Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Let's get to know each other better!

Name: Jessica
Age: 31
Children you have/want: Have: 1 Want: 2
Status: Together 7 years, married 1
OH's name: Duane
Occupation: Teacher
Reason WTT: Need to build a piece on our house!
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Favorite thing about OH: The way he is with our daughter.
Favorite thing about yourself: I am determined!
Have any names picked out?: Harmony Rae, Gabriel Wilson Ray
Favorite activity: Photography
Random fact: I am currently finishing up my Masters in Education
My throat is still sore. I'm drinking lemon tea as I type this.

Name: Tara.

Age: 29, 30 in Dec.

Children you have/want: I want to have at least two or three.

Status: Single.

Occupation: Volunteer at Canadian Blood Services.

Reason WWT: Not ready, still live at home, want to go back to school etc.

Location: Ontario, Canada

Favourite about myself: that I lost 45 lbs since 2011. :happydance:

Have Any Names Picked Out: Atreyu, Delilah, Emma, Mathis, Pagan, Phoenix.

Favourite Activity: Going to the gym.

Random Fact: I have a very good memory.
Name: Verity
Age: 24
Children you have/want: Have: 3 Want: 4
Status: Together 12 years Married 5
OH's name: Richard
Occupation: Music teacher
Reason WTT: we need to save for a bigger car, and to move house. Number three split my stomach muscles, and I want to heal and lose weight.
Location: Yorkshire, UK
Favorite thing about OH: He puts up with yell- I've suffered and still do with awful PND.
Favorite thing about yourself: Three beautiful boys
Have any names picked out?: Florence Ada Cecilia for a girl. No boy names yet.
Favorite activity: Anything musical
Random fact: I am henmummy to ten hilarious chickens
Hi everyone, I've not been on the forum for a good few years and to be honest can't believe I am back lol. I had my first child at 21 and he is now 6 and I also have a 3 year old too. I said that was me finished, had no desire to have any more at all and having had two csections and pre eclampsia twice (although luckly has never done harm to me or my babies) I never thought Id consider a third but here I am all of a sudden completely broody again out of no where.

My youngest son is 3 now and I've said that Id like him to be at school before having another so that would be 2016 and we also need to move house before then to if we are having another. I Am excited about the prospect of having another baby but it's scary too as my boys will probably be 9 and 6 by the time the baby is born and part of me thinks I really want just one last baby but another part is saying it's silly as my boys will be growing up and I'll have at least a little more time to myself. So I am still not 100% decided yet. My husband has always been keen on a third but again he agrees that we will just have to wait and see.

I expect to get pregnant quickly so wouldn't come off birth control till we were completely read. With my first I came off birth control on 22 December, had first period on 25th December and positive pregnancy test of the 28th of January and with my second I had my implant removed on 1 September, period on 4th September and positive pregnancy test on 28th September so seems to happen really quickly.
Name: Jen
Age: 25
Children you have/want: Have: 0 Want: 2
Status: Together 1 year and 7 months. Married for almost 3 months
OH's name: Tiffany
Occupation: Student majoring in elementary education (a little over 7 months to go!)
Reason WTT: i need to finish school and we are moving across the country
Location: Indiana
Favorite thing about OH: how selfless she is.
Favorite thing about yourself: I am determined!
Have any names picked out? Henry, lily, Evelyn (evie)
Favorite activity: Hiking
Random fact: I love to cook and read
Name: Britt
Age: 28
Children you have/want: Have: 1 Want: maybe 2...not sure yet!
Status: Together 2.5 years, Married just over a year
OH's name: Anthony
Occupation: purchasing
Reason WTT: we have a 3 month old, and want to have a good 2-3 years between. Want to pay off all debt, and run my 2nd marathon
Location: Maryland,USA
Favorite thing about OH: he is very caring. Treats me very good!
Favorite thing about yourself: my sense of humor.
Have any names picked out? Nope
Favorite activity: Running, photography, reading
Random fact: I have 6 tattoos. 2 of them are very big!
On Friday when I was walking home from buying lemon tea and cough drops for my sore throat (which is almost better). I waved to these two little girls and they waved back. It was cute.
DS's 1st birthday is tomorrow and I have so many mixed feelings about it. I'm really excited because it's such a special and important birthday and so many cool and exciting new things are going to happen with his development in the next year, we will have reached our original goal of 1 year breastfeeding so I can wean whenever I feel like it (which might not be for another year yet! Hehe), and we will be able to start potty training in less than a year. At the same time though he won't be a baby anymore, he will be a toddler and it feels like he grew up too fast. :cry:

I hate having conflicting feelings about it, but I can't help it. I'm sure that I'll feel better about it when he doesn't still feel like a baby anymore and maybe once I've decided that I'm ready to wean as well. Of course I will also feel better when we are finally married and have reached at least half of our TTC goals and are less than a year from TTC #2. :haha:

We celebrated his birthday with family yesterday. It went well, he got some new clothes and toys and books for his birthday. Poor baby had no idea what to do with his smash cake, he would just lightly poke it with his finger until we ended up just cutting some pieces off for him and feeding him the first bite. After that he had no problem stuffing handfuls of cake in his mouth. He ate the whole thing by himself save a few crumbs! My kid must have a bottomless pit for a stomach or something, he always eats like that and he's not chubby at all! :wacko:. My mom and two youngest*siblings came down for the weekend, so that was nice. My youngest sister is 5 and my youngest brother is 3, so they're pretty close to DS in age and they adore him. It's nice to know that he will have them for playmates during family gatherings, as well as 5 boy second cousins all close to him in age on my dad's side.

We have his one year appointment on Friday and we're going to get him a My Pal Scout while we're up in Springfield for that appointment. I'm sure that he will love it. :D
I know right?! It feels like it hasn't been that long since November and WTT the first time around, but it's been nearly two years since then. :wacko:
Today my baby lust was a bit high. The last couple of days I didn't even think about it much. It's strange how sometimes it comes out of nowhere.

This has nothing to do with children but last night I used this hair removal cream on my neck and I think I left it on too long because part of my neck was red after. It still it now a bit.
My baby fever is at an all time high. I find myself watching youtube videos of childbirth. I even had a dream last night about giving birth.
I am glad for once my baby fever has died down. I think with my son being more awake and a bit more demanding I am realizing how difficult it would be to have two little ones so close. I am going to talk with my ob/gyn on November 6th about my birth control options since I cannot take hormones and condoms are killing me.
KalonKiki- I can't believe Liam is already a year old!!! I remember when your found out you were pregnant! ah!!!
This has nothing to do with children but last night I used this hair removal cream on my neck and I think I left it on too long because part of my neck was red after. It still it now a bit.

I had a total disaster with hair removal cream a few years ago. I tried to use it on my upper lip and had a bad reaction to it ... I basically went from having a couple of blonde hairs visible from a couple of centimetres away, to having a bright red moustache. :dohh: What a fool! :haha:

Needless to say I haven't used it since.

On Christmas Eve in 2012 I tried to wax my upper lip but didn't take off the wax properly. Needless to say, I've never waxed my upper lip again.

I volunteer at the blood clinic here and the volunteer coordinator emailed me saying there's a dire need for blood. I was a regular donor until last December when I fainted after donating. I'm tempted to donate because the blood supply low and I really miss donating. Plus, donating helps saves lives. I know I would be risking by donating but it's really important to me to donate.
So DF FINALLY picked a name that he likes. He's convinced that our next child will be a girl and that her name shall be Chloe. I can't convince him otherwise. :haha:

If we have another boy he may very well be nameless. :dohh:

Honestly I worry that I'm going to want at least three children and that DF will be done after two, especially if we have his Princess Chloe. :cry:
I just wanted to let you guys know i'm leaving the group. I didn't want to dissapear and have everyone wondering where i'm at! I'm not 100% yet, but I think we are going to be a "one and done" family. Our fianances are pretty tight, and we want to be able to give our daughter a good life and to be able to do things with her. Even if we did consider it, It wouldn't be until she was in school (in 5 years!) and i'm not sure I want to start over again by then.

So I just wanted to wish you ladies well!!! Good luck with your little ones and TTC!!
Thanks for letting us know! Please come back if you do decide on another and no matter what enjoy every moment with your sweet little girl :)
Today my baby lust was a bit high when I saw a baby on my walk and a few other children. The baby was pretty cute.

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