Hey everyone it's been ages since I've posted on this thread me and my partner was trying to conceive for nearly two years. We had a Mmc in 2010 an I joined this thread after reading up on vitamin b complex. I started taking it once a day along with 100mg of clomid (this was our fifth round anmd we was told it wasn't working) my progesterone went from the consistent 4.1 to 158.1.
A few days later I got my bfpwe had our 12 week scan and found out not only am I pregnant (I was doubting it) but were expecting triplets,
Hang in there and it will happen and I would highly recommend vitamin b complex xx
Hey everyone, I took vit b complex from the day af started to the day I got my bfp then continued until I was twelve weeks. We also bd from day af finished to the day af was due (we did a test a few days later and as I said it's triplets!)
Hey everyone, I took vit b complex from the day af started to the day I got my bfp then continued until I was twelve weeks. We also bd from day af finished to the day af was due (we did a test a few days later and as I said it's triplets!)
oh my goodness, you two must have been exhausted!although i'm considering this strategy myself....
Lol I would love to try that strategy but it's bad enough gettin my OH to BD on my fertile days! He hates it when 'we have to do it' as its so much better when it's ur own choice xxx
Hi girls, I've been reading through this thread and think I will be joining you.
I have a luteal phase of 7/8 days. I have had two early miscarriages in the past four months, the last one happened this past weekend. I'm convinced that my short luteal phase means that my uterine lining has not had enough time to prepare for optimum implantation, and I am not able to hold on to a pregnancy because of this.
I have ordered a 100mg B vit complex. Am also going to try Agnus Castus for the first part of my cycle, and am taking a low dose aspirin every day too. Also considering progesterone cream on top of all of this but might see how I get on with the vitamin B complex first.
Had no problems conceiving my son. I have a feeling my hormones have been out of whack since having him. I had a LOT of postnatal hair loss starting from when he was 8 months and lasting over a year (it's only just got better really). Should have had my thyroid, etc tested ages ago but I just put it off because it didn't seem too much of a problem. GP has ordered these tests now, will have a blood test next week once miscarriage symptoms have settled.
After two miscarriages, I will be terrified when I next get pregnant. I really want my progesterone levels to be monitored, but GP says they won't do that unless I've had 3 miscarriages.... so self-diagnosis and self-treatment with B6 and (maybe) progesterone cream it is then!