I was adamant to no visitors. The nurses just let them in! because i was in a spare room before going to the ward. My LO was in NICU so no-one could see her without my permisson
Its amazing how friends and family get this magical idea that they can turn up whenever they want. A girl from work was in hosp with her mum and just turned up at neonatal expecting to see my LO! She was a collegue tbh, nothing more!
If I was to add tips
-Dont tell anyone you're in labour.
-When you get home - SWITCH OFF your phone.No-body even egins to think about the fact you may have a sleeping child and will phone you anyway!b
Its amazing how friends and family get this magical idea that they can turn up whenever they want. A girl from work was in hosp with her mum and just turned up at neonatal expecting to see my LO! She was a collegue tbh, nothing more!
If I was to add tips
-Dont tell anyone you're in labour.
-When you get home - SWITCH OFF your phone.No-body even egins to think about the fact you may have a sleeping child and will phone you anyway!b