Thats what OH's are for x
I've never had any rules about visitors before.
Am hoping I will be in and out of hsopital within 24 hours and I always found the first week was when I had the most energy (before lack of sleep sets in and the high fades lol) so it will be open house pretty much.
Saying that though....I only have a mum and uncle and a couple of friends in the local area. Other friends live a fair distance away and all work so they would arrange visits in advance.
OH's family live a long way away and have all mentioned about visiting in summer so we'd have a couple of months before they arrive, although it would mean them staying for a few days :-/
Thats what OH's are for x
Yes but he'll be tired too babys cry at night ;o
My house will be pretty much open doors when I have the baby, we have a pretty big family and I they will be all visiting, I dont want anyone there all the time though, I want plenty of time with just OH and LO but im not gonna tell anyone they cant visit.
Hospital will be different though- definatly only very immediate family
Can I ask what kind of rules your hospitals have on visiting anyway?
Mine has very strict rules of only 2 people at a time and only 2-3pm and 7-8pm. Only birth partner allowed in outisider those hours. Which means I don't need to worry about turning people away while in hospital if they arrive, as mws and nurses will be doing that for me!!