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VBAC Water birth....yeah!!!


Mummy to 1
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
I had my VBAC appointment today with the lead midwife and to my surprise she is all for me trying for a VBAC water birth. I honestly thought I would have a battle however she was very supporting.

It's been agreed that I will aim to go into natural labour until 41 weeks. If that fails then I will have an elective caesarean.

I was induced using the gel in my first pregnancy and I hated it. I had the gel at 9am and by 1pm my contractions had started. But they came thick and fast which resulted in me going from gas and air to pethidine to an epidural. It turned out the sudden contractions resulted in my son turning back to back and then got stuck. I had a failed forcep delivery which led to an emergency caesarean. I really want to avoid this scenario from repeating again.
congrats for getting the delivery you want, hopefully it goes to plan.

I was induced with my little one at 9am but I had the pill one rather then the gel. I think it only took an hour for the pains to kick in. but my half 10 that evening was getting ready for a emcs as contractions were 28 seconds apart and little one was getting distressed.
if my consultant pushes for vbac then I'm hoping for a water birth. I wanted one last time but was hooked up to a fatal monitor for most of my induction.
I thought that would be the reason they would say no to me - the constant monitoring. However I was told that they have the wireless monitors and can be used instead. I would have to go to the labour ward even though the midwife led unit is literally through a set of double doors. But I'm happy non the less.

I really am hoping that the labour goes the way I hope as so far with this pregnancy it has been out of my control with issues with my cervix etc.
That's great! I hope you get your VBAC. I only have until 41 weeks as well before I have an ELCS. :(
I had the choice of waiting until 42 weeks but opted for 41 weeks. But now I'm thinking maybe it might be better to wait until 42 weeks to allow my body the full opportunity to labour naturally.
That's great! Hopefully it goes as planned. I had a water birth with my son and am hoping to do it again
This gives me hope. I had an EMCS last time (undetected breech) and thought I might never get my water birth. I still have people to discuss it with and things might be different at my hospital but I feel happier reading your post :)
Hope you get the birth you want this time hun.

I wanted a water birth with callum but my waters went so I had a natural delivery minus the water! Fingers crossed for this time! Xx
A little off topic.. Can someone please tell me why they induce at 41w? Why cant you just wait for natural labor to come.. they are ready when they are ready.

Just confuses me because my dd was 2 weeks overdue and no one ever told me I had to be induced. She is also 21 years old... But I refuse to have any type of induction period... They would have to strap me down and do it against my will.
A little off topic.. Can someone please tell me why they induce at 41w? Why cant you just wait for natural labor to come.. they are ready when they are ready.

Just confuses me because my dd was 2 weeks overdue and no one ever told me I had to be induced. She is also 21 years old... But I refuse to have any type of induction period... They would have to strap me down and do it against my will.

My hospital will wait until 42 weeks before inducing. You can opt to wait it out longer but attend the hospital daily to be monitored for fluid around the baby and placenta failing. I was told that there is an increased risk of still birth the further along you wait after 40 weeks.

I definitely do not want to be induced. I'm convinced on that. I think the elective will be the lesser of the two evils if natural labour does not progress.
A little off topic.. Can someone please tell me why they induce at 41w? Why cant you just wait for natural labor to come.. they are ready when they are ready.

Just confuses me because my dd was 2 weeks overdue and no one ever told me I had to be induced. She is also 21 years old... But I refuse to have any type of induction period... They would have to strap me down and do it against my will.

My hospital will wait until 42 weeks before inducing. You can opt to wait it out longer but attend the hospital daily to be monitored for fluid around the baby and placenta failing. I was told that there is an increased risk of still birth the further along you wait after 40 weeks.

I definitely do not want to be induced. I'm convinced on that. I think the elective will be the lesser of the two evils if natural labour does not progress.

I agree with you on that. I just couldnt figure out why alot of people on the boards are talking about how their doctor wont let them go past 41 weeks.. Many people are off on their LMP or their O is other than what they think so I think its bananas. Just me though lol.

Guess I dont have to be concerned with that lol I am just to busy trying to make it to atleast 30 weeks with the problems I am having!
That's what I want to have too :) wanted one last time too, but a) the midwife led unit and therefore birthing pools were closed and b) I had to have drugs to bring back my vcontractions anyway so I probably wouldn't have got to stay there anyway.

Fingers crossed for this time!
They won't induce you after a CS as there is a higher risk of scar rupture due to the way it brings on intense contractions so quickly. I didn't even ask about a water birth, I was told I would have to be constantly monitored so assume WB was impossible, guess my hospital don't have wireless monitoring ! Xx
They won't induce you after a CS as there is a higher risk of scar rupture due to the way it brings on intense contractions so quickly. I didn't even ask about a water birth, I was told I would have to be constantly monitored so assume WB was impossible, guess my hospital don't have wireless monitoring ! Xx

I was told all birthing options were open to me just like a first time pregnant lady which included induction. I'm guessing its dependant on the hospital and time that has lapsed since the section. I had mine in Jan 2010 so it'll be over 4 years when this baby is due.
A little off topic.. Can someone please tell me why they induce at 41w? Why cant you just wait for natural labor to come.. they are ready when they are ready.

Just confuses me because my dd was 2 weeks overdue and no one ever told me I had to be induced. She is also 21 years old... But I refuse to have any type of induction period... They would have to strap me down and do it against my will.

My hospital will wait until 42 weeks before inducing. You can opt to wait it out longer but attend the hospital daily to be monitored for fluid around the baby and placenta failing. I was told that there is an increased risk of still birth the further along you wait after 40 weeks.

I definitely do not want to be induced. I'm convinced on that. I think the elective will be the lesser of the two evils if natural labour does not progress.

I agree with you on that. I just couldnt figure out why alot of people on the boards are talking about how their doctor wont let them go past 41 weeks.. Many people are off on their LMP or their O is other than what they think so I think its bananas. Just me though lol.

Guess I dont have to be concerned with that lol I am just to busy trying to make it to atleast 30 weeks with the problems I am having!

Ultimately I would love the option of going overdue too. But anything after 34 weeks is good. X
They won't induce you after a CS as there is a higher risk of scar rupture due to the way it brings on intense contractions so quickly. I didn't even ask about a water birth, I was told I would have to be constantly monitored so assume WB was impossible, guess my hospital don't have wireless monitoring ! Xx

I was told all birthing options were open to me just like a first time pregnant lady which included induction. I'm guessing its dependant on the hospital and time that has lapsed since the section. I had mine in Jan 2010 so it'll be over 4 years when this baby is due.

Oh! I was told the exact opposite! It will be 3 years for me and they won't induce at all if you've had CS. Like you say, they have different rules in different areas . I'm going for VBAC but they said they go straight to CS for overdue. So choice may be out of my hands. To be honest, I'm not precious about, as long as we are healthy and well, I just get on with it.
They won't induce you after a CS as there is a higher risk of scar rupture due to the way it brings on intense contractions so quickly. I didn't even ask about a water birth, I was told I would have to be constantly monitored so assume WB was impossible, guess my hospital don't have wireless monitoring ! Xx

All being well, I'm due to be induced this time around at 40 weeks or so. They can induce after a c-section, although it does carry some risks (although a repeat c-section also carries risks!) I'm hoping to have a Foley catheter rather than hormones, but we'll have to see how cooperative my body is at the time.

You can also decline anything you're not happy with, so if you don't want continuous monitoring, then you decline it. It might be hospital policy, but they can't do anything without your consent.
My opinion on water births is that they aren't worth it.

I was present during my friends first birth and she opted to have a water birth. And the water was great during the first stage of labor, however once she started the active labor even the lukewarm water of the tub was too hot for her and and she couldnt stand being in the water. So all those hundreds of dollars wasted because who knew that once you go into active labor you get really hot and sweaty and the tub would just be uncomfortable??

Just my experience with it, everyone is different... and no matter what you decide, I wish you the best!!:)
A little off topic.. Can someone please tell me why they induce at 41w? Why cant you just wait for natural labor to come.. they are ready when they are ready.

Just confuses me because my dd was 2 weeks overdue and no one ever told me I had to be induced. She is also 21 years old... But I refuse to have any type of induction period... They would have to strap me down and do it against my will.

My hospital will wait until 42 weeks before inducing. You can opt to wait it out longer but attend the hospital daily to be monitored for fluid around the baby and placenta failing. I was told that there is an increased risk of still birth the further along you wait after 40 weeks.

I definitely do not want to be induced. I'm convinced on that. I think the elective will be the lesser of the two evils if natural labour does not progress.

I agree with you on that. I just couldnt figure out why alot of people on the boards are talking about how their doctor wont let them go past 41 weeks.. Many people are off on their LMP or their O is other than what they think so I think its bananas. Just me though lol.

Guess I dont have to be concerned with that lol I am just to busy trying to make it to atleast 30 weeks with the problems I am having!

Because it's puts not stress on our scars if we go over.

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