Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

My hormones all over the place.:( I bought a onesie today because I couldn't stop myself.
That's great news KK! I also talked to my DF and he's willing to start trying next year if he feels like our finances are in order. I'm pretty stoked. I know that we wanted a 3 year age gap because we felt like DS would be too young for us to handle another when he's two, but after spending time with my three year old brother and five year old sister around DS's birthday I realized that DS will feel that young for us until he's at least 6 and we don't want that big of any age gap, so why wait an extra year for no reason if all of our other goals are completed before then? I also didn't want to deal with two in diapers but I honestly think that DS will be ready to start potty training early because he has removed his own clothes before and helps us remove them and put them on and he has been only having wet diapers at night, no night poops. He also only uses an average of three diapers a day. Even if I didn't feel like he would be ready to potty train early there is no guarantee that he would be potty trained by the time that #2 got here even if we went for a 3 year gap and we don't want a bigger gap than that. I would rather start trying in June for a Spring baby but DF seems really comfortable with trying in September around DS's second birthday, so if that's the compromise that I need to make then I'll take it. I'd be happy with a summer baby too and it's only 3 months longer. The thing I worry about is taking more than 3 cycles to get pregnant because if I can help it I'd rather not have another fall baby (all three of our birthdays are already in*fall) and I'd also like to avoid a December or January baby because of the holidays and the cold so unless I'm so broody that I don't care and don't want to continue our gender sway diet without actually TTC then we may need to take a 5 month break to TTC again. I'm sure that at that point I'd just TTC anyway, lol. I'll still stay in the group because we may not have our goals complete until 2016 anyway and may change our minds when next year gets here. I'd also rather continue with the mindset that we won't be trying for another year and 7 months for just in case so that I can be excited if it doesn't take that long instead of disappointed if it does. DF said that the only reason that he agreed to wait until 2016 was because he thought that I wouldn't complain if he wanted to start trying sooner. I'm just really thrilled that he's keen on trying next year if he feels like we are financially ready. :D
I won't know for sure when we'll be TTC until 3 months in advance most likely though, so I'm not going to change my ticker or my position on the WTT list until I do.

Awesome news!! Definitely a good idea to keep the mindset of it taking longer...what a great surprise it will be if you get to start earlier! And if not, well, at least that's what you are mentally preparing for :)

So my DH and I DTD unprotected yesterday....and then I ovulated today :dohh: My period hasn't come back yet so I never have any clue where I am in my cycle until I ovulate. He pulled out and is always very careful so I feel there is a next to zero chance of being preggo (which is fine...I would actually rather wait!) But I told my husband today about ovulating and he said "well, if you are, it would just be a lot sooner than we planned but would be okay!" :happydance:

He has been so against having another one that now for him to be okay/excited just makes my heart happy! It was really rough in our relationship for a bit but have been working through it for the last month or so and it finally feels back to normal from before our DS was born. Just feeling so incredibly blessed
It's great that your DH is starting to get excited about trying for another one already! My DF didn't start expressing the slightest bit interest in making another baby (but did still want at least one more) until just recently and our DS is a toddler now. :haha:

He still hates it when I bring it up, but I think that's because he doesn't want to get so excited about it that he gets disappointed if we don't have the money that he wants saved soon enough to start trying early. He also wants a chance to bring it up himself and feels like he won't ever get the chance if I'm bringing it up all the time, so I'm going to try really hard not to bring it up until at least March. :blush:

Yay, hey Kaylee! Glad to see that you joined us here. I'm so glad that you and your OH are finally starting to make serious plans for TTC and that you have a date in mind. :wave: :flower:

So I weighed myself recently because I felt thinner and noticed that my clothes are starting to feel big on me and I weigh 115 lbs! I haven't weighed that much since my Sophomore year of high school, I was floored. That's the weight that I was going to try to get down to before we started trying if I had the opportunity to, but now it looks like I won't need to. However I never realized how much of a problem it would cause with my wardrobe. I may have to get some new clothes if I lose even 5 more lbs (and I hope that I don't lose any more than that!). Heck, I may have to get new clothes anyway as soon as we can. I really hope that I can tough it out until we get pregnant though because it would really suck to buy a whole new wardrobe only to turn right back around and buy maternity clothes. I'm actually kind of worried about losing all of this weight because I had a lot of trouble gaining while I was pregnant with DS and ended my pregnancy only 4 lbs heavier than I started at (I lost a lot of weight from morning sickness). I really worry that the same thing will happen this time around, but it would be so much worse since I wouldn't have all of that extra weight to lose, I'd probably end up under weight and that could mean terrible things for a pregnancy and baby. As it was last time DS was only 5 lbs 3 oz at birth and I felt so guilty for his low birth weight for so long until I realized that there was likely nothing that I could have done about it. I don't smoke or do drugs and I didn't drink at all while I was pregnant (even when I'm not pregnant I don't drink much).

Either way if breast feeding is making me lose this much weight then I'm going to have to wean DS before we started trying. I have no idea how I'm going to manage to accomplish that by June, DS is still very much a boobie addict and often wakes once or twice for a night feed and gets so upset until he gets his comfort boob. He's not ready to give it up yet and it's going to be such a rough process, he isn't old enough to understand "No, you don't need mommy milk anymore, you're a big boy now". :cry:
My hormones all over the place.:( I bought a onesie today because I couldn't stop myself.

You're not the only one. :blush:

Next week I get to change my signature to show that I've been going to the gym for three years. :happydance: I can't wait until the day where it'll say I'm pregnant.
The first pregnancy ticker is such an exciting milestone, I loved watching the character's bump on my ticker change from month to month and watching a new flower open up with my baby's progress on the other ticker. :blush:
I'm really excited for my first TTC ticker, I never got to do one last time. I know that TTC is actually a stressful and trying time, but I'm still excited for it because this will be the first time that I've ever actually tried for a baby. :blush:

Lately I've been looking up when I would be due if I got pregnant that month. If we got pregnant in January 2016 we would be due the day after my birthday and if we got pregnant the following month of February we'd be due on DF's birthday. I hope it doesn't take that long to get pregnant but it's still amusing to know. :haha:
Sorry if I am getting in here a bit late, it's been a while since I've been on the site really, I am a busy SAHM of 2, a girl, Nora is nearly 3 and 1/2 and currently attends school part time 3 days a week, and a 13 month old boy Everett. I just turned 26 and DH is also 26, we have been married for 6 and 1/2 years now.

After Everett we thought we were done, but then I had him and I got this feeling of not quite being finished yet, and after talking about it, were looking to start TTC around Feb or March of 2016.

My two get a long perfectly, Nora was thrilled to be a big sister and took the role like a duck to water, she has never expressed jealousy and never acted out once we brought him home, she's always giving him hugs and kisses, and always wants to play with him, tries to feed him, ect. but a part of me is worried I may upset that balance :/ I am probably more nervous about having a 3rd than I was about having a 2nd, I came from a family of three, me and two younger brothers, it was a mess, neither of us liked one another, still don't to this day, so that makes me nervous as well, I do not want the same for my children. Iv'e had to convince myself we will be a far different family from the broken one I grew up with.

Anyway, we have a few things to take care of first before we actually start TTC, hence the wait. First, my son is only 13 months old, I need him to be a bit older and more independent before we start TTC again. We are currently potty training DD, she needs to be fully out of diapers. DH and I are also contacting a contractor and hoping to have home major renovations done before Thanksgiving of this year, this includes the half bath remodel, replacing all he carpets on the lower level with hardwood flooring, entire kitchen remodel, and making the bonus room upstairs into an official 4th bedroom. I would also like to have our master bedroom repainted and replace the bedspread. On top of all that, DH and I both need to lose weight. I have 16lbs that after having DS will just not go away! I have been going to the gym doing cardio and circuit training. No change yet, though hopefully soon, I really want to get rid of this extra fat and weight and not add on top of it with another pregnancy.

Sorry, that was really long :blush:
Hello and welcome! :wave: :flower:

I recognize you from other forums, I think I actually also recognize you from pregnancy forums as our DSs are about the same age. I hope that everything goes well and that you can reach all of your WTT before the time that you want to TTC. :hugs:
Congrats! :happydance:I am still trying to find the motivation to work out every day. I spent a couple hundred dollars on workout dvd programs and they are sitting on a shelf. lol. It seems so far away until 2016 or maybe its just because it will be my first.

Welcome LockandKey!
And congrats in your 3 year anniversary working out! That is awesome!!
Has anyone ever had an ultrasound to check for blood clots? Last week my doctor asked if I bleed too much when I have my period. I don't think I do but tomorrow I'm going to call and make an appointment to get one done.
Let's hear baby names! Anyone with names/possibilities picked out?

If we have a girl next she will be Claire Therese. A boy is a bit trickier. The only name we both like right now is William Alexander. William we just like (in the US so not worried about having a Charles and a William) and Alexander was our second choice for Charles.

What about you gals?
William Alexander is a great name, we couldn't name a child William though because our DS is named Liam and Liam is just the Gaelic version of William. Claire Therese is also very cute. :thumbup:

A boy name would be hard for us too, we can't seem to find one that we can both agree on. My favorite girl names right now are Aria Dolce and Aisling Denise though. I like the history and meaning of Aria Dolce because they are both musical terms meaning "sweet melody" when paired together and I like Aisling Denise because Aisling pairs well with Liam since they are both Gaelic names and Denise honors both my father (Dennis) and DF's dear aunt (Denise) that passed away. To clarify it is aunt Denise that is no longer with us, my father is still alive.
For a little boy we will go with Ezekiel Merritt. A little girl would be Alice Rose.
Can I join? I'm probably going to be a 2017-18 lady though! I don't mind too much because we have lots of exciting things coming in the next few years, i'd skip them if I could though :lol:
Hello and welcome! :wave: :flower:

Why do you think that you'll be waiting until 2017 or 2018? What are your reasons for waiting?
I am in love with the name Henry Maxwell. Maxwell would be after my grandfather. I hate that it's becoming so popular, but I still plan on using it if we have a boy! I'm not too sure on girl names though.
When I was younger I detested the idea of a popular name, but that's probably because I didn't like any of the names that were popular at the time. DS's name is the 6th most popular boy name in recent years and I still love it. :haha:

And popular doesn't necessarily mean that you will run into other kids with that name all of the time. So far we haven't even met another adult named Liam in person, let alone a teenager, child, preschooler, other toddler, or baby.
Welcome Twilightagain :hi:

thank you ladies for the welcome! KalonKiki, I do remember seeing you in the pregnancy forums, you were about a month behind me I think, glad to see a familiar face around :)

I honestly feel like I am a bit insane going from the 2 to 3 jump, I am a very independent type person who needs a lot of quiet and space in order to maintain my sanity, so why am I going for 3 again :shrug: it's a mystery!

I am so glad someone brought up names, admittedly I am a name whore :blush: I have a secret list online that I check and revise ever so often, it's filled with names for boys and girls with different middle name combinations. I do have a bit of a different taste though, I like to go for real old names for my kids, timeless and classic I suppose

DD's name is Nora Anne
DS's name is Everett Samuel

I have not decided on just one name for either gender, I have a few, so here they are

Ian Silver
Finley Jacob
Damon Isaac
Finnian Luis

other possible middle names for boys are Paul, Joel, and Reid

Arden Claire
Ruby Marie
Ivy Victoria
Elaine Rose
Odessa Faye

other possible middle names for girls are Violet and Blair
I have a world of reasons... waiting to get engaged, married, finish my masters (last year now! :)), save a deposit, buy a house (and a labrador pup :happydance:), get a job, finish building our business and then finally ttc - far too much in the way!

Oooo I love talking about names, my OH looks at me like i'm bonkers if I bring up the subject of names (he'll talk of everything but names)...

My currents faves....

I could go on and on!

Grayson & Stefan (thanks to the Michalaks - Hannah Maggs)

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