VBAC info/support

I had a vbac 9 weeks ago. My first was breech and c-sec 2 years ago. For the most part the hospital was supportive of vbac, but my bub was big and they did suggest a repeat caesar and made me go for additional growth scan at 35 weeks. They then decided I could try and said I had 50/50 odds of success. I thought I'd be fine as all the women in my family birth naturally.

My waters broke at 36 weeks and didn't trigger labour straight away. I was given option of caesar or induction next day or go home and wait with antibiotics. I chose last options and went into labour naturally in the early hours of the following morning.

I had to wear a cannula for my vbac and it was awkward to have it in my hand. I also had continuous monitoring and bub had head clip, but I was allowed to use birthing ball, bed and area around to move, so I wasn't just lying there. If things slowed down, they would take me for a walk around the room, but by that time I was so far gone that I was tired and happy to not go far (I had been on bedrest for part of pregnancy, so I wasn't fit). For pushing stage I was on all fours on the bed which was helpful. I know my friend knelt beside the bed. So there is options for movement even with continuous monitoring. I was also offered bath or shower to help with wireless monitors (no cords!). But I was so in the moment and focusing on keeping relaxed, that I didn't even ask (although I bet it would have been nice).

Hope the info helps.
Congrats on your VBAC Nashi, always nice to hear a good hospital VBAC from someone who followed the recommendations!
Congrats Nashi,what a lovely story.

I've had another fab appointment with my consultant. Gone through monitoring and VE's and its all documented what my wishes are. I saw one of her juniors to begin with who was "err right, ok, lets get you to see the consultnant". But now its in my notes that I've had the conversations and I won't have to be tied to the bed on a CTG if everything is going well. My monitoring plan is for a 30 minute CTG on admission and if its ok then intermittant monitoring unless the CTG isn't interferring with mobility or anything.

I'm also going to be self examining for internals. This makes me feel quite safe that no one is going to be inconstitant and no one else is going to have more control over my body than I do. I'm reclaiming my foof!

All I need now is to get to term and go into labour.
We'll start waggling that labour baton for you soon enough Celesse!
Congrats Nashi
and Well done Celesse!
Gives me hope my appointment set for a week today will go as well. I will share.
Which hospital are you booked for kcbmama? I was originally booked for the RVI back when I was planning a home birth but swapped to the QE.
the RVI, not had any negative experiences from them so far, we shall see.
The RVI is not my friend!

Phrase which is bugging me today is "ideal candidate for a VBAC", which is what the junior doc called me yesterday. Here's me thinking I was just a mummy who wanted to birth her baby naturally. Rather than a "candidate".

Other annoying phrase: "Trial of labour". No, I think that it actually WILL be labour, not just a trial, whether the outcome is repeat section or vaginal delivery.

So much medical terminology just dehumanises us and takes away our power.
Yeah I hated being called that 'a candidate' and I hate the term 'trial of labour'. You can shove your consent forms where the sun don't shine. I'll have the c-section if baby becomes distressed, but there is no way it'll be because I am taking up a bed on their L&D ward!
Anyone going to stay at home for as long as possible when labour starts instead of going straight in?? Without a doubt I will be staying in the comfort of my own home for as long as is humanly possible, even if it means theres a chance of giving birth on my livingroom floor lol!!
I've been thinking about what I want to do with staying at home or going in. If its bad weather we are possibly going to end up at MIL's house for a bit as she is much much closer to the hospital. But she thinks its a definate and I don't want to trasnfer twice and slow down labour. Plus MIL can sometimes be supportive, but can sometimes piss me off, and pissed off and labour don't really go together.

My consultant reccomended coming in at 5cm. Since I'm going to be self examining I'm thinking of aiming for travelling around the 5cm time. That way I will know I'm far enough along to be no going back but can get into my birth place well in advance of transition. I remember at 5cm last time I was getting ready to go into my own little world and things were getting painful, so heading to my birthing space at that time seems to make sense to me.
Home for as long as possible for me! As soon as I go in I know I'll battle the cfm etc (being a VBAC and having a high BMI I'm going to be in for it I know!).
I hat that trial of labour thing too.

As if we'll try and think well I cant be arsed now!
I would like a home birth next time, but if I can't have it I will be staying home as long as possible.
VBAC blinkies added in the first post add to your siggy!
wow ladies if you google vbac support we're the 3rd link down!

We need to raise the profile and get talking more lets make this easier to find for non BnBers!
I now pregnant enough to be labour-watching. I'm on the look out for signs and symptoms of impending labour. I keep telling myself to relax, that DD was 15 days late and I still have almost 6 weeks til then, but can't help but analyise every ache and pain.

I'm on oral EPO and RLT now. My cervix appears to be pretty soft and around 2cm dilated. So my VBAC cervix seems to remember what to do the same way a second-time vaginal delivery cervix would. Hopefullly this will mean a first stage similar length to a second time vaginal delviery, rather than a first time. After all last time I did get almost to 9cm.
I'm at the same stage and every twinge is driving me crazy. My cervix seems to have shot back up into my body as I can't reach it any more. I was 3cms at this stage with DD and was having BH's at the same frequency but this time they started in the second tri and I was diagnosed with an irritable uterus so hopefully I'm progressing well by now :)
My boobs started leaking BIG TIME today so I'm glad they know what they are doing too lol!!
You'll be great Celesse...I got to 9 and a bit and things started moving pretty swiftly once i got to full term.

As much as I didnt exactly VE myself I did have a poke around a couple times towards my EDD and felt things change and move.

I kept telling myself EDD is really a due month and then when I started having cramps and a HUGE show on the day before my EDD I kept kidding myself it could be days like last time and he had arrived in less than 24 hours.

Things wont take as long this time Celesse!

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