Modo's VBAC Birth
It was a natural unmedicated birth with no g&a as we barely made it to the hospital on time. I had been having some pretty intense contractions Wednesday night. I took my birth ball into the shower and stayed in there for about 40 mins which helped. Although I have a really large shower it still got cramped so I left. At about 9.30pm I got my bloody show and called my doula. She advised me to get as much rest as possible. So I slept for 1 hour at a time interrupted by contractions that I needed to squat down and breath through them when that stopped working I would stand and sway my hips. By 2.30pm could not go back to sleep so at 3am I called my doula and she arrived 20 mins later. By the then the only relief I was getting was laying on all fours on my birth ball. By 5.45am I was barely getting that. Bobby came down at 6 am and tried to tear the tens machine off and climb my back
my doula got Ben up and he called my mom. At around 6.15am I started saying I wanted to go to hospital but my doula said it was too early. It was so intense at one point as soon as a contraction would stop and I would try and get off my birth ball (my knees were killing me at this point) I would go straight into the next one. I remember being teary and thinking about how unfair that was! When my contractions slowed down I honestly welcomed the break. I then demanded we go to hospital and my birth bag got packed. Credit to my doula for packing a great bag considering we had just moved and my stuff was everywhere! My parents also arrived. It gets very confusing from there.
I proclaimed that I wanted a c-section and an epidural and at one point I stormed off to the bathroom. Come back. Start getting very painful contractions tens machine barely touched the pain but Ben's massaging my back very helpful. I feel very sad for myself as my knees hurt from the floor but everytime I get off my birth ball I get another contraction instantly. Want to give up. Then get urge to poo. Run to toilet and feel great. No poo but sheer relief. I think it can't be the baby it's too early still. So back to birth ball and at this point I Realise that I am pushing. I Feel wet I ask if my waters broke doula say not sure but it I could have peed myself. I felt really upset that I peed myself in front of my husband
I worry that I will poo my self next so run back to toilet and feel great relief. Doula comes in and say we are going to hospital now as I could be having the baby! Later she tells me I was mooing in the toilet don't remember this at all!
We leave at 8.15 arrive 8.30am. Ben had put a plastic bag and pillow on the back seat. I squatted with my arms leaning on Bobby's carseat pushing for England and I don't even notice speed bumps. Arrive at 8.30am and hobble into the maternity ward baby's head partly coming out. I am ushered into triage and it's obvious that I am ready to go. Doppler used was def too late for the monitoring. The ask me to sit in a recliner to push. After only being comfortable on all fours I just outright refuse to do this. So they ask me to straddle the recliner instead. I was extremely lucky to bump into a MW from the natural birthing centre who just happened to be there with her student! They direct me with the pushing and OMG it's such sheer relief. Of course with that comes the the Ring of Fire (I remember thinking the name was most def appropriate) which was terrible
I gave pushing lightly as directed a go but I just can't and have to give up. I push like I have never pushed before and out comes head. I wait and urge to push comes back and push the rest of her out.
Here are some pics: