Vitamin B6 - Lengthen luteal phase or increase progesterone

nypage - I had the suppository thing thats mixed with wax or something. It wasn't a brand name, I had to get it special at a compound pharmacy. They weren't exactly fun, lol, but they did the job and were super reassuring!

I only had the neon pee go away once or twice (thought it was a pregnancy symptom since I was about 7dpo, lol... it wasn't :haha:)
Its fine for most people to take more than they absorb because.. well... they're getting rid of the stuff they can't absorb!!!
Though SOME people do get nerve issues if they take massive doses. One girl a few weeks (month?) back had trouble even on the B-50. I wouldnt' worry about the B vits causing problems unless you have actual symptoms like eye twitches etc... and once you stop the vitamins, the symptoms/problems go away.
nypage - I suspected that I might have low progesterone and my doc said sure feel free to try the cream, can't hurt. When I tested at 7dpo on the cycle that I was using the Emerita prog cream, my level was 18 ng/ml, which is pretty good I believe. When I tested again the following cycle WITHOUT prog cream, 7dpo was 9.6 ng/ml. I believe docs like to see a level >10. However, I did get a BFP that cycle. I'm currently at 5w1d and my doc said I could continue the cream if I wanted, but she did not think any further prog testing or supplementation was necessary. I still use the cream and I am clinging to the hope that whatever prog I'm getting from the cream is helping in some way.
lisa2010- be careful with the Red Raspberry leaf tea... it shouldn't be used past 5dpo or so because it does cause uterine contractions (they don't let you take it while pregnant until you are 36 weeks or so and then they want you taking it to strengthen the uterus for bith)

hi lisa,
ive read that too, ill definitely continue to research before taking it.
Hello all. I found this thread 20 days ago, read most of it, bought b6 and decided to chime in!
I am 28 and I have been TTC for three cycles.
I started temping 2 months ago, had 3 cycles and found that my LP is 10-11 days with one or two days of spotting.
For 21 days, I have been taking 250 mg B6 daily (the pill also has 1 mg B12 and 250 mg B1). I know it is a large dose but I bought it from a pharmacy and the printed prospectus in it says in some cases it can be taken 3x daily and also it is intended for gestational morning sickness. So I thought it is safe. Besides, the pill is so hard that I can't split it with any tool.:haha:
I started 3 days before AF last cycle and found that (most probably) I ovulated on CD16. Before, it was CD 18 for two cycles. I don't know if my LP will be longer this time but ovulating earlier is a relief. here comes the 2ww. good luck and baby dust to you all.
Lady- I hope it does the trick and keeps your bean sticky!
I still havnt really noticed it doing much for me yet because AF is not here yet. Im hoping she doesnt come, but can feel her so any moment now. I thought she was going to come early and that would have been a worse LP but so far she hasnt come. Just the cramps. I will let you all know if mine was shorter or longer..
I am so "happy" (I can hardly say I have found true happiness in finding this...wish I didn't even know what a LP was!) to have found this thread. I have a 10 day luteal phase, and start spotting around 3 days before AF arrives. My cycle is 27 days, and I ov on CD17. I started on a B-complex 100 last month, and I OV'ed on cd 16, continued to spot, but at least bumped it up to an 11 day LP. In addition to B-complex, I take vitamin E, vitamin C, and a prenatal.

This month, I'm taking EPO, zinc, vitamin c, vitamin e, prenatal and am going to take my B-complex one day, then a B6 250 the next day (I'm so desperate). The B-complex helped, but not that much. I'm also looking into Vitex/Chaste berry. I have always spotted before AF and thought it was normal.

I am such a mess that I went to my doctor on Monday to tell him about my short LP, and told him I had only been ttcing for 4 cycles (this is now my 5th) and he told me I have nothing to worry about.

I think I do. DH and I have been having unprotected sex for the last 6 years, but using withdrawal. Out of all those times, I have never once become pg. DH has said he has always been very careful with his timing..but makes me wonder why nothing has ever happened. My BFF has become pregnant twice from this "method" of contraception. We've been trying for four cycles and it just seems that all my body wants to do is have ugly AF show up every month.

I cry everyday and want to vomit when I see a pregnant woman. It seems that all I do is attend baby showers, baptisms, buy gifts for newborns and have to hear my inlaws worship their first grandchild while I obsess over my LP, force robitussin down my throat and have to work so hard to put a brave and happy face on for everyone else around me.

I am dreading christmas and had to have my baby niece's christmas outfits thrown in my face yesterday.

sorry...rant over...
Hi, I posted on here what seems like forever ago now and took the plunge and tried vitb (I took 50mg I think - it was that long ago).

That cycle I ended up having a monster 70+ cycle and kind of freaked myself out about the vitb.

My cycles have been up and down and all over the place and I think I may have had an anovulatory cycle that coincided with the vitb trial.

Definitely, definitely ov'd last cycle (on cd2 at the mo) but my lp was a pathetic 8 days so I'm really concerned (I had another that was 9 days).

Has anyone else had vitb complex lengthen their cycle or am I just being paranoid?

Any advice is very much welcomed :)
I just ran out at lunch to buy Vitex. I told the person at the health food store about my pill regimen and she said I am covered to help with my short LP.

Fallenangel, after one month of taking Vit B complex 100, i got an extra day, but seemed to spot earlier before AF. I'm now taking EPO and will start on the Vitex - which so many people swear by. You need more than 50mg of vitamin B. Try upping your dose to 75 or 100. Do not go over 200.
Thanks Cantwait :)

I'll start on 100mg tonight and see what happens :) Am I ok taking it all cycle long?

I tried vitex but I've had to stop as I tried soy last cycle which boosted my ov (well, made me definitely, definitely ov) but I can't take the 2 together, they cancel themselves out :(

Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it x
Fallenangel, what made you go from Vitex to Soy?

yes, B complex (make sure you take the complex as taking only one of the B's isn't quite sufficient) can be taken the whole cycle, but it is advised to stop taking it once you get pregnant. B6 helps with morning sickness, but like with all things, only take it once you get your doc's permission.

With my prenatal, I'm actually taking 200 mg of B6 a day. I have felt great this month - I didn't have any cramping when AF arrived, and didn't feel fatigue before it either. Which I have to say is the first that has happened since I can remember.
I also think that if I get pregnant, and if I do get morning sickness, I wouldn't take anything to help. I would celebrate every vomit and would savour every bout of nausea!
Fallenangel, what made you go from Vitex to Soy?

yes, B complex (make sure you take the complex as taking only one of the B's isn't quite sufficient) can be taken the whole cycle, but it is advised to stop taking it once you get pregnant. B6 helps with morning sickness, but like with all things, only take it once you get your doc's permission.

With my prenatal, I'm actually taking 200 mg of B6 a day. I have felt great this month - I didn't have any cramping when AF arrived, and didn't feel fatigue before it either. Which I have to say is the first that has happened since I can remember.

I think I had a couple of anovulatory cycles which is what contributed to the long cycles (based on temps etc). Soy helps to kick start ovulation and to help make the eggs as good as they can be. Allegedly the natural clomid.

That's great about AF, amazing how much better it can make you feel :) Since starting with the acupuncture my AF has been relatively cramp free after the first day and really bright, fresh blood (sorry if tmi).

Just got the glow in the dark wee to look forward to tomorrow - I haven't forgotten about that bit, lol!!!!
Hey girls

There has been a flurry of new posts on this thread since I last popped my head in.

Nypage - it certainly seems like your issues stem from progesterone. Like me, I think the fact that you have produced one child makes health providers assume that you can do the same again without help, but I'm sure that pregnancy and childbirth can affect fertility. After 17 months of breastfeeding my son, I had an LP of just 7 to 8 days when I first took BBT readings last May! B-complex (taken since my chemical pregnancy at the end of September) increased it to a 10 day LP in the first cycle, while my second B-vits cycle, with B100 and soya isoflavones, gave my an 11 day LP and the strongest OPK reading I've ever had.

Cantwaitforu and fallenangel - welcome and lots of :dust: for this cycle! I know how it feels to sit and wait while the world gets pregnant around you: it took 1 1/2 years with my DS. All my best mates had babies born long before I even conceived.

I'm feeling totally pants today cos the :witch: got me this morning. :cry: I had a nasty cold virus appear just before I ovulated, which was probably responsible for sabotaging our TTC quest this month. We've now had 12 months of TTC, which is about the point you start to wonder if it's ever going to happen. My 3 oldest friends (plus 3 other mates) are all due to give birth during the next month, which is great, but I thought I'd have a bump by this stage too.

Sorry for the moan. CD1 is hard, hard, hard... I am optimistic about B-complex and soya in combination though and believe we're getting closer to that BFP.

Lots of :dust: to you all

Minky X
Fallenangel...neon wee is not a strange sight in these parts! I have become so familiar with vitamins i should open my own shop.

minkysouth, thank you for sharing. its so good to hear that lengthening the LP is possible! yours made a drastic improvement.

It's so hard to keep a pma, and cd1 is the worst. The only thing i enjoy about cd1 is a big glass of wine or two and letting myself cry as much as i want. I personally get freaked around ov time, and just after. last month, i used opks and never got a positive, even though i ovulated, and my bbt chart on ff clearly indicated it. if it wasn't for dh, we would have missed it. my LH surge is probably short and week. it was a big waste of money!!!
Well, I bit the bullet and took 100mg last night. Think I might actually start to rattle tonight with my long list of pills:

* 2 x Vitb complex
* 7 x soy
* 1 x prenatal vits
* 1 x epo
* 1 x starflower oil

The first thing I did on cd 1 was to crack open the wine and have a nice long bath, lol!

Trying to think positive. Am off to NY in just under 2 weeks and it means I can relax about flying, eat, drink and be merry and ice skate to my heart's content. I'd trade it all in a heartbeat for a sticky bean but hey ho!
LOL, if I have to run for my train, that's exactly what I sound like. My purse is weighed down with all the pills I have.

I'm going to NY between Christmas and New Years and sooooo excited for it! Thankfully, the planning details are distracting me, but yes, like you, I would choose a sticky bean over anything.

Enjoy your trip and don't forget how many women say they conceived while on vaca. There's just something great about BDing while on vacation and being a little tipsy in a hotel room :)
Hello, I'm very new to this forum and this is my first post. We have been trying for over a year now - but for a large part of that year I was quite ill/low immune system so although its been a year - we say its less as most of it I probably wouldn't have got pregnant.

Now my immune system is 100% and I'm feeling good we are really going for it. A few months ago I discovered by myself that I think I have a luteal phase defect - my cycle is about 27 days but I only get a positive OPK test on day 16. I did a lot of online reading and found out about vitamin B6 and for 2 months have been taking an extra 50MG a day (there is 6MG in my pre-natal) but after two months it doesn't seem to have made a difference - do I need to up it to 100MG a day (making my daily intake 106MG) or do I need to be more patient?

Last week I also read about Red Raspberry leave and am now taking 800MG of that every day (should I also take more of that?).

Any other tips or advice?
LOL, if I have to run for my train, that's exactly what I sound like. My purse is weighed down with all the pills I have.

I'm going to NY between Christmas and New Years and sooooo excited for it! Thankfully, the planning details are distracting me, but yes, like you, I would choose a sticky bean over anything.

Enjoy your trip and don't forget how many women say they conceived while on vaca. There's just something great about BDing while on vacation and being a little tipsy in a hotel room :)

Lol, I have visions of you dragging your purse along the floor due to the weight of all the bottles running like crazy for the train ;)

Oh wow! How long are you there for? Whereabouts are you staying? Have you been at this time of year before? What've you got planned? So many questions, lol ;)

We're there for 4 nights and we're staying just off Times Square. I've never been at this time before, only in May a couple of times so I'm sooooooo excited!

Like you say, it's a good distraction :)

It would be a minor miracle if it happened while we were there because it would mean I was back on a reasonable (sub 30) day cycle but you never know.

You'll have an amazing time :)
I just want to say this is my second month on the VB complex and it has worked for me! AF is due in 3 days and no sign on spotting! And I usually spot for a week, and have for a looong time. :)

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