VBAC info/support

How are things with you NN?

LOL I was looking through my old photos and here I am this time last year at a bank holiday music festival in Ipswich at a mates place just 10 days before DS2 arrived.


I miss having a bump something terrible, I definitely DO NOT want another baby right now but boy do I miss having a bump!

I cant believe it was almost a year ago I very nearly got my HBAC - its weird my VBAC seems so far away yet some aspects of it are still so sharp in my mind. It'll always be the best thing I ever did and I would do anything to live the last hour of it again just to feel my baby moving down and then sliding out onto my belly again.

All good. 4d scan yesterday measures her at 5lb 5oz so far - think she'll be a chunker! Getting nervous/excited/scared/impatient....a little whirlwind of emotion just now!!

Check you, rocking out with that huge bump!! Legendary lol :thumbup:

Thanks! Im pretty nervous. Has anyone else failed to progress the first time and gone on to have vbacs? Thats the part im nervous about. Being told me because I didnt progress.

me, possibly!! I didn't get past 2-3cm with my induction with number one. Haven't laboured since, but hoping fourth times the charm!!

I have been viewing this sticky with interest, and view having a VBAC to, (hopefully) be the right route for me to take. To be honest it was still a bit up in the air up until last Friday, when I had to have a scan at the hospital at 36 weeks to see if my placenta (which was low-lying) had moved, it has, so in theory I'm all good to go...

I think personally I was always in that state of mind where I am happy to go with the flow...my first labour ended up as an EMCS, but all I wanted at the end of the day was to make sure the baby was out safe and sound.

My consultant at the hospital during this pregnancy went through all my last labour's notes and was almost adamant that I try for VBAC this time, I however don't want to be induced and my midwife said that they normally don't like to due to UR. At the end of the day I have to keep an open mind on how this time will go, and as it is getting nearer to my due date to say I'm feeling a little anxious about what lies ahead is a bit of an understatement!

I have also asked for a water birth (as I ended up in the birthing pool by chance last time, before the baby got distressed) but the consultant only said for the first part of labour to help with pain relief, which I am disappointed with - am hoping I can wing it on the day, and hopefully stay in it, but we'll have to see.

I have read on previous posts of others who have had a successful VBAC and i hope for most of us we can experience the same...only time will tell!

And thanks to Chuck for initiating this sticky and giving us potential VBACers useful knowledge and support :thumbup:

Good luck to you for your water birth. I'm being allowed to labour but not deliver in, the water, incase there are blood loss concerns - its easier for them to deal with if you are out of the water and they have easy access :)
I have a pretty good OB. He allowed me to try everything possible, and tried for 3 weeks to get her out. So I'm really hoping he will be reasonable this time around too. I know he can't *make* me have a c-section, but I'd rather have him on board with trying a vbac. I want to at least try. If I end up with another emerg c-section, then so be it. At least I will be happy knowing I tried again. But I have high hopes this time. My body has been sooo different this time around. I'm hoping that's a good sign!
I was classed as failure to progress, I got to 5/6cm on my own in something like 18 hours, then they pushed me to over 9 with synto, but I had an anterior lip so off to theatre i went without ever getting the urge to push.

I progressed great second time, not 1cm an hour but that is all bullshit anyway, i stayed at home and was 7/8cm by the time I called the MW out she arrived we had a chat and sorted out the waterproof stuff on the floor and I couldnt believe it!
I didn't even get to that point though. I only got to 1 MAYBE 1 1/2 cms in total after 6 inductions, broken water and oxytocin drip. So that's what worries me. I didn't get anywhere close to something decent. And this was over a 3 week period.

But I can only hope for the best and give it a try again and see what happens!
Hi ladies! I am being induced today at 39 weeks and it is a VBAC.

If you can send positive thoughts and prayers my way I would REALLY appreciate it. Please pray for a natural easy labor for me. I need all your positive energy as this will be an unmedicated VBAC.

I'll check in every now and then while at the hospital and post pics as soon as possible. I LOVE YOU ALL! BnB has been a GREAT sort of comfort these 9 months. Thank you for always being there for me!!!
Hi ladies! I am being induced today at 39 weeks and it is a VBAC.

If you can send positive thoughts and prayers my way I would REALLY appreciate it. Please pray for a natural easy labor for me. I need all your positive energy as this will be an unmedicated VBAC.

I'll check in every now and then while at the hospital and post pics as soon as possible. I LOVE YOU ALL! BnB has been a GREAT sort of comfort these 9 months. Thank you for always being there for me!!!

WOW wishing you a swift labour sweetie!

Hopefully you'll just need a little prod to get going!

Hi ladies! I am being induced today at 39 weeks and it is a VBAC.

If you can send positive thoughts and prayers my way I would REALLY appreciate it. Please pray for a natural easy labor for me. I need all your positive energy as this will be an unmedicated VBAC.

I'll check in every now and then while at the hospital and post pics as soon as possible. I LOVE YOU ALL! BnB has been a GREAT sort of comfort these 9 months. Thank you for always being there for me!!!

Thinking of you and praying for fast easy NATURAL labor :flower::flower:
:hi: to all the potential VBACers who I've not seen yet and I hope your VBAC went well Mon_n_john!!

I had my 28 week app with the midwife yesterday and the baby was......... HEAD DOWN!!! I know she can still move but she was head down at my scan and at the MW app yesterday so I'm feeling so happy just to know that this time round, it *is* possible for her to be the right way lol.. Here's to positive thoughts that she won't move :winkwink:
Quick question

Has anyone gotten to term and asked for a csection? My hubby is convinced I will be so fed up and give in, especially if I go overdue.

I am aware how frustrating it is to go over, my first was 41+4. But at the same time I definitely, definitely do not want a csection again.

If this happened to you, how did your hubby or oh or anyone, convince you not to schedule a repeat? He's looking for hints just in case.

Oh and incase you don't already know, I'm quite determined when I set my mind on something.....which he thinks I will set on a csection to get Mia out when I can't take anymore.

Or suggestions to remove temptation?

To clarify, I think I'll stay strong and go for a vbac. Buuuuut I like to have all my bases covered :thumbup:
I guess for me the motivating factor is my son was born at 39 weeks and I mourned his pregnancy ending early because of the failed induction. I totally regret the decision I made to go along with it and feel like he was not ready to be born. With this baby I really want them to come when they are ready which is why I wouldn't go down the c-s path.

Sorry I am probably not being helpful as you went past 40 weeks.
I guess for me the motivating factor is my son was born at 39 weeks and I mourned his pregnancy ending early because of the failed induction. I totally regret the decision I made to go along with it and feel like he was not ready to be born. With this baby I really want them to come when they are ready which is why I wouldn't go down the c-s path.

Sorry I am probably not being helpful as you went past 40 weeks.

No, no, I can take from that - this is about her, not me, so I'll just have to suck it up and let her decide when the time is right to come :)

I'm hoping none of it matters as I have a strong feeling she will not last to her due date but I could be wrong :shrug: Also I am 99% I will stick to my guns about the cs - so its [most likely] quite irrelevant. But hubby says I "never listen to anything and just do what I want regardless, so HOW is he supposed to stop me if I have a moment of weakness". I said I would ask you girls for words of wisdom :thumbup:
hmmmm DS1 was 10 days over EDD and I never got all that fed up of being preggo to be honest, I was fed up of wishing baby was here already because he was due on 17th Dec and xmas was getting nearer and the MIL was down so I just wanted the pressure off LOL

DS2 arrived on his EDD!

I could not believe it!

Surround yourself with positive stories, positive affrimations and use them repeat them and make sure the people around you know how important your VBAC is.

You can and will do this sweetie, I believe you can do it.
Pah husbands are useless!

I came to the conclusion that unless I had a doula (I couldn't afford one and I KICK myself for not applying to the access fund) that I would be the only person I could rely on and that I was strong enough to do it.

After all no one can do it for you, trust in yourself.

Its never too late to see if you can get a doula if you feel you need some real support outside of you 'birth partner' who is a little removed from the situation and can be objective and be clued up on what you want and need.

I feel certain that if I had a doula I wouldn't have transferred to hospital or if we still went i wouldnt have had the cannual/monitor/lithotomy - as strong as I was I had to concentrate so much on what I was doing I couldn't also fight for those smaller things too!
Hi ladies! I am being induced today at 39 weeks and it is a VBAC.

If you can send positive thoughts and prayers my way I would REALLY appreciate it. Please pray for a natural easy labor for me. I need all your positive energy as this will be an unmedicated VBAC.

I'll check in every now and then while at the hospital and post pics as soon as possible. I LOVE YOU ALL! BnB has been a GREAT sort of comfort these 9 months. Thank you for always being there for me!!!

Any one heard from Mon_n_john??
Just had a little look and Mon's journal was updated...

Ladies she is gorgeous! Blonde hair and what appears to be blue eyes. Looks just like her daddy with my lips.

As for labor, they started pitocin at 7 pm and I had contractions. Went from 1 cm dilated to 3 in a few hours. Apparently that was not good enough for them so they decided to strip my membranes. Oww!

Then that wasn't good enough as she was still too high up so they broke the amniotic sac. Ouch doesn't begin to describe! I then started having contractions from hell. Till then I was doing so well. Well that was 1 am and by 3 am I begged for demoral. That helped for about 1 hour. Then at 4 it was unbearable (or so I thought lol). I actually asked about an epidural and hubby reminded me I didn't want to do that so in the endni
I stuck it out.
Good thing too because by 4:45 am I had the worst urge to push. So bad that tmi alert, I pood and did not care lol. I started pushing involuntarily couldn't help it. Pushed for like 10 minutes and she was born! I had a minor tear, got stitched up and am currently waiting to check into our suite.

Can't post pics from iPhone but I will when I get home. So tired and achey but so happy!

So pleased for her!

Great to see a positive VBAC induction!
Thanks chuck - I'll have my mum there and I know hubby will be great in labour but I am pretty impatient do he thinks I'll get to 40 weeks and be like feck it, cut me. I know I won't :)

Well done mon n John :) congrats x
Nickynack: I am sure you will do it! I think we all have this stubborn persistence and shall persevere :)

Well done to Mon :hugs:
Girls I need some advice. I am in two minds about this.

I think I am going to get offered complimentary therapy (similar to accupressure/reflexology) and a sweep on the 29th when I am 40 weeks. I def want to do the complimentary therapy but I am a little hesitant on the sweep. I am not in any rush to have this baby but being a vbac they say they want to give me every opportunity to have a natural birth.

I had planned to go for a sweep at 41 weeks if nothing was happening by then but I don't know about 40 weeks. What do you girls think? I am not uncomfortable in this pregnancy and in no rush to have the baby but I DESPERATELY want a vbac.

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