began to labour quickly, 5cm to 10cm in 55mins and delivered 11 mins later with little loss and no tearing.
Here is some info on rlt and epo https://www.birthfriendly.co.uk/alternative.htm
Good luck x
I am starting RLT tomorrow. With DD I think I started on 1 cup at 32 weeks and uped it every week by a cup until I was drinking 5 a day. didnt know about EPO then, but I am intreaged (sp?) and might give it a go this time. I think I read somewhere not to start that until 34 weeks tho

So I am starting to panic about my HBAC, not that I cant do it or anything will go wrong . just the fight I am going to have to have with my consultant. Appt for scan and when I let her know of my plans is not until 36 weeks, I just feel I need to get it over with now iykwim.
I'm planning on one capsule a day from 33 weeks, two from 34, three from 35 and four a day in week 36, five in 37, six from 38+. They're 400mg capsules...
:hi: to all new faces hoping for their VBACs

I'll add that it's worth researching VBAC success rates at different hospitals if you're going for a hospital birth - although the 'general' % they give is around 70, my hospital provided a 6 month success rate and I think the worst was just under 80% and the best above 90% - so that's reassuring for me for choosing that hospital. :thumbup:

What reasons did you girls have for another scan at 32 weeks? I'm not due one and kinda wish I was so I'd know whether she's head down or not haha..

I want to try RLT this time round but probably wont start til I'm 30-32 weeks.

NickyNack - things are sounding good for you hun, I'll keep my fx for you for the remaining few weeks!!
Mines was routine to check for placenta praevia or accreta. I personally have this image of me vs consultant, and at 32w scan - I won :thumbup:
Hi, I'm hoping to have a VBac this time around. I had an emergancy c-section with my DD just over 4 years ago(Jan29/2008) I was diagnosed with boarder line pre-eclampsia and they tried to induce me for 3 whole weeks! I had 6 vaginal inductions(3 cervadill and I'm unsure of the name of the other 3) When they finally admitted me, I was only 1-1 1/2cms dilated but my OB broke my waters and had me on oxytocin. My DD's heart rate dropped with every mild contraction, so they decided it was time for a c-section as we had exhausted every other option at that point. I had also had a mild reaction to the epidural(bp dropped and I passed out)

Anyways, that's my story. And this time I'm really hoping I might be able to try a vbac. I have my first appointment with the same OB on May 23rd. So I will have a better idea of if this is a possibility for me. My dd didn't engage last time, but when she was born the pediatrician said she was 2 weeks early based on the vernix left over although she was considered 4 days late by due date. She was 8lbs 14oz, so not a small baby for supposedly being 2 weeks early.

There are sooo many factors that can play into why I couldn't achieve a natural birth that time around. I joke sometimes saying that I don't know if my body knew it was pregnant because I didn't really have any pregnancy symptoms aside from the first week after I found out(sore breasts) and I have issues breast feeding afterwards. It was like my milk ducks never developed.

This time i'm almost 27 weeks on and my breasts STILL hurt and my pelvis started separating early(which has me off work)

In any case, I'm really rambling now. My due dates Aug 11th, and we're supposed to be having a little boy and he is apparently measuring about a week ahead. So they have me going for monthly growth scans until he's here to watch his growth. I have my next scan the day after my OB appointment. So oB the 23rd of may and scan the 24th.

Hoping for good news at my OB appointment!
How are things with you NN?

LOL I was looking through my old photos and here I am this time last year at a bank holiday music festival in Ipswich at a mates place just 10 days before DS2 arrived.


I miss having a bump something terrible, I definitely DO NOT want another baby right now but boy do I miss having a bump!

I cant believe it was almost a year ago I very nearly got my HBAC - its weird my VBAC seems so far away yet some aspects of it are still so sharp in my mind. It'll always be the best thing I ever did and I would do anything to live the last hour of it again just to feel my baby moving down and then sliding out onto my belly again.
Thanks! Im pretty nervous. Has anyone else failed to progress the first time and gone on to have vbacs? Thats the part im nervous about. Being told me because I didnt progress.
I have been viewing this sticky with interest, and view having a VBAC to, (hopefully) be the right route for me to take. To be honest it was still a bit up in the air up until last Friday, when I had to have a scan at the hospital at 36 weeks to see if my placenta (which was low-lying) had moved, it has, so in theory I'm all good to go...

I think personally I was always in that state of mind where I am happy to go with the flow...my first labour ended up as an EMCS, but all I wanted at the end of the day was to make sure the baby was out safe and sound.

My consultant at the hospital during this pregnancy went through all my last labour's notes and was almost adamant that I try for VBAC this time, I however don't want to be induced and my midwife said that they normally don't like to due to UR. At the end of the day I have to keep an open mind on how this time will go, and as it is getting nearer to my due date to say I'm feeling a little anxious about what lies ahead is a bit of an understatement!

I have also asked for a water birth (as I ended up in the birthing pool by chance last time, before the baby got distressed) but the consultant only said for the first part of labour to help with pain relief, which I am disappointed with - am hoping I can wing it on the day, and hopefully stay in it, but we'll have to see.

I have read on previous posts of others who have had a successful VBAC and i hope for most of us we can experience the same...only time will tell!

And thanks to Chuck for initiating this sticky and giving us potential VBACers useful knowledge and support :thumbup:

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